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"Development successful of a state supported by many factors. One of sector which has contribution in its successful is transportation sector. Transportation sector is a important sector of state development. If the transportation is good, the development becomes more accomplished so the economic can grow and automatically politic stability increases. Public policy in transportation sector is very
important thing, because including people and goods movement to some area or place especially in urban. The problems of transportation in urban generally are traffic jam,
traffic indiscipline, pollution, safety etc. Transportation policy directed to overcome the problems of transportation by providing priority of the more important problem to be overcome first. The air pollution caused by urban transportation is one of the
biggest contribution of carbon gas on atmosphere and this problem would be discussed in this thesis.
Method which was used in this thesis was qualitative method by collecting data through library research and interview to the competence sides in this research.
The conclusion of this research is state policy especially transportation sector still more emphasize certain groups particularly for the sake of business. and ignored
importance of public, people conditions are still weak even though today has gone in reformation era which emphasizes people in making policy. However state remain participates in international policy that is ratifying Kyoto Protocol to reduce the
danger gas which causes climate alteration and global effect. Thus the state still halfhearted to perform the policy in this environment sector because of many importance, while in politic international which was leaded by state that is care about environment, that is a important issue and many pay attention in globalization era
currently and in order to the state was not excommunicated in international world."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfa Adib Ash Shiddiqi
"Pemerintah telah menyediakan transportasi umum, seperti KRL, bus rapid transit (BRT), MRT, dan LRT namun ternyata proporsi pengguna angkutan umum menurun (JUTPI, 2012,2018). Masalah dirumuskan adanya ketidakseimbangan antarkomponen dalam sistem transportasi. Penelitian bertujuan memodelkan sistem transportasi yang memetakan komponen-komponen pendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan, dan mengevaluasi kinerja komponen supply dan demand. Metode untuk mengkaji komponen-komponen dilakukan melalui desk study dan expert opinion. Terkait komponen supply digunakan metode customer satisfaction index, dan komponen demand digunakan survey stated preference willingness to shift yang diolah dengan perhitungan binomial logit. Penelitian ini memunculkan 22 komponen, diantaranya adalah keselamatan, kualitas transportasi umum, preferensi moda, aksesibilitas, biaya transportasi, dan polusi udara. Meski responden puas terhadap mass transit, namun kapasitas dan dukungan feeder perlu ditingkatkan. Kebijakan fiskal terkait biaya BBM, congestion charging dan kenaikan biaya parkir dapat mendorong perpindahan penggunaan moda. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah penyeimbangan komponen supply dan demand dapat dilakukan dengan cara meningkatkan kinerja angkutan umum dan memberikan disinsentif fiskal untuk pengguna kendaraan pribadi.

The government has provided public transportation, such as KRL, bus rapid transit (BRT), MRT, and LRT, but in fact the proportion of public transport users has decreased (JUTPI, 2012, 2018). The problem is formulated as an imbalance between components in the transportation system. The aim of the research is to model the transportation system which maps the components supporting sustainable development, and analyzes the performance of the supply and demand components. The method for assessing the components is carried out through a desk study and expert opinion. Regarding the supply component, the customer satisfaction index method was used, and the demand component used a stated preference willingness to shift survey which was processed using binomial logit calculations. This research raises 22 components, including safety, quality of public transportation, mode preference, accessibility, transportation costs, and air pollution. Respondents are satisfied with the mass transit service, but are not satisfied with the feeder capacity and support. Fiscal policies such as increasing fuel costs, congestion charging and increasing parking fees can encourage a shift in mode use. The conclusion of the study is that balancing the supply and demand components can be done by increasing the performance of public transport and providing fiscal disincentives for private vehicle users."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Alfian Zainuddin
"Pemerintah DKI Jakarta telah mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi pencemaran udara akan tetapi, masih banyak kendala dalam implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kualitas udara perkotaan terkait transportasi khususnya di Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kualitas udara perkotaan terkait transportasi di Propinsi DKI Jakarta dengan pendekatan model sistem. Hal yang dilihat antara lain: instrumen kebijakan sumber daya dan manajemen.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menggali secara mendalam informasi yang ingin diketahui. Dalam penelitian ini data yang digunakan terdiri ataS data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui telaah dokumen. Data primer diga1i dari berbagai informan yang berkompeten, yakni: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Biro Hukum, Badan Pengelola Dampak Lingkungan Daerah. Dinas Perhubungan, Dinas Kesehatan dan Samsat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen kebijakan telah ada, akan tetapi dipersepsikan hanya berlaku untuk BPLHD, penegakan hukum yang belum di1aksanakan secara sebenarnya dikarenakan sistem dan koordinasi yang belum maksimal, sumber daya manusia dan dana yang masih kurang, serta tidak adanya rencana strategis sehingga belum maksimalnya manajemen dan koordinasi. Oleh karena itu, da1am implementasi kebijakan pengelolaan kualitas udara perkotaan yang efektif, beberapa faktor tersebut perlu diperhatikan oleh pembuat dan pelaksana kebijakan.

