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Rully Firmansyah
"Bangunan adalah kebutuhan mutlak manusia untuk dapat melakukan berbagai macam kegiatannya. Perkembangan zaman menuntut dilaksanakannya berbagai macam pembangunan termasuk hadirnya beragam jenis bangunan sesuai dengan peruntukannya. Seiring dengan hal tersebut, lahan kota semakin terbatas, lahan hijau semakin sulit untuk ditemui, dan kepadatan terjadi dimana-mana, hal ini mengakibatkan munculnya berbagai masalah, termasuk kepada bangunan-bangunan yang telah terbangun. Sudah saatnya para perancang untuk memikirkan faktor keselamatan pada bangunan untuk mengurangi berbagai masalah yang muncul di perkotaan.
Kebutuhan rasa aman pengguna bangunan diwujudkan sebagai faktor keselamatan dalam bangunan. Intensitas kebakaran secara umum dipengaruhi oleh jumlah, sifat dan distribusi bahan yang mudah terbakar. Persyaratan keselamatan bangunan gedung salah satunya meliputi ketahanan bangunan terhadap bahaya kebakaran. Selain hal ketahanan struktur dan material bangunannya, juga perlu diperhatikan juga ketanggapan pengguna bangunan dalam hal evakuasi ke luar bangunan melalui jalur sirkulasi yang telah dirancang, terutama pada bangunan publik yang berskala besar.
Salah satu bangunan publik berskala besar yang paling banyak jenis kegiatan dan pengunjungnya adalah bangunan pusat perbelanjaan. Kebutuhan akan rasa aman sangat dibutuhkan pada sebuah bangunan besar. Perlu ditekankan bahwa bangunan di perkotaan semakin padat, gejala darurat seperti kebakaran sering terjadi belakangan ini. Dinas pemadam kebakaran membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama untuk mencapai lokasi bangunan yang sedang mengalami kebarakan akibat terjadi kemacetan dimana-mana. Oleh karena itu, desain sebuah bangunan pusat perbelanjaan harus tanggap terhadap bahaya kebakaran, terutama bagaimana koridor berfungsi sebagai jalur evakuasi pertama sebelum mencapai tangga darurat dan pintu menuju keluar bangunan."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahlia Suryani
"Influence of Fire Safety Management (FSM) to Building Reliability in Preventing Fire Damage at Hotel Buildings in JakartaJakarta is the center of economic, politic, cultural activities and also the center of the state defense. Along with development in many sectors, numbers of building development grows accordingly with numerous functions: hotel, office, apartment, shop, amusement center, restaurant or a mix at the aforementioned functions. A commercially managed hotel should meet certain standards; one of them is fire prevention through a system that called Fire Safety Manage, rent. The existence of Fire Safety Management is important as most hotel guests have no or little knowledge at how to respond in case of fire.
This research on hotel Fire Safety Management is used to observe the correlation between application of Fire Safety Management and reliability of building in preventing and controling the damages caused by fire at hotels in Jakarta.
This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is gathered by distributing questioners to hotel building managers, data gathered is then analyzed by using statistic program SPSS 10.0 to obtain measurable and relevant indicators to improve reliability at a hotel building.
Data analysis shows same parameters in Fire Safety Management, Which are: Pre-estinguishment at fire : 50,0 %, Response to alarm and signal : 33,6 % , other variable from dummy analysis is : Identification potential at fire : 12, 3 %. The result at this research can be used to improve role of Fire Safety Management in building reliability in general and hotel building in specific."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Jakarta is the center of economic, politic, cultural activities and also the center of the state defense. Along with development in many sectors, numbers of building development grows accordingly with numerous functions: hotel, office, apartment, shop, amusement center, restaurant or a mix at the aforementioned functions. A commercially managed hotel should meet certain standards; one of them is fire prevention throughta system that called Fire Safety Management. The existence of Fire Safety Management is important as most hotel guests have no or little knowledge at how to respond in case of fire. This research on hotel Fire Safety Management is used to observe the correlation between application of Fire Safety Management and reliability of building in preventing and controlling this caused by fire in hotels in Jakarta. This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is gathered by distributing questioners to hotel building managers, data gathered is then analyzed by using statistic program SPSS 10.0 to obtain measurable and relevant indicators to improve reliability at a hotel building. Data analysis shows same parameters in Fire Safety Management, which are: Pre-estinguishment at fire : 50,0, Response to alarm and signal: 33,6 , other variable from dummy analysis is : Identification potential at fire : 12, 3 . The result at this research can be used to improve role of Fire Safety Management in building reliability in general and hotel building in specific."
