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Ling X, 1935-
Jakarta: Museum Bank Mandiri, 2006
741.598 9 LIN s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Scavengers refer to people that have an activity of collecting used thing. They are workforces that have low payment by industries.Their activity is not protected and developed by the Departemen of manpower bacause it does have not have wrok relation and guarantee of work continuity...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heribertus Ompusunggu
"Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta merupakan destinasi wisata yang direncanakan
oleh Pemerintah didaftarkan pada UNESCO di tahun 2015, sebagai heritage atau
warisan budaya. Namun permasalahan kemacetan lalu lintas, gangguan keamanan
dan tidak tertibnya pedagang kaki lima akan menjadi hambatan dalam rencana
tersebut. Sehingga diperlukan fungsi kepolisian dengan mengedepankan
kemitraan dengan masyarakat di Kawasan Kota Tua dalam penanggulangan
terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan sosial yang terjadi. Pertanyaan tesis ini
adalah: bagaimana Pemolisian Polsubsektor Pinangsia di Kawasan Kota Tua
Jakarta, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dan Pemolisian yang ideal yang dapat
diterapkan di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta.
Teori dan Konsep yang digunakan pada tesis ini adalah, polisi, pemolisian,
masyarakat atau komuniti, pariwisata, perkotaan, manajemen, Polsek dan
Polsubsektor dan Analisis SWOT.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berfokus pada
etnografi, sementara metode penulisannya penulis cenderung ke deskriptif
Temuan penelitian menyebutkan Pemolisian Polsubsektor Pinangsia di
Kawasan Kota Tua Fatahilah dilaksanakan dengan melalui beberapa proses
manajemen yakni perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pemimpinan dan pengawasan.
Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah pengaturan, penjagaan, dan patroli. Kendalakendala
yang dihadapi dari segi internal, adalah kemampuan Polsubsektor
Pinangsia masih terbatas hal ini dilihat dari segi sumberdaya manusia secara
kuantitas baik kualitas (khususnya tidak ada polisi pariwisata), sarana dan
prasarana serta anggaran. Sementara kendala dari segi Eksternal adalah kurang
maksimalnya kerjasama dengan pihak Sat Pol PP, Satpam Museum, PKL,
Parkiran dan Linmas dalam hal keterpaduan, kurang maksimalnya alat pendukung
pengamanan di wilayah kawasan Kota Tua, misalnya pagar dan CCTV. Model
Pemolisian yang ideal dengan melihat keterbatasan organisasi, bagi Polsubsektor
Pinangsia adalah pemolisian modern yang proaktif dalam menyelesaikan masalah
dengan memfokuskan pelayanan dan pengayoman terhadap pariwisata perkotaan.
Kesimpulan, Pemolisian Polsubsektor Pinangsia di Kawasan Kota Tua
Jakarta sudah dilaksanakan melalui peran petugas Polsubsektor Pinangsia yang
memiliki kecenderungan menekankan peran para petugas kepolisiannya pada
tindakan-tindakan kepolisian secara persuasif, preemtif dan preventif dengan
melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan yang bersifat individu..
Saran, seharusnya Polsubsektor Pinangsia memiliki kemampuan secara
kualitas dan kuantitas untuk menjamin kenyamanan wisatawan dalam melakukan
kunjungannya, dan ditunjang oleh pendukung dalam rangka penanggulangan
permasalahan sosial yang membutuhkan dukungan dari Pemerintah.
Kata Kunci: Pemolisian, Perkotaan dan Pariwisata.

The Kota Tua Jakarta area is a tourist destination which was planned by
the Government registered on the UNESCO in 2015, as a heritage city. But the
problems of traffic congestion, security threats and not martinet vendors will be
obstacles in the plan. So that the necessary police functions by promoting
partnerships with the community in the Kota Tua Jakarta area in in response to the
social problems that occur. The thesis question is: how policing Polsubsektor
Pinangsia in the Kota Tua Jakarta area, obstacles faced and policing an ideal that
can be applied in the Kota Tua Jakarta area.
Theories and concepts used in this thesis is, police, policing, community or
local community, tourism, urban management, police and Polsubsektor and
SWOT Analysis.
Methods This study used a qualitative approach focuses on ethnography,
while the methods of literary writers tend to the descriptive analysis.
