ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana desain aksesoris handle chromed illumination berdasarkan kebutuhan atau permintan pelanggan serta mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel yang digunakan oleh Garvin yaitu dimensi Performance, Features, Reliability, Conformance, Durability, Service ability, Aesthetics, Perceived Quality. Kemudian didapatkan prioritas mengenai desain aksesoris dengan metode Potential Gain in Customer Value (PGCV) dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Berdasarkan penelitian ini, responden menilai bahwa m ada empat variable yang menjadi prioritas pengembang aksesoris tersebut, yaitu: Daya tahan mekanis aksesoris untuk fungsi buka-tutup pintu, kualitas lapisan chrome aksesoris yang tidak menguning selama masa garansi, kondisi fungsi nyala lampu pada saat mobil diterima, kualitas lapisan chrome pada aksesoris untuk bertahan terhadap terjadinya pengelupasan.
ABSTRACTThe study was conducted to determine how to design accessories handle chromed illumination, or the request is based on the needs of customers and identify the variables that are used by Garvin is the dimension Performance, Features, Reliability, Conformance, Durability, service ability, Aesthetics, Perceived Quality. Then get priority on the design of accessories with the method of Potential Gain in Customer Value (PGCV) and the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Based on this study, respondents considered that there are several variables that need attention, and from the results of this study suggest there are four variables that should be a priority of the developer accessories.