JIUPH 4:8 (2001)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Endangsih
"Bangunan pusat perbelanjaan merupakan fasilitas umum (komersial), tempat berkumpul masyarakat dengan berbagai jenis, kepentingan dan perilaku. Desain penataan fungsilkegiatan di dalam bangunan pusat perbelanjaan seringkali terlalu menekankan tuntutan bisnis. Akibatnya kepentingan keselamatanl keamanan dan kenyamanan pengunjung terabaikan.
Untuk memberikan keamanan dan keselamatan jiwa dari bahaya kebakaran pada bangunan pusat perbelanjaan, maka perlu adanya pemenuhan standar desain sistem evakuasi kebakaran berupa pintu kebakaran, tangga kebakaran, ruang penyelamatan sementara dan jalur keluar. Disamping itu perlu adanya pemenuhan sistem proteksi kebakaran yang terdiri dari sistem proteksi aktif, pasif dan tire safety management.
Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif dan Eksperimental, bersifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang dilakukan dengan tujuan mengukur tingkat keandalan dan keamanan bangunan serta tingkat risiko penghuni terhadap bahaya kebakaran. Untuk penilaian parameter keandalan bangunan digunakan standar National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 life safety code (evaluation for business occupancy), untuk penilaian keamanan bangunan menggunakan Standar National Indonesia (SNI) dan Keputusan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum (Kepmen PU) sedangkan penilaian tingkat risiko penghuni bangunan _digunakan rancangan model kebakaran dan standar American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Fire Test Standard E 931 (Standard Practice for Assessment of Fire Risk by Occupancy Classification).
Penilaian keamanana melalui dua Cara yaitu penilaian keandalan bangunan terhadap bahaya kebakaran berstandar NFPA 101 dan teori- teori sesuai dengan prosedur penilaian pada evaluasi bangunan peruntukan bisnis dan Penilaian keamanan bangunan terhadap bahaya kebakaran berdasarkan standar SNI dan Kepmen PU menggunakan metode scoring dari sistem proteksi aktif, sistem proteksi pasif, sarana evakuasi dan akses pemadam kebakaran serta, fire safety management. sedangkan penilaian tingkat risiko penghuni terhadap bahaya kebakaran dibagi dalam tiga kelompok penilaian, yaitu: kelompok kematian dan terluka, kelompok kehilangan isi bangunan, dan kelompok potensi kebakaran. Selain itu juga menggunakan simulasi CFAST untuk memprediksi kejadian kebakaran dan tingkat bahaya akibat produk kebakaran.
Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan dua metode penilaian menunjukkan bahwa Senayan City sudah menerapkan Standarlpersyaratan keamanan bangunan yang ditetapkan, sehingga termasuk dalam kategori aman terhadap bahaya kebakaran.
Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pandangan-pandangan yang berguna untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan dalam perancangan sistem proteksi aktif, sistem proteksi pasif, sarana evakuasi dan akses pemadam kebakaran serta, fire safety management dalam bangunan pusat perbelanjaan maupun yang lainnya. Sebagai suatu penelitian ilmiah, basil studi ini terbuka untuk dilanjutkan dan dikembangkan untuk penelitian yang, Iebih spesifik ataupun dikaitkan dengan bidang, keilmuan lainnya.

Shopping center is one of commercial facility for assembled the peoples from several kinds, interests, and behaviors. Planning a shopping center often times emphasize on business demand. As a consequence, visitors freshness, safety, and security was ignored.
