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Ditemukan 94102 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Iroth, Arthur R.V.
"Tujuan dari industri konstruksi adalah bagaimana menciptakan suatu teknologi yang dapat digunakan dengan nyaman dan aman bagi semua orang dengan biaya yang murah dan aman bagi lingkungan. Namun dalam pekembangannya industri-konstruksi telah menyumbangkan limbah yang sangat besar. Banyaknya limbah konstruksi yang dihasilkan menyebabkan dampak yang cukup serius bagi lingkungan. Upaya mereduksi limbah konstruksi merupakan cara yang terbaik dilakukan.
Identifikasi sumber dan penyebab limbah merupakan salah satu tahapan penting dalam usaha mereduksi limbah konstruksi yang terjadi pada proyek konstruksi. Proses konstruksi adalah salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan, dengan menjabarkan suatu proses hingga bagian terkecil sehingga diharapkan dapat diketahui jenis pekerjaan yang berpotensi menghasilkan limbah konstruksi.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan survey, melalui angket dan wawancara. Dan hasil analisis deskriptif dan analisis korelasi dapat diketahui bahwa pekerjaan dinding penahan tanah merupakan pekerjaan yang paling banyak menghasilkan limbah, adapun material limbah yang dihasilkan berupa sisa puing adukan dan tanah sisa galian yang menempati urutan pertama dan kedua volume limbah yang dihasilkan pada proses konstruksi basement. Sedangkan faktor pelaksanaan dilapangan merupakan penyebab terbesar terjadinya Iimbah konstruksi berdasarkan Studi deskriptif yang dilakukan."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roby Budiman
"Salah satu permasalahan penting dalam pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi, tetapi kurang mendapat perhatian adalah masalah limbah konstruksi. Yang dimaksud limbah konstruksi adalah hasil buangan yang dihasilkan dari rangkaian kegiatan konstruksi rumah, gedung, dam, sekolah, dan struktur lainnya. Limbah konstruksi dapat berupa material seperti kayu, logam, kabel, kaleng, beton, gipsum, dan lainnya. Pengelolaan limbah konstruksi memerlukan suatu manajemen yang dinamakan manajemen limbah konstruksi. Manajemen adalah proses penggunaan sumber daya secara efektif untuk mencapai sasaran. Oleh karena itu manajemen limbah konstruksi dapat diartikan sebagai suatu proses penggunaan sumber daya yang ada secara efektif untuk mengelola limbah yang dihasilkan dari rangkaian kegiatan konstruksi rumah, gedung, dam, sekolah, dan struktur lainnya.
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan manajemen limbah konstruksi, terutama dalam hal manajemen materialnya, pada pelaksanaan konstruksi jalan layang.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus; yaitu proyek Tanjung Barat Flyover dan Raya Bogor Flyover. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan observasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan konstruksi jalan layang telah melaksanakan manajemen limbah konstruksi yaitu dalam kegiatan penyimpanan, kegiatan penanganan dan distribusi, manajemen lokasi, seuse dan recycling, serta kegiatan pembuangan (disposal)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arif Rahman
"Industri konstruksi bangunan perlu menerapkan konsep keberlanjutan yang dapat mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang terjadi selama proses konstruksi hingga bangunan tidak terpakai lagi. Banyak ahli menyatakan bahwa konstruksi prefabrikasi bisa menjadi solusi dalam penerapan konstruksi keberlanjutan. Konstruksi prefabrikasi adalah upaya menjadikan elemen bangunan terpecah menjadi komponen atau modul yang dapat diolah secara offsite lalu dibangun secara onsite. Tetapi, pernyataan tersebut perlu dikaji lebih lanjut mengenai keterkaitan antara prefabrikasi dengan keberlanjutan pada konstruksi. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini mencoba mencari tahu keterhubungan antara prefabrikasi dengan keberlanjutan melalui analisis studi kasus yang berlandaskan pada studi literatur. Studi kasus yang diangkat adalah bangunan Tetrapost yang berada di Pulau Untung Jawa, yang diketahui telah menerapkan konsep prefabrikasi. Studi kasus dilakukan dengan observasi pada keseluruhan proses konstruksinya sehingga hasil observasi tersebut dapat menjadi data untuk penilaian yang telah disusun. Hasilnya adalah bangunan Tetrapost merupakan bangunan prefabrikasi yang tidak sepenuhnya menerapkan keberlanjutan pada proses konstruksinya.

