Tesis ini berupaya untuk mengisi research gap terkait employee advocacy pada konteks organisasi pemerintah dengan menguji model komunikasi terkait faktor-faktor yang diduga memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap kesediaan pegawai organisasi pemerintah yakni Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) dalam melakukan tindakan advokasi di media social dengan pertimbangan mediator Employee Organization Relationship (EOR). Survei online dilakukan terhadap 338 pegawai Kementan yang menggunakan media sosial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang dapat memfasilitasi kesediaan pegawai dalam melakukan tindakan advokasi di media sosial adalah : Individual motif (Altruism dan Enjoyment), EOR, Transparansi Komunikasi, Employee Empowerment, Identifikasi Organisasi dan Social Media Engagement. Sementara EOR tidak terbukti menjadi mediator dalam penelitian ini. Untuk itu upaya organisasi melalui praktik komunikatif organisasi dan pendekatan manajemen hubungan dalam mempromosikan motif individu, dapat mengarah pada advokasi pegawai di media sosial. Secara praktis, bukti empiris yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan landasan dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait penerapan employee advocacy pada instansi pemerintah untuk memberikan dampak signifikan bagi komunikasi publik.
This thesis attempts to fill the research gap related to employee advocacy in the context of government organizations by testing a communication model concerning factors that are suspected to have a significant relationship with the willingness of government employees, specifically at the Ministry of Agriculture, to engage in advocacy actions on social media, with consideration of the mediator Employee-Organization Relationship (EOR). An online survey was conducted with 338 Ministry of Agriculture employees who use social media. The research results indicate that the variables significantly influencing employee advocacy, both directly and indirectly, are: Individual Motives (Altruism and Enjoyment), EOR, Communication Transparency, Employee Empowerment, Organizational Identification, and Social Media Engagement. Organizational efforts through communicative practices and relationship management approaches to promote individual motives can lead to employee advocacy on social media. Practically, the empirical evidence generated can serve as a foundation for decision-making regarding the implementation of employee advocacy in government institution to have a significant impact on public communication.