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"Sepertiga penduduk dunia telah terinfeksi tuberkulosis dan terdapat lebih dari 8 juta orang yang menderita TB setiap tahunnya. Sementara itu, 3 juta orang meninggal akibat kebiasaan merokok setiap tahunnya di dunia ini. Indonesia sendiri sebenarnya adalah penyumbang kasus TB ke-3 terbesar di dunia. Indonesia juga menduduki peringkat keempat dalam jumlah perokok di dunia. Hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dan tuberkulosis telah diketahui sejak lama, walaupun bukti epidemiologis belum amat menunjang, demikian juga dengan penjelasan patofisiologis serta perubahan biomolekuler yang terjadi. Dewasa ini makin banyak kita temukan data epidemiologis yang menyokong hubungan antara tuberkulosis dan kebiasaan merokok. Penelitian lebih lanjut amat diperlukan guna menggali lebih dalam aspek-aspek hubungan ini dan menghilangkan faktor pengganggu yang mungkin berpengaruh. Harus dilakukan kerja sama yang harmonis untuk dapat melaksanakan program penanggulangan tuberkulosis dan penanggulangan merokok secara sinergistik. Tuberkulosis –di mana Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-3 di dunia– dan masalah merokok –di mana Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-4 di dunia- adalah dua masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting bagi bangsa kita. Bila memang ada hubungan asosiatif antara keduanya maka masalah kesehatan itu bahkan akan makin besar. Kita perlu menguasai pengetahuan tentang tuberkulosis dan juga tentang kebiasaan merokok pada populasi Indonesia untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan masyarakat. Program penanggulangan tuberkulosis dan program penanggulangan masalah merokok merupakan modal yang amat penting untuk derajat kesehatan bangsa Indonesia. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 48-52)

One third of the world population is infected with tuberculosis, and over 8 millions people were developing each year. On the other hand tobacco is responsible for 3 millions death in the world. For Indonesia, our country has the third biggest TB cases in the world. Whereas Indonesia is ranked as having the fourth largest number of smokers in the world. A relationship between smoking and TB has been suspected for a long time, even though the epidemiological evidence has not been convincing so far, as well as the pathophysiology and the biomolecullar changes. At present time there are more and more epidemiological data to suggest relationship between TB and tobacco. Further research should be done to get more indepth relationship as well as avoiding the confounder factor. To be able to perform TB control as well as tobacco control successfully there should be emphasize on synergistic public health approaches. Tuberculosis –which Indonesia got 3rd rank in the world- as well as smoking problem –which Indonesia got 4th rank in the world- are two important public health problem for the country. If there are relationship between tobacco and tuberculosis, health problem faced by Indonesian even become bigger. Knowledge about tuberculosis as well as tobacco among Indonesian population is very essential to improve the public health situation. Tuberculosis control programme as well as smoking control programme are essential tools for the well being of Indonesian people. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 48-52)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 12 (1) January March 2003: 48-52, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Menurut WHO (World Health Organization) sepertiga penduduk dunia telah terinfeksi dengan tuberkulosis (TB). Sekitar 2 juta orang meninggal akibat penyakit ini setiap tahunnya dan akan muncul lebih dari 8 juta penderita TB baru setiap tahunnya. Selain itu, kembali menurut WHO (2000), jumlah kematian akibat tuberkulosis akan menjadi 35 juta orang pada tahun 2000-2020. Sebagian besar pasien tuberkulosis di dunia masih tetap diobati dengan beberapa obat-obat tunggal, atau mungkin dengan obat TB kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT) yang berisi 2 obat. Untuk meningkatkan mutu hasil pengobatan maka WHO merekomendasikan penggunaan obat TB dalam bentuk TB kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT) yang berisi 2 dan 3 obat dalam strategi DOTS. Sejak 1999, KDT yang berisi 4 obat telah dimasukkan pula dalam “WHO Model List of Essential Drugs”. Dewasa ini KDT merupakan alat penting untuk makin meningkatkan mutu pelayanan pada pasien TB, dalam akselerasi program DOTS untuk segera mencapai target global. Obat TB dalam bentuk kombinasi dosis tetap (KDT) dapat menyederhanakan cara pengobatan dan juga manajemen pengelolaan / distribusi obat TB serta mampu mencegah timbulnya resistensi. KDT menyederhanakan cara pengobatan karena jumlah tablet yang harus ditelan pasien akan berkurang, ddari 15 – 16 buah menjadi 3 – 4 buah saja, dan juga menurunkan kesalahan penulisan