To give the building of shopping center safety and security from danger of fire, it's necessary to accomplish fire evacuation system guidelines i.e. fire door, emergency stair, area of refuge, and exit way. Otherwise, it's necessary too to accomplish fire protection system consists of active fire protection, passive fire protection, and fire safety management.
Type of this research is descriptive and experimental research; has a qualitative and a quantitative characteristic. It has the building's safety and security assessment and the visitors risk assessment from a danger of fire as a purpose. For the building's safety assessment is use National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard No. 101: Life Safety Code (Evaluation for Business Occupancy). For the building's security assessment of building safety by using Indonesia National Standart (SN1) and Decree Decree of Ministry trial public Work (Kepmen PU) . While, for building visitors risk assessment is use Fire Model Plan and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard: Fire Test Standard E 931 (Standard Practice for Assessment of Fire Risk by Occupancy Classification).
Fire security assessment has two ways: assessment of NFPA 101 standard's buildings and use related theories to evaluation for business occupancy procedures. For safety assessment is use boring method for active fire protection, passive fire protection, and fire safety management from case study's building. Each system is use quality of ranks of its part of system. For building visitors risk assessment consists of three groups: injured and death group, loss of everything in the building group, and fire potential group. Otherwise, it's also use CFAST simulation to predict the fire phenomena and danger level of fire product.
The result of two scoring method showed The Senayan City Mall have applied fire safety standard. And counted as "safety category" of building's danger of fire.
This results is expect to give a view as opinion of designing an active fire protection, passive fire protection, and fire safety management on shopping center buildings and other buildings. As scientific research, this result is open for continuing and expansion for more specific research or linking with other disciplines."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulyo Darminto
"Menurut regulasi yang ada ( UU No.28 Tahun 2002 Tentang BANGUNAN GEDUNG ) bangunan gedung bertingkat harus memenuhi persyaratan keandalan yang meliputi : keselamatan, kesehatan, kenyamanan, dan kemudahan. Salah satu faktor keselamatan adalah masalah antisipasi dari adanya bahaya kebakaran, oleh sebab itu disamping masalah sistem proteksi aktif & sistem proteksi pasif masalah fire safety management harus pula diimplementasikan secara baik di gedung bertingkat.
Fire safety management menekankan pada pengelolaan aktivitas pengelola beserta penghuni gedung untuk mengantisipasi adanya bahaya kebakaran sehingga bisa dicegah / diminimalkan timbulnya kebakaran dengan jalan mengoptimalkan semua fasilitas proteksi kebakaran yang ada serta memberdayakan seluruh penghuni untuk aktif berperilaku yang aman terhadap bahaya api.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran hubungan antara Fire Safety Management dengan tingkat Keandalan Bangunan Gedung Tinggi Perkantoran, sampel diambil dari Bangunan Gedung Tinggi Perkantoran di DKI Jakarta.
Hasi1 yang diperoleh dari penelilian ini adalah adanya hubungan yang positif antara lmplementasi Fire Safety Management yang baik dengan tingkat Keandalan Bangunan terhadap bahaya kebakaran Gedung Tinggi Perkantoran, dengan variabel yang dominan adalah Inspection & Maintenance Kondisi Sistem Pompa & Persediaan Air Setelah Beroperasi, System Komunikasi dan Control facilities, & Sosialisasi Pentingnya Latihan Kebakaran Gedung.

Regarding to High Rise Building regulation ( UU No.28 Tahun 2002 Tentang BANGUNAN GEDUNG ), high rise building shall fulfill reliability requirement, which consist of safety, health, conformability, and simplicity. One of safety factor is anticipation of fire, beside quality of active protection system and passive protection system, fire safety management shall he well implemented on high rise building.
Fire Safely Management is focusing on management of occupant and building operator activities against fire risks to avoid fire or minimize fire accident through optimization of active and passive protection system and also occupant fire safe works activity.
This research was done to explore correlation between Fire Safety Management and High Rise Building reliability on fire , sample was taken from High Rise Building (for office ) at DKI Jakarta.
