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"Tesis ini membahas kebijakan publik oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Karawang dalam usaha mengembangkan Kawasan industri. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh, pentingnya mengembangkan kawasan industri guna membuka lapangan kerja dan lapangan usaha serta untuk meningkatkan ekonomi daerah. penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana kebijakan yang telah dilakaukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah kabupaten Karawang melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor 19 Tahun 2004 terhadap pengembangan kawasan industri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan model yang dikembangkan oleh George C. Edwards III yaitu implementasi kebijakan dipengaruhi oleh empat variabel yaitu Komunikasi, sikap, sumber-sumber, dan struktur birokrasi. Pokok masalah yang dikaji pada penelitian ini adalah kebijakan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Karawang dalam mengembangkan kawasan industri dan permasalahan apa yang menghambat kebijakan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan pembahasan yang mengacu pada konsep George C. Edwards III, disimpulkan bahwa hambatan yang dihadapi adalah kurang efektifnya komunikasi, rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia, dan terbatasnya sarana dan prasarana kerja. Untuk pengembangan kawasan industri melalui penciptaan iklim investasi yang baik, pemerintah daerah segera melakukan deregulasi berbagai peraturan yang menghambat investasi dan debirokratisasi dalam mewujudkan pelayanan publik yang baik dan memuaskan dunia usaha dan masyarakat.

This thesis is about public policy by the Regional Government of Karawang in order to develop the industrial region. The research was conducted because of the importance of developing industrial region in order to provide new job opportunities and business opportunities and also to increase the economic development in the region. This thesis was trying to evaluate the previous policy which has been implemented by the Regional Government of Karawang by the Local Regulation Number 19/2004 on Industrial Region Development. The research used qualitative research method by the model which was developed by George C. Edwards III mentioned that policy implementation is influenced by four variables, communication, attitude, resources, and structure of bureaucracy. The main problem which was analyzed in the research is about the policy which has been implemented by the Regional Government of Karawang in order to develop the industrial region and also the problems which have impeded the policy. According to the analysis result and study related to the concept of George C. Edwards III, the conclusion could be taken that the obstacles happened because lack of effective communication, lack of qualified human resources, and lack of working facility and infrastructure. In order to develop the industrial region by creating a good investment situation, the local government immediately made deregulation in some regulations which impeded the investment and also simplified the bureaucracy in order to create a good public service which could satisfy business and society need."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Hudaifah
"Like many other cities, the industrial region of Gresik encounters problematic issues inherent in the burgeoning quantities of waste in landfill sites despite frequent policy implementations and other efforts from the local government. This study aims to examine and interlink between the possibility of the waqf concept and the growing number of waste issues in the Gresik industrial region. By harnessing ethnographical principles such as employing direct and consistent observations and reviewing numerous relevant literature surveys and archival documents, the study attempts to propose an executable design and model that will serve as a framework for stakeholders to address the weaknesses of current less favourable waste treatment programs. A comprehensive and rigorous consideration concludes that the viability of waqf can be a workable prospect and nucleus for an alternative solution and a complementary voluntary enhancement of effective regional policies and programs. An actionable and contributable waqf aspiration can start from the reformulation and rejuvenation of a rural waste bank which is designed to manage an effective balance between profitable and eco-friendly objectives. Professionalism and competence are significant factors in successfully enhancing the functionality of such an institution. Apart from the micro perspective, the bigger picture of a nexus of waqf and waste, including the current intermittent commitment from top policy makers transferred into timely execution, futuristic applicable technology, charitable giving and donation, and sensible collaborative cooperation, constitutes the conceivable determinants for the accomplishment of an efficacious program."
Depok: UIII Press, 2022
297 MUS 1:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Amrida Syahrani
"Skripsi ini membahas penilaian kapasitas fiskal dalam pembentukan daerah otonom baru berdasarkan PP No. 78 Tahun 2007 tentang Tata Cara Pembentukan, Penghapusan, dan Penggabungan Daerah pada pembentukan Kabupaten Pangandaran serta kelemahan-kelemahan yang terdapat di dalamnya. Kelayakan kapasitas fiskal menjadi faktor dominan dalam pembentukan daerah otonom berdasarkan PP No. 78 Tahun 2007 untuk menjamin kelangsungan hidup daerah. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan post positivist melalui teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Teori yang digunakan dalam analisis penelitian ini diantaranya teori otonomi daerah, pembentukan daerah otonom, dan kapasitas fiskal daerah.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penilaian kapasitas fiskal pembentukan Kabupaten Pangandaran dkategorikan kurang mampu, karena tidak memenuhi syarat minimum penilaian kemampuan keuangan. Namun dari segi kemampuan ekonomi, daerah induk dan calon kabupaten Pangandaran berada pada kategori mampu. Di samping itu, dalam penilaian kemampuan keuangan dan ekonomi pembentukan daerah otonom berdasarkan PP No. 78 Tahun 2007 terdapat beberapa ketentuan yang kurang jelas dan longgar.