The Government of DKI Jakarta Province had released some policies regarding to prevent and remedy air pollution. However, there are much problems related with urban air quality in DKI Jakarta Province. So that, purpose of this study will know implementation of urban air quality management policy related to transportation by system model approach. The matter will be studied are policy instruments, resources and management.
This study is qualitative study to delv more information tboughtfully. In this studY, primary and secondary data will be used. Primacy data are collected from in depth interview with competent sources such as Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah. Biro Hukum, Badan Pengelola. Dampak Lingkungan Daerah, Dinas Perhubungan, Dinas Kesehatan and Samsat. Secondary data are collected by conducting documents.
The study result showed that policy instrument has existed, but they are perceived only effective fot BPLHD, real law enforcement has been not implemented because system and coordination are not maximalized, human and money resources are minimal, and there is no strategic planning so that management and coordination are not maximalized. Therefure, to make implementation of urban air quality management policy become effective, the factors should be respected by related parties especially policy makers and policy implementors.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melva Rizqiana
"Studi kualitatif ini menganalisis sistem toleransi yang ada pada tingkat interaksional dalam transportasi publik. Berdasarkan studi terdahulu, analisis interaksi dalam transportasi publik telah dilakukan pada level mikro atau makro. Berangkat dari pemikiran strukturasi Anthony Giddens, studi ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana agen mereproduksi toleransi di KRL Commuter Line dengan menekankan analisis hubungan agen dan struktur. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa agen melihat aturan memberikan kursi kepada penumpang yang membutuhkan sebagai bentuk toleransi dalam transportasi publik. Adapun agensi tersebut direproduksi berdasarkan refleksivitas agen melalui perilaku pemanfaatan tata ruang, aturan, dan sumber daya secara spasial. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menemukan adanya keunikan dalam dualitas peran Petugas Pengawalan Kereta (Walka) yang merupakan salah satu instrumen struktural KRL sekaligus agen penting yang terlibat dalam reproduksi toleransi melalui agensi mereka. Berkaitan dengan teori strukturasi, studi juga menjelaskan faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat beserta bentuk tindakan agen yang menentang praktik berkaitan dengan toleransi. Selain itu, meskipun jarang dibahas dalam wacana publik, sistem tersebut nyatanya hadir sebagai konsekuensi penerapan aturan yang dilembagakan oleh PT. KCI dari tingkat agensi ke level sistem sosial.

This qualitative study analyzes the existing system of tolerance on the interactional level in public transportation. Over the course of interaction studies in public transportation, many of them have explained interaction analysis between micro or macro analysis. Building from Anthony Giddens structuration theory, the study explores how agents reproduce tolerance in the KRL Commuter Line based on the analysis of both agents and structure relation. Based on the findings, the author found that agents perceived the rule of yielding the seat to passengers in need as a form of tolerance in the shared space of public transportation. Respective to the circumstances passengers find themselves in, the agency was reproduced based on the agents reflexivity through spatial conduct of rules and resources. However, uniquely exist in the latter findings is Petugas Pengawalan Kereta (Walka), one of the structural instruments of the KRL had become an important agent involved in the reproduction of tolerance through their agencies. Appraising the structuration theory, this study also explains the enabling and constraining factors and how agents challenge the practice associated with tolerance. Although it is not apparent in public discourse, the system is an unintended consequence of the institutionalized rules applied by PT. KCI from the agency to the social system level."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lucky Dharma YP
"Penulisan tesis ini bertujuan umuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan pengembangan manajemen transportasi perkotaan, mengkaji berbagai faktor kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman/kendala dalam mendukung perumusan kebijakan di sektor transportasi dan membuat perumusan kebijakan tentang transportasi perkotaan di kota dengan cri-ciri sebagai berikut: tingkal urbanisasi yang tinggi (pertumhuhan penduduk 58%), merupakan ibukota provinsi, pusat kegiatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat, penduduk yang mgmpunyai keragaman etnik dab budaya, dan dikategorikan sebagai kata besar (X). Hal ini mempengaruhi pelayanan angkutan umum, pengaturan lalu-lintas dan perbaikan Sarana di jalan raya."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Aji Syahputra
