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David Febianto
"Pelabuhan merupakan faktor penting dari arus perdagangan dalam dan luar negeri. Tetapi keberadan pelabuhan di Indonesia belum memenuhi standar dan terkadang enggan disinggahi oleh kapal-kapal asing. Dengan lokasinya yang strategis seharusnya pelabuhan Indonesia mampu mengoptimalkan fungsinya dalam alur pelayaran internasional. Karena itu dalam tulisan ini akan dirumuskan suatu standar kualifikasi terhadap fasilitas pelabuhan internasional sebagai bahan evaluasi terhadap kinerja pelabuhan di Indonesia. Kajian ini menggunakan proses studi literatur, dan hasil rumusan digunakan untuk penelitian terhadap salah satu pelabuhan besar di Indonesia. Hasil dari rumusan dan penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi terhadap sistem kepelabuhan Indonesia saat ini.

Ports is the important factor for domestics and internationals trade. But most of Indonesian?s ports do not complete the requirement as an international port. With Indonesian?s strategic location on international shipping, Indonesian?s ports must to optimize its function. Then this final assignment will try to make a standard for international ports facilities as an evaluation objects for Indonesian?s ports. This standard will be made with literature analysis method, and the results will be used to evaluate one of the biggest port in Indonesia."
Depok: [Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia;, ], 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Zaid Alherisyah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sistem informasi pemenuhan kebutuhan tenaga perawat ICU berdasarkan analisis beban kerja yang sesuai rekomendasi Kementerian Kesehatan, dan berdasarkan kualifikasi standar minimal perawat ICU. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) yang berbasis prototyping. Pengembangan sistem dimulai dari tahap perencanaan dengan analisis kelayakan, analisis sistem informasi, desain interface dan perancangan database, serta implementasi yang dibatasi sampai pada uji coba prototipe sistem informasi yang menghasilkan informasi hasil analisis ABK, analisis pemenuhan kualifikasi standar minimal perawat ICU dan perawat pelamar. Dari hasil simulasi prototipe sistem informasi ini membantu memudahkan pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi kebutuhan jumlah tenaga berdasarkan beban kerja ril berdasarkan ABK dan informasi pemenuhan kualifikasi standar minimal perawat ICU. Untuk implementasi yang berkelanjutan diperlukan peningkatan kemampuan dari pengguna dan dukungan manajemen seperti adanya aspek legal dan ketersediaan insfratruktur.

This study aims to develop an information system for the fulfillment of ICU nurses based on workload analysis according to recommendation of the Ministry of Health, and based on the minimum standard qualifications of ICU nurses. System development method used is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) based on prototyping. The development of the system starts from the planning phase with feasibility analysis, information system analysis phase, interface design and database design, and implementation is limited to the prototype test of information system that produces workload analysi information, the analysis of fulfillment with minimum qualification of ICU nurses and applicant nurses. From the simulation it showed that this information system help the users to obtain information needs of the number of personnel based on the real workload based and information on the fulfillment of minimum qualifications of ICU nurses. For the implementation it will need user capabilities and management support as legal aspects and infrastructures.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Ramdhani
"Serangan terhadap kapan tanker ‘Limburg’ milik Perancis oleh sekelompok teroris pada tahun 2002, serangan terhadap ‘USS Cole’ oleh sebuah kapal kecil yang terisi penuh oleh bahan peledak pada tahun 2000, serangan 11 September 2001 kepada Amerika Serikat, dan beberapa serangan lainnya telah menyadarkan dunia akan pentingnya sebuah standar keamanan bagi pelabuhan, terutama pelabuhan yang digunakan dalam pelayaran internasional. Dunia internasional bergerak cepat dalam merespon serangan-serangan tersebut dengan melakukan amandemen terhadap Chapter XI-2 SOLAS yang melahirkan sebuah standar keamanan kapal dan fasilitas pelabuhan yang digunakan dalam pelayaran internasional bernama ISPS Code. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai standar keamanan fasilitas pelabuhan yang diatur dalam ISPS Code, beserta implementasinya di pelabuhan-pelabuhan besar di dunia maupun di Indonesia.