This thesis is discusses the assessment of fiscal capacity in the establishment a new autonomous regions based on PP No. 78 Tahun 2007 about Procedure of Establishment, Abolition, and Unification Region that is used in the establish of Pangandaran Regency, as well as the weaknesses contained therein. The proper fiscal capacity became a dominant factor in establish a new autonomous region based on PP No. 78 Tahun 2007 to ensure the survival of the region. This research used the post-positivist approach through data collection techniques with in-depth interview and document study. The theory is used to analyze this research include regional autonomy, the establishment autonomous regions, and local fiscal capacity.
The results showed that the assessment of the fiscal capacity of the establishment the Pangandaran Regency categorized less capable, because it does not achieve the minimum level of financial capability assessment. But in terms of the ability of economy, main region and new region are capable. In addition, in the assessment of the financial and economic capability to the establishment autonomous regions based on PP 78 of 2007, there are several provisions that are less obvious and loose.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faizal Hendrawan
"Kabupaten Karawang yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Barat memiliki potensi yang cukup besar, khususnya di bidang industri, pertanian, dan pariwisata sehingga memberikan nilai tambah bagi peluang bisnis dan investasi. Salah satu contohnya adalah Karawang International Industry City (KIIC), sebuah kawasan industri yang terletak di Kabupaten Karawang. KIIC mencakup luas total sekitar 1.347,00 hektar dan merupakan rumah bagi sekitar 160 perusahaan dari seluruh dunia, termasuk dari Eropa, Amerika, Asia Tengah, dan Asia Tenggara. Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami bangkitan-tarikan perjalanan, serta distribusi perjalanan kendaraan logistik dari berbagai industri di dalam KIIC. Model perjalanan dianalisis melalui regresi linier berganda dapat diketahui bahwa luas area, jumlah bekerja dan total produksi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap bangkitan perjalanan di KIIC. Sehingga didapatkan pembebanan lalu lintas lebih besar terjadi pada sore hari dengan kondisi eksisting akses keluar masuk tol jakarta-cikampek sebesar LOS A dan Jalan Arteri KIIC sebessar LOS C yang masih dalam ambang batas aman sedagkan untuk Jalan Permata V mendapatkan hasil LOS F yang sudah terjadi kepadatan lalu lintas sehingga perlu adanya penambahan kapasitas untuk ruas jalan tersebut.

Karawang Regency which is located in West Java Province has considerable potential, especially in the fields of industry, agriculture and tourism so as to provide added value for business and investment opportunities. One example is Karawang International Industry City (KIIC), an industrial area located in Karawang Regency. KIIC covers a total area of ​​approximately 1,347.00 hectares and is home to around 160 companies from around the world, including from Europe, America, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. The main focus of this research is to understand the trip generation, as well as the distribution of logistics vehicle trips from various industries within KIIC. The trip model was analyzed through multiple linear regression. It can be seen that the area, number of workers and total production have a significant effect on trip generation at KIIC. So that a greater traffic loading occurs in the afternoon with the existing condition of the access in and out of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road at LOS A and KIIC Arterial Road at LOS C which is still within the safe threshold while Jalan Permata V gets LOS F results where there is already a density. traffic so that there is a need for additional capacity for these roads."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Donokusumo
Jalak Bali merupakan satwa endemik Pulau Bali dan masuk kategori hewan yang dilindungi. Penurunan populasi jalak bali disebabkan faktor alih fungsi lahan sehingga sumber makan dan tempat bersarang di Taman Nasional Bali Barat berkurang. Persyaratan hidup jalak bali untuk kesesuaian habitat meliputi variabel wilayah ketinggian, jarak dari sungai, tipe vegetasi, jarak dari permukiman dan jarak dari jalan. Dengan menentukan indeks kesesuaian dibantu dengan metode pembobotan dan analisis overlay akan didapatkan wilayah kesesuaian habitat jalak bali. Wilayah yang paling sesuai memiliki karakteristik dataran rendah, berupa vegetasi hutan musim dan savana, dekat dengan sungai dan jauh dari permukiman dan akses jalan.

