Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh endorsement selebriti internet terhadap niat bermain game dengan fokus khusus pada Vonzy sebagai endorser untuk game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness, dan congruence selebriti internet Vonzy terhadap kredibilitasnya dalam mempromosikan game Mobile Legends Bang Bang, serta mengeksplorasi dampak kredibilitas tersebut terhadap niat bermain game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Data diperoleh langsung oleh peneliti melalui metode survei, di mana kuesioner disebarkan kepada responden yang terpilih sebagai sampel dari populasi yang diteliti. Responden yang digunakan adalah individu yang belum pernah bermain game Mobile Legends Bang Bang di seluruh Indonesia dan individu yang mengetahui kegiatan endorsement Vonzy terhadap game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini. Data yang terkumpul sebanyak 250 responden namun terjadi seleksi lagi sehingga data yang digunakan sebanyak 230 responden. Penyesuaian tersebut dikarenakan adanya data yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria responden yang dibutuhkan, adanya data outliers, dan adanya data yang tidak konsisten. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada follower Instagram milik Vonzy dan orang-orang yang tergabung pada komunitas-komunitas game di media sosial. Dalam proses penelitian ini diketahui bahwa variabel-variabel trustworthiness, expertise, dan congruence memang memiliki pengaruh yang cukup kuat dengan credibility, dan credibility memiliki pengaruh yang cukup kuat dengan intention to play. Namun attractiveness terhadap credibility tidak berpengaruh secara statistik. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kepercayaan, keahlian, dan kesesuaian adalah faktor-faktor utama yang membangun kredibilitas selebriti dalam promosi game, yang pada gilirannya berpengaruh dengan niat konsumen untuk bermain. Daya tarik fisik tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan dalam konteks game, menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor lain lebih penting dalam membangun kredibilitas di mata konsumen.
This research discusses the relationship between internet celebrity endorsements and gaming intentions with a special focus on Vonzy as an endorser for the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. The aim of this research is to examine and analyze the relationship between trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness and congruence of internet celebrity Vonzy on its credibility in promoting the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang, as well as exploring the impact of this credibility on intentions to play the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Data was obtained directly by researchers through a survey method, where questionnaires were distributed to respondents selected as samples from the population studied. The respondents used were individuals who had never played the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang throughout Indonesia and individuals who were aware of Vonzy's endorsement activities for the game Mobile Legends Bang Bang. Sampling was taken using a purposive sampling technique based on the inclusion criteria in this study. The data collected was 250 respondents but another selection took place so that the data used was 230 respondents. This adjustment was due to data that did not match the required respondent criteria, data outliers, and inconsistent data. Questionnaires were distributed to Vonzy's Instagram followers and people who are members of gaming communities on social media. In the process of this research, it was discovered that the variables trustworthiness, expertise, and congruence did have a fairly strong relationship with credibility, and credibility had a fairly strong relationship with intention to play. However, attractiveness and credibility are not statistically related. Therefore, it can be concluded that trustworthiness, expertise, and suitability are the main factors that build celebrity credibility in game promotions, which in turn are related to consumers' intention to play. Physical attractiveness did not show a significant relationship in the gaming context, indicating that other factors are more important in establishing credibility in the eyes of consumers.