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M. Nizom Ali
"Pada sektor pcrtambangam umumnya armada alat-alat berat beroperasi dalam jumlah yang besar dan dalam waktu yang terus menerus sepanjang tahun.
Untuk mcndukung operasi peralatan tersebut dibutuhkan peramzlan permintaan sukucadang dalam sistim pengendalian pcfsodiaan. Ini mcnjadi panting arlinya, karena pengendalian persediaan yang baik alum mcmberikan kelmtungan dalam menekan biaya pcrsediaan yang mencakup biaya pemssanan, biaya penyimpanan dan biaya pe-nalti kalau ada.
Pada penclitian ini dibuat model psrarnalan yang diusulkan sebagai alternatif dari peramalan model Fleet Lifc Planner (FL.P) yang ada di Trakindo Sangata. Dari model pola peramalan berdasarkan data lampau dipilih model yang membsrikan simpangan baku (standar deviasi) tcricccil, kcmudian dilakllkan pcrhitungan biaya persediaan dari model yang dipilih dan model FLP."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dudi Hermanto
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sistem e-procurement atau lelang secara elektronik melalui internet pada pengadaan barang dan jasa di Indonesia pada perspektif pemerintah dipercaya sebagai alat/instrument untuk mewujudkan good governance dan pelayanan publik, karena akan meningkatkan efisiensi biaya, efektifitas, waktu siklus yang lebih cepat, meningkatkan transparansi paket pekerjaan yang dilelang, menyediakan publik monitoring yang lebih baik, meningkatkan persaingan yang sehat dan meningkatkan akuntabilitas pemerintah.
Namun dalam beberapa hal, pelaksanaan e-Procurement yang saat ini dilakukan di Indonesia tidaklah mudah. Banyak kendala yang ditemui dalam pelaksanaannya, salah satunya terjadi pada penyedia jasa konsultansi.
Penelitian ini akan mengangkat hambatan yang dihadapi penyedia jasa konsultansi dalam mengikuti pelelangan secara elektronik dengan meninjau dari 3 (tiga) aspek yang berpengaruh pada e-procurement yaitu : aspek manajemen penyedia jasa, aspek hukum dan aspek teknis pelaksanaan e-procurement. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mengurutkan hambatan yang didapatkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang diakibatkan hambatan tersebut terhadap penerapan pengadaan barang/jasa secara elektronik (e-procurement) pada penyedia jasa konsultansi dan dilanjutkan dengan mencari rekomendasi tindakan (corrective action) untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut.
Metode-metode penelitian ini yaitu : Metode penelitian survei digunakan untuk mengetahui variabel hambatan dalam pelelangan elektronik pada jasa konsultansi dan metode studi kasus digunakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana rekomendasi tindakan (corrective action) yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi literatur, kuesioner, dan wawancara kepada pakar dan stakeholders guna mencapai tujuan penelitian. Dari data yang telah diperoleh, dilakukan tahap penetapan teknik analisa dan pengolahan data. Analisis yang digunakan adalah metode pengolahan data secara analisis data deskriptif dan korelasi speramen rank untuk mendapatkan variabel yang kuat berpengaruh terhadap penyedia jasa dengan menggunakan program SPSS sehingga menghasilkan jawaban tujuan penelitian.
Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan hasil 3 (tiga) variabel hambatan yang kuat berpengaruh terhadap penyedia jasa konsultansi yaitu : x3 (resistensi terhadap perubahan sistem pengadaan), x5 (tidak mendapatkan user id dan pasword setelah registrasi), x10 (tidah bisa melakukan registrasi).

E-procurement systems or electronic auctions over the Internet on the procurement of goods and services in Indonesia is believed the government's perspective as a tool / instrument to achieve good governance and public service, because it will improve cost efficiency, effectiveness, cycle time is much faster, increase the transparency package auctioned work, providing the public a better monitoring, increasing competition and increases government accountability.
But in some cases, the implementation of e-procurement which is currently done in Indonesia is not easy. Many constraints encountered in implementation, one of which occurred in consultancy services provider.
This research will raise barriers faced by providers of consultancy services in electronic auction with a review of 3 (three) aspects that affect e-procurement are: service provider management aspects, legal aspects and technical aspects of implementing e-procurement. Then proceed with the sort acquired resistance to determine the effect caused by these barriers to the implementation of procurement of goods and services electronically (e-procurement) in the consultancy and service provider followed by recommendations for action( corrective action) to overcome these obstacles.