"DKI Jakarta merupakan kota metropolitan di Indonesia dengan tingkat kemacetan yang tinggi. Namun, upaya yang hingga saat ini diterapkan oleh Pemerintah hanya berupa kebijakan transportasi dengan objektif pelaku perjalanan sehingga belum dapat mengatasi kemacetan secara maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan tingkat kesediaan perusahaan terkait kebijakan teleworking oleh Pemeritah, preferensi kebijakan teleworking pada perusahaan, dan pengaruh kebijakan teleworking terhadap tarikan perjalanan di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini berbasis pada sebaran data yang dianalisis dengan metode statistik deskriptif dan statistik nonparametrik seperti data terpusat, distribusi data, uji normalitas, dan uji komparasi. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner secara daring kepada penetap kebijakan perusahaan. Data tersebut terdiri atas identitas perusahaan dan preferensi perusahaan terkait skema teleworking. Dalam pengolahan data, sampel dikelompokkan menjadi tiga klaster sampel yaitu Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Produk, Jasa, dan Start Up. Ketiga klaster sampel tersebut dibagi menjadi dua sektor sampel berdasarkan sistem kerja yang diterapkan saat pascapandemi, yaitu WFO dan WFH. Kurva kumulatif dan nilai terpusat diperoleh untuk dapat menganalisis perbedaan tingkat kesediaan tiap sektor perusahaan terkait preferensi skema teleworking. Berdasarkan hasil kurva kumulatif dan nilai terpusat, terdapat perbedaan tingkat kesediaan di tiap sektor sampel perusahaan terkait skema teleworking. Uji komparasi dilakukan dengan membandingkan tiap sektor hingga klaster sampel untuk menganalisis signifikansi perbedaan skema teleworking. Kedua perusahaan yang memiliki hasil signifikansi tidak berbeda signifikan akan menerapkan skema teleworking yang sama. Berdasarkan uji komparasi Mann Whitney, dihasilkan dua golongan perusahaan dengan skema teleworking yang berbeda. Selain itu, dilakukan uji komparasi terhadap tiap nilai terpusat yang diperoleh untuk mendapatkan nilai yang representatif pada tiap golongan perusahaan yang terbentuk. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, Golongan I (Produk dan Jasa WFO) diberikan dispensasi bekerja secara remote sebesar 60% pekerja dan 12 hari dalam sebulan. Sementara itu, Golongan II (Start up dan Jasa WFH) diberikan dispensasi bekerja secara remote dengan 80% pekerja dan 16 hari dalam sebulan. Dengan menyesuaikan kondisi saat ini, sebagian besar perusahaan kembali menerapkan WFO, penerapan kebijakan teleworking sebagai strategi TDM mampu mengurangi tarikan perjalanan sebesar 60% di DKI Jakarta.

DKI Jakarta is a metropolitan city in Indonesia with a high level of congestion. However, the efforts that have been implemented by the Government so far have only been in the form of transportation policies with the objective of travellers, so they have not been able to overcome congestion optimally. This study aims to analyze the different willingness of companies regarding teleworking policies by the Government, the preferences of companies regarding teleworking policies, and the influence of teleworking policies on travel attraction in DKI Jakarta. This research is based on the distribution of data analyzed by descriptive statistical methods and nonparametric statistics such as centralized data, data distribution, normality tests, and comparison tests. Research data was obtained by distributing questionnaires online to company policymakers. The data consists of corporate identity and company preferences regarding teleworking schemes. In data processing, the samples were grouped into three sample clusters, namely companies engaged in products, services, and startups. The three sample clusters were divided into two sample sectors based on the work systems implemented during the post-pandemic period, namely WFO and WFH. Cumulative curves and centered values are obtained to be able to analyze the different willingness of each company sector regarding preferences for teleworking schemes. Based on the results of the cumulative curve and centered value, there are different willingness in each sector of the sample companies regarding teleworking schemes. Comparative tests are carried out by comparing each sector to sample clusters to analyze the significance of differences in teleworking schemes. The two companies whose results are not significantly different will apply the same teleworking scheme. Based on the Mann Whitney comparative test, two groups of companies with different teleworking schemes were produced. In addition, a comparative test was carried out on each centered value obtained to obtain a representative value for each group of companies formed. Based on this analysis, Group I (WFO Products and Services) are given the dispensation of working remotely for 60% of workers and 12 days a month. Meanwhile, Group II (Start up and WFH Services) are given the dispensation of working remotely with 80% of workers and 16 days a month. By adjusting to current conditions, most companies are re-implementing WFO, implementing teleworking policies as a TDM strategy, which is able to reduce travel attraction by 60% in DKI Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayati Sari
"Fokus dari disertasi ini adalah memodelkan interaksi antara guna lahan, transportasi, dan lingkungan dalam meningkatkan dan mengatur kualitas perkotaan. Salah satu konsep untuk menggabungkan ketiga aspek tersebut adalah Pembangunan Berorientasi Transit, yaitu konsep pengaturan pertumbuhan ruang pada koridor transit dengan ciri-ciri guna lahan campuran, kompak, kemudahan untuk berjalan kaki, dan pembangunan yang difokuskan di sekitar kawasan transit.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun konsep pengaturan pembangunan perkotaan yang fokus pada konsep TOD ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan tapak ekologis, emisi karbon, dan daya dukung ruang terbuka hijau sebagai indikator pembangunan perkotaan berkelanjutan.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis guna lahan perkotaan dengan SIG, analisis transportasi, dan memprediksi skenario-skenario kebijakan pembangunan dengan menggunakan system dynamics.
Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa pemuatan konsep pembangunan berorientasi transit menjadi penting, tidak hanya untuk merestrukturisasi pertumbuhan guna lahan perkotaan secara efektif, atau meningkatkan penggunaan moda transportasi publik, namun juga dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan perkotaan.

The focus of this study is the modelling of interaction between land use, transportation, and environment in improving and managing urban quality. One of the concepts to integrate those three aspects is Transit Oriented Development (TOD). It is a concept of managing urban growth in transit corridor with the characteristics of mixed land use, compact, walking-distance, and development focused around public transit area. The purpose of this study is to build a concept for managing urban development with the focus of green TOD concept.
This study proposes ecological footprint, carbon emission, and green open space carrying capacity as sustainable urban development indicators. The methods applied for this research consist of urban land use analysis using GIS, transport analysis, and forecasting the development scenarios using system dynamics.
The simulation result reveals that the introduction of transit oriented development concept is of importance not only for restructuring urban land use growth effectively or regaining the modal share of public transport but also improving the urban environment quality.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firman Bima Ariateja
"Kota Pangkal Pinang di Provinsi Bangka Belitung merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki potensi daerah hinterland berupa industri ekstraktif, pertanian, dan agroindustri dengan komoditas utamanya berupa timah. Namun performa infrastruktur transportasi yang ada masih kurang mampu mendukung kegiatan distribusi sehingga menempatkan Kota Pangkal Pinang berada pada Kuadran III yang termasuk ke dalam kota - kota yang skor performa infrastruktur transportasinya berada pada kelas menengah kebawah di Indonesia. Sehingga Pengembangan Pelabuhan mampu memberikan dampak social dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrument berupa kuisoner dalam 4 tahapan dan dianalisa menggunakan SPSS dan teknik Relative Importance Index untuk mengurutkan dampak dari yang terbesar hingga yang terkecil.

