ABSTRAKTesis ini bertujuan untuk mengonfirmasi model e-Satisfaction dan Website Trust
sebagai variabel mediasi antara dimensi e-Service Quality dan e-Loyality dalam
konteks online shop di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan
Structural Equation Modeling dengan Confirmatory factor analysis. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa dimensi e-Service Quality yang mempengaruhi e-Satisfaction
adalah Efficiency, Fulfillment, Responsiveness dan Website Design. Selain itu, e-
Satisfaction memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap Website Trust.
Bersama-sama, e-Satisfaction dan Website Trust berpengaruh signifikan dan positif
terhadap e-Loyality. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi karena penelitian ini
membuktikan bahwa Website Trust dan e-Satisfaction merupakan variabel yang
dapat memediasi antara e-Service Quality dengan e-Loyalty.
ABSTRACTThis thesis aims to confirm the model of e-Satisfaction and Website Trust as a
mediation variable between the dimensions of e-Service Quality and e-Loyality in
the context of online shop in Indonesia. This research was analyzed by using
Structural Equation Modeling with Confirmatory factor analysis. The result of
analysis shows that the dimension of e-Service Quality affecting e-Satisfaction is
Efficiency, Fulfillment, Responsiveness and Website Design. In addition, e-
Satisfaction has a significant and positive influence on the Website Trust. Together,
e-Satisfaction and Website Trust have a significant and positive influence on e-
Loyality. This research contributes because this research proves that Website Trust
and e-Satisfaction are the variables that can mediate between e-Service Quality and