The methods of research: survey research methods used to determine the variable resistance in the electronic auction on consultancy services and case study methods used to determine how the recommendations of action (corrective action) that can be done to overcome these obstacles. The process of data collection is carried out through literature study, questionnaires, and interviews to experts and stakeholders to achieve the research objectives. From the data already obtained, carried out determining step analysis techniques and data processing. Analysis is a method used in data processing and data analysis descriptive speramen rank correlation for variables that strongly affect the service provider by using the SPSS program to produce answers the research objectives.
In this study the results obtained 3 (three) strong resistance variables affect the consultancy services provider that is: x3 (resistance to changes in procurement systems), x5 (do not get the user id and password after registration), x10 (can?t do the registration)."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati
"Sistem informasi keperawatan adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Sistem informasi keperawatan di Indonesia saat ini masih belum optimal dan umumnya masih bersifat manual. Riset dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi dan dilanjutkan pengembangan model sistem informasi manajemen keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO") yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi rumah sakit. Model "SIMPRO" yang telah dicustomization diujicobakan di dua rumah sakit dengan karakteristik yang berbeda yaitu rumah sakit swasta dan rumah sakit pemerintah. Setelah implementasi, dilaksanakan evaluasi dengan desain pre- post test without control group. Jumlah sampel dokumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja "SIMPRO" adalah 219 dokumentasi dari setiap kelompok rumah sakit. Hasil riset menyampaikan ada perbedaan kinerja sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan "SIMPRO" yang diidentifikasikan dari perbedaan kualitas, kelengkapan, kesinambungan, bukti aspek legal dan fungsi membantu membuat keputusan (p=0.001). Ada perbedaan efisiensi waktu: baik di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta dan RS. Fatmawati (p= 0.01). Setelah menggunakan "SIMPRO" waktu yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan dokumentasi di RS Fatmawati adalah 40.29 menit atau 25.27% dari total waktu dalam satu shift, sedangkan di RS Ibu dan Anak Bunda Jakarta membutuhkan waktu 24.62 menit atau 9.60% dari total waktu dalam satu shift. "SIMPRO" juga mempengaruhi efisiensi biaya, dimana dengan "SIMPRO" dokumentasi tidak setiap waktu harus dicetak. "SIMPRO" menjamin continuity of care dari asuhan keperawatan, sebagai bukti aspek legal, membantu mengambil keputusan dan meningkatkan keselamatan pasien. "SIMPRO" mengefisiensikan waktu dokumentasi sehingga waktu perawatan langsung ke pasien lebih optimal. "SIMPRO" juga meningkatkan edukasi kesehatan kepada pasien dan keluarga."Pada riset ini "SIMPRO" juga dapat meningkatkan peran manajer keperawatan dalam melaksanakan fungsi manajemen terutama pada peran pemberiaan motivasi, pengarahan, evaluasi dan monitoring terhadap pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan. Dukungan aspek perawat, aspek manajemen dan teknik dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja "SIMPRO" sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan. Berdasarkan manfaat dari "SIMPRO", maka sistem ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan di setiap Rumah Sakit serta dapat mendukung peningkatan kualitas mutu pelayanan keperawatan dan kesehatan.

Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects.;Nursing Information System is an important element in nursing process. Current nursing system in Indonesia is still manual and less optimal. However, manual system has weaknesses, such as data slip or even lost, which may potentially lead a nurse in the legal risk. This research was an operational research. It was started by problem identification in order to identify needs for development of nursing information system. The second stage was Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keperawatan oleh Roro ("SIMPRO"), in other words, Development of Nursing Management Information System by Roro. "SIMPRO" has been adjusted and customized with the conditions of the hospitals. Coordination of management, human resources, and infrastructure as well as trainings and assistance were conducted prior to trial of "SIMPRO". Then, trial of "SIMPRO" was conducted at two hospitals, which represent the characteristics of both public and private hospitals. Pretest and posttest without control were done after the implementation. Numbers of nursing documentation as samples were 219 documentations from each hospital group. It was used to evaluate the effectiveness of system performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO". Result of the research was difference of performance before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", which was identified by differences on quality, completeness, continuity, aspect legal function and decision support system (p=0.001). Hospital with good management and infrastructure supports demonstrated higher level of effectiveness than another one. There was difference on time effectiveness before and after the implementation of "SIMPRO", both at Bunda Hospital (p=0.010) and Fatmawati General Hospital (p=0.010). Duration of documentation at Fatmawati General Hospital was 40.29 minutes or about 25.27 percent of total duration in one shift. Meanwhile, duration of documentation at Bunda Hospital was 24.62 minutes or about 9.60 percent of total duration in one shift. "SIMPRO" affected cost effectiveness since no printed documentation produced. In addition, "SIMPRO" guaranteed the continuity of nursing process. Thus, it guaranteed legal aspect and enhanced patient safety as well. This research implicated to the enhancement of quality, completeness, relevance, aspect legal function and decision support system. It also implicated to time efficiency on documentation, thus direct care to patients can be more optimal. "SIMPRO" can enhance the quality of nursing care by supports of nurses, management and technical aspects."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Riska Komala Putri
"Proyek konstrulcsi menghasilkan satuan informasi yang sangat besar dan kompleks. Dengan sistem informasi yang balk, masalah yang timbul dapat dideteksi lebih awal, sedemikian sehingga altematif-altematif penyelesaian dapat diperoleh. Oleh karena itu telah dikembangkan suatu sistem infoxmasi manajernen pengendalian proyek (Project Management Information Control System) yaitu sebuah sistem informasi berbasis komputer yang berfungsi sebagai database dalam suatu proyek konstruksi. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut maka dalam penulisan skripsi ini akan clilakukan suatu Analisa Wewenang yang merupakan tahap awal dalam penerapan PMICS. Analisis yang dilakul-can adalah mempelajari sejumlah inforrnasi dalam penanganan suatu proyek yang dikhususkan pada kegiatan engineering dan memetakan berbagai jenis informasi yang ada terhadap iimgsi manajemen konstruksi atau personil yang bertanggung jawab menyediakan dan juga mengakses informasi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus yang dilakukan di PT Rekayasa Engineering. Pengoiahan data dilakukan dengan menggmmakan alat bantu analisis berupa model matriks. Diharapkan dcngan hasil analisis tahap awal dari PMICS bempa Matrix Personil terhadap Fungsi dan Matrix Personil terhadap Informasi dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahap-tahap berikumya pada akhirnya akan dapat dikembangkan suatu sistem informasi yang berbasis komputer untuk meudukung penanganan berbagai permasalahan pada manajemen informasi proyek.
Construction project produce a complex and large amount of information. With a good information system, manager can detect problems earlier, so some alternative solutions can be deiined. Because of that, Project Management Injbrmation Control .Sjvstem (PMICS), a computer based of information system as a database in a construction project, has been developed. Related with that matters, so in this Enal assignment will be discussed a Domain Analysis as the first phase of PMICS implementation. This paper describes a study of the extent information in project handling of engineering activities and mapped a various types of project information against the construction management functions that provide and access the information. The analysis using case study method at PT Rekayasa Engineering and using matrix as a analysis tools. With the analysis result of PMICS first phase, matrix of Personnel versus Function and matrix Personnel versus Information and then continued with the next phase, we can develop a computer based information system to support tasks on construction project management."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"It is property that each civil servants have success expectation to reach on their highest career . They are not only just want to serve to the State and Government, bur also want to get success on their achievement as a expected from their efforts to be civil servant. The problem is that there are wrong strategies which have been taken ; they just prefer to take a short cut way, cross the norms and just thinking an outcome first rather than to increase their capabilities and performances. If the professionalism and competence of civil servant to be the main consideration of their career, have the civil service management system facilitate it?."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faisal Jamil
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang implementasi ENUM Server pada jaringan IMS. ENUM server adalah sebuah solusi penomoran dalam terciptanya hubungan antara jaringan yang menggunakan sistem penomoran konvensional dan jaringan yang menggunakan identitas URI dalam jaringan Internet. Dengan implementasi ENUM Server pada jaringan IMS, pengguna IMS dapat lebih fleksibel dalam melakukan koneksi ke siapapun tujuannya. Tetapi implementasi ENUM Server dalam jaringan IMS akan mempengaruhi tahapan yang terjadi dalam melakukan panggilan. Tahapan ini akan mempengaruhi waktu proses saat melakukan panggilan.
Dari data percobaan didapatkan waktu proses pada panggilan yang tidak melalui ENUM Server sebesar 0.1071274 detik (107.2 ms), sementara waktu proses pada panggilan yang melalui ENUM Server sebesar 0.1332041 detik (133.2 ms). Jika dibandingkan dengan standard waktu respon VoIP yang ada yaitu maksimum sebesar 205-218 ms, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa baik waktu proses panggilan yang melalui ENUM Server maupun yang tidak melalui ENUM Server masih memenuhi standard yang ada.

