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London: Roudledge, 2001
R 306.766 209 2 WHO
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dienny Widya Permatasari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Terapi Kognitif- Perilaku dapat menurunkan tingkat depresi pada Gay Dewasa-Muda yang Belum Coming Out. Teknik-teknik Terapi Kognitif-Perilaku seperti psikoedukasi, restrukturisasi kognitif, jadwal aktivitas harian, relaksasi, jurnal pantau pemikiran, dan tugas rumah digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan terapi. Rancangan kuasi eksperimen dengan pola nonequivalent control group design dipilih peneliti sebagai metode penelitian dengan one group pretestposttest design. Pengukuran kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan The Center of Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) dan Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) di awal dan akhir asesmen. Pengukuran dilakukan kepada tiga orang partisipan yang sebelumnya telah disasar dengan menggunakan alat ukur The Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI II). Selanjutnya, observasi dan wawancara merupakan metode kualitatif yang digunakan untuk memperkuat gambaran hasil terapi. Teknik psikoedukasi dan relaksasi merupakan dua teknik yang paling bermanfaat dalam menurunkan tingkat depresi partisipan. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan skor di awal dan akhir asesmen terdapat penurunan tingkat depresi yang signifikan. Pada alat ukur CES-D dan SDS terdapat penurunan tingkat depresi dua partisipan yang semula berada di taraf sedang dan satu di taraf tinggi, menjadi tidak terdapat indikasi depresi klinis pada ketiga partisipan. Sedangkan melalui alat ukur SAS yang mengukur kecemasan juga menunjukkan penurunan tingkat kecemasan hingga tidak terdapat indikasi kecemasan klinis pada tiga partisipan.

This research aims to know how far the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy lowering the level of depression in Young Adults Gay Who Has Not Coming Out. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy techniques such as psychoeducation, cognitive restructurization, daily activities schedule, relaxation, mind observed journal, and homework used in order to achieve the goals of therapy. The quasi experimental design with nonequivalent control group design selected by researcher as a research methods with one group pretestposttest design. Quantitative measurement conducted by using The Center of Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D), Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) at the beginning and the end of the assessment. The measurement is carried out to the three participants who assessed previously with The Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI II). Furthermore, observation and interview are qualitative methods used to support the results. Psychoeducation and relaxation techniques are two of the most useful techniques in decreasing levels of depression in participants. Based on the results of the calculation of the score at the beginning and end of the assessment, there is a significant decrease in the level of depression. The result score for CES-D and SDS show decreased levels of depression for two participants who were originally located on moderate level and one participant at the severe level of depression, showing that there is no indication of clinical depression in all three participants. While SAS that measure anxiety also showed a decrease in anxiety levels becoming there is no indication of clinical anxiety on three participants.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Routledge, 1992
306.76 MOD
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"n this landmark collection of Australian writing spanning well over a century, an Australia emerges that is radically different from the cliched land of bronzed lifesavers and long-suffering sheepfarmers' wives. Robert Dessaix's anthology reflects the diversity, non-conformity and ambiguity that have always been features of Australian society. Remarkably, it confirms that few of the country's most celebrated writers, regardless of their sexuality, have not, at one time or another, written on homosexual themes. Patrick White, David Malouf, Elizabeth Jolley, Frank Moorhouse and Helen Garner are all included, along with a number of newer writers. This rare openness to the illicit and the subversive is just one of the revelations in an entertaining and provocative volume. Through the fiction, poetry and drama of over forty writers, the collection traces the flowering of a rich variety of homosexual sensibilities from colonial times to the present. In a long introductory overview of the literature, Robert Dessaix suggests a number of stimulating readings, and states that his primary consideration is always pleasure for the reader. Erotic, raffish, refined, romantic, rebellious and always perverse, this anthology celebrates the adventurousness and sophistication of Australian writing in ways that cast an exciting new light on Australian cultural history"
Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1993
820.805 AUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A Companion to Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies is the first single-volume survey of current discussions taking place in this rapidly developing area of study. --
The Companion breaks new ground for scholarship on gender and sexuality. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of the field, the editors gathered original essays by established and emerging scholars, addressing the politics, economics, history, and cultural impact of sexuality. The book engages the futures of queer studies by asking what sexuality stands in for, what work it does, and how it continues to structure discussions in various academic disciplines as well as contemporary politics. --Book Jacket."
Hoboken : Wiley Balckwell, 2015
306.766 COM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Routledge, 1995
940.530 3 WHO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siska Arina Puspa Dewi
Tesis ini menganalisis mengenai perkembangan Lesbian, Gay, Bisex, dan Transgender di
wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Permasalahan yang berkembang dimasyarakat bahwa salah satu badan
PBB yakni United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) akan mengucurkan dana untuk
mendukung dan membesarkan komunitas Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender (LGBT) di
Indonesia. Dalam menganalisis permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori Etika
Imperatif Kategoris Immanuel Kant dan Etika Situasi menurut Joseph Fletcher, Teori Sosiologi
tentang Perubahan Sosial menurut Parsudi Suparlan, Teori Penyimpangan Seksual menurut Tb.
Ronny Nitibaskara, Teori Hak Asasi Manusia menurut Koesparmono Irsan, Teori Hiperrealitas
dalam Media Massa menurut Jean Baudrillard, dan konsep Pemolisian Masyarakat (Community
Policing). Penulis menggunakan teori tersebut sebagai pisau analisis untuk mengupas teori dan
dikaitkan dengan fakta yang ada. Analisis yang penulis tuangkan pada tesis ini akan dikaitkan
antara teori dan fakta yang ada, tiap teori dihubungkan dengan fakta-fakta yang ada. Fakta
menunjukkan bahwa kelompok LGBT diperlukan pendekatan secara persuasif oleh anggota
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dalam merangkul mereka sebagai kelompok masyarakat.
Solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dalam
medekatkan diri kepada kelompok LGBT yakni menonjolkan sifat kasih sayang pada mereka dan
menjalankan tugas pokoknya sebagai anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dengan
penuh rasa tanggung jawab secara moral dengan kata lain demi kewajiban. Kesimpulan yang
dapat penulis ambil dari tesis ini bahwa kelompok LGBT bukan kelompok yang dijauhi karena
mereka memiliki hak yang sama dan sebagai anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia
wajib memberikan pendekatan kepada mereka. Selain itu, dalam bertindak anggota Kepolisian
Negara Republik Indonesia senantiasa menjunjung tinggi Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) termasuk
dalam memberikan arahan dan pendekatan kepada kelompok LGBT

