Brand Ambassador menjadi salah satu elemen penting dalam strategi pemasaran untuk industri luxury fashion. Penggunaan selebriti dalam merepresentasi suatu luxury fashion brand memiliki dampak positif terhadap aktivitas pemasaran, tak terkecuali untuk social media marketing. Pemilihan selebriti sebagai brand ambassador suatu luxury fashion brand pun harus didasari atas 5 syarat (Okonkwo, 2007) yaitu credibility, global appeal, personality, uniform brand, dan constancy. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh yang dihasilkan Jennie ‘Blackpink’ selaku House Ambassador Chanel terhadap customer brand engagement di konten social media marketing Chanel. Metode yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah analisa konten secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, di mana penulis membandingkan engagement dari konten YouTube dan Instagram Chanel yang melibatkan dan yang tidak melibatkan Jennie. Engagement diukur berdasarkan jumlah likes, views, serta perbedaan karakteristik dari komentar yang diberikan audiens. Hasil analisa makalah ini menemukan bahwa kemunculan Jennie ‘Blackpink’ pada konten media sosial Chanel telah meningkatkan customer brand engagement secara signifikan. Sosok Jennie ‘Blackpink’ terbukti dapat memicu motivasi audiens dalam berinteraksi dengan brand dilihat dari 3 dimensi customer brand engagement menurut Hollebeek (2011) yaitu immersion, passion, dan activation.
Brand Ambassador is an important element in the marketing strategy for the luxury fashion industry. The use of celebrities in representing a luxury fashion brand has a positive impact for marketing activities, including for social media marketing. The appearance of brand ambassadors on social media content of luxury fashion brands can affect the customer brand engagement. This paper aims to examine the impact of Jennie 'Blackpink' as the House Ambassador for Chanel on customer brand engagement through Chanel's social media marketing contents. The method used in this paper is quantitative and qualitative content analysis, in which the authors compare the engagement of Chanel’s contents on YouTube and Instagram, involving and not involving Jennie, based on the number of likes, views, and the characteristics of the comments. This paper found that the appearance of Jennie 'Blackpink' on Chanel's social media content has significantly increased customer brand engagement. Her appearance on Chanel’s social media contents can influence the audiences’ motivation to interact with the brands based on the 3 dimensions of customer brand engagement according to Hollebeek (2011); immersion, passion, and activation.