Pesatnya pertumbuhan perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital di Indonesia tidak lepas dari peran sumber daya manusianya. Mengingat kondisi perusahaan yang masih tergolong baru dan masih berjuang untuk tetap eksis, perusahaan perlu untuk mengoptimalkan peran SDM nya seefektif mungkin. Sehingga penting halnya bagi perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital untuk menjaga karyawannya tetap engage pada pekerjaannya, serta meminimalisir intensi karyawan untuk keluar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh career adaptability dan leader member exchange (LMX) terhadap work engagement dan turnover intention, serta melihat peran mediasi Job insecurity pada pengaruh antar variabel tersebut. Sebanyak 312 responden yang merupakan karyawan aktif di perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital di Indonesia berhasil dikumpulkan datanya dan di olah dengan structural equation modelling (SEM). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa work engagement dipengaruhi secara positif oleh career adaptability dan LMX, serta dipengaruhi secara negatif oleh job insecurity. Turnover intention dipengaruhi secara negatif oleh LMX dan secara positif oleh job insecurity. Job insecurity dipengaruhi oleh career adaptability dan LMX. Serta terbuktinnya peran mediasi job insecurity pada pengaruh career adaptability dan LMX terhadap work engagement dan turnover intention.
The rapid growth of digital startups in Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of human resources. Given the condition of the company which is still relatively new and still struggling to exist, the company needs to optimize its HR role as effectively as possible. So it is important for digital startup companies to keep their employees engaged in their work, and to minimize employee intention to leave. This study aims to analyze the effect of career adaptability and leader member exchange (LMX) on work engagement and turnover intention, and to see the mediating role of Job insecurity on the influence between these variables. 312 respondents who are active employees of digital startups in Indonesia have successfully collected their data and processed them with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results revealed that work engagement is positively influenced by career adaptability and LMX, as well as negatively influenced by job insecurity. Turnover intention is affected negatively by LMX and positively by job insecurity. Job insecurity is influenced by career adaptability and LMX. And the mediation role of job insecurity on the influence of career adaptability and LMX on work engagement and turnover intention is proven in this study.