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"Di Indonesia profesi bidan masih sangat memegang peran penting.Keberadaannya menjangkau hingga pedesaan ysang terpencil Seringkali karena faktor kedekatan emosi,dan tarif yang lebih murah,bidan lebih dipilih ketimbang dokter kandungan...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eulisa Fajriana
"Sebuah penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja bidan khususnya dalam pertolongan persalinan dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja bidan tersebut.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah bidan di desa yang bertugas di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara total populasi dengan jumlah sampel 146, yang terdiri dari bidan di desa dengan masa kerja < 5 tahun.
Variabel-variabel yang diteliti meliputi variabel dependen yaitu kinerja bidan dalam pertolongan persalinan , sedangkan variabel independen adalah faktor internal yang terdiri atas lama tugas, pengalaman, sikap, status perkawinan dan faktor eksternal yang terdiri atas tempat tinggal, sosialisasi, penghargaan, umpan balik, JPS-BK, sarana.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja bidan dengan kategori baik sebesar 36, 2%, dan kinerja bidan dengan kategori kurang 63,8 %. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa faktor Jaring Pengaman Sosial Bidang Kesehatan (JPS-BK) dan pengalaman mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna tehadap kinerja bidan di desa.
Penelitian ini menyarankan kepada pembuat kebijakan, agar terus mengupayakan rangsangan yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja bidan dengan pemberdayaan yang lebih effektif dalam rangka peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Kepada Pelaksana program hendaknya berupaya meningkatkan pengalaman bidan dengan pelatihan, diskusi bahkan program magang atau kakak asuh. Selain itu mengingat pentingnya dana JPS-BK, perlu diusahakan agar dana itu tetap tersedia di masyarakat atau dicari penggantinya.

Factors Associated With Midwife Performance at Rural For Delivery Aids at District of Central Aceh - September 1999A study was implemented at District of Central Aceh to asses the midwifes performance and find factors related to it.
The research method used is cross sectional one. The sample was the community midwife in charge at District of Central Aceh. All midwifes who worked for period less than five years, were used as samples, the number was 146.
The dependent variable was the midwifes performance in deliver us services, whereas the independent variables were internal factors comprised of job period, experience, attitude, marital status and external factors consisted of socialization, award, feedback, and JPS-BK facilities and residing.
This research found that 36,2% of midwifes had a good performance and 63,8% had a fair performance. It was found that social safety net in Health and experience were significantly correlated with then midwifes performance.
This research suggest to policy maker to consistency seek out stimulation that may increase midwifes performance by empowering in more effective framework to increase midwifes experience the program executives should give the midwifes use experience through training, discussion and learning by doing. It is advised to keep Social Safety Net in health find or its replacement.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Rosa
"Tesis ini tentang faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kompetensi bidan dalam tata laksana awal pre-eklampsia berat di Kabupaten Ciamis tahun 2013. Merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi dan sampel adalah seluruh bidan yang melayani persalinan di puskesmas di Kabupaten Ciamis, dengan cara proporsional random sampling didapat jumlah sampel minimal sebanyak 97 bidan.
Hasil penelitian didapat 18,7% bidan yang kompeten dalam tata laksana awal pre-eklampsia berat, faktor-faktor yang berhubungan bermakna adalah umur, masa kerja, pelatihan, motivasi, dan supervisi. Motivasi merupakan faktor paling dominan, dengan nilai p 0,00 dan OR 13,7. Penyebab rendahnya kompetensi bidan karena tidak adanya buku pedoman, standar operasional yang baku, dan MgSO4.

The factors contributed to midwife's competency in early management severe preeclampsia in Ciamis Regency in 2013 was presented in this thesis. The study was conducted by using quantitative method and data analysis was based on crosssectional data collected from proportional random sampling of 107 midwifes.
