[Skripsi ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi dampak dari iklan banner produk jasa penerbangan di internet pada pengguna internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey, sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 184 responden terdiri dari 93 responden perempuan dan 91 responden laki-laki. Kriteria responden yang dipilih adalah pengguna internet yang sudah pernah melihat iklan banner produk jasa penerbangan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor kontak dan perhatian, desain konten, serta sikap khalayak memiliki pengaruh terhadap dampak dari suatu iklan banner. Di antara tiga faktor, sikap khalayak terhadap iklan banner merupakan faktor yang memiliki pengaruh paling signifikan terhadap dampak dari suatu iklan banner.
This thesis discusses the factors that influence the impact of banner ads on the flight service products on internet users. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey method, with 184 respondents as a sample; consist of 93 female respondents and 91 male respondents. The criteria of the respondents are internet users who have seen banner ads of flight services products. The result of the research shows that contact and attention factor, content design, as well as attitude have influence and impact on banner ads. Among these three factors, attitude towards banner ads is a factor that has most significant effect in impacting banner ads.
;This thesis discusses the factors that influence the impact of banner ads on the flight service products on internet users. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey method, with 184 respondents as a sample; consist of 93 female respondents and 91 male respondents. The criteria of the respondents are internet users who have seen banner ads of flight services products. The result of the research shows that contact and attention factor, content design, as well as attitude have influence and impact on banner ads. Among these three factors, attitude towards banner ads is a factor that has most significant effect in impacting banner ads.
;This thesis discusses the factors that influence the impact of banner ads on the flight service products on internet users. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey method, with 184 respondents as a sample; consist of 93 female respondents and 91 male respondents. The criteria of the respondents are internet users who have seen banner ads of flight services products. The result of the research shows that contact and attention factor, content design, as well as attitude have influence and impact on banner ads. Among these three factors, attitude towards banner ads is a factor that has most significant effect in impacting banner ads.
, This thesis discusses the factors that influence the impact of banner ads on the flight service products on internet users. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey method, with 184 respondents as a sample; consist of 93 female respondents and 91 male respondents. The criteria of the respondents are internet users who have seen banner ads of flight services products. The result of the research shows that contact and attention factor, content design, as well as attitude have influence and impact on banner ads. Among these three factors, attitude towards banner ads is a factor that has most significant effect in impacting banner ads.