ABSTRAKPenelitian ini ditujukan untuk menguji pengaruh pertumbuhan karir organisasi
(organizational career growth) dan persepsi politik organisasi (perceptions of
organizational politics) terhadap maksud pengunduran diri (turnover intention)
para pegawai dinas luar negeri non diplomatik pada Kementerian Luar Negeri
Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan dianalisis
menggunakan metode regresi. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang diperoleh
dari 208 pegawai non diplomatik pada Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik
Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pertumbuhan karir organisasi
berpengaruh negatif terhadap maksud pengunduran diri, dan persepsi politik
organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap maksud pengunduran diri. Ditemukan
bahwa pencapaian tujuan karir mempengaruhi maksud pengunduran diri secara
signifikan. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa semakin besar peluang yang diberikan
organisasi kepada pegawai untuk mencapai tujuan karirnya, maka akan mengurangi
kecenderungan pegawai untuk meninggalkan organisasi. General political
behavior sebagai dimensi dari persepsi politik organisasi mempengaruhi maksud
pengunduran diri secara signifikan. Disimpulkan pula bahwa persepsi politik
organisasi meningkatkan niat untuk meninggalkan organisasi.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational
career growth and turnover intention, as well as perceptions of organizational
politics and turnover intention, among non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia. This research used quantitative design
and analyzed by regression method. The data were collected by questionnaires from
208 respondents of non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Republic of Indonesia. The results of this study show that the organizational career
growth are negatively related to turnover intention, and the perceptions of
organizational politics are positively related to turnover intention. It was found that
career goal progress have strong influences on turnover intention. The researcher
suggest that the greater opportunities provided by an organization for employees to
meet their career goals, make employees less likely to consider leaving the
organization. General political behavior as dimension of perceptions of
organizational politics have strong influences on turnover intention. It suggest that
perceptions of organizational politics are increase the intention to leave the
organization, The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational
career growth and turnover intention, as well as perceptions of organizational
politics and turnover intention, among non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Republic of Indonesia. This research used quantitative design
and analyzed by regression method. The data were collected by questionnaires from
208 respondents of non diplomatic staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Republic of Indonesia. The results of this study show that the organizational career
growth are negatively related to turnover intention, and the perceptions of
organizational politics are positively related to turnover intention. It was found that
career goal progress have strong influences on turnover intention. The researcher
suggest that the greater opportunities provided by an organization for employees to
meet their career goals, make employees less likely to consider leaving the
organization. General political behavior as dimension of perceptions of
organizational politics have strong influences on turnover intention. It suggest that
perceptions of organizational politics are increase the intention to leave the