Social media is a Jorm oj new media that assists communication process and information delivery more practical. For being practical, the usage oj social media is comparatively effective in supporting political communication. Obama has been using new media Jor his political communication in the road to Presidential chair. The usage oj political communication is significant to gain support Jrom public. After the succeed in 2008, the incumbents 2012 twitter account has gained millions oj Jollowers. The content in the twitter account consist various type oj political communication, and make the social media as promotion tool to deliver presidential vision and mission. New media turn to be an effective way to publisize political campaign. There are Jour different kinds oj communication campaign conducted by Obama, such as propaganda, public relation, agitation and rhetorica. Energy, education, economy, security and health were issued by @BarackObama. Apart Jrom those major issues, @BarackObama also introduced environment, gender and sport Jor its additional issues. Amazingly, this media has also successJully collected financial support Jrom the audience who strongly supported the campaign indeed. The twitter also reminded the audience about the success oj Obamas later administration. Obama successJully countered any possible black campaigns which were aimed to drop him down. The twitter attracted massive Jollowers that lead into the success oj message widespread. Social media has been proved to be efficient in getting huge support in a short time. The analysis oj the twitter has been done in August 13, 2012 to September 11, 2012.