The results showed that 18.7% midwifes were competent in early management severe pre-eclampsia. Some factors related to midwifes competencies such as; age, working?s period, training, motivation, and supervision. It was found that motivation was the main factor in midwifes? competency with p 0.00 and OR 13.7. The results of the study also revealed that there was no standard manual book, standard operational, and MgSO4 which caused low competency among midwifes in helping patients with severe pre-eclampsia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didah Rosidah
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen kualitas kehidupan kerja/quality of work life dan hubungannya dengan kinerja bidan puskesmas dalam penatalaksanaan pertolongan persalinan di Kabupaten Bogor. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain kuantitatif dan pendekatan cross sectional pada 101 bidan puskesmas di Kabupaten Bogor. Digunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistic chi-square. Hasil analisis bivariat didapat ada tiga komponen QWL yaitu : kompensasi yang seimbang, keselamatan lingkungan kerja dan pengembangan karir, masing-masing mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan kinerja bidan.

This skripsi aims to determine the components quality of work life (QWL) and its relationship with midwife performance at public health in the help childbirth in the city of Bogor. Use quantitatif research method and design of a cross sectional study in 101 midwife at public health in the city of Bogor. Use univariate analysis and bivariate analysis statistical chi-square test. Bivariate analysis results obtained there are three components of QWL are : fair compensation, working environment safety and career development, each having a meaningful relationship/significant with midwife performance."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Pipo
"The direction of health development and social welfare according to the Outline of State Guideline 1999-2004 is to improve the human resource quality and to develop conducive environtment using health pradigm approach , that give priorities in improving health status, prevention, treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation since the beginning of human conception until old age. Furthermore, the directions is also increase and maintain the quality of institution and health service through sustainable empowerment of human resource and facilities and health inlrastmcture, including the availability of medicines affordable by the people. It is also increase the quality of population through controlling of birth, reduce mortality rate, and to improve the quality of family planning program.
This study is intended to obtain description regarding performance of Midwife in villages as a contracted manpower -that currently are working in Regency of Padang Pariaman during their contract-extended period. The research is intended to examine what factors related to their performance, and what factors is the most closely related to the perfonnance. It was conducted by using cross-sectional study design that study the relationship of dependent variable with related &Cl0l'$ Gndependent variable) by observing the status of independent variable and dependent variable simultaneously (cross sectionally). The population of this research is the whole midwives in villages as contracted workers that are in extended-contract status, which are 92 respondents.
Processing and analysis of data was done using univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods. The univariate analysis is done with descriptive analysis to see the perfomiance and description of each individual variable. The bivariate analysis was using Chi-Square ies! to sec the relationship of independent variable with dependent variable, and multivariate analysis is done by using binary multiple logistic regression test to see the relationship of independent variable together with dependent variable.
The results of bivariate analysis indicates that 9 of the independent variables analyzed, it tumed out that there are three variables that has signihcant relationship (p < 0,05) with the perfomiance _of midwives in villages as contracted workers during extension period, namely knowledge, level tenure, and work load. The result of the multivariate analysis indicates that 2 variables as predictor of performance namely tenure and marriage status.