resep. Juga jauh lebih mudah untuk menerangkan kepada pasien bahwa ia harus makan 4 tablet yang sejenis, daripada harus makan berbagai tablet dalam berbagai bentuk dan warna yang berbeda. Kemungkinan tidak memakan semua obat yang diharuskan juga dapat dicegah karena satu obat KDT sudah merupakan campuran dari beberapa obat sekalligus. KDT juga akan memudahkan para dokter dan petugas kesehatan karena hanya harus mengingat satu macam obat, lebih sederhana dan tidak membingungkan. Akhirnya, seluruh aspek distribusi obat (pembelian, pengapalan, penggudangan) juga jauh lebih sederhana dalam bentuk KDT ini.Efek samping obat tidaklah akan bertambah bila kita menggunakan KDT. Bila terjadi juga efek samping maka mungkin diperlukan obat dalam bentuk tunggal. Kualitas, keamanan dan efektivitas KDT ditentukan oleh proses pembuatannya, artinya seberapa jauh produsen mematuhi kaidah “good manufacturing practices (GMP)” dan spesifikasi farmakopea. Pengelola program TB nasional harus membuat sistem jaga mutu (“QA system”). Dalam hal ini WHO telah membangun jaringan laboratorium untuk menilai KDT yang ada sesuai dengan permintaan pihak industri farmasi. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 114-9)

According to the World Health Organization, a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis. The disease is responsible for nearly 2 million deaths each year and over 8 million were developing active diseases. Moreover, according to WHO (2000), tuberculosis deaths are estimated to increase to 35 million between 2000-2020. The majority of tuberculosis patients worldwide are still treated with single drugs, or with 2-drug fixed-dose combinations (FDCs). To improve tuberculosis treatment, 2- and 3-drug FDCs were recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as part of the DOTS strategy. Since 1999 a 4-drug FDC was included on the WHO Model List of Essential Drugs. Today, FDCs are important tools to further improve the quality of care for people with TB, and accelerate DOTS expansion to reach the global TB control targets. Fixed dose combination TB drugs could simplifies both treatment and management of drug supply, and may prevent the emergence of drug resistance .Prevention of drug resistance is just one of the potential benefits of the use of FDCs. FDCs simplify administration of drugs by reducing the number of pills a patient takes each day and decreasing the risk of incorrect prescriptions. Most tuberculosis patients need only take 3–4 FDCs tablets per day during the intensive phase of treatment, instead of the 15–16 tablets per day that is common with single-drug formulations It is much simpler to explain to patients that they need to take four tablets of the same type and colour, rather than a mixture of tablets of different shapes, colours and sizes. Also, the chance of taking an incomplete combination of drugs is eliminated, since the four essential drugs are combined into one tablet. FDCs are also simpler for care-givers as they minimize the risk of confusion. Finally, drug procurement, in all its components (stock management, shipping, distribution), is simplified by FDCs. Adverse reactions to drugs are not more common if FDCs are used. Nevertheless, whenever side-effects to one or more components in a FDC are suspected, there will be a need to switch to single-drug formulations. Quality, safety and efficacy of FDC drugs are determined by the manufacturing process i.e. by compliance of the manufacturer with the requirements of good manufacturing practices (GMP) and pharmacopoeial specifications. National TB programmes must establish a QA system WHO established a laboratory network that tests the quality of FDCs in the marketplace and registers products upon request from the pharmaceutical industry. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 114-9)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 12 (2) April June 2003: 114-119, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nicolaus Novian Wahjoepramono
"MDR-TB menjadi masalah yang penting di Indonesia karena besarnya angka kematian dan morbiditas. Dengan mencari tahu alasan perkembangan tuberculosis menjadi MDR-TB, insidensi dari penyakit mematikan ini dapat dikurangi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di RS Persahabatan dalam jangka waktu dari Desember 2009 sampai Agustus 2010 dan bertujuan untuk mengukur angka kepatuhan dalam pengobatan tuberculosis primer dan efek dari pembagian OAT secara gratis terhadap kepatuhan pasien. Pasien MDR-TB akan diwawancara secara retrospektif untuk mencari tahu derajat kepatuhan mereka saat pengobatan primer dulu. Hasil wawancara menunjukkan bahwa 46% dari pasien MDR-TB tidak mematuhi regimen pengobatan primer dulu. Angka ini jauh lebih buruk dari data tuberculosis pada umumnya. Hasil juga menyimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara pembagian obat secara gratis dan kepatuhan pasien sebagai non-signifikan.