The attack on the French tanker ‘Limburg’ by the group of terrorist in 2002, the ramming of ‘USS Cole’ by a small boat laden with explosives in 2000, September 11th attack on United States, and several other attacks has reminded the people of the world about the importance of the security measurement for the port, especially for the port that used for international navigation. International society has responded quickly to those attacks by amending Chapter XI-2 SOLAS that developing a new measures for ship and port facility security named ISPS Code. This thesis discusses security measure in port facility security regulated by ISPS Code, and the implementation of the code in several big ports around the world and Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jilan Farah
"Digitalisasi pelabuhan perlu dilakukan untuk dapat menghadapi persaingan industri yang pesat, terutama dalam hal bongkar-muat dan pengiriman barang. Terminal operating system (TOS) merupakan salah satu bentuk digitalisasi pelabuhan yang digunakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan layanan operasional melalui sistem integrasi infomasi kepelabuhanan. Dalam menghadapi pengaruh digitalisasi, Krakatau International Port (KIP) menerapkan teknologi tersebut dan dikenal dengan nama Krakatau International Port Solutions (KIPoS). Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan TOS di KIP ditinjau dari indikator administrasi, application, dan sistem penunjang. Selain itu, penelitian juga dilakukan untuk memperoleh gambaran analisis untuk meninjau efektivitas penerapan TOS dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk pengembangan pelabuhan kedepannya, sehingga efektivitas yang didapatkan dapat lebih ditingkatkan. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan untuk menganalisis efektivitas penerapan TOS ini adalah metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP/FAHP) yang memberikan keunggulan dengan dapat diperolehnya pengambilan keputusan pada banyak kriteria yang bersifat subjektif. Melalui penelitian yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa efektivitas penerapan TOS yang dirasakan berdasarkan model hierarki penelitian yang digunakan memiliki urutan bobot prioritas untuk kriteria, yaitu administrasi 0.45, sistem penunjang 0.33, dan application 0.21, serta urutan bobot prioritas untuk alternatif, yaitu sosialisasi kepada pengguna 1.16, meningkatkan aspek konektivitas 0.98, dan maintenance system secara rutin 0.85.

Port digitalization needs to be done to be able to face rapid industrial competition, especially in terms of loading and unloading and shipping goods. Terminal Operating System (TOS) is one form of port digitalization that is used with the aim of providing ease of operational services through an integrated port information system. In facing the influence of digitalization, Krakatau International Port (KIP) implements this technology and is known as Krakatau International Port Solutions (KIPoS). This research will be conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of TOS implementation at KIP in terms of administrative indicators, applications, and supporting systems. In addition, the research is also conducted to obtain an analytical overview to review the effectiveness of TOS implementation and provide recommendations for future port development, so that the effectiveness obtained can be further improved. The research method that will be used to analyze the effectiveness of TOS implementation is the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP/FAHP) method which provides advantages by being able to obtain decision making on many subjective criteria. Through the research conducted, it is known that the perceived effectiveness of TOS implementation based on the research hierarchy model used has a priority weight order for criteria, namely administration 0.45, supporting system 0.33, and application 0.21, as well as a priority weight order for alternatives, namely socialization to users 1.16, improving connectivity aspects 0.98, and regular maintenance of the system 0.85."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Aulia
"Studi ini membahas mengenai kriteria penilaian pelabuhan hub, dan membandingkan pelabuhan di Indonesia Timur, yaitu pelabuhan Bitung, Ambon, Sorong dan Jayapura, dari perspektif logistik menggunakan pendekatan pengambilan keputusan multi-kriteria Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP yang dibangun oleh Saaty 1982. Sebanyak 8 kriteria penilaian diperoleh.
Hasil AHP menunjukkan bahwa, dari perspektif semua responden, tiga kriteria penilaian teratas adalah lokasi geografis, infrastruktur fisik pelabuhan, dan konektivitas feeder dan jaringan intermodal. Pelabuhan Bitung memiliki tingkat kepuasan tertinggi sebagai pelabuhan hub di wilayah Indonesia Timur, diikuti oleh Sorong, Ambon, dan Jayapura.

This study explores hub port assessment criteria, and compares the four ports in Eastern Indonesia, namely the ports of Bitung, Ambon, Sorong and Jayapura, from a logistics perspective employing a multi criteria decision making approach the analytical hierarchy process AHP. A total of 8 assessment criteria are obtained.
The AHP results show that, from the perspective of all respondents, the top three assessment criteria are geographic location, physical port, and feeder and intermodal links connectivity. Bitung has the highest level of satisfaction as a logistics hub port, followed by Sorong, Ambon, and Jayapura.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didik Putra Kuncoro
"[Tesis ini membahas tentang penyelengaraan manajemen sekuriti fisik di PT.
ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Merak-Banten yang dikelola oleh PT. Indo
Sarana Usaha sesuai dengan Addendum VIII (delapan) Surat Perjanjian tentang
Perpanjangan Waktu Tenaga Ahli Daya (Outsourcing) Tenaga Pengamanan
(Security) Pelabuhan Merak Nomor : Sperj.29/Add-HK.203/ASDP-CUM-2014
dan Nomor : 083/SK/ASDP-ISU/X/2014 tanggal 10 Oktober 2014 guna
melindungi asset, keamanan, kenyamanan dan ketertiban bagi seluruh penumpang
yang mengunakan jasa penyeberangan PT. ASDP Merak. Penelitian tesis ini
dilatar belakangi oleh hasil observasi penulis terhadap penyelengaraan manajemen
sekuriti di Pelabuhan Merak yang belum sesuai dengan beberapa literatur
manajemen sekuriti, hal tersebut terbukti masih banyaknya tindak pidana
penyelundupan. Batasan tesis ini fokus pada proses manajemen sekuriti dan upaya
proses pengamanan dan pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh sekuriti PT. ISU.
Penelitian tesis ini mengunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan
Yuridis manajerial, serta dalam penelitian ini mengunakan teknik analisis
deskriptif kualitatif melalui penggambaran dan penganalisaan. Teknik
pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan penelaahan beberapa
dokumen. Sumber data berasal dari informasi yang didapatkan penulis berupa data
primer dan sekunder. Tinjauan pustaka yang digunakan oleh penulis merupakan
beberapa konsep dan dokumen yang menunjang penulis untuk melakukan
penelitian ini terhadap penyelengaraan manajemen sekuriti oleh PT. ISU di
kawasan PT. ASDP Merak Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa
penyelenggaraan manajemen sekuriti tidak ideal karena kurangnya inventaris dan
penerapan SOP dalam pengaman dan pegawasan untuk mencegah terjadinya
penyelundupan. Disarankan agar dilakukan perbaikan sistem dan sumber daya
Satpam.;This thesis discusses the physical security management at PT. ASDP Indonesia
Ferry (Persero) organization of Merak Banten managed by PT Indo Sarana Usaha
in accordance with Addendum VIII (eight) Agreement on the Extension of Time
Expert Power (outsourcing) Energy security (security) Merak Number: Sperj.29/
Add-HK.203/ASDP-CUM-2014 and Number : 083/SK ASDP-ISU/X/2014 dated
October 10, 2014 in order to protect the assets, security, comfort and order for all
the passengers who use the services crossing PT. ASDP Merak. The background
of this thesis research by the observation of the writer towards the organization of
security management at Merak are not in accordance with some security
management literature. It is evident there are many criminal acts of smuggling.
Limitations of this thesis focuses on the process of security management and
security and surveillance efforts processes carried out by security PT. ISU. This
thesis uses qualitative research methods with managerial juridical approach, and in
this study using qualitative descriptive analysis technique through the depiction
and analysis. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and
review of several documents. Source of data derived from the information
obtained in the form of author primary and secondary data. Literature review used
by the author are some concepts and documents that support the writer to do this
research on the organization of security management by PT. ISU in the area of PT.
ASDP Merak, Banten. The results showed that the implementation of security
management is not ideal because of the lack of inventory and application of SOP
in the safety and pegawasan to prevent smuggling. It is recommended that the
system be improved and resource security guard, This thesis discusses the physical security management at PT. ASDP Indonesia
Ferry (Persero) organization of Merak Banten managed by PT Indo Sarana Usaha
in accordance with Addendum VIII (eight) Agreement on the Extension of Time
Expert Power (outsourcing) Energy security (security) Merak Number: Sperj.29/
Add-HK.203/ASDP-CUM-2014 and Number : 083/SK ASDP-ISU/X/2014 dated
October 10, 2014 in order to protect the assets, security, comfort and order for all
the passengers who use the services crossing PT. ASDP Merak. The background
of this thesis research by the observation of the writer towards the organization of
security management at Merak are not in accordance with some security
management literature. It is evident there are many criminal acts of smuggling.
Limitations of this thesis focuses on the process of security management and
security and surveillance efforts processes carried out by security PT. ISU. This
thesis uses qualitative research methods with managerial juridical approach, and in
this study using qualitative descriptive analysis technique through the depiction
and analysis. The technique of collecting data through interviews, observation and
review of several documents. Source of data derived from the information
obtained in the form of author primary and secondary data. Literature review used
by the author are some concepts and documents that support the writer to do this
research on the organization of security management by PT. ISU in the area of PT.