This thesis discussed about the implementation of ENUM server on IMS Network. ENUM server is a solution for numbering process between the conventional numbering system and URI identity-based networks. By implementing ENUM server on IMS network, IMS user could improve their connection flexibility on any numbering identity. However the implementation of ENUM Server to IMS network will effect the steps on calling process. Eventually this will lead to an addition of time on the calling process.
From the simulation, a 0,1071274 seconds is obtained by the calling process without ENUM Server, While a 0,1332041 seconds is acquired by the calling process using ENUM Server. When compared with the maximum standard response time of existing VoIP (maximum 205-218 ms) , it can be concluded that both the processing time of the call through ENUM Server or not via ENUM Server still meet existing standards.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fauzi
"Durasi waktu pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi yang semakin sngkat memerlukan jadwal aktifitas proyek konstruksi yang tepat waktu, dan Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) dinilai dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja jadwal proyek konstruksi. Penerapan SIM pada perencanaan dan pengendalian jadwal proyek konstruksi akan efektif dan efisien, apabila data yang dibutuhkan oleh sistem tersebut terfokus pada elemen (variable) karakteristik SIM yang utama. Satu set spektrum elemen karakteristik SIM yang potensial mempengaruhi kinerja SIM, dianalisa kekuatan hubungannya terhadap kinerja jadwal proyek konstruksi secara statistika. Tingkat kekuatan hubungan ini digunakan untuk mengidentifi kasikan elemen karakteristik SIM yang utama. Didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa 7 elemen karakteristik SIM, yang berupa : sistem integrasi, cara mengendalikan perubahan, hubungan sistem informasi antara unit kerja, sistem network, cara menyediakan informasi eksternal pada saat perencanaan jadwal, keterlibatan project engineer, dan cara melaporkan progres, mempunyai pengaruh positif lebih kuat dibandingkan elemen karakteristik SIM lainnya, terhadap kinerja jadwal proyek pada konstruksi bangunan bertingkat di Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Habibul Rafur
"Institusi penelitian memerlukan manfaat dari sistem ERP. Pengadopsian dan pengimplementasian sistem ERP tidak mudah. Organisasi harus mengetahui success factor dalam mengadopsi dan mengimplementasikan sistem ERP agar mendapatkan manfaat yang maksimal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor kesuksesan dengan indikator kesuksesan dalam pengadopsian dan pengimplementasian sistem ERP di institusi penelitian.
Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga model yaitu DeLone & McLean IS Success Model, Technology Acceptance Model 2, dan faktor kesuksesan dalam manajemen proyek pengimplementasian sistem ERP. Ketiga model tersebut dapat menunjukkan variabel yang termasuk success factor dan hubungannya dalam pengadopsian dan pengimplementasian sistem ERP.
Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square dan statistik descriptive. Partial Least Square digunakan karena cocok untuk menganalisis hipotesis dari teori yang lemah dengan jumlah kuesioner yang kurang dari 100. Statistik descriptive digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik data dari implementasi sistem ERP ketika data tidak banyak yang tersedia.
Penelitian ini menemukan beberapa success factor dari pengadopsian dan pengimplementasian sistem ERP, seperti system quality, image, result demonstrability, internal support, dan software selection, dapat mempengaruhi success indicator melalui faktor perantara, yaitu perceived usefulness.

Research institute requires the benefits of ERP systems. The adoption and implementation of ERP systems is not easy. Organizations must be able to determine success factors in adopting and implementing ERP systems in order to get benefit as much as possible. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between success factors and success indicators for adoption and implementation of ERP systems in research institute.
This research uses three models, namely DeLone & McLean IS Success Model, Technology Acceptance Model 2, and the success factors in project management of ERP systems implementation. These models include variables that can indicate success factors and their relationship in adoption and implementation of ERP system.
The analysis techniques that are used are Partial Least Square and descriptive statistic. Partial Least Square is used because it is suitable for analyzing hypotheses from the weak theory with number of questionnaires that are less than 100. Descriptive statistic describes the characteristics of the data from the ERP system implementation when data is not much available.
This research finds that some of the success factors for the adoption and implementation of ERP systems, such as system quality, image, result demonstrability, internal support, and software selection, can affect the success indicators through an intermediary factors, namely perceived usefulness."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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