UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja :: Kembali

UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja :: Kembali

A Comparative analysis of image making in Indonesian presidential campaign 2014 on viva.co.id and metrotvnews.com = Analisis perbandingan pembentukan imej dalam kampanye presiden indonesia 2014 di viva.co.id dan metrotvnews.com

Ajeng Apriliana Safitri; Manneke Budiman, supervisor ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Karya ilmiah ini meneliti pembentukan imej kandidat presiden Indonesia di media online yang bernama Viva.co.id dan Metrotvnews.com dan mengkritik kredibilitas media sebagai alat untuk menyampaikan berita politik. Dalam kampanye presiden Indonesia 2014, terdapat dua koran online yang terlihat berkompetisi satu sama lain untuk mendukung pasangan kandidat tertentu. Kecenderungan seperti ini telah menyalahgunakan fungsi media sebagai pihak netral dalam menyampaikan berita politik kepada masyarakat. Menggunakan beberapa artikel yang diterbitkan oleh kedua media selama periode kampanye dari Juni hingga Juli 2014, penelitian kualitatif dan perbandingan digunakan untuk membandingan bagaimana kedua media membangun wacananya masing-masing. Kemudian, empat parameter yang digunakan oleh Fairclough dalam analisis wacana media : mode, boundary maintenance, stylisticity and situationality, and setting digunakan untuk meneliti setiap paragraf di artikelartikel
tersebut. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kedua media dinyatakan bias, dan kepentingan politik pemilik media telah memengaruhi kredibilitas kedua media selama kampanye presiden Indonesia 2014.

This paper examines the image making of Indonesian presidential candidates in online media, namely Viva.co.id and Metrotvnews.com and criticises the reliability of the media as a platform to deliver political news. In Indonesian presidential campaign 2014, there were two online newspapers that seemed competing each other to support certain candidate couple. This kind of preference has violated the function of media as a neutral party in delivering political news to public. Using the articles published by both media during the campaign periode from June to July 2014, a qualitative and comparative research was undergone to compare how each media builds its own discourse. Moreover, Fairclough‟s four parameters in media discourse analysis: mode, boundary maintenance, stylisticity and situationality, and setting were utilized to examine each paragraph in the articles. The research concludes that both media are found biased, and the political intention of media owner have affected the reliability of both media during the Indonesian presidential campaign 2014., This paper examines the image making of Indonesian presidential candidates in online media, namely Viva.co.id and Metrotvnews.com and criticises the reliability of the media as a platform to deliver political news. In Indonesian presidential campaign 2014, there were two online newspapers that seemed competing each other to support certain candidate couple. This kind of preference has violated the function of media as a neutral party in delivering political news to public. Using the articles published by both media during the campaign periode from June to July 2014, a qualitative and comparative research was undergone to compare how each media builds its own discourse. Moreover, Fairclough‟s four parameters in media discourse analysis: mode, boundary maintenance, stylisticity and situationality, and setting were utilized to examine each paragraph in the articles. The research concludes that both media are found biased, and the political intention of media owner have affected the reliability of both media during the Indonesian presidential campaign 2014.]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja
No. Panggil : MK-PDF
Entri utama-Nama orang :
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Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Bahasa : eng
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI eng rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : 24 pages
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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