Recommendation to the midwives in villages as temporary workers for the extension worlc it is necessary to recommend the tenure and marriage status of the midwives should be carefully considered in the placement of the midwives."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosalina Nungkat
"Salah satu upaya menunmkan angka kesakitan dan kematian ibu adalah melalui pemberian pelayanan yang berkualilas. Pelayanan yang berkualitm dapai di wujudkan dengan adanya tenaga kesehatan yang kompeten, termasuk bidan di desa. Desain Penelitian dengan cross sectional untuk mengelahui kompetensi dan kinexja bidan di desa dalam melaksanakan pelayanan asuhan parsalinan nommal di Kabupaten Bengkayang lahun 2008. Populasi adalah bidan di desa yang bertugas di polindes. Sampel pmelitian ini adalah semua bidan di desa yang bexjumlah 53 orang yang sudah meudapatkan pelatihan asuhan persalinan normal (APN).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar (83,2%) bidan di desa kurang kompeten mc-laksanakan suhan persalinan normal (APN). Kompetensi merupakan faktor yang bermalcna terhadap kinexja bidan di desa dalam melaksanakan asuhan persalinan nomml berdmarkan indikator cakupan persalinan dengan Oddss Ratio 31 (95% CI: 3,4 - 28l,9) dan berdasarkan persentase kasus yang di mjuk pada alpha 5% terdapat perbedaan yang signiiikan antara rata-rata persentase kasus komplikasi persalinan yang di rujuk oleh bidan di desa dengan kompetensi. Bidan yang kurang kompelen merujuk rata-rata 13 % kasus komplikwi persalinan, sedangkan bidan yang kompeten merujuk rata-rata 4 % kmus komplikasi persalinam Vayiabel lain yang bennakna dengan lcineaja adalah pengalaman kelja bidan di desa dengan Oddss Ratio 6,7 (95% CI: 1,3 - 3317). Variabel pendidikan, umur, peralatan dan bahan menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak bemiakna. Oleh karena itu kompelensi bidan di dwa perlu ditingkatlcan bukan hanya dengan pelatihan saja tetapi perlu ditindak lanjuti dengan supervisi yang teerprogram dan uji sertifikasi kompefersi oleh suatu badan yang terakreditasi.

One of effort for decrease of morbidity and maternal mortality be giving a quality health care.That is necessary human resources of health which having competency, included midwife in the village This research to be done with cross- sectional design for knowing competency of midwife in the village on going nomially birth attendant care at Bengkayang District 2008. Population research are midwives in tlievillage which on duty at the village centre attendant Samples research are all of the midwives intthe village, there are 53 persons which got training normally birth attendant care.
The result showed most of midwifes (83,2%) have not enough competent on going normally birth attendant care. Competency is afsigniticant factor to midwife performent on going normally birth attendant indicated birth attendant target with Odds Ratio '31 (95% CI:3,4 - 28I,9) and presentation of cases refered on alpha 5 %, there is a differentiation signilicantly between mean procentace cased refered with competency. The village's midwives which not enough competent refered mean 13% cases birth attendant complication, the midwives in the village which competent refered 4 % cases birth attendant complication. Significant variable with perrofmmtee is experienee job, odds nano 6,1 (95% cr; 1,3 _ sag). Another variables are educatiorg age and equipment showed not significant. That is why competency of the midwivx in the village necessary to be increased not only with training but also a programmly supervising and competency sertilication test from accreditation organization.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astrid Melissa Puteri Iskandar
"Latar belakang: Kematian ibu masih menjadi permasalahan besar di Indonesia, dimana perdarahan, infeksi, dan preeklampsia/eklampsia sebagai penyebab tersering. Sistem rujukan yang baik merupakan salah satu pendukung dalam penatalaksanaan kasus-kasus obstetri sehingga kasus komplikasi dapat terhindar. Saat ini sudah terdapat BPJS, dimana rujukan dilakukan secara berjenjang. Bidan yang berpraktik mandiri tidak termasuk dalam sistem BPJS, hanya menjadi jejaring BPJS bila tidak terdapat fasilitas persalinan pada pelayanan primer. Namun masih belum dijabarkan secara jelas kedudukan bidan pada sistem rujukan untuk kasus gawat darurat. Sehingga masih banyak yang merujuk langsung kasus obstetri dan kasus yang bermanifestasi menjadi komplikatif ke pelayanan tersier, yaitu RSCM. Karakteristik bidan ternyata dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap keputusan seorang bidan dalam merujuk. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan informasi mengenai alasan rujuk melalui gambaran karakteristik bidan yang merujuk langsung kasus-kasus komplikatif ke RSCM.