Polsubsektor Pinangsia policing research findings mentioned in the Kota
Tua Jakarta area implemented through a management process ie planning,
organizing, leadership and supervision. Activities undertaken is the setting,
maintenance, and patrol. Constraints faced in terms of internal, is still limited
ability Polsubsektor Pinangsia this in terms of human resources in terms of
quantity of good quality (in particular there is no tourism police), infrastructure
and budget. While the terms of the External constraints are less maximum
cooperation with the Sat Pol PP, museum guard, street vendors, parking and
Linmas in terms of integrity, lack of support tools maximum security in the Kota
Tua Jakarta area, such as fencing and CCTV. The ideal model of policing to see
the limitations of the organization, for Polsubsektor Pinangsia modern policing is
proactive in resolving problems with the service and protection focusing on urban
Conclusion, policing Polsubsektor Pinangsia in the Kota Tua Jakarta area
has been carried out through role Pinangsia Polsubsektor officer who has a
tendency emphasizes the role of its police officers on police actions persuasively,
preemptive and preventive to implement various activities are individual.
Advice, should have the ability Polsubsektor Pinangsia in quality and quantity to
ensure the comfort of the traveler's visit, and supported by the support in order to
control social problems that require the support of the Government.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fera Farwah
"Skripsi ini membahas pentingnya pencahayaan kota tua pada malam hari untuk meningkatkan orang-orang yang datang. Penulis mencoba membandingkan seberapa besar nilai historis yang terkandung pada malam hari dengan siang hari. Metode yang penulis gunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan adalah dengan membandingkan efek-efek pencahayaan di beberapa potongan jalan, mengukur nilai luminansi di lapangan, dan menggunakan persepsi sendiri untuk menilai beberapa atmosfer berdasarkan tabel rasio brightness. Selain itu penulis juga mengacu pada seorang perencana pencahayaan, terutama prinsip pencahayaan ruang luarnya. Fokus penulis dalam skripsi ini dapat dinyatakan dengan kota tua sebagai kota yang perlu dilahirkan kembali dari segi pencahayaan. Penulis mengangkat Taman Fatahillah dan sekitar kali besar menjadi lokasi analisis penulis. Lokasi ini menjadi titik penting pada jaman Belanda yang masih mengandung nilai historis. Penulis menganggap elemen dasar yang menjadi unsur yang mempertahankan kandungan nilai sejarah pada siang hari dan pada malam hari adalah pencahayaan. unsur pencahayaan menjadi salah satu faktor yang menjadi parameter keberhasilan dalam merevitalisasi kota tua. Akibat sejarah, kota tua mempunyai nilai sejarah atau nilai yang tidak tergantikan. Nilai sejarah yang tidak bisa digantikan menjadi patokan dasar penulis dalam mengupas fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi di Kota tua khususnya pada malam hari. Kini, di Kota Tua khususnya daerah fatahillah dan sekitar kali besar, jika dibandingkan dengan siang hari, pada malam hari, kota tua tidak mempunyai objek atau daya tarik bagi masyarakat luar. Dari hasil analisis penulis, kota tua masih menjadikan bangunan lama bukan sebagai objek. Dengan tidak menjadikan objek, atmosfer atau pengaruh dari objek terhadap lingkungan menghasilkan afeksi buruk.