The problem of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in Indonesia is of high importance due to its high mortality and morbidity rate. Finding clues as to how MDR-TB develops from susceptible strains of TB will help Indonesia in eliminating the menace that is MDR-TB. Data collection is done in RS Persahabatan, Jakarta during the period of December 2009 until August 2010, and aims to measure the rate of compliance in the primary TB treatment of confirmed MDR-TB patients. The study also looks at the effect of free medication on patient compliance. Interview sessions will be set for MDR-TB patients to look in retrospect towards their primary TB treatment. Results show that 46% of patients did not comply in their primary treatment, a lot higher than normal. It also proves of the relationship between compliance and the accessibility of free drugs to be non-significant."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Sjahbandi
"Program penanggulangan TB dari tahun ke tahun selalu mengalami perkembangan. Dengan demikian beban tugas pengelola program semakin besar, ketersediaan data semakin diperlukan, dan hambatan pelaksanaan semakin komplek. Oleh karena itu untuk membantu menyediakan data diperlukan suatu sistem informasi untuk meringankan beban kerja pengelola program. Mengingat penderita TB pengobatannya perlu waktu, maka diperlukan sistem yang mampu menemukan kasus Baru dan mampu melakukan monitoring terhadap perkembangan pengobatan penderita.
Sistem Informasi Evaluasi Program Penanggulangan TB Di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang dirancang secara otomasi, bertujuan untuk membantu program penanggulangan TB dalam usaha menemukan penderita agar pengobatan dapat dilakukan sedini mungkin dan penderita tidak menjadi sumber penular penyakit TB, sehingga kasus TB dapat dicegah penularannya.
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem informasi untuk evaluasi pelaksanaan program penanggulangan TB di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang. Bentuk penelitian kualitatif dan data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pengelola program di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang. Data sekunder dikumpulkan melalui pencatatan dan pelaporan hasil kegiatan dari puskesmas yang ada di Kota Tangerang. Proses pengembangan sistem dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap, yaitu tahap analisis masalah kesehatan, tahap analisis masalah sistem informasi yang sudah berjalan, tahap kajian terhadap kemungkinan pengembangan sistem, tahap perancangan sistem, tahap analisis SWOT sistem yang baru, dan uji coba sistem.
Dari hasil analisis masalah kesehatan dan sistem informasi yang sudah ada memungkinkan dilakukan pengembangan sistem agar arus data terstruktur, sehingga data dapat dikumpulkan dengan cepat, tepat, dan lengkap.
Operasional sistem yang sudah dikembangkan dibantu dengan peralatan komputer yang diprogram secara otomasi. Untuk memanfaatkan program tersebut pengelola cukup memasukkan data yang berkaitan dengan program TB, dan bila sudah dimasukkan, komputer akan mengolah secara otomasi sampai menghasilkan laporan dalam bentuk tayangan data di layar monitor atau dicetak. Hasil cetak berupa label dan grafik.
Mengingat Program TB selalu berkembang, maka untuk perkembangan sistem lebih lanjut diharapkan sistem ini dapat dipakai sebagai bahan acuan, terutama dalam hal perkembangan sistem dalam usaha penemuan kasus dan monitoring pengobatan bagi penderita.