The result from this research is the positive correlation between well implementation of Fire Safety Management and High Rise Building reliability on fire, dominant variables are Inspection & Maintenance of Pumping System and Water Storage after operation, Communication System and Control Facilities, and Socialization of Fire Drill.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Fire damage occurs in unpredictable time and can cause losses to the owner because of the damage. It can occur in buildings that do not have Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System in the building. By detecting and preventing against fire damage, which arise in unpredictable times will prevent loss of lives and assets of the buildings.
There has been considerable research into the fire damage such as at the Polo Condominium in Colorado. The Polo Condominium that was built in 1967 caught fire on October 31' because it did not have the Fire Protection System in each floor. When the fire came and burned the building interior, the building could not extinguish the fire because it did not have fire detector and sprinklers in place.
To solve the problem, in Jakarta there are a lot of guidelines such as the Minister Of Public Works Decree # 02IKPTSI1985 for Fire Safety in building. But from many fire damages, the guidelines could not accommodate the problem because the buildings did not incorporate Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System. Relevant research indicated that Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System are very important to detect and prevent against fire damage. In this research, the Fire Protection and Fire Safety Management System are defined as Fire Safety Design which have been taken from many relevant theories and journals.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various high rise office buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis. The result of the analysis shows clearly that the Fire Safety Design is positively correlated in a linear manner to four of the key Fire Safety Design variables. The four key variables influencing building reliability in design carried out by the consultant and controlled by the construction manager in the projects are : detection and fire alarm, building architecture, the designer's fire certificate and special equipment to stop fire_ This research can then be used to control and measure the quality of Future Fire Safety Design of the high rise building reliability in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakutlas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
MGS A. Rachman Putra
"The paper reviews the standard ot' design and installation of the Active Fire Protection
Systems for hotel buildings to minimize tire risk. When a tire occurs, active
protection system is necessary that pinpoints its location. Once detected, the first line
of defense against tire is a sprinkler system or other active tire protection systems.
Active Fire Protection Systems are detectors & alarm systems, automatic sprinkler
systems, risers, extinguishing systems, and smoke control, all of which is aimed to
solve the problem of fire damage.
ln major cities around the world especially in Jakarta, hotel buildings have been, are
and will be designed and built to provide safe and comfortable space for human life
and various activities. The fire risk is inherent in the building itself and it is of utmost
importance to eliminate or keep this risk and its consequences as small as possible.
On December 3 lst, 1986 a tire occurred in the Dupont Plaza Hotel and Casino, San
Juan, Puerto Rico, lt happened because The Hotel did not have dispensary ot`the tire
protection system in each floor. When thc iirc came and burncd, the building could
not extinguish the tire because it did not have the needed tire detector and sprinklers
in place.
From 50 questionnaires sent to various hotel buildings in Jakarta, 30 responses were
received to be viable for in dept analysis. The result of analysis shows clearly that the
active fire protection .tyvtents are positively correlated in a linear manner to three of
the key active fire protection variables. The key variables influencing building
reliability in good design and 'installation standard. The threc variables are heat
detector, portable exting-uis/ter, and rzulomatic sprinkler. This research can bc used t0
control and measure the standard design and installation of the hotel buildings."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pramudya Ridho Pambudi
Penelitian ini membahas suasana ruang shopping street atau jalan perbelanjaan outdoor yang dihadirkan di dalam koridor pusat perbelanjaan indoor sebagai strategi untuk merespons gaya hidup. Penelitian yang kami lakukan mencoba untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut: 1 kenapa ada pusat perbelanjaan yang menghadirkan suasana jalan perbelanjaan di dalam koridornya? 2 Segmen pasar seperti apa yang ingin direspons oleh pusat perbelanjaan yang menerapkan suasana jalan perbelanjaan ke dalam koridor pusat perbelanjaan? 3 Bagaimana hubungan antara tipe koridor jalan perbelanjaan dengan segmen pengunjung yang disasar? Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan beberapa data dikuantifikasi. Data penelitian menggunakan teknik wawancara pengunjung dan observasi langsung. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa suasana jalan perbelanjaan dapat menjadi salah satu alat dari segmentasi pasar dan atribut positioning dari pusat perbelanjaan. Kesimpulan utama dari penelitian ini adalah suasana jalan perbelanjaan dapat menjadi pertimbangan pengembang untuk mendesain koridor pusat perbelanjaan karena memiliki dampak positif baik bagi pengembang, pengunjung, maupun penyewa gerai toko.