Scription discusses how an important a lighting in old city especially in nightime. This works aim to enhance people who come. The author tried to compare how much historical valur contained in the night with in mid day with daylight. The method I use to answer the question is to compare the effects lighting at the some of sections streets, to measure the luminance values in the field, and to use my own perceptions to assess some of the atmosphere based on the brightness ratio. Moreover, the author also refer to a planner lighting, especially the principles of outside lighting. The focus of the author in this scription can be stated by the old city as a city that need to be born again in terms of lighting. The author choose Fatahillah parka and around Kali Besar become site for doing analysis. This location is an important point at the time Dutch colonialism where still contained historical value. The author consider the basic element of content element that maintains the value of history at the daytime and at night is lighting. Lighting element is one factor that into the parameters of success in revitalizing old city. Due to the history location, the old city has the historical value or irreplaceable value phenomena in old city, especially at night. Now, in the old city, especially Fatahillah Park and around Kali Besar, when compared between at the day time and at night, the old city object. Due to this problem, atmosphere or the influence of old building and their environment produces bad affection."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Rachma Dewi
"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua di Jakarta. Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara memiliki suatu kawasan Kota Tua seluas ± 334 ha yang dulunya merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi dan pemerintahan pada tiga masa kekuasaan, dimulai dari masa pemerintahan Pangeran Jayakarta, masa penjajahan Portugis, dan masa penjajahan Belanda. Tingginya nilai
budaya dan sejarah di kawasan tersebut merupakan potensi pariwisata yang baik, oleh karena itu pemerintah DKI Jakarta membuat kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta yang dimulai sejak masa pemerintahan Gubernur Ali Sadikin pada tahun 1970. Namun proses revitalisasi kawasan tersebut dianggap masih belum memenuhi harapan. Pada tahun 2014 revitalisasi dicanangkan kembali dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua Jakarta dan
diselenggarakan kerjasama pemerintah-swasta melalui konsorsium JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, dan menganalisis evaluasi implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan post-positivis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan yaitu implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta masih belum efektif. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi belum efektifnya kebijakan revitalisasi Kota Tua Jakarta antara lain karena status kepemilikan bangunan-bangunan yang beragam antara pribadi, swasta/BUMN, dan Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Sedikitnya bangunan yang dimiliki Pemprov DKI Jakarta membuat proses revitalisasi terhambat, ditambah lagi belum adanya leading sector dan minimnya SDM maupun anggaran dari Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai pengelola kawasan
tersebut. Namun dilakukannya kerjasama pemerintah-swasta dengan keberadaan konsorsium JOTRC merupakan upaya yang baik dalam melakukan percepatan pembangunan di kawasan Kota Tua. Beberapa saran yang diajukan dalam penelitian antara lain implementasi badan otorita yang mengelola kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta secepatnya sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Pergub DKI Jakarta no. 36 tahun 2014, pelibatan ahli cagar budaya dalam setiap pemugaran di kawasan Kota Tua sehingga tidak merusak atau menghilangkan nilai historis bangunan tersebut, serta pelibatan masyarakat lokal dalam pembangunan kawasan Kota Tua.

This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities. This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK) Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the building, and empowerment of local communities.;This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization
of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town
area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for
three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial
period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the
region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the
revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met
expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held
public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town
Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that
influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method
used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of
this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization
policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is
because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private
/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and
the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)
Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate
partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate
the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate
implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in
Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in
development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the
building, and empowerment of local communities., This research discusses the evaluation of policy implementation of the revitalization
of the Old Town area in Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country has an Old Town
area of ± 334 ha which was once the center of economic activity and government for
three reigns, starting from the reign of Prince Jayakarta, the Portuguese colonial