Tujuan: Mengetahui karakteristik bidan yang berpraktik di praktik mandiri bidan serta hubungannya dengan kasus komplikatif yang dirujuk langsung ke RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik kasus kontrol pada bidan yang berpraktik mandiri yang merujuk langsung kasus-kasus obstetri dan/atau kasus komplikatif pada bulan Januari 2016 hingga Juli 2017. Dilakukan pencatatan data bidan yang berpraktik mandiri, kasus obstetri, dan kasus yang bermanifestasi menjadi kasus komplikasi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Kemudian dilakukan analisis terhadap enam karakteristik bidan yang merujuk, yaitu: usia, pendidikan, pelatihan yang pernah diikuti selama masa praktik, lama waktu berpraktik, jumlah pasien yang pernah ditangani selama masa kerja, serta jarak dan waktu tempuh proses merujuk.
Hasil: Didapati 82 bidan yang berpraktik mandiri yang merujuk 29 kasus preeklampsia (35.3%), 40 kasus ketuban pecah dini (48.8%), dan 13 kasus perdarahan (15.9%). 28 kasus bermanifestasi menjadi kasus komplikatif (34.1%). Keseluruhan bidan merujuk karena fasilitas yang tidak memadai. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara lama waktu praktik dengan jumlah kasus komplikatif yang dirujuk langsung ke RSCM dengan p=0.001 (OR 7.036 CI95% 2.543-19.472). Terdapat pula hubungan yang bermakna antara jumlah pasien dengan perujukan langsung kasus komplikatif ke RSCM dengan p=0.001 (OR 6.032 CI95% 2.220-16.391). Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara usia, pendidikan, pelatihan yang sudah pernah diikuti selama masa praktik, serta jarak dan waktu tempuh fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan perujuk, dengan kasus-kasus komplikatif yang dirujuk langsung ke RSCM.
Kesimpulan: Keseluruhan bidan merujuk langsung kasus obstetri karena fasilitas yang tidak memadai dan mereka merujuk langsung ke RSCM agar pasien dapat langsung ditangani. Karakteristik bidan yang mempengaruhi bidan yang berpraktik mandiri dalam mengirim langsung kasus-kasus komplikatif yaitu lama waktu praktik dan jumlah pasien yang pernah ditangani selama masa kerjanya. Sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi ulang mengenai kedudukan bidan yang berpraktik mandiri di sistem BPJS. Selain itu diperlukan program penyegaran untuk praktik mandiri bidan setiap tahun dan pemantauan serta evaluasi yang dilakukan oleh instansi terkait. Diperlukan pula penelitian lanjutan dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih banyak, dimana penelitian ini menggabungkan karakteristik bidan serta karakteristik pasien pada kasus-kasus rujukan. Namun faktor perancu dan faktor eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi proses analisis perlu diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu, agar dapat dilakukan analisis yang menyeluruh.

Background: Maternal mortality is still a major problem in Indonesia, where bleeding, infection, and preeclampsia/eclampsia are the commonest causes. A good referral system is one of the supporters in the management of obstetric cases so the complications can be avoided. Currently there is BPJS, where referrals start from primary to tertiary care. Self-employed midwives are not included in the BPJS system, only as a BPJS network if there is no delivery facility in primary care. It is still not clearly defined the position of midwife at the referral system for emergency cases. So there are still many self-employed midwives that directly refer the obstetric cases and cases that manifest into complication to tertiary care, which is RSCM. Characteristics of the midwife turned out to have an effect on the decision of a midwife in referring. This research collects information about the reasons for referring a case through a description of the characteristics of midwives who directly refer the complicated cases to RSCM.
Objective: To identify characteristics of self-employed midwives and its relation to complicative cases referred directly to RSCM.
Method: This study used descriptive design with analytic case control on self-employed midwife who referred directly the obstetric cases and/or cases that have manifested into further complication in January 2016 until July 2017. Data of self-employed midwife, obstetric cases, and cases manifested into complications that meet inclusion criteria, were recorded. Then characteristic of referral midwife namely: age, education, training that had been performed during their practice, duration of practice, number of patients that had been handled during the work period, as well as distance and travel time of referring process, were analyzed.