The Development of Information System for Evaluation of TB Program at District Health Office in Tangerang CityThe program to overcome TB program for over the years have always been developing, so the responsibilities of the program organizers are also increasing, the data availability is more needed, the obstacles to realize the program become more complex. Therefore health data, a data base information system is needed to lighten the work of program organizers. Considering the length of time to treat the TB patients. We need a system that's able to find new cases and monitor the improvement of patient treatment.
The information evaluation system of automatic data base TB program at District Health Office in Tangerang City is designed to health TB prevention program, in order to find the patients so the treatment can be done as soon as possible and the patients will not be the carrier of this infectious disease, so the cases of the TB infection can be prevented.
The purpose of this research is the developed the data base information system to evaluate the realization of the TB prevention program in Tangerang City. The form of the research is qualitative. The data collected is primary and secondary data. The primary data is done through deepen interview with the program organizer of District Health Office of Tangerang City. The secondary data is collected through recording and reporting the activities of Puskesmas in Tangerang. The process of development system is done through several steps, they are the analysis of health problem, the analysis of information system used, the analysis development system possibility, designing system the analysis new SWOT system and testing the system.
From the analysis of health problem result and information system that has already existed, it's possible to develop the system in order to organize current data, so that the data can be collected fast, precisely and completely.
The operational system that has been developed and assisted by computer equipment that is program automatically. To exploit the program, the organizer, adequate put in the data that linked with the TB program, if it has entered, the computer will process automatically until it produce the report that presented on the computer screen of printed, the printing should be in the form of table and graph.
Considering the TB program that always develop, so the development of further system is expected to be able to be used as a reference material, especially for system development in the effort of case finding and medicinal treatment monitoring for the patients.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Dewi Subandiyah
Nama : Ika Dewi SubandiyahProgram Studi : Magister EpidemilogiJudul : Hubungan antara Kepatuhan Minum ARV dan OAT dengan ProgresivitasTB Paru pada Koinfeksi TB HIV di Jakarta Selatan th 2015-2017Pembimbing : dr.Mondastri Korib Sudaryo MS,DScKata kunci : koinfeksi TB HIV, Kepatuhan OAT dan ARV, Progresivitas, Survival,HazardPengobatan TB- HIV memerlukan pengobatan sekaligus yakni OAT dan ARV untukmencegah progresivitas TB. Penelitian sebelumnya, kepatuhan terhadap kedua pengobatanmasih kurang. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan minum OAT danARV dengan progresivitas TB paru pada koinfeksi TB-HIV di Jakarta Selatan. Desain yangdigunakan adalah Kohort Retrospektif dengan menggunakan data yang berasal dari kartupengobatan TB dan ikhtisar perawatan HIV yang dimiliki pasien TB-HIV di puskesmas danRSUD di Jakarta Selatan tahun 2015-2017. Hasilnya adalah responden yang patuh minumkedua obat 56,8 , patuh ARV 13,5 ,patuh OAT 14,2 dan tidak patuh keduanya 15,5 .29,7 penderita koinfeksi TB HIV menunjukkan progresivitas sedangkan 70,3 tidak.Analisis cox regresi menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kepatuhan dengan progresivitasTB paru pada koinfeksi TB-HIV p.0.000 .Probabilitas survival pada responden yang tidakpatuh minum keduanya 17.4 , patuh minum ARV saja 30,6 ,patuh OAT saja 69,7 danpatuh keduanya 88,4 . Resiko untuk progresif pada responden yang tidak patuh minum keduaobat adalah 24 kali HR 24.56;95 CI 9.49-63.53 . Resiko responden yang patuh minum ARVsaja 8,6 kali HR 8,59; 95 CI 3.15-23.42 dan resiko yang patuh minum OAT saja 3,3 kali HR3.3; 95 CI 1.01-10.97 .ABSTRACT