The building construction industry needs to apply the concept of sustainability which can reduce the environmental impact that occurs during the construction process until the building is no longer in use. Many experts state that prefabricated construction can be a solution in implementing sustainable construction. Prefabricated construction is an effort to break down building elements into components or modules that can be processed offsite and then built onsite. However, this statement needs to be studied further regarding the relationship between prefabrication and sustainability in construction. Therefore, this study tries to find out the relationship between prefabrication and sustainability through case study analysis based on literature studies. The building that is going to be used for case study is Tetrapost located in Untung Jawa Island. This building is known to have implemented the concept of prefabrication. Case studies are carried out by observing the entire construction process of the building so that the results of this observations can become data for the assessment that has been prepared before. The result is that the Tetrapost building is a prefabricated building that does not fully apply sustainability to its construction process."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khansa Riona Syamikha
"Skripsi ini menganalisis hambatan dan kriteria pemilihan pemasok hijau dalam industri konstruksi Indonesia dari perspektif kontraktor. Industri konstruksi merupakan kontributor signifikan terhadap masalah lingkungan selama meningkatnya perhatian lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh urbanisasi yang tidak teratur dan ekspansi industri yang cepat. Pemasok hijau dalam konstruksi berkelanjutan memperkenalkan metodologi yang bertujuan mengatasi dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dan memfasilitasi integrasi praktik konstruksi berkelanjutan di masa depan. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hambatan dan kriteria pemilihan pemasok hijau dalam industri konstruksi di Indonesia, sebagaimana dipersepsikan oleh kontraktor. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua metode: RII untuk menyelesaikan pertanyaan penelitian pertama dan AHP untuk menyelesaikan pertanyaan penelitian kedua. Penelitian ini menganalisis hambatan yang dihadapi kontraktor saat mengadopsi praktik pemasok hijau, menggunakan metodologi Indeks Kepentingan Relatif (RII). Hambatan-hambatan ini mencakup hambatan ekonomi, teknologi, kesadaran, dan pemerintah. Evaluasi kriteria pemilihan pemasok hijau dari metode AHP didasarkan pada karakteristik perusahaan, tawaran teknis dan komersial, serta aspek sosial-ekonomi. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan pentingnya kriteria ini dalam mempromosikan metode konstruksi berkelanjutan dan meminimalkan dampak lingkungan dalam industri konstruksi di Indonesia.

This undergraduate thesis analyzes obstacles and criteria for green supplier selection in the Indonesian construction industry from a contractor's perspective. The construction industry is a significant contributor to environmental issues during increased environmental concern resulting from unregulated urbanization and rapid industrial expansion. Green suppliers in sustainable construction introduce methodologies that aim to address negative environmental effects and facilitate the integration of sustainable construction practices in the future. The primary aim of this study is to find out the obstacles and criteria for selecting green suppliers in the construction industry of Indonesia, as perceived by contractors. This research employs two methods: RII for solving research question 1 and AHP for solving research question 2. The research analyzes the obstacles that contractors face while adopting green supplier practices, using the Relative Importance Index (RII) methodology. These challenges include economic, technological, awareness, and government obstacles. The evaluation of green suppliers' selection criteria from AHP method is based on firm characteristics, technical and commercial bids, and socio-economic aspects. The results highlight the significance of these criteria in promoting sustainable construction methods and minimizing environmental impacts in Indonesia's construction industry."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesenjangan antara unsur kegiatan pada Fungsi Pertamina UP-VI Balongan dengan unsur kegiatan pada pola baku prosedur identifikasi aspek lingkungan ISO 14001. Perusahaan yang dipilih untuk penelitian ini adalah Pertamina UP-VI Balongan Indramayu.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi terhadap tiga (3) variabel yaitu unsur kegiatan pada pola baku prosedur identifikasi aspek lingkungan, fungsi kegiatan produksi di Pertamina UP-VI, gap pada item unsur kegiatan pada kegiatan unit produksi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan format dokumentasi dari populasi dua puluh enam (26) Fungsi Unit Produksi Pertamina UP-VI dan observasi atau pengamatan. Sampel adalah seluruh populasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan item unsur kegiatan pada prosedur identifikasi aspek lingkungan ISO 14001 Pertamina UP-VI Balongan dengan unsur kegiatan pada pola baku prosedur identifikasi aspek lingkungan ISO 14001. Untuk memperbaiki kesenjangan di atas adalah selalu memutakhirkan prosedur identifikasi aspek lingkungan ISO 14001 Pertamina UP-VI Balongan serta meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang identifikasi aspek lingkungan ISO 14001 bagi facilitator dan penerap pada 26 Fungsi.

Evaluation on Activities Element in the Procedure of Environment Aspect Identification in Pertamina Unit Pengolahan VI BalonganThis research is aimed to find gaps between activities element in Functions of Pertamina UP-VI Balongan and the activities element in the template of environment aspect identification procedure ISO 14001. The company chosen for this research is Pertamina UP-VI Balongan Indramayu.