Pangkal Pinang in Bangka Belitung province is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has the potential of hinterland areas such as extractive industries, agriculture and agro-industry with primary commodities such as tin. However, the performance of the existing transport infrastructure is still less able to support distribution activities thus putting Pangkal Pinang located in Quadrant III belonging to the city - the city transport infrastructure performance scores are in the middle class in Indonesia. Port Development thus able to provide social and economic impact. This study uses the instrument in the form of questionnaires in four stages and analyzed using SPSS and techniques Relative Importance Index to sort the impact from the largest to the smallest."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Syafrizal
Faktor emisi dan konsumsi bahan bakar tergantung pada berbagai faktor. Driving cycle merupakan perilaku lalu lintas dan merupakan reprsentasi berkendara dari suatu wilayah. Ada banyak standar driving cycle seperti metode Eropa driving cycle, Jepang Cycle, US-EPA, dll. Namun, driving cycle tersebut tidak dapat mewakili kondisi aktual Jakarta. Penelitian ini menjelaskan driving cycle yang diperoleh di Jakarta. Jakarta driving cycle adalah langkah pertama untuk menentukan emisi nyata untuk mengurangi polusi dan untuk mempengaruhi pilihan kendaraan di Jakarta. Faktor emisidigunakan untuk menentukan emisi gas buang di persimpangan Semanggi. Studi kasus persimpangan Semanggi dibahas. Aspek psikologis berkontribusi pada pemahaman tentang perilaku pemilik mobil untuk menggunakan bus rapid transit di Jakarta. Diskusi tentang The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) dan aspek psikologis dibuat untuk studi kasus ini. Penelitian ini juga menjelaskan model dinamis dari pengurangan emisi di sektor transportasi darat, studi kasus perempatan Semanggi di Jakarta. Sistem transportasi perkotaan adalah sistem yang kompleks dengan beberapa variabel, loop umpan balik, dan dipengaruhi oleh faktor sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Model system dinamis yang diusulkan terdiri dari dua submodel: "Vehicle Fleet" dan "Perhitungan Emisi". Model ini berjalan dalam perangkat lunak Powersim Studio menggunakan data dari Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) dan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.;

Emission factors and fuel consumption depend on various factors. The driving cycle represents traffic behaviour and is representative of a given region. There are many standards of driving cycles such as the method of European Driving Cycle, Japan Cycle, US-EPA, India Cycle, etc. However, these driving cycles cannot represent the actual condition in Jakarta. This paper describes the driving cycle obtained in Jakarta. Jakarta?s Driving Cycle is the first step for determining real emissions in order to decrease pollution and to influence vehicle choice in Jakarta. Emissions factors are deduced and used to determine exhaust emissions in the Semanggi intersection. The case study of the Semanggi intersection is discussed. Psychological aspects contribute to the understanding of the behaviour of car owners to use bus rapid transit (BRT) in Jakarta. Discussion about TPB theory and psychological aspects are made for this case study. This paper describes a dynamic system model of emissions reduction in the land transport sector with the case study of the Semanggi intersection in Jakarta. The urban transportation system is a complex system with multiple variables, feedback loops, and is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. The proposed DS model consists of two submodels: ?Vehicle Fleet? and ?Emissions Calculation?. The model runs in Powersim Studio software using data from Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) and the Traffic Management Centre of the Indonesia National Police Headquarters.
;Emission factors and fuel consumption depend on various factors. The driving cycle represents traffic behaviour and is representative of a given region. There are many standards of driving cycles such as the method of European Driving Cycle, Japan Cycle, US-EPA, India Cycle, etc. However, these driving cycles cannot represent the actual condition in Jakarta. This paper describes the driving cycle obtained in Jakarta. Jakarta?s Driving Cycle is the first step for determining real emissions in order to decrease pollution and to influence vehicle choice in Jakarta. Emissions factors are deduced and used to determine exhaust emissions in the Semanggi intersection. The case study of the Semanggi intersection is discussed. Psychological aspects contribute to the understanding of the behaviour of car owners to use bus rapid transit (BRT) in Jakarta. Discussion about TPB theory and psychological aspects are made for this case study. This paper describes a dynamic system model of emissions reduction in the land transport sector with the case study of the Semanggi intersection in Jakarta. The urban transportation system is a complex system with multiple variables, feedback loops, and is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. The proposed DS model consists of two submodels: ?Vehicle Fleet? and ?Emissions Calculation?. The model runs in Powersim Studio software using data from Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) and the Traffic Management Centre of the Indonesia National Police Headquarters.
, Emission factors and fuel consumption depend on various factors. The driving cycle represents traffic behaviour and is representative of a given region. There are many standards of driving cycles such as the method of European Driving Cycle, Japan Cycle, US-EPA, India Cycle, etc. However, these driving cycles cannot represent the actual condition in Jakarta. This paper describes the driving cycle obtained in Jakarta. Jakarta’s Driving Cycle is the first step for determining real emissions in order to decrease pollution and to influence vehicle choice in Jakarta. Emissions factors are deduced and used to determine exhaust emissions in the Semanggi intersection. The case study of the Semanggi intersection is discussed. Psychological aspects contribute to the understanding of the behaviour of car owners to use bus rapid transit (BRT) in Jakarta. Discussion about TPB theory and psychological aspects are made for this case study. This paper describes a dynamic system model of emissions reduction in the land transport sector with the case study of the Semanggi intersection in Jakarta. The urban transportation system is a complex system with multiple variables, feedback loops, and is influenced by social, economic, and environmental factors. The proposed DS model consists of two submodels: “Vehicle Fleet” and “Emissions Calculation”. The model runs in Powersim Studio software using data from Indonesia Japan Economic Agreement Partenership (IJ-EPA) and the Traffic Management Centre of the Indonesia National Police Headquarters.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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