Name Ika Dewi SubandiyahStudy Program Master of EpidemiologyTitle Association Of Arv And Anti Tb Drugs Adherence To Pulmonary TbProgression In Tb Hiv Co Infection In South Jakarta 2015 2017Counsellor dr.Mondastri Korib Sudaryo MS,DScKey words TB HIV coinfection, adherence, progression,survival,hazardTB HIV requires both ARV and anti TB drugs treatment at the same time to prevent theprogression of TB. Previous research, adherence to both treatments is unsufficient.The aims ofthis study is to determine the association of ARV and anti ndash TB drugs adherence to theprogression of pulmonary TB in TB HIV co infection in South Jakarta. The design used wasRetrospective Cohort using data derived from TB treatment cards and HIV care overviews ofTB HIV patients at puskesmas and Government District Hospital in South Jakarta 2015 2017.The result is the respondents who adherently drank both drugs 56.8 , adhered to ARV 13.5 ,adhered to anti TB drugs 14.2 and non adhered to both 15.5 . 29.7 of HIV coinfected TBpatients showed progressivity while 70.3 did not.Cox regression analysis showed that therewas a correlation between adherence and pulmonary tuberculosis progression in TB HIVcoinfection p.0.00 .Probability of survival in non adherent respondents was 17.4 , only ARVadherence 30.6 ,only Anti TB drugs adherence 69,7 and adhered to both 88.4 . The riskfor progressive in non adherence respondents was 24 higher than adherence to both HR 24.56 95 CI 9.49 63.53 . While the risk in adherence to ARV alone was 8.6 HR 8.59 95 CI 3.15 23.42 and adherence to Anti TB drugs alone was 3.3 HR 3.3 95 CI 1.01 10.97 ."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Aziz Sediqi
"Compliance of TB patients with anti TB drugs treatment is a universally recognized problem specially in asian developing countries which results at the consequences of the TB treatment compliances, today there are TB cases defaulters,relapses and MDRTB which is mostly occurring in all over the world due to deferent reasons of the compliances, and Afghanistan is one of the 22nd highest TB burden country in the world. The main problem of TB treatment compliance in Afghanistan can be explain at two aspects: First there would be a high prevalence of TB positivity in country level because of inaccessibility to the health services In the rural areas due to war and low security, second behavioral changes and lack of knowledge of the community about the disease and wrong beliefs and perceptions, socioeconomic factors, socio demographic factors and socio psychological factors, all these factors could be determined and influence the compliance of TB patients among the TB patients in the country.
To determine what factors associated and influenced the compliance of TB patients with anti TB Anti TB drugs treatment in Kandahar Afghanistan.
Materials and methods
It was descriptive study, the study was including 243 TB patients participated 79 TB patients interviewed with well structured questionnaire.
TB patients as much as 58.23 % was not good compliance of their anti TB treatment and 41.77% was good compliance of their anti TB treatment, and the compliance rate was higher among those patients who were not good compaliance, how ever from small sample size statistic could not detect any significant association.
The high prevalence of TB cases in the country and high level of compliance of TB patients among the TB confirm patients with the factors influencing the compliance of the treatment is essential to control and take measure immediately, the evidence strengthen the need of collaboration to change the behavior of the community properly for ten agers and activate the education and the result attract to focus more and pay attention on the factors influencing the compliance specially for those who have no any access to the health services to satisfy and encourage them for their regular anti TB treatment therapy."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dorothea Oje Linda
"MDR TB merupakan pemasalahan yang muncul akibat tidak tuntasnya pengobatan. WHO melaporkan bahwa terdapat 290.000 kasus TB MDR pada tahun 2010 di dunia dan Indonesia berada pada urutan ke-9 dari 27 negara dengan beban MDR TB. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan klien TB tentang MDR TB. Disain deskriptif dengan total sampling diterapkan pada 60 klien TB yang berobat di Poli Paru Puskesmas Kecamatan Jagakarsa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kebanyakan responden memiliki pengetahuan rendah tentang MDR TB (59,7%). Hasil uji chi square menunjukan terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan yang rendah dengan pengetahuan yang rendah (p=0,003 α=0,05 ). Promosi kesehatan terkait TB dan MDR TB perlu ditingkatkan dalam pelayanan keperawatan komunitas. Pendidikan kesehatan pada klien TB disarankan diberikan secara efektif.

