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Nyoto Kurniawan
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2009
790.1 NYO m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Connolly, Thomas M.
""This book addresses issues the potential of games to support learning and change behaviour offering empirical evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of Serious Games in the key areas of psychology, pedagogy, and assessment"
Hershey, P.A.: Igi Global, 2014
794.801 9 CON p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nyoto Kurniawan
Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia , 2009
004.678 NYO m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuryanovich, Egor
"HTML5 games most wanted gathers the top HTML5 games developers and reveals the passion they all share for creating and coding great games. You'll learn programming tips, tricks, and optimization techniques alongside real-world code examples that you can use in your own projects. The book is packed full of JavaScript, HTML5, WebGL, and CSS3 code, showing you how these fantastic games were built and passing on the skills you'll need to create your own great games. Whether you're a coding expert looking for secrets to push your games further, or a beginner looking for inspiration and a solid game to build on and experiment. Topics and games covered include building complexity from simplicity in A to B, how to create, save, and load game levels in Marble Run, creating fast 3D action games like Cycleblob, and tips on combining the entangled web of HTML5 technologies brilliantly shown in Far7."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindya Asri Hastungkara
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh kepribadian berdasarkan Big Five Theory dan motivasi dalam bermain game online terhadap tingkat adiksi pada gamer MMORPG. Alat ukur Indonesian Online Game Addiction Questionnaire digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat adiksi responden (Jap, Tiatri, Jaya, & Suteja, 2013), sedangkan pengukuran kepribadian dilakukan menggunakan Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999) yang telah diadaptasi. Jumlah responden yang digunakan sebanyak 82 orang dengan karakteristik berada pada tahap perkembangan late adolescence dan bermain game online MMORPG selama 6 bulan terakhir.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tidak adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari kepribadian maupun motivasi dalam bermain game terhadap adiksi yang dimiliki individu. Walaupun ditemukan korelasi yang signfikan antara adiksi terhadap game online dengan tingkat extraversion individu dan durasi bermain selama seminggu.

This research was conducted to see the effect of personality and gamers’ motivation of playing on MMORPG addiction. Indonesian Online Game Addiction Questionnaire was used to measure online game addiction (Jap, Tiatri, Jaya, & Suteja, 2013), while personality was measured using an adaptation of Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999). Total respondents used in this research are 82 people from online games forums and communities. Respondents are late adolescents and plays MMORPG for the past 6 months.
The results from this research show that neither personality nor motivation of playing have any significant effect on MMORPG addiction. Yet there is negative significant correlation between extraversion and their duration of playing in a week with their addiction.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdan Syakuura
"Toxic Behaviour (TB) dapat menyebar dengan cepat dalam komunitas video game, serta dapat memberikan dampak negatif dan merusak pengalaman bermain. Empati diketahui dapat menurunkan kecenderungan seseorang untuk melakukan TB. Empati juga tidak terpengaruh oleh video game kekerasan dalam jangka panjang, dapat meningkatkan perilaku prososial, serta menurunkan kemungkinan terjadinya perilaku agresif. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkonfirmasi kembali hubungan antara TB dalam multiplayer online video game terhadap empati dengan menggunakan desain korelasional. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 225 orang merupakan pemain video game online aktif yang bermain secara kompetitif dengan rentang usia 13-36 tahun (M=21,22, SD= 4,71). Partisipam direkrut secara online dengan menyebarkan kuisioner ke berbagai komunitas video game. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur Toxic Behaviour Scale (TBS) dan Basic Empathy Scale (BES) yang dilakukan secara daring. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, tidak terdapat hubungan antara antara toxic behaviour dalam multiplayer online video game terhadap empati. Selain itu, TB terbukti memiliki hubungan positif terhadap total waktu bermain video game, serta memiliki hubungan negatif terhadap umur.

