ABSTRAKGlobal komuter di Australia sedang dalam masa puncaknya, iklim kering lokal mendorong arsitek untuk melahirkan inovasi baru yang dapat mengatasi isu tersebut. Pengertian dari hidup secara pusar regeneratif memberikan sebuah solusi untuk mengurangi kebutuhan pegawai untuk pulang-pergi dengan menyediakan akomodasi dan sebuah pusat responsif lingkungan di tempat mereka bekerja. Menyadarkan pentingnya suatu desain arsitektur yang dapat mempengaruhi dan mengoptimalkan kinerja manusia dengan mengatur variabel Pencahayaan, Akustik, dan kenyamanan Termal.
ABSTRACTAustralia global commuters are at an all time high. The local arid climate calls for architects to bring forth new sustainable innovation to counter this issue. A living concept of a Regenerative Hub suggests a solution to lessen the need for employees commuting by providing on-site accommodation and a responsive center for the environment. Sustainable housing that caters to on site occupants, realizes the importance of design to optimize human performance through architecture by altering the variables of Lighting, Acoustics and Thermal Comfort., Australia global commuters are at an all time high. The local arid climate calls for
architects to bring forth new sustainable innovation to counter this issue. A living
concept of a Regenerative Hub suggests a solution to lessen the need for employees
commuting by providing on-site accommodation and a responsive center for the
environment. Sustainable housing that caters to on site occupants, realizes the
importance of design to optimize human performance through architecture by altering
the variables of Lighting, Acoustics and Thermal Comfort.]"