The MDR TB is emerging due to failure in treatment completion. WHO reported that there were 290 000 cases in the world at 2010 and Indonesia is on the order-9 of the 27 high-burden of MDR TB countries. The aim is to determine TB clients' knowledge of MDR TB. A descriptive design with total sampling was applied to 60 TB clients at Jagakarsa health center.
The results showed mostly respondents have low knowledge (59.7%). Based on Chi Square test, there was a significant relationship between poor eduvation and low knowledge(p=0.003,α= 0.05).Health promotion-related TB and MDR TB needs to be improved in the community nursing services. Health education on TB clients is advised delivered effectively.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risma Puspitasari
Secara global, insiden TB dunia pada tahun 2015 sebesar 10,4 juta kasus.
Indonesia berada di urutan kedua dari total kasus diseluruh dunia sebesar 10%,
setelah India. Prevalensi TB berdasarkan provinsi yang tertinggi adalah Jawa
Barat (0,7%). Padatnya tingkat hunian di pesantren dapat menimbulkan kondisi
rentan sehingga dianggap memicu banyaknya kasus TB. Pengendalian TB
berbasis masyarakat merupakan salah satu upaya promosi kesehatan dalam
penanggulangan TB. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dampak pemberdayaan
santri kader TB terhadap perilaku pencegahan TB di pondok pesantren Garut Jawa
Barat. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain kuasi eksperimen pada 230
santri sebagai sampel pada masing-masing kelompok intervensi dan kontrol.
Pengumpulan data dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali yaitu pengumpulan data awal,
setelah itu dilakukan intervensi berupa pelatihan pada 30 santri yang terpilih
sebagai kader TB dengan melakukan penyuluhan dan kunjungan kamar 2 bulan
kemudian dilakukan pengumpulan data akhir. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji
wilcoxon, mann-whitney dan uji regresi logistic ganda model faktor resiko. Hasil
penelitian membuktikan santri yang mendapat intervensi berpeluang memiliki
perilaku pencegahan baik hampir 3 kali (OR=2,90; 95%CI= 1,9-4,4)
dibandingkan dengan santri yang tidak mendapatkan intervensi setelah dikontrol
jenis kelamin santri.

Globally, the incidence of tb in 2015 amounted to 10.4 million cases. tb ranks in
the 2nd place of the total cases all over Indonesia by 10% after India. The highest
prevalence of TB by province is western Java (0.7%,). Tb incidence did not occur
only in the general population, but also arise in certain community such as islamic
boarding schools. The density of occupancy in Islamic boarding school can cause
vulnerable condition causing many cases of tb. Community-based TB control is
one of health promotion efforts in TB prevention. This study aims to determine
the impact of Empowerment of Tuberculosis (TB) Against Student Cadres
Behavior in TB Prevention at Islamic boarding school, Garut, West Java.
Quantitative research method with quasi experimental design on 230 students as
sample in each intervention and control group. Data collection was done 2 times,
that is initial data collection, after that do intervention in the form of training at 30
students selected as TB cadre by doing counseling and visit room 2 month later to
do final data collecting. The analysis used was wilcoxon test, mann-whitney and
multiple logistic regression test of risk factor model. The result of the research
shows that students who have intervention have a good prevention behavior
almost 3 times (OR = 2,90; 95% CI = 1,9-4,4) compared with students who do not
get intervention after separation of gender."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tissy Fabiola
"Penyakit tuberculosis (TB) telah dinyatakan sebagai salah satu permasalahan kesehatan dunia oleh WHO semenjak tahun 1993, danjumlahpenderita tuberkulosis kian meningkat setiap tahunnya. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, agen penyebab dari penyakit tuberkulosis telah bermutasi menjadi strain resistant erhadap lebih dari satu obat antituberkulosis, yang melahirkan sebuah penyakit yang disebut Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Studi ini bermaksud mengetahui pengaruh usia dan status pekerjaan pada pasien MDR-TB selama pengobatan inisial TB terhadap kepatuhan pasien dalam pengobatan. Data diambil di RS Persahabatan Jakarta (n=50), pada bulan Desember 2009 hingga Agustus 2010 dengan metode cross sectional. Sample diperoleh dengan metode convenient sampling method. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 34% pasien berusia 16-20 tahun dan 70% pasien memiliki pekerjaan saat pengobatan TB pertama, serta baik usia pasien maupun status pekerjaan pasien tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan dengan kepatuhan pasien.

