ABSTRAK Multi Drug Resitance Tuberculosis (MDR TB) merupakan masalah terbesar dalam
pencegahan dan pemberantasan TB dunia. Indonesia berada di peringkat 8 dari 27 negara
dengan MDR TB terbanyak di dunia. WHO Global Report 2013, memperkirakan pasien
MDR TB di Indonesia berjumlah 6.900 pasien. MDR TB adalah penyakit yang
disebabkan oleh Mycobacterium Tuberculosis yang resisten minimal terhadap rifampisin
dan isoniazid. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pengalaman pasien menjalani
pengobatan Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis dan seperti apa pasien memaknai
pengalamannya tersebut. Desain penelitian kualitatif fenomenologi dipilih untuk
mendapatkan informasi yang sifatnya individual secara mendalam sesuai pengalaman dan
kondisi penyakit yang dialami. Partisipan ditentukan dengan tehnik purposive sampling,
berjumlah tujuh orang. Tehnik wawancara mendalam dilakukan menggunakan alat
perekam dan panduan wawancara semiterstruktur, serta catatan lapangan. Analisa data
menggunakan qualitative content analysis dengan pendekatan Collaizi. Tema yang
ditemukan sebagai hasil penelitian yaitu : Pemahaman penyakit MDR TB;
ketidaknyamanan saat menjalani pengobatan Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis;
hambatan penderita untuk sembuh, menerima dukungan, dan harapan pengobatan.
Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut untuk mengkaji secara mendalam tema yang telah
teridentifikasi pada jumlah partisipan yang lebih banyak dan bervariasi.
ABSTRACT Multi Drug Resistant (MDR - TB ) is the biggest problem of TB prevention anderadication in the world. Indonesia is ranked 8 of 27 countries with MDR-TB in theworld. WHO global reported 2013, estimated MDR-TB patients in Indonesia amounted to6.900 patient. MDR-TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at leastrifampicin and isoniazid. This study will focus on how the experience of undergoingtreatment of Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis and patient?s insight of the experience.Phenomenological qualitative research design was choosen to obtain information that issignificantly individual according to the experience. Participants were determined bypurposive sampling technique to seven people. In-depth interview conducted using arecorder and semi-structured approach. Themes found as a result of the research : theunderstanding of MDR TB; the experience discomfort while undergoing treatment ofMulti Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; difficulties experienced during treatment; thesupport received during treatment; and client expectations. Further study is needed toprofoundly examine the themes that have been identified on more numerous and variedparticipants, Multi Drug Resistant (MDR - TB ) is the biggest problem of TB prevention anderadication in the world. Indonesia is ranked 8 of 27 countries with MDR-TB in theworld. WHO global reported 2013, estimated MDR-TB patients in Indonesia amounted to6.900 patient. MDR-TB is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis that resistant to at leastrifampicin and isoniazid. This study will focus on how the experience of undergoingtreatment of Multi Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis and patient’s insight of the experience.Phenomenological qualitative research design was choosen to obtain information that issignificantly individual according to the experience. Participants were determined bypurposive sampling technique to seven people. In-depth interview conducted using arecorder and semi-structured approach. Themes found as a result of the research : theunderstanding of MDR TB; the experience discomfort while undergoing treatment ofMulti Drugs Resistance Tuberculosis; difficulties experienced during treatment; thesupport received during treatment; and client expectations. Further study is needed toprofoundly examine the themes that have been identified on more numerous and variedparticipants]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015