period, and the Dutch colonial period. The high value of the culture and history of the
region is a potential for tourism, therefore, the local government make the
revitalization of Jakarta old town area, which began during the reign of Governor Ali
Sadikin in 1970. However, the process of revitalization of the area still has not met
expectations. In 2014 revitalization proclaimed back with the issuance of the
Peraturan Gubernur no. 36 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Induk Kota Tua and held
public-private partnership through a consortium called JOTRC (Jakarta Old Town
Revitalization Corp.). The objective of this research is to analyze the factors that
influence policy implementation of revitalization of the old city area, and analyzing
the evaluation of policy implementation of revitalization of the region. The method
used in this research is qualitative method with post-positivist approach. Results of
this of this research is that the implementation of the Jakarta Old Town revitalization
policies is still ineffective. Factors that influence the implementation of the policy is
because of the ownership status of the buildings which vary between personal, private
/state-owned enterprise, and local government; plus the absence of leading sector and
the lack of human resources and the budget of the Unit Pengelola Kawasan (UPK)
Kota Tua as the area manager. But the establishment of JOTRC as a form of publicprivate
partnership for revitalization of Jakarta old town is a good effort to accelerate
the development in that area. Some suggestions from this research are immediate
implementation of autonomous body that manages the old city area as mandated in
Pergub no. 36 tahun 2014, the involvement of cultural heritage experts in
development of the Old City area so as not to damage the historical value of the
building, and empowerment of local communities.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Linga Luana Zhafirah
"Ruang publik yang baik merupakan hak setiap penduduk kota. Namun, perempuan seringkali mengalami ketidakadilan di ruang publik. Para feminis berpendapat bahwa kota dirancang oleh pria untuk pria, dan mengabaikan kebutuhan perempuan, salah satunya ketersediaan toilet publik. Sedangkan, di jaman sekarang perempuan memiliki partisipasi besar di ruang publik. Maka itu, tersedianya toilet publik bagi mereka penting untuk menunjang kegiatannya. Perempuan memiliki rasa takut akan kejahatan yang lebih tinggi dari pria akibat banyaknya kasus kekerasan terhadap mereka. Toilet publik menjadi salah satu tempat yang berbahaya bagi perempuan. Hal ini membatasi kebebasan mereka bergerak di ruang publik. Maka itu, defensible space penting untuk mencegah terjadinya kejahatan, karena defensible space berperan sebagai pencegahan terjadinya kejahatan melalui desain. Kota Tua adalah kawasan wisata populer di Jakarta yang merupakan peninggalan jaman penjajahan Belanda. Namun, Kota Tua kurang aman karena angka kejahatan di sana relatif tinggi. Ini bertolak belakang dengan upaya pemerintah untuk menjadikan Kota Tua destinasi wisata. Maka, skripsi ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah toilet publik di Kota Tua rawan kejahatan dan memicu rasa takut akan kejahatan pada perempuan, dan apakah ada konsep defensible space disana untuk mencegah terjadinya kejahatan?

City needs to provide public space with good quality. It is every residents rights to have access to physical space in the city. However, women still experience inequalities in public spaces when it comes to living in a city. Feminists often argue that cities are made for men by men, and tend to neglect the needs of womens public toilet provision. Whereas women have more complicated mobilization in a city than men, hence public toilets are necessary to support their activities. Women have a higher fear of crime in public space than men due to widespread of violence against them. Public toilets are one of the places that can be dangerous for women. This hinders them from using public space in a city freely. Hence, defensible space concept is necessary to prevent possible unwanted incidents. Kota Tua (Jakarta Old Town) is a neighborhood in Jakarta that traces back to the Dutch colonial era in the 17th century. It is now one of Jakartas heritage sites and is restored and revitalized to be one of Jakartas popular tourism site since 2006. However, research found that Kota Tua is not a friendly place for its high crime rate. This contradicts with the governments attempt to promote Kota Tua as Jakartas tourism destination. Therefore, this paper tried to see if public toilets in Kota Tua provide safety for women or not, and whether it is defensible.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inez Safira Aprilia
"Tingkat pengguna internet di Indonesia dalam layanan data semakin meningkat terutama di daerah perkotaan khususnya Kota Tua, DKI Jakarta. Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan tersebut adalah menggunakan teknologi telekomunikasi terbaru bernama Multiple Wireless Gigabit System (MGWS) pada frekuensi 60 GHz karena penggunaan spectrum frekuensi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan saat ini. Namun, MGWS belum memiliki regulasi dalam pengelolaannya. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regulasi dan batasan parameter yang tepat serta mengetahui penggunaan MGWS apakah sesuai digunakan di daerah perkotaan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tesebut, digunakan metode Link Budget dan Path Loss menggunakan software MATLAB. Dari perhitungan yang diperoleh, MGWS cocok digunakan pada kondisi daerah Urban Micro Line of Sight. Regulasi perizinan yang sesuai dengan MGWS adalah izin kelas dan perangkat yang mempunyai spesifikasi frekuensi 60 GHz, EIRP sebesar 40 dBm dengan jarak antar perangkat 10 m dan intensitas hujan 3 mm/jam atau klasifikasi hujan ringan