Tuberculosis (TB) disease has been declared as a global emergency according to WHO since 1993 and the number of the people who become infected with this disease keeps increasing throughout the year. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis disease has mutated to be resistant to more than one antituberculosis drug, leading to a disease called Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). This study aims to measure the influence between age and employment status during primary TB treatment and the development towards MDR-TB in relation to patient compliance. Data is collected in Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta (n=50) on December 2009 until August 2010, using cross sectional method. Samples are obtained using convenient sampling method. The result shows that 34% patients were 16-20 years old and 70% patients were employed during their primary TB treatment, and neither age nor employment status has a significant association with patient compliance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahrah Maulidia Septimar
Multi Drug Resitance Tuberculosis (MDR TB) merupakan masalah terbesar dalam
pencegahan dan pemberantasan TB dunia. Indonesia berada di peringkat 8 dari 27 negara
dengan MDR TB terbanyak di dunia. WHO Global Report 2013, memperkirakan pasien
MDR TB di Indonesia berjumlah 6.900 pasien. MDR TB adalah penyakit yang
disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis yang resisten minimal terhadap rifampisin
dan isoniazid. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pengalaman pasien menjalani
pengobatan Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis dan seperti apa pasien memaknai
pengalamannya tersebut. Desain penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi dipilih untuk
mendapatkan informasi yang sifatnya individual secara mendalam sesuai pengalaman dan
kondisi penyakit yang dialami. Partisipan ditentukan dengan tehnik purposive sampling,
berjumlah tujuh orang. Tehnik wawancara mendalam dilakukan menggunakan alat
perekam dan panduan wawancara semiterstruktur, serta catatan lapangan. Analisa data
menggunakan qualitative content analysis dengan pendekatan Collaizi. Tema yang
ditemukan sebagai hasil penelitian yaitu : Pemahaman penyakit MDR TB;
ketidaknyamanan saat menjalani pengobatan Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis;
hambatan penderita untuk sembuh, menerima dukungan, dan harapan pengobatan.
Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mengkaji secara mendalam tema yang telah
teridentifikasi pada jumlah partisipan yang lebih banyak dan bervariasi.ABSTRACT Multi Drug Resistant (MDR - TB ) is the biggest problem of TB prevention and
eradication in the world. Indonesia is ranked 8 of 27 countries with MDR-TB in the
world. WHO global reported 2013, estimated MDR-TB patients in Indonesia amounted to
6.900 patient. MDR-TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at least
rifampicin and isoniazid. This study will focus on how the experience of undergoing
treatment of Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis and patient?s insight of the experience.
Phenomenological qualitative research design was choosen to obtain information that is
significantly individual according to the experience. Participants were determined by
purposive sampling technique to seven people. In-depth interview conducted using a
recorder and semi-structured approach. Themes found as a result of the research : the
understanding of MDR TB; the experience discomfort while undergoing treatment of
Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; difficulties experienced during treatment; the
support received during treatment; and client expectations. Further study is needed to
profoundly examine the themes that have been identified on more numerous and varied
participants, Multi Drug Resistant (MDR - TB ) is the biggest problem of TB prevention and
eradication in the world. Indonesia is ranked 8 of 27 countries with MDR-TB in the
world. WHO global reported 2013, estimated MDR-TB patients in Indonesia amounted to
6.900 patient. MDR-TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at least
rifampicin and isoniazid. This study will focus on how the experience of undergoing
treatment of Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis and patient’s insight of the experience.
Phenomenological qualitative research design was choosen to obtain information that is
significantly individual according to the experience. Participants were determined by
purposive sampling technique to seven people. In-depth interview conducted using a
recorder and semi-structured approach. Themes found as a result of the research : the
understanding of MDR TB; the experience discomfort while undergoing treatment of
Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; difficulties experienced during treatment; the
support received during treatment; and client expectations. Further study is needed to
profoundly examine the themes that have been identified on more numerous and varied
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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