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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 747 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: International law Association, 1958
320.54 Kat r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok : Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia
050 RET
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paris, France.: 2002
050 ARH
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
[Cairo]: Dar El Alam El Arabi, [1970?]
PER 386.4 CAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bremond, Henri
Paris Grasset [1926]
808.1 B 350
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pictet, Jean
Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984
341.6 Pic e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
David H. Yunus
Due to the prolonged economics crisis, the companies in Indonesia have to think
about the survival steps. The productivity, which is ultimately come from the human
resources, has to be retained. The productivity is influenced by the moral and the spirit of
the entire employees which is principally attributed to the job satisfaction.
This report of study has tried to simply measure the degree of employees job
satisfaction (dependent variable) at PT.SBS, a pharmaceutical company in Tambun, West
Java (20 km east of Jakarta). All of the 538 employees, ranging from the level of workers
to supervisor, were given a set of questionnaire containing 8 components of Quality Work
Life/QWL (independent variables), i.e., opportunity to develop capacity, growth and
security, social integration, fair and adequate compensaln, constitutionalism, safe and
healthy work environment, total life space, and social relevance.
The questionnaire consists of 10 demographic questions (age, sex, educational level, etc)
And 29 main questions. The main question has to be answer by choosing the 7 options of
Likert's scale (from l=extremely disagree to 7=strongly agree). The job satisfaction score
is the sum of the mam question value.
After 5 days, 461 questionnaires out of 504 questionnaires received were statistically
analysed by using the program SPSS 7.5 for Windows. First, the frequencies of
demographic data, dependent variable, and independent variables. Second, cross tabulation
of demographic data (no 1-10) toward job satisfaction score. Third, Chi-square tests, for
analysing the dependencies between variables. And finally, the Pearson correlation tests,
for analysing the correlation of the demographic data toward job satisfaction.
This study has shown that, in general, the respondents perceived a slight satisfaction
on their job. Their jobs have never bothered their personal/extra work affair. They neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied (neutral) of their salary earned. But they still express their grateful
of not being a jobless.
Job satisfaction is related to the employee's age. .The older, the higher (positively
correlated). The departments where they being stationed, could influence their sense of
satisfaction. The personnel department seems to be the most favorable. Meanwhile, the QC
department is the most unfavorable.
Job satisfaction is also depends on the employee's job/position. The security officer and
the administration officer indicated the higher satisfaction. But the leader position
(supervisor and group leader) shown lower satisfaction.
A cause de la crise economique, il faut que les entfeprises indonesiennes reflechissent
aux mesures pour survivre. La productivite qui est determinee par la ressource humaine
doit etre preserve. La productivite est influencee par le moral et I esprit de tout les
employee qui est determinee fondamentalement par la satisfaction au travail.
Ce rapport detude essaye de mesurer simplement de degre de satisfaction au travail
des employes (variable dependante) chez PT.SBS, une entreprise pharmaceutique a
Tambun, ouest Java (20 km Test de Jakarta). Tout les 538 employes, de niveau ouvrier
superviseur, ont regu un questionnaire qui contient 8 composants de Quality Work Life /
QWL (qualite de vie au travail = variables independante) cesadire : I opportunite
d ameliorer sa capacite, croissance et securite, Iintegration ociale, reniuneration juste et
suffisant, constitutionalisme, securite et sante de Ienvironement de travail, espace de vie,
et relevance sociale.
Le questionnaire contient 10 questions demographiques (age, sexe, niveau de formation,
etc) et 29 questions essentielles. Les questions essentielles doivent etre repondues en
choissant le 7 option de I echelle de Likert (de l extremement pas daccord
7 extremement d accord). Le chifffe de la satisfaction au travail est le somme de la valeur
des questions essentielles.
Apres 5 jours, 461 questionnaires de 504 questionnaires reu ont ete analyses
statistiquement en utilisant le logiciel SPSS 7.5 pour Windows. Dabord, la frequence des
donnees demographiques, des variable dependant, et des variables independantes. Puis, le
tableau croise des donnes demographiques (numero 1 10) visavis du chiffre dela
satisfaction de travail. Ensuite, un test chicarre, pour analyser la dependances entre les
variables. Enfm, le test de Pearson correlation, pour analyser la correlation de la donnee
demographique vis a vis de la salisEiction au travail.