The level of internet users in Indonesia in data services is increasing, especially in urban areas, especially Kota Tua, DKI Jakarta. One solution to this problem is to use the latest telecommunications technology called Multiple Wireless Gigabit System (MGWS) at a frequency of 60 GHz due to the use of a higher frequency spectrum than today. However, MGWS does not yet have regulations in its management. This thesis aims to determine the appropriate regulation and parameter limits and to determine whether the use of MGWS is suitable for use in urban areas. To achieve this goal, the Link Budget and Path Loss methods using MATLAB software are used. From the calculations obtained, MGWS is suitable for use in the conditions of the Urban Micro Line of Sight area. Licensing regulations in accordance with the MGWS are class permits and equipment specifications that have a frequency specification of 60 GHz, an EIRP of 40 dBm with a distance between devices of 10 m and a rain intensity of 3 mm/hour or a light rain classification.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reggina Diah Ayuningtyas
"Dark tourism merupakan wisata dengan berkunjung ke tempat terjadinya kekejaman dan pembunuhan yang berhasil menarik minat wisatawan. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh keunikannya yang tidak didapatkan oleh wisatawan jika berkunjung ke jenis wisata lain. Oleh karena itu, wisata ini berpotensi untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut, terlebih lagi Indonesia memiliki banyak daya tarik wisata dark tourism, salah satunya yaitu Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta, seperti Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Museum Sejarah Jakarta, dan Toko Merah. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui tingkat kekelaman dark tourism sebagai daya tarik utama, potensi wisata, serta upaya pengembangan wisata di Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode skoring pada penilaian tingkat kekelaman dan potensi wisata. Sementara itu, pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi lapangan, dan studi pustaka. Selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif keruangan dan analisis spasial komparatif. Berdasarkan hasil penilaian spektrum dark tourism, diketahui bahwa Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa tergolong ke dalam tingkatan light-dark, sedangkan Museum Sejarah Jakarta dan Toko Merah tergolong ke dalam tingkatan dark. Sementara itu, berdasarkan penilaian potensi wisata, Toko Merah tergolong ke dalam potensi sedang, sedangkan Museum Sejarah Jakarta dan Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa memiliki potensi yang tinggi.

Dark Tourism is a tour by visiting places of atrocities to murders that have succeeded in attracting tourism, because of its uniqueness that tourists will not get when visiting other types of tourism. Therefore, dark tourism has the potential to be developed further, especially Indonesia has a lot of dark tourism attractions, in the Kota Tua Jakarta, such as Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa, Museum Sejarah Jakarta, and Toko Merah. The purpose of this study is to determine the dark level of dark tourism as the main attraction, tourism potential, and tourism development efforts. The approach used in this study is a qualitative using the scoring method in assessing the dark level of dark tourism and assessing tourism potential. Meanwhile, data collection was obtained through interviews, field observations, and literature studies. Furthermore, the data analysis in this study is descriptive analysis with a spatial approach, and comparative spatial analysis. Based on the results of the dark tourism spectrum assessment, it is known that Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa belongs to the light-dark level, while the Museum Sejarah Jakarta and Toko Merah belong to the dark level. Meanwhile, based on the assessment of tourism potential, Toko Merah dan is classified as a medium potential to be developed, while the Museum Sejarah Jakarta and Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa have high potential value."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Putri Utami
Kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta merupakan satuan ruang geografis yang telah ditetapkanmenjadi heritage kota Jakarta. Penelitian ini membahas penerapan manajemen heritagekota pada kawasan Kota Tua Jakarta. Hal ini mengingat kawasan Kota Tua Jakartadimanfaatkan untuk banyak kegiatan, termasuk kegiatan pelestarian sebagai kawasanheritage sehingga pengelolaannya menjadi suatu hal yang penting. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan post-positivist di mana teori manajemen heritage kotamenjadi dasar analisis temuan penelitian. Data diperoleh dari wawancara, observasidan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen heritage dikawasan Kota Tua Jakarta belum optimal karena sistem regulasi, keterlibatanmasyarakat, teknis pengelolaan dan finansial pengelolaan belum sejalan dan memilikipersoalan di masing-masing dimensi.

The Jakarta Old City Area is a geographical space unit that has been appointed asurban heritage of Jakarta. This study discusses the application of urban heritagemanagement in the Jakarta Old City Area. This matter related to the fact that theJakarta Old City Area is used for many activities, including conservation activities asa heritage area, so its management becomes an important thing to be noticed. Thisstudy uses a post positivist approach in which the theory of urban heritagemanagement becomes the basis of analysis of research findings. Data obtained frominterviews, observation and literature study. The result of the study shows that heritagemanagement in Jakarta Old City Area has not been optimal yet because the regulationsystem, community engagement, technical and financial of the management are notaligned and have problems in each dimensions."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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