Results: There were 82 self-employed midwives referring 29 cases of preeclampsia (35.3%), 40 cases of premature rupture of membranes (48.8%), and 13 cases of bleeding (15.9%). 28 cases were manifest into complicated cases (34.1%). The entire midwife referred those cases due to inadequate facilities. There was statistically significant correlation between duration of practice and number of complicated cases referred directly to RSCM, with p=0.001 (OR 7.036 CI95% 2,543-19,472). There was also a significant correlation between the number of patients with direct referral of complicated cases to RSCM, where p=0.001 (OR 6,032 and CI95% 2,220-16,391). There were no statistically significant correlations between age, education, training that had been performed during practice, as well as the distance and travel time of referring process, with complicated cases that directly referred to RSCM.
Conclusions: All self-employed midwives were referring the obstetric cases due to inadequate facilities and they referred directly to RSCM so that patients can be handled immediately. Characteristics that affect self-employed midwife to directly send complicative cases including duration of practice and number of patients that ever handled during their work period. So it is necessary to reevaluate the position of self-employed midwife in BPJS system. In addition, a refresher course is required for them every year and the need of monitoring and evaluation conducted by the relevant agencies. Further research is needed, with a larger number of samples, which combine the characteristics of midwives and the characteristics of patients in referral cases. However, confounding factors and external factors that may affect the analysis process need to be identified first, in order to be able to do a thorough analysis."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengaturan praktik bidan telah diatur sejak tahun 1963 dengan ditetapkannya Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 5380/Hukum Tahun 1963 tentang ketentuan tentang wewenang terbatas bagi bidan yang dicabut dan diganti dengan peraturan Menteri kesehatan Nomor 363/Menkes/Per/IX/1980 tentang Wewenang Bidan. Dengan ditetapkannya peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 572/Menkes/Per/VI/1996 tentang registrasi dan praktik, maka peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 363/Menkes/Per/IX/1980 dan peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 623/Menkes/Per/IX/1989 menjadi tidak berlaku lagi. Dalam perkembangannta peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 572/Menkes/Per/VI/1996 direvisi dan diganti dengan keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 900/Menkes/SK/VII/2002 tentang registrasi dan praktik bidan. Selanjutnya berkaitan dengan praktik bidan terdapat reformasi peraturan dengan ditetapkannya peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor Hk.02.02/Menkes/149/I/2010 tentang izin dan penyelenggaraan praktik bidan yang mencabut keputusan menteri kesehatan nomor 900/Menkes/SK/VII/2002 berkaitan praktik bidan, dimana peraturan ini juga diperbaharui dan dicabut dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1464/Menkes/Per/X/2010 tentang Izin dan Penyelenggaraan Praktik Bidan."
JHK 3:5 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprina Lingkeh
"Kesehatan Ibu dan bayi perlu perhatian khusus dengan mendekatkan akses pelayanan berkualitas dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Progran perencanaan persalinan dan pencegahan komplikasi (P4K) salah satu upaya menurunkan angka kematian ibu dan angka kematian bayi untuk mencapai kualitas hidup sehat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan P4K oleh Bidan di Kabupaten Donggala Provinsi Sulawesi tengah. Desain penelitian cross sectional populasi 186 bidan puskesmas sample size menggunakan estimasi proporsi diambil secara simple random sampling dengan sampel 67 bidan. Hasil analisis statistik bivariat diperoleh 62,5% lama kerja < 14 tahun berperilaku kurang terhadap pelaksanaan P4K nilai p- value 0,039 dan nilai OR 3,1, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara lama kerja dengan pelaksanaan P4K, lama kerja bidan ≥14 tahun berpeluang 3,1 kali untuk berperilaku baik terhadap pelaksanaan P4K di sarankan menyekolahkan Bidan dan lebih mengembangkan penelitian kualitatif mengenai faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan P4K.