Bali starling is a species endemic of the Bali Island and in the category of protected animals. Bali starling population declines due to land conversion factor so that the source of food and nesting places in the Bali Barat National Park is reduced. Bali starling life requirements for habitat suitability covering altitude region, distance from the river, vegetation type, distance from settlements and distance from the road variable. By determining the suitability index and aided by the weighting method and overlay analysis will be obtained suitability region of Bali starling?s habitat. The most suitable areas for the Bali starling?s habitat has the characteristics of the lowland areas, such as monsoon forest vegetation and savanna, close to the river and away from settlements and roads access."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research aims to evaluate the implementation of industrial area development policy in Karawang Regency, West Java. The research uses qualitative approach with in-depth interview with the related officials. The result of research shows that there has not been an effective communication among institutions, and there is a low availability of resources, i.e. human resources and infrastructures to arrange and implement the industrial area development policy. In addition, the industrial area development has not been the special focus of local government since industrial area developer is merely considered as an area development company instead of an investment partner, necessary to develop the industrial sector. The local government of Karawang Regency needs to improve its bureaucracy structure and bureaucracy culture in order to provide excellent public service and to use information technology advancement to attract investors."
Bagian Pelayanan Risalah dan Putusan Setjen dan Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi RI, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clara Giovani Andayu
Besarnya potensi pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh Kabupaten Sukabumi memacu pengembangan konsep ekowisata dalam memanfaatkan potensi alam dan memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis aspek fisik bentuk lahan dan tipologi pesisir dan aspek sosial fasilitas wisata dan aksesibilitas sebagai pendukung pengembangan ekowisata. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode overlay dengan perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.1 peta wilayah ketinggian berdasarkan klasifikasi ketinggian dan peta wilayah lereng berdasarkan klasifikasi Van Zuidam 1985 untuk mendapatkan peta bentuk lahan. Identifikasi tipologi pesisir dilakukan melalui pengisian matriks material pantai jenis dan struktur batuan , relief wilayah lereng dan ketinggian , dan genesis. Selain itu, dilakukan plotting titik-titik fasilitas dan aksesibilitas. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah comparative analysist dan analisis spasial deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh, yaitu pantai Cibangban, Karang Naya, Kadaka, dan Loji memiliki bentuk lahan pesisir vulkanik dengan tipologi pantai datar, bergelombang, berpasir, dan berbatu. Pantai-pantai di Kecamatan Pelabuhan Ratu, seperti Pantai Citepus, Gado Bangkong, dan Karang Pamulang, memiliki bentuk lahan pesisir pengendapan laut marine deposition coast dengan tipologi pantai datar dan berpasir. Pantai Karang Haji dan Karang Hawu adalah pantai organik terumbu karang. Ekosistem estuaria ditemukan di Pantai Muara Cikakak dan Pantai Cimaja. Bentuk lahan pesisir yang mendominasi adalah bentuk lahan pesisir vulkanik hasil erupsi gunung api. Tipologi pantai pada bentuk lahan tersebut adalah pantai berpasir dan berbatu, dengan relief wilayah yang relatif datar, sehingga mendukung pengembangan ekowisata. Fasilitas wisata yang mendukung pengembangan ekowisata adalah hotel dan vila, restoran, dan penyedia jasa transportasi, yang menggunakan prinsip ramah lingkungan sebagian besar terdapat di Kecamatan Pelabuhan Ratu.

The amount of tourism potential owned by Sukabumi District spur the development of ecotourism concept in exploiting the potential of nature and paying attention to environmental sustainability. This study aims to examine and analyze the physical aspects landform and coastal typology and social aspects tourism facilities and accessibility as support for ecotourism development. This study uses an overlay method with ArcGIS 10.1 map of altitude area based on altitude classification and slope area map based on Van Zuidam classification 1985 to obtain landform map. Identification of coastal typology is done by filling the matrix of coastal materials rock types and structures , relief region slope and altitude , and genesis. In addition, plotting of facility points and accessibility. The analysis used in this research is comparative analysist and descriptive spatial analysis. The results obtained, namely Cibangban beach, Karang Naya, Kadaka, and Loji have a form of volcanic coastal areas with flat coastal typology, bumpy, sandy, and rocky. The beaches of Pelabuhan Ratu sub district, such as Citepus Beach, Gado Bangkong, and Karang Pamulang, have marine deposition coast with flat and sandy beach typology. Karang Haji Beach and Karang Hawu are coral reef organic beaches. The estuary ecosystem is found in Muara Cikakak Beach and Cimaja Beach. The form of coastal land that dominates is a form of volcanic coastal land erupted volcanoes. Coastal typology on the landform is sandy and rocky beaches, with relatively flat relief areas, thus supporting the development of ecotourism. Tourism facilities that support the development of ecotourism are hotels and villas, restaurants, and transportation service providers, which use environmentally friendly principles mostly located in Pelabuhan Ratu District. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ciamis Regency region regulation extended policy, is according to government regulation Number 27 year 2002. This regulation is about Banjar City Establishment in West Java Province. As the implementation of extended region Ciamis Regency, there is some questions about the condition of region income (PAD) at Ciamis Regency. The result of this research that obtained, the condition of region income of Ciamis Regency had been increase above 61,46%, this revenuewas increase from other region legally income for about 293% and then this income following by region retribution for about 43,13%, region tax for about 36,85% and local company profit 3,25%. The increasing of region income Ciamis Regency was happened because Ciamis Regency made a great effort to increasing the revenue of Ciamis Regency after the implementation of extended region policy in the procedure of increasing this region income the Ciamis Regency taking a few important steps which is: increase taxes tariff and adding the tax object, and then raising the retribution object, to made a good management fiscal from local company, and use the balancing of financial power between Central Government and Local Government as good as they can in the other legal region income."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Sadono A
"Pasca diterimanya konvensi hukum laut perserikatan bangsa-bangsa, unclos 1982, Indonesia menjelma menjadi negara kepulauan terbesar yang memiliki perbandingan luas wilayah laut dan daratan sebesar 70% : 30%."
Jakarta: Seskoal Press, 2019
023.1 JMI 7:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ernan Rustiadi
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia , 2011
307.1 ERN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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