ASDP Merak, Banten. The results showed that the implementation of security
management is not ideal because of the lack of inventory and application of SOP
in the safety and pegawasan to prevent smuggling. It is recommended that the
system be improved and resource security guard]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Assyifa Daiyah Fillah
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus melalui pendekatan analisis sistem input-process-output yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis gambaran kesiapan atau situasi Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan dalam upaya cegah tangkal Public Health Emergency of International Concern PHEIC . Populasi penelitian adalah institusi KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok secara menyeluruh. Informan penelitian berjumlah 10 orang yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive dan snowball sampling. Pengumpulan data dan analisis situasi dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data primer daftar tilik kajian mandiri dan hasil wawancara mendalam , serta data sekunder laporan tahunan KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok Tahun 2014-2016 . Dengan waktu penelitian pada bulan April-Juni 2017. Tingkat kepatuhan compliance rate KKP Kelas I Tanjung Priok terhadap standar dinilai sangat baik CR= 95,86 . Terdapat 8 item yang tidak memenuhi standar antara lain: speed boat quarantine, motoris speed boat karantina yang memiliki sertifikat ANT V Ahli Nautica Tingkat 5 , tenaga psikolog, petugas penata refraksi, petugas penata audiometri, dan petugas penata spirometri, dan hemocytometer. Kegiatan kekarantinaan dan surveilans epidemiologi dapat 100 dilaksanakan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan terfokus pada pengadaan sarana dan prasarana serta SDM yang dibutuhkan dan supervisi kerja petugas KKP dalam upaya cegah tangkal PHEIC.

This research is an analytical study of Public Health Emergency of International Concern Preparedness in Port Health Office using quantitative an qualitative approaches. The purpose of this study is to assess Public Health Emergency of International Concern Preparedness of Tanjung Priok Port Health Office in 2017 based on IHR 2005 and Indonesian quarantine regulation. Population of this study is Tanjung Priok Port Health Office in general. Ten officers are chosen with purposive and snowball samping to be this study informants. The data were collected from self administered PHEIC preparedness assessment filled by institutional representative and in depth interview results primary data , as well as 2014 2016 Tanjung Priok Port Health Office Yearly Reports secondary data . This study was conducted on April June of 2017. Complience rate in Tanjung Priok Port Health Office is rated excellence CR 95,86 , although there are 8 items that do not meet the PHEIC preparedness standard, such as quarantine speedboat quarantine speedboat motorist with ANT V sertificate psychologist refraction, audiometry, and spirometry experts and hemocytometer. Quarantine and epidemiologic surveillance activities in port of entry have been done 100 . The researcher suggests that there should be an improvement in Port Health Office facilities and human resources needed for PHEIC preparedness."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adisti Bestari Wangsaputra
"Penelitian ini membahas analisis atas standar operasional prosedur (SOP) pengadaan barang impor pada PT XYZ dan pengendalian risiko dari masing-masing sub-aktivitas yang ada dalam SOP tersebut. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa SOP yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengadaan barang impor telah sesuai dengan kaidah/teori yang ada. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menganalisis risiko dan memberikan mitigasi dari risiko yang ada dalam kegiatan pengadaan barang impor. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa PT XYZ dalam menjalankan kegiatan pengadaan barang impornya perlu menambahkan poin-poin penting yang belum ada dalam SOP, seperti meningkatkan kontrol persediaan serta meningkatkan kontrol atas utang dan piutang yang dapat mempengaruhi berjalannya kegiatan ini. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efesiensi dan efektivitas kegiatan pengadaan barang impor serta dapat mendukung berjalannya proses bisnis PT XYZ secara keseluruhan.

The focus of this study are the analysis of standard operating procedures (SOP) for the procurement of imported goods at PT XYZ and the risk control of each sub-activity in the SOP. This study purposed to ensure that the SOP that used in the procurement of imported goods are in accordance with existing rules/theories. In addition, this study also purposed to analyze risks and provide mitigation of the risks in the procurement of imported goods activitiy. The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive research types.
