[Perkembangan bisnis ritel yang begitu pesat telah memunculkan persaingan diantara masing-masing perusahaan ritel, khususnya ritel modern di Indonesia. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan persaingan yang semakin ketat diantara perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pelanggan terhadap aktivitas CRM, yang kemudian mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini membandingkan loyalitas pelanggan Carrefour terhadap Carrefour itu sendiri serta dua ritel pesaingnya yakni Hypermart dan Giant berdasarkan aktivitas CRM yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing ritel. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Carrefour cukup berhasil memunculkan customer gratitude, namun sebaliknya Carrefour kurang berhasil dalam membangun behavioral loyalty pelanggannya
dibandingkan dengan Hypermart dan Giant.
Retail business development is so rapid has led to competition among the respective retail companies, especially modern retail in Indonesia. This indicatesthe increasingly fierce competition among companies. This study aims to determine customer perception of CRM activity, which then affects customer loyalty. This study compares the Carrefour customer loyalty based CRM activities carried out by Carrefour with two retail rival Hypermart and Giant. Results have shown that Carrefour quite managed to bring customer gratitude, but insteadCarrefour less successful in building customer loyalty behavioral compared to Hypermart and Giant.;Retail business development is so rapid has led to competition among the respective retail companies, especially modern retail in Indonesia. This indicates the increasingly fierce competition among companies. This study aims todetermine customer perception of CRM activity, which then affects customer loyalty. This study compares the Carrefour customer loyalty based CRM activities carried out by Carrefour with two retail rival Hypermart and Giant. Results have shown that Carrefour quite managed to bring customer gratitude, but instead Carrefour less successful in building customer loyalty behavioral compared to Hypermart and Giant., Retail business development is so rapid has led to competition among therespective retail companies, especially modern retail in Indonesia. This indicatesthe increasingly fierce competition among companies. This study aims todetermine customer perception of CRM activity, which then affects customerloyalty. This study compares the Carrefour customer loyalty based CRM activitiescarried out by Carrefour with two retail rival Hypermart and Giant. Results haveshown that Carrefour quite managed to bring customer gratitude, but insteadCarrefour less successful in building customer loyalty behavioral compared toHypermart and Giant.]