Maternal In Infant need special attention with closer access to quality services and community empoverment. Program planning and prevention complications of childbirth (P4K) an effort to reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality rate to achieve a healthier quality of life. Research objectives were to determine the factors relaxed to implementation of the P4K by midwives in Donggala district area central Sulawesi Province. This research is quantitative research with cross sectional analitytic methode. With the total population 186 midwive only 67 sampel 67 of midwive as research respondents drawn using simpel random sampling technigue. Bivariat statistic analysis result that 62,5% working period < 14 year actiess to the implementation of P4K. P=value 0,039 and OR value 3,1 there is significant corelation between working period ≥ 14 year has 3,1 probability to act well to the implamentation of P4K it is suggested to educate the midwive formally and development qualitative researh, related to the factors influencing the midwive to inplemet the P4K."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ice Marini
"Laporan Epidemi AIDS Global UNAIDS 2012 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat34 juta orang dengan HIV di seluruh dunia. Sebanyak 50 diantaranya adalahperempuan dan 2,1 juta anak berusia kurang dari 15 tahun. Estimasi dan ProyeksiHIV AIDS tahun 2012 menyatakan ODHA dari populasi kunci tertinggi yaituperempuan risiko rendah, yang bisa saja mengakses layanan kesehatan danberinteraksi dengan bidan di layanan kesehatan. Bidan beresiko tinggi tertular HIVsaat menolong persalinan, kewaspadaan universal diterapkan dengan menganggapbahwa setiap darah dan cairan tubuh yang berasal dari pasien berpotensialmenularkan infeksi terlepas dari mereka HIV atau tidak, hal ini dilakukan untukmelindungi pasien, bidan, keluarga dan orang lain dari risiko paparan darah dancairan tubuh yang mungkin terinfeksi HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuipengetahuan dan sikap dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi dan PPIA di KabupatenLebak Tahun 2017.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan cross secsional. Jumlahsampel penelitian adalah 159 responden. Pengambilan sampel dengan stratifiedproposional random sampling yang dilakukan pada 30 Puskesmas. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan p=0,016 ,Ketersediaan alat pelindung diri p=0,007 , pengawasan p=0,006 dan dukunganrekan kerjaa p=0,021 dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi dan PPIA.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disarankan memberikan pelatihankepada seluruh tenaga kesehatan bidan serta dilakukan secara berkesinambunganuntuk meningkatkan pengetahuan. Mengadakan pelatihan tentang program PPIA agarpelaksanaan pelayanan sesuai dengan pedoman PPIA nasional.

The UNAIDS Global AIDS Epidemic Report 2012 shows that there are 34million people with HIV in worldwide. As many as 50 of them are women and 2.1million children aged less than 15 years. HIV AIDS Estimates and Projection in 2012declare people with HIV AIDS from the highest key population of low risk women,who may access health services and interact with midwives in health services.Midwives are at high risk of contracting HIV while assisting in childbirth, universalprecautions are applied by assuming that any blood and body fluids originating frompatients potentially transmit infections regardless of whether they are HIV or not, thisis done to protect patients, midwives, families and others from exposure risk Bloodand body fluids that may be infected with HIV. This study aims to determineknowledge and attitude of midwives with infections preventions behavior and PPIAin Kabupaten Lebak.The research method used is cross sectional design. The number of researchsamples is 159 respondents. Sampling with stratified proportional random samplingconducted at 30 health care. The results showed a significant correlation betweenknowledge p 0.016 , availability of personal protective equipment p 0.007 ,supervision p 0.006 and peer support p 0.021 with infection preventionbehavior and PPIA.Based on the result of this research, it is suggested to give training to allmidwife health worker and to be done continuously to increase knowledge.Conducting training on PPIA programs so that service delivery is in line with nationalPPIA guidelines. Evaluation on the procurement of facilities and equipment in villagemidwives to support good infection prevention behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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