ABSTRAKStudi Analisis Biaya Pengisian LPG pada Stasiun Pengisian LPG dilakukan untuk mengetahui biaya pengisian LPG 3 kg yang layak / wajar diterima oleh SPPBE / SPBE. Hal ini dikarenakan sejak dilaksanakannya program konversi minyak tanah ke LPG tahun 2007, besaran biaya pengisian LPG yang ditetapkan oleh Pertamina belum pernah mengalami perubahan yaitu sebesar Rp. 300 / Kg. Penelitian ini merinci CAPEX dan OPEX SPPBE existing PT X sebagai dasar melakukan perhitungan analisis keekonomian hingga didapatkan IRR sebesar 11,09 % dan NPV sebesar Rp 487.289.285. Dengan mengasumsikan WACC sama dengan MARR maka WACC = MARR = 17,34% dan selisih MARR dan IRR yang layak sebesar 4% didapatkan nilai IRR yang layak sebesar 21,34% dan NPV sebesar Rp. 9.431.120.721. Dengan IRR yang layak tersebut diperoleh biaya pengisian LPG yang layak / wajar sebesar Rp. 426 / Kg, apabila dibandingkan dengan biaya pengisian LPG yang ditetapkan oleh Pertamina sejak tahun 2