"Tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi hubungan perilaku caring dan motivasi dengan kinerja menerapkan prinsip etik keperawatan di RSUD Sragen. Desain penelitian deskripsi korelasi dengan rancangan cross sectional. Tempat penelitian di ruang IRNA dan ICU pada minggu ke-3 dan ke-4 April 2010. Sampel penelitian seluruh perawat pelaksana di IRNA RSUD Sragen, yaitu 100 perawat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku caring (p=0,000), dimensi respectful (p=0,000), dimensi assurance of human presence (p=0,000), motivasi (p=0,001), otonomi (p=0,006), tanggung jawab (p=0,000), dan kebijakan (p=0,004) berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kinerja menerapkan prinsip etik. Variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan adalah dimensi assurance of human presence.
This research aims to identify the relationship between caring behavior and motivation with performance in applying nurse ethics principles in nursing caring Public Hospital of Sragen (RSUD Sragen). The research design uses correlation description with cross sectional design. The place of research is hospitalized rooms and ICU in the third and the fourth week of April 2010. The research sample are all nurses in duty in Hospitalized Installation, they are 100 nurses.
The result shows caring behavior (p=0.000), respectful dimension (p=0,000), assurance of human presence dimension (p=0,000), motivation, autonomy (p=0,006), responsibility (p=0,000) and policy (p=0,004) related significantly with performance of nurse in duty in applying ethics principles. The dominant variable is assurance of human presence dimension caring behavior."