This research is an evaluation research on three (3) variables: activities element in the template of environment aspect identification procedure ISO 14001, activities element in the Functions of Pertamina UP-VI and gaps in the activities element items. Data collected by documentation format from population consisted of twenty six (26) Functions of Production Units and observation. The sample includes whole population.
The result of this research shows that there are gaps between activities element in the Functions of Pertamina UP-VI Balongan and the activities element in the template of environment aspect identification procedure. The way to correct these gaps is always kept the procedure of environmental aspect identification ISO 14001 Pertamina UP-VI up to date, minimum once a year and improve the knowledge on environment aspect identification ISO 14001 of the facilitators and users in 26 Functions."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 10730
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Konsep penanggulangan bencana saat ini adalah paradigma pengurangan risiko.Setiap individu, masyarakat di daerah diperkenalkan dengan berbagai ancaman (hazards) dan kerentanan (vulnerability) yang dimiliki, serta meningkatkan kemampuan (capacity) masyarakat dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman. Sehingga studi ini bertujuan mengkaji model pengendalian risiko dispersi gas amonia.
Disain studi adalah cross sectional. Analisis model pengukuran dan struktural menggunakan comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Nilai validitas dan reliabilitas hasil uji kesesuaian/Goodness of Fit (GOF) adalah good fit untuk konstruk dari model.Kuesioner disebarkan secara cluster, terdapat 626 responden (area risiko 0- 2600 meter). Dibagi menjadi 293 responden pada zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter) dan 333 responden zona luar (area risiko >1300-2600 meter).
Model pengukuran menghasilkan 5 variabel eksogen (kondisi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi, biologi dan kapasitas) yang saling berhubungan langsung membentuk variabel endogen risiko dispersi gas amonia. Faktor kondisi lingkungan terdiri dari zona bahaya dan jarak rumah ke jalan raya.Faktor sosial yaitu pelatihan dan pekerjaan.Faktor ekonomi yaitu kecukupan akomodasi, pendapatan, asuransi dan pendidikan.Faktor kapasitas yaitu pengetahuan tentang bahaya, pengetahuan tentang peringatan dini, pengetahuan tentang evakuasi dan perilaku tanggap darurat. Faktor biologi yaitu usia> 65 tahun, anggota keluarga dengan penyakit kronis dan anggota keluarga berkebutuhan khusus. Risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko 0-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 47% faktor sosial, 37% faktor ekonomi, 29% faktor kapasitas dan 9% faktor kondisi. Risiko dispersi gas amonia zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi darifaktor sosialberkontribusi 63%, faktor ekonomi 64%, faktor kapasitas 57% dan biologi 2,3%. Selanjutnya risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko >1300-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 2 (dua) faktor yaitu faktor kondisi 99% dan faktor kapasitas (12%).
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan model risiko dispersi gas amonia dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor yang berkontribusi membentuk risiko dispersi gas amonia sehingga dapat menjadi upaya pengendalian dengan memperhatikan faktor yang berkontribusi tersebut. Rekomendasi kepadaPemerintah Daerah untuk menetapkan peta rawan bencana menjadi peraturan daerah yang berkekuatan hukum dan pemberlakuan peraturan tentang tata ruang (daerah pemukiman), standar keselamatan (pemantauan penggunaan teknologi) dan penerapan sanksi terhadap pelanggar. Mengkoordinasi antara Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah
(SKPD), Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran/ Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD), dan dinas terkait untuk evakuasi (akomodasi), kelancaran akses jalur evakuasi. Menyelenggarakan sosialisasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan mengenai kesiapsiagaan bencana dispersi gas amonia kepada masyarakat melalui perkumpulan/organisasi di masyarakat. Rekomendasi kepada perusahaan antara lain : Membuat peta rawan bencana dan Emergency Respon Plan (ERP) baik internal maupun eksternal; Melakukan perawatan dengan inspeksi rutin berbasis risiko untuk memastikan kehandalan peralatan sistem pendingin amonia; Semua pekerja dalam operasional tangki sistem pendingin amonia selalu dilakukan dengan mengikuti Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), peraturan keselamatan, audit keselamatan; Mengingat sifat gas amonia yang tidak berwarna tetapi sangat beracun serta luasan area risiko yang berdampak perlu adanya sensor untuk gas amonia sebagai alat ukur dan monitoring. Selanjutnya rekomendasi kepada masyarakat agar mengembangkan dan berperan aktif dalam desa siaga bencana (kesiapsiagaan bencana berbasis masyarakat);

