"Sejak 2016, pemerintah Kota Bogor berusaha membuat Kota Bogor ramah bagi pedestrian demi menyandang titel walkable city. Perbaikan jalur pedestrian terus dilakukan dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan minat warga Kota Bogor untuk berjalan kaki. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas jalur pedestrian dan pengaruhnya terhadap keinginan warga Kota Bogor untuk berjalan kaki. Wilayah penelitian terletak di sekitar ikon Kota Bogor, yaitu Kebun Raya Bogor dan Istana Bogor, yang dikelilingi oleh jalan raya satu arah.
Kualitas jalur pedestrian dinilai dari dua kategori, yaitu fitur fisik berdasarkan panduan Global Walkability Index berupa keamanan, keselamatan, dan kenyamanan jalur pedestrian yang sudah disesuaikan dengan kondisi di lapangan, serta fitur kognitif berupa persepsi pedestrian. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam, lalu dianalisis secara kualitatif dan deskriptif-spasial.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas jalur pedestrian di pusat Kota Bogor dalam kategori baik, sementara keinginan berjalan kaki di pusat Kota Bogor sangat dipengaruhi tujuan berjalan kaki. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kualitas jalur pedestrian yang baik dapat meningkatkan keinginan berjalan kaki, serta pada jalur pedestrian dengan kualitas kurang baik namun dikelilingi pusat kegiatan akan tetap menarik pedestrian untuk berjalan kaki hanya demi menyelesaikan urusannya.
Since 2016, Bogor City Government sought to develop a pedestrian friendly city, so that Bogor can bore the title lsquo walkable city rsquo . Improvements of the pedestrian walkways continue, hoping that the residents rsquo willingness to walk can increase overtime. This research was conducted with the aim of examining the quality of pedestrian walkways and its influences towards the willingness of Bogor residents to walk. The study area for this research is located around Bogors most renowned icon, Bogor Botanical Garden and the Palace of Bogor, which surrounded by an one way road. The quality of the pedestrian walkway was assessed by two categories, first is the physical features based on the Global Walkability Index in the form of walkway security, safety, and convenience, which has already been simplified to fit into the local standard, as well as the cognitive features in the form of the pedestrians perception of walkways. The data are obtained through observation, questionnaires, and in depth interview, and then analyzed using qualitative and spatial descriptive method. The results showed that the overall quality of pedestrian walkways in the downtown Bogor is good, while the willingness to walk is heavily influenced by purpose of the trips. Based on the results of the analysis, good quality pedestrian walkways can increase the willingness to walk, as for the lesser quality of pedestrian walkways will remain attractive for pedestrians with urgent business around the walkways."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unversitas Indonesia, 2018