The results of the study suggest that PT XYZ in carrying out its procurement of imported goods needs to add important points that are not yet in the SOP, such as improving inventory control and increasing control of debt and accounts receivable that can affect the process of these activities. The results of this study are expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement of imported goods and can support the PT XYZs business process as a whole.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Butarbutar, Yosep
"[Skripsi ini membahas mengenai putusan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha
tentang kewajiban penggunaan alat bongkar muat Gantry Luffing Crane. Dalam
rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas bongkar muat di lingkungan
Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Para terlapor yakni PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II dan PT
Multi Terminal Indonesia mengeluarkan surat pemberitahuan pemakaian alat
bongkar muat Gantry Luffing Crane secara bersama-sama di Dermaga 101, 101
utara, 102, 114 dan 115 bagi para pengguna jasa pelabuhan. Tindakan tersebut
dirasa KPPU merupakan salah satu bentuk persaingan yang tidak sehat karena PT
Pelabuhan Indonesia II dan PT Multi Terminal Indonesia dinilai telah melakukan
tying agreement dan praktik monopoli yang merugikan pengguna jasa pelabuhan.
Dalam memutus perkara ini, KPPU menjatuhkan hukuman kepada mereka dengan
ketentuan pasal 15 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999. Skripsi yang
dibuat dengan metode yuridis normatif ini meyimpulkan bahwa KPPU tidak tepat
dalam memutus bersalah para terlapor dengan ketentuan mengenai tying
agreement dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999, mengingat surat
pemberitahuan bukanlah termasuk dalam pengertian perjanjian.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of
Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading
equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties,
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of
notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane
together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services.
According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition
because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a
tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding
this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15
paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical
method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt
of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999,
considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the
agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of
Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading
equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties,
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of
notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane
together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services.
According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition
because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a
tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding
this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15
paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical
method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt
of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999,
considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the
agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of
Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading
equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties,
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of
notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane
together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services.
According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition
because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a
tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding
this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15
paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical
method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt
of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999,
considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the
agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of
Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading
equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties,
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of
notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane
together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services.
According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition
because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a
tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding
this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15
paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical
method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt
of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999,
considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the
agreement.;This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of
Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading
equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties,
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of
notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane
together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services.
According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition
because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a
tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding
this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15
paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical
method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt
of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999,
considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the
agreement., This thesis discusses about Decision of The Commission for The Supervision of
Bussiness Competition (KPPU) about the obligation to use loading and unloading
equipment, Gantry Luffing Crane.In order to improve the efficiency and
productivity of loading and unloading in the Port of Tanjung Priok, The Parties,
PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Mult Terminal Indonesia issued a letter of
notification of the use of loading and unloading equipment Gantry Luffing Crane
together at pier 101, 101 north, 102, 114 dan 115 for the users port services.
According the Commision, this case one form of unfair bussiness competition
because PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II and PT Multi Terminal Indonesia have done a
tying agreement and monopoly practices that harm users port service. In deciding
this case, the Commission condemned them with the provisions of Article 15
paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1999. Thesis created with this normative juridical
method concludes that the Commission was not appropriate in deciding the guilt
of the reported with the provisions of the agreement tying in Law No. 5 of 1999,
considering letter of the notification is not included in the definition of the
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Obay Haqi Rifan Arief
"Di Indonesia, logistik laut menjadi sektor yang diutamakan. Ini disebabkan oleh 40% arus perdagangan Internasional yang melalui Indonesia didominasi oleh 90% moda transportasi laut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian dilakukan untuk menentukan jumlah armada kapal tunda yang beroperasi pada Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok dengan memperhatikan rata-rata waktu keseluruhan dan waktu tunggu kegiatan pelayanan pemanduan dan penundaan. Data penelitian ini diambil berdasarkan data sekunder berupa Laporan Harian Gerak Kapal tahun 2019 dari PT Pelindo (Regional 2). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah simulasi event diskrit menggunakan perangkat lunak Arena Simulasi dengan skenario alternatif pengurangan satu unit kapal yang disewa oleh perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa PT Pelindo telah memiliki pelayanan pemanduan dan penundaan yang baik, serta pengurangan satu unit kapal tunda 1240DK tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan pada kondisi awal perusahaan.

In Indonesia, marine logistics is in the priority sector. This is due to the fact that 40% of International trade flows through Indonesia are dominated by 90% of sea transportation modes. Based on that, this research is aim to determine the number of tugboat fleets operating at Tanjung Priok Port by paying attention to the average overall time and waiting time for pilotage activities and towage services. This research data was taken based on secondary data in the form of a 2019 Daily Report on Ship Motion from PT Pelindo (Regional 2). The research method used a discrete event simulation using the Simulation Arena software with an alternative scenario of reducing one unit of a ship chartered by the company. The results of this research showed that PT Pelindo already had good pilotage and towage services, and the reduction of one unit of the 1240DK tugboat did not have a significant effect on the initial condition of the company."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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