The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness)., The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Firmansyah Surya
Serat rayon merupakan polimer alami yang terkandung pada dinding sel tumbuhan tingkat tinggi. Untuk meningkatkan kegunaan serat rayon, pada penelitian ini dilakukan pencangkokan serat rayon dengan monomer metakrilat (MA) dan akrilamid (AAm) dengan metode iradiasi awal dengan media udara sehingga diperoleh serat rayon-g-(PAAm-co-PMA) dengan %G = 95-114% dan %G = 144-179%. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan sebelumnya dengan mencangkok gugus akrilamid (F.E. Okieimen 2003), asam akrilat (Istianah, Romlah 2001) serta campuran asam akrilat dan akrilamid (Fatmuanis, Basuki 2000 dan Virlia, Ninda 2003) ke dalam serat rayon. Karakterisasi serat dilakukan dengan FTIR . Pencangkokan MA memberikan puncak serapan 1642.2 cm-1 dan 1202.5 cm-1 yang merupakan rentang karbonil (-C=O) gugus karboksilat dan rentang ?CH3 gugus metil, sedangkan pencangkokan AAm memberikan puncak serapan 1633.9 cm-1 dan 3671.9 cm-1 yang merupakan tekuk amida (-NH2) dan rentang ?N-H. Kapasitas adsorpsi dilakukan dengan metode AES dan titrasi serta selektivitas adsorpsi secara kompetisi dan nonkompetisi. Variasi pH penentuan selektivitas dilakukan pada kisaran 3.0-7.0 dengan buffer asetat. Pada penggunaan serat rayon-g-(PAAm-co-PMA) sebagai adsorben limbah model elektroplating yang mengandung ion logam Ni2+ dan Cr6+(dalam bentuk Cr2O72-) diperoleh hasil bahwa pemisahan kuantitatif dapat dilakukan pada pH sekitar 6.0 karena pada pH tersebut perbedaan penyerapan Ni2+ dan Cr6+ cukup signifikan. Serat kemudian diregenerasi untuk mengetahui apakah serat yang telah menyerap Ni2+ tersebut dapat digunakan kembali atau tidak. Ternyata Ni2+ dapat teregenerasi dari serat sampai 72.75 % (nonkompetisi) dan 88.36 % (kompetisi). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada pH 6.0 Ni2+ dan Cr6+ dapat terpisah sehingga larutan keduanya dapat digunakan kembali serta serat yang telah diregenerasipun dapat dipakai berulang.
Kata kunci : elektroplating; Cr6+ ; Ni2+ ; adsorpsi"
Depok: [Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;, ], 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yurita Amarya S
"Kosmetik yang digumakan harus aman, bermutu dan bermanfaat, untuk itu kosmetik hams dibuat sesuai dengan aspek CPKB (Cara Pembuatan Kosmetik yang Baik). Industri kosmetik banyak terdapat di Jakarta, namun belum semua menerapkan CPKH. Disinilah diharapkan peran Badan POM untuk meningkatkan kcpatuhan industri kosmetik dalam penerapan CPKB. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatifl Sumber data berasal dari sumber data primer yaitu hasil wawancara mendalam dengan pejabat di Badan POM, Balai Besar POM dan penanggungjawab produksi pada industri kosmetik. Sumber data sekunder yaitu buku literatur, peraturan perundang-1mdangan,_lapomn, dan arsip, intemct. Setelah data dipercleh lalu dilakukan analisis data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan maka disimpulkan bahwa pengawasam Badan POM terhadap kepatuhan penerapan CPKB, tidak lepas dengan kebijakan lintas sektor. Sedangkan rendahnya kepatuhan pencrapan CPKB industri kosmetik dapat ditingkatkan dengan pembinaan tidak hanya tentang CPKB tapi perlu juga tcntang bagaimana pengembangan usahanya.
The use of cosmetic must be safe, qualified and have bene5ts, for that the cosmetics must be manufactured in accordance with the CPKB (Good Manufacturing Procedure of Cosmetic). There are many cosmetics industries in Jakarta, but not all of them apply the CPKB. In this regard interference of The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) is expected to increase compliance of cosmetics industrie in applying the CPKB. The research used the qualitative method. 'l'he source of data obtaind from the primer data as the result of performed in interviewing the The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) oiiicial, Provincial NADFC and cosmetics production Manager. Source for the secondary data as liturature, regulation of the constitution, report and file, internet. After obtaining data’s followed by performing the qualitative analysis. Based on examination result and the completion of the data’s analys is therefor con eluded that The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) supervision regarding the compliance in applying the CPKB is related with the other institution concem. Where as decreasing in compliance to apply CPKB in cosmetics industries can be increased by development not only about the CPKB but also needed how to develop their business."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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