"[Standard Operating of Procedur dalam melaksanakan tindakan medis, termasuk Pemasangan dan pencabutan implan sampai detik ini dipakai untuk meminimalir terjadinya sesuatu yang tidak diinginkan termasuk infeksi ataupun transmisi dari penyakit menular seperti Hepatitis B. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk melihat sejauh mana Pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku bidan desa di Kabupaten Purworejo dalam mencegah transmisi Hepatitis B saat melaksanakan salah satu tugasnya yaitu memberikan pelayanan Implan. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, dengan sampel bidan desa yang bertugas di Kabupaten Purworejo, berjumlah 80 orang, menggunakan kuesioner dan ceklis, Bidan desa yang berperilaku baik sebanyak 5,3%, ada hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan perilaku pencegahan transmisi Hepatitis B dengan nilai p=0,028, Standard Operating of Procedure in carrying out of medical practice, including the installation and retraction until the second implant is used to reduce the occurrence of unwanted things including infection or transmission of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B. This research is used to see the extent to which knowledge, attitudes and behavior in Purworejo midwife in preventing the transmission of Hepatitis B while executing one of his duties is to provide services Implants. Design in this study is cross-sectional, with a sample of midwives who served in Purworejo, with the number of 80 people, using questionnaires and checklists, the village midwife who behaved much as 5.3%, there is a relationship between knowledge of the behavior of the transmission prevention Hepatitis B, p value=0,028.;Standard Operating of Procedure in carrying out of medical practice, including the installation and retraction until the second implant is used to reduce the occurrence of unwanted things including infection or transmission of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B. This research is used to see the extent to which knowledge, attitudes and behavior in Purworejo midwife in preventing the transmission of Hepatitis B while executing one of his duties is to provide services Implants. Design in this study is cross-sectional, with a sample of midwives who served in Purworejo, with the number of 80 people, using questionnaires and checklists, the village midwife who behaved much as 5.3%, there is a relationship between knowledge of the behavior of the transmission prevention Hepatitis B, p value=0,028.;Standard Operating of Procedure in carrying out of medical practice, including the installation and retraction until the second implant is used to reduce the occurrence of unwanted things including infection or transmission of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B. This research is used to see the extent to which knowledge, attitudes and behavior in Purworejo midwife in preventing the transmission of Hepatitis B while executing one of his duties is to provide services Implants. Design in this study is cross-sectional, with a sample of midwives who served in Purworejo, with the number of 80 people, using questionnaires and checklists, the village midwife who behaved much as 5.3%, there is a relationship between knowledge of the behavior of the transmission prevention Hepatitis B, p value=0,028.;Standard Operating of Procedure in carrying out of medical practice, including the installation and retraction until the second implant is used to reduce the occurrence of unwanted things including infection or transmission of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B. This research is used to see the extent to which knowledge, attitudes and behavior in Purworejo midwife in preventing the transmission of Hepatitis B while executing one of his duties is to provide services Implants. Design in this study is cross-sectional, with a sample of midwives who served in Purworejo, with the number of 80 people, using questionnaires and checklists, the village midwife who behaved much as 5.3%, there is a relationship between knowledge of the behavior of the transmission prevention Hepatitis B, p value=0,028. ]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library