Cette etude a montree que, en general, les repondants sentent peu de satisfaction au
travail. Leur travail ne derangent jamais leurs affaires personnelles endehor du travail Ils
ne sont pas ni satisfaits ni unsatisfaits (neutrales) des salaires obtenus, Mais ils expriment
toujours leur gratitude de ne pas etre la chomeurs.
La satisfaction au travail est reliee a Iage de remployc (correlation positive). Le
departement ou ils sont installes, pent influencer leur sensation de la satisfaction. Le
departement du Personnelles a I air tre le plus favorable. Cependant, le departement de
Controle de Qualite a Iair d etre le plus defavorable.
La satisfacton au travail eSt aussi dependante de la tache/position des employes. Lagent de
securite et Iadministration se montrent plus satisfaits Mais les leaders (superviseur et
leader dequipe) mbntrent moins de satisfaction."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subanindiyo Ardi
"Currently, in some countries the utilisation of cellulars keeps growing. This phenomenon is also accompanied by the increasing number of the cellulars providers. Like in Indonesia, there are some accompanies that will engage in this sector and commence to serve the cellulars, including lndosat-M3. From the development of the present technology, the usage of cellular is not only for a voice communication but also in the field of data and multimedia communications. This utilization of cellular technology will be little by little increasing by using SMS (Short Message Service).
In that way, the service of data and multimedia communications will be expected to be one of the essential services in cellular world, especially in business activities for giving help to those who are doing their activities in a mobile way. By those reasons, lndosat-M3, that gives service GSM 1800, has set up a portal. The company predicts that there is an opportunity to increase its revenue by taking advantage of its portal and its service ability of GSM 1800 in providing data communication service based on cellular communication to serve using.
By the existence of this portal, lndosat-M3 is expecting that the usage of GSM 1800 service will be ever more increasing due to the accession to the company's portal. The purpose of this portal is to give informations and all facilities needed in daily activity such as e-mail, of which almost all people use it, although the current accession to it through their own computers. However there are some issues to the mass utilization of the access of lndosat-M3 cellular portal. As many Indonesian people are not yet aware of using the cellular-based data communication technology, lndosat-M3 highly needs strategies for realizing the objectives by exerting all the capabilities it has to solve the issues. From those strategies, lndosat-M3 must be a leader in the cellular world, despite the difficulties in choosing the right strategies to propping up the realization of its high cellular traffic.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tara Abhirma Bhadracari Suwondo
"Dalam pendahuluan sudah disinggung bahwa La verite sur Bebe Donge sepintas lalu memperlihatkan kaidah cerita detektif a enigma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan dapat atau tidaknya karya tersebut dimasukkan dalam macam cerita detektif itu.Analisis sintagmatik membuktikan bahwa La verite sur Bebe Donge mengandung dua cerita. Cerita pertama yang merupakan latar belakang tindakan Bebe Donge meracuni suaminya dapat disamakan dengan cerita kejahatan dalam cerita detektif a enigma. Cerita ini baru terungkapkan sedikit demi sedikit melalui cerita kedua , atau lebih tepatnya, melalui keterangan-keterangan yang diterima dan introspeksi yang dilakukan oleh tokoh Francois Donge. Cerita yang terakhir ini dapat disamakan dengan cerita penyelidikan. Dalam karya ini cerita penyelidikan yang seharusnya hanya berupa cerita bawahan, mempunyai kedudukan yang sejajar dengan cerita kejahatan karena cerita tersebut ikut membentuk alur utama. Selain mengandung dua cerita, karya tersebut juga memiliki unsur misteri tetapi misteri di sini tidak terlalu rumi t karena yang merupakan teka-teki hanya motif kejahatan. Pemecahan misteri itu sendiri tidak bertujuan untuk mengajukan penjahat ke meja hijau, melainkan untuk memahami sifat dan watak si pelaku kejahatan.Dalam karya ini juga tidak terdapat tokoh detektif. Francois Donge tidak bersikap seperti lazinmya tokoh detektif yang tidak terlihat_"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1983
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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