Toxic Behaviour (TB) can spread quickly among the gaming community, also it caused negative effects and ruined gaming experience. Empathy is known to be reducing one’s toxic behaviour. Empathy also doesn’t get affected by violent video games in the long term, instead it improves prosocial behaviour and reduces aggressive tendencies. Hence, this study is conducted to reconfirm the correlation of Toxic Behaviour in Multiplayer Online Video Game toward Empathy by using correlational research. Participants in this research are 225 active online video game players who play competitively with age ranged from 13-26 years old (M=21,22; SD= 4,71). Participants were recruited online by distributing questionnaires to various video game communities. This study used Toxic Behaviour Scale (TBS) and Basic Empathy Scale (BES) as measurement instruments. The results of this study indicated, that there is no correlation of toxic behaviour in the multiplayer online game toward empathy. In addition, TB was shown to have a positive correlation with total video game playing time, and a negative correlation with age."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kirkpatrick, Graeme, 1963-
"In this compelling book, Graeme Kirkpatrick argues that computer games have fundamentally altered the relation of self and society in the digital age. Tracing the origins of gaming to the revival of play in the 1960s counter culture, Computer Games and the Social Imaginary describes how the energies of that movement transformed computer technology from something ugly and machine-like into a world of colour and fun. In the process, play with computers became computer gaming; a new cultural practice with its own values."
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2013
794.8 KIR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harding, Luke, 1968-
"The story of Edward Snowden and his shocking surveillance revelations. Edward Snowden was a 29-year-old computer genius working for the National Security Agency when he shocked the world by exposing the near-universal mass surveillance programs of the United States government. His whistleblowing has shaken the leaders of nations worldwide, and generated a passionate public debate on the dangers of global monitoring and the threat to individual privacy. In a tour de force of investigative journalism that reads like a spy novel, award-winning Guardian reporter Luke Harding tells Snowden's astonishing story--from the day he left his glamorous girlfriend in Honolulu carrying a hard drive full of secrets, to the weeks of his secret-spilling in Hong Kong, to his battle for asylum and his exile in Moscow. For the first time, Harding brings together the many sources and strands of the story--touching on everything from concerns about domestic spying to the complicity of the tech sector--while also placing us in the room with Edward Snowden himself. The result is a gripping insider narrative--and a necessary and timely account of what is at stake for all of us in the new digital age."
London : Guardian, 2016
327.127 HAR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochammad Kresna Noer
Entertainment merupakan salah satu fungsi media dalam masyarakat Mc Quail,2010: 99 . Terdapat suatu model teori media entertainment yang menempatkanpengalaman kenikmatan ketika mengonsumsi media hiburan sebagai intinya,namun sayangnya model yang ada belum sepenuhnya mengakomodasi mediainteraktif terutama pada sisi motifnya. Padahal saat ini sedang gencar-gencarnyaperkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi yang interaktivitasnyasemakin tinggi. Penelitian ini melihat bahwa ada motif lain untuk mengonsumsimedia interaktif khusunya video game demi mendapatkan enjoyment yangberdasarkan teori determinasi diri. Adapun variabelnya adalah competence,autonomy relatedness. Populasi penelitian ini adalah remaja tahap akhir yangmenempuh studi di beberapa universitas di Jakarta. Asumsinya adalah remajapada tahap akhir kemampuan kognitifnya sudah berkembang dengan baik,memiliki kontrol terhadap pengeluarannya namun melemahnya pengawasan orangtua karena menganggap sudah bertanggung jawab terhadap dirinya sendiri.Remaja pada tahap ini juga mengalami problematika hidup yang semakinkompleks. Hal tersebut yang menjadi pemicu seorang remaja menjadi heavygamers, dalam hal ini dibuktikan melalui motif escapism. Keraguan lain yangdijawab melalui penelitian ini adalah terdapat asumsi yang dikemukakan olehPoels et. al. bahwa terdapat kemungkinan pengalaman kenikmatan yang terjadiketika bermain video games berbanding terbalik setelah selesai memainkan videogames, yang hal tersebut juga terkait dengan entertainment effect. Asumsi tersebutdidasarkan pada rasa penyesalan yang muncul karena telah membuang waktudengan bermain video games, bukan melakukan kegiatan yang lebih bermanfaatseperti bekerja atau belajar. Pada akhirnya berdasarkan literatur dari lintas disiplinlain peneliti mengajukan saran untuk melengkapi persyaratan dari sisi media danpenggunanya.Kata Kunci: motif media interaktif, media hiburan, permainan game digital

Entertainment is one of media function in society McQuail, 2010 99 . There iscertain media entertainment theory model placing pleasure experience whenconsuming entertainment media as its core. But unfortunately the existing modelstill unable to completely accommodate interactive media especially on itsmotives side. Even though nowadays communication and information technologywith its escalating interactivity are getting even more popular. This researchobserve that there are other motives to consume interactive media especially videogame for the sake of enjoyment according to self determination theory. Itsvariable are competence, autonomy relatedness. Research of this populationwere final stage adolescent studying in various universities in Jakarta. Theassumption were, adolescent in their final stage had their cognitive abilities welldeveloped, having control for their expenditures, but accompanied with theparents control weakening as they were considered able for self responsibility.Adolescent in this stage also face more complicated life problems. Those becometrigger for adolescent to become heavy gamers which in this matter evidencedthrough escapism motives. Other question answered through this research werethe existence of assumption explained by Poels et. al. that there is possibility ofpleasure experience occur when playing video games are inversely proportionalafter playing video games, which also related with entertainment effect. Suchassumption made based on guilty feeling emerged for wasting time by playingvideo games, instead of conducting more useful activities such as working orstudying. Finally, based on literature from across discipline researcherrecommended to complete other requirements from media side and its user.Keywords interactive media motives, media entertainment, video games"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nashaq
Pada beberapa penelitian mengenai video game prososial, telah ditemukan bukti bahwa video game prososial dapat memengaruhi tingkah laku prososial. Salah satu penelitian yang berhasil menemukan bukti dari pengaruh video game prososial terhadap tingkah laku prososial adalah penelitian Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010). Namun, ada beberapa aspek yang luput dari manipulation check salah satu eksperimen dalam penelitian tersebut, yaitu aspek afeksi dan arousal. Didasari oleh General Learning Model (Buckley dan Anderson, 2006), penelitian eksperimen ini merupakan penelitian replikasi dari eksperimen dua penelitian Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tentang sejauh mana video game prososial dapat memengaruhi tingkah laku prososial dengan menambahkan aspek afeksi dan arousal dalam manipulation check. Sebanyak 69 responden diminta untuk memainkan salah satu dari video game yang disediakan oleh peneliti (video game netral atau video game prososial), kemudian diukur tingkah laku prososialnya setelah memainkan video game. Berdasarkan hasil analisis one way anova, tidak ditemukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari video game prososial terhadap tingkah laku prososial.

In several researches about prosocial video games, the evidence has been found that prosocial video game affects prosocial behaviors. One of the research that found the evidence of the prosocial video game effect on prosocial behavior is a research that conducted by Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010). However, there is something that missed on the manipulation check of that research, that is affective and arousal aspect. Based on General Learning Model (Buckley and Anderson, 2006), this research is a replication of experiment two in Greitemeyer dan Osswald (2010) research. This research aimed to study the extent to which prosocial video games affects prosocial behavior by adding the affective and arousal aspect in manipulation check. 69 respondents were asked to play one of the video games that the research provided (neutral or prosocial) and the prosocial behaviors was measured afterwards. Based on one way anova analysis result, there is no significant effect of prosocial video games towards prosocial behavior."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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