This research was conducted to observe the atmosphere of shopping street corridor which specifically presents the real outdoor theme into an indoor corridor. Applying the shopping street atmosphere into the indoor corridor is believed could fulfill the needs and meet the unmeets as a strategy to response a lifestyle This research set out to answer these 3 following questions 1 Why there is a shopping center in Jakarta which presents the atmosphere of shopping street in corridor 2 what kind of market segment would the shopping center respond to by applying the shopping street atmosphere to the shopping center corridor 3 What is the correlation between the shopping center which presents shopping street corridor and the targeted market segment This research done by qualitative method and some quantitave data to support the results. Research data obtained by interviewing visitors and direct observation. The main findings of this research is that shopping street atmosphere can be a tools of market segmentation and positioning attribute of shopping center. In conclusion, shopping street atmosphere successfully support the existence of shopping center that can be a consideration for developers to design shopping center corridor."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syaweli Saputra
"Listrik merupakan sumber energi yang memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat, saat ini energi listrik menjadi sumber energi penunjang yang tidak bisa diabaikan. Listrik adalah energi berbahaya yang dapat mengancam kehidupan, seperti dapat menyebabkan bahaya kebakaran, dan daerah DKI Jakarta adalah daerah rawan terhadap kejadian kebakaran oleh listrik. Kemudian telah dilaksanakan penelitian mengenai persepsi risiko warga RW 07 Jl. Lautze Dalam terhadap risiko bahaya listrik.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi risiko warga terhadap bahaya listrik dan hubungannya dengan risiko kejadian kebakaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitif. Dengan teori psikometrik didapatkan bahwa persepsi risiko dipengaruhi oleh faktor kesukarelaan, ketakutan, pengendalian, dampak, dan kondisi lingkungan.

Electricity is an energy source that has an important role in people's lives, nowadays electricity become supporting energy that can not be denies. Electricity is dangerous energy that can be life threatening, such as may cause a fire hazard, and Jakarta area is an area prone to electrical fires. Then have been carried out a research on risk perception at RW 07 Jl. Lautze Dalam toward the risk of electrical hazards.
This study aims to determine perceptions of risk residents against electrical hazards and their relationship to the risk of fire. This study was conducted with cross-sectional research methods with quantitative approaches. By the psychometric theory found that the perception of risk is influenced by factors volunteerism, fear, control, impact, and environmental conditions.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arma Adi Prasetya
Aktivitas pekerja atau penyewa kios pada pusat perbelanjaan Y yang selalu di dalam ruangan dengan beban kerja 8 jam sampai dengan 10 jam. Oleh karena itu, salah satu penentu kesehatan mereka adalah kualitas udara di dalam ruangan. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pajanan fisik dan konsentrasi kontaminan kimia lantai mezzanine, lantai 1, dan lantai 3 pada pusat perbelanjaan Y kota Depok, Jawa Barat tahun 2014. Terdapat tingkat pajanan parameter fisik yang melewati nilai ambang batas yaitu suhu, dan kelembaban. Terdapat juga beberapa konsentrasi kontaminan kimia yang melewati nilai ambang batas, yaitu CO, SO2, PM2,5, dan PM10.

Activity workers or tenants at a Y shopping center are always in the room with the workload of 8 hours up to 10 hours every day. Therefore, one of the determinants of their health is indoor air quality. This study aims to describe the level of exposure to physical and chemical contaminant concentrations mezzanine floor, first floor, and third floor of the Y shopping center at Depok, West Java in 2014. There is a level of exposure to physical parameters that passed throught the threshold limit value is the temperature, and humidity. There are also several concentrations of chemical contaminants that passed throught the threshold limit value, like CO, SO2, PM2,5, and PM10."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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