This thesis analyses the phenomenon of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
in South Jakarta. Rumour has shown that United Nations Development Program
(UNDP) will donate their movement in Indonesia. Within the context of analysis,
there are several theories and one concept will be put to use, such as categorical
imperative theory by Immanuel Kant, situation ethic by Joseph Fletcher,
sociological theory of social change by Parsudi Suparlan, sexual deviance theory
by Tb. Ronny Nitibaskara, human rights theory by Koesparmono Irsan, hyperreality
theory in mass media by Jean Baudrillard, and community policing
concept. In terms of police duty, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender need to
care with persuasive approach as a part of society. Indonesian National Police
(INP) must get closer to them in order to fulfil their social responsibilities. As a
conclusion, Lesbian, Gay, Bisex, and Transgender isn?t prohibited group in
society because they are equal in society. Indonesian National Police needs to
uphold human rights value in every way. In terms of police duty, Lesbian,Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender need to care with the persuasive approach as a part of
society. Indonesian National Police must use persuasive approach to encourage
them as a social group. They need to treat them carefully by using their
consciousness (moral value) as a human. Indonesian National Police must closer
to them in order to fulfil their social responsibilities. As a conclusion, LGBT
aren?t prohibited group in society because they are equal in society. Indonesian
National Police needs to uphold human rights value in every way"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Ratna Devitasari
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadhina Achmad Yani
"Skripsi ini membahas proses membuka diri gay di lingkungan sosial. Proses membuka diri dilihat dari perkembangan orientasi seksual individu sebagai gay hingga strategi mereka dalam mempertahankan diri di lingkungan sosial heteroseksual. Analisa hasil penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep orientasi seksual dan homoseksualitas, relasi agen dan struktur oleh Anthony Giddens, serta konsep proses membuka diri oleh Troiden. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jakarta menggunakan metode kualitatif (studi kasus).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses membuka diri gay berbeda-beda berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan sosial mereka serta pemaknaan individu atas proses membuka diri. Dua informan telah menyatakan dirinya sebagai seorang homoseksual kepada lingkungan heteroseksual, sedangkan satu informan hanya kepada komunitas homoseksualnya.

This thesis discusses the process of coming out among gays in social environment. Coming out process is seen from the development of sexual orientation as a gay individual to their strategy in defending themselves in a social environment heterosexual. Analysis of the results of research carried out by using the concept of sexual orientation and homosexuality, relations agency and structure by Anthony Giddens, and the concept of the process of coming out by Troiden. The research was conducted in Jakarta using qualitative methods (case study).
The results showed that the process of opening up a gay vary by their social environment and the individual meaning to coming out the process. Two informants had declared themself as homosexuals to a non-homosexual community, while one informant only declared to his homosexual community.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tempat ngèbèr sebagai tempat pertemuan laki-laki gay tersebar meskipun relatif terselubung?di berbagai tempat- tempat publik di seluruh Indonesia. Tempat ngèbèr sebagai salah satu titik utama dalam konstelasi dunia gay berfungsi tidak hanya untuk mencari pasangan hubungan seksual, tapi juga untuk bersosialisasi, membuka diri, dan mendapat
penerimaan. Surabaya memiliki banyak tempat
ngèbèr yang cukup dikenal di kalangan laki-laki gay, dengan Pataya
sebagai satu tempat
ngèbèr terbesar. Namun dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, tampak adanya perubahan-perubahan yang
menyebabkan Pataya tidak lagi sehidup dulu. Melalui metode
partisipasi observasi dan wawancara non-formal, kajian
ini berupaya untuk memahami bagaimana Pataya menjadi pilihan tempat ngèbèr di Surabaya, perubahan-perubahan apa
saja yang terjadi dan menyebabkan penyusutan kehidupannya. Dari penelitian ini, diharapkan ada penelitian lanjutan
untuk mempelajari adaptasi-adaptasi yang terjadi atau dapat dilakukan di luar situs ngèbè.

Tempat ngèbèr, or hanging-out places where gay men in Indonesia meet, can be found in various?though relatively
hidden?public places across Indonesia.
Tempat ngèbèr as one of the more prominent sites in the constellation of gay serves not only as a space to find sexual partners, but also to
socialize, to be open in expressing oneself, and to gain
acceptance from one?s peers. Surabaya
has a number of famous, well-known tempat
ngèbèr , with Pataya being one of
the largest places. Yet changes within the
last few years have diminished its popularity. Through participant observation and non-formal interviews, this research attempts to understand how Pataya became the more prominent
tempat ngèbèr in Surabaya, and what kind of changes have happened that reduced its popularity. Hopefully, this research will bring
about future studies that will investigate various adaptations
that can be carried out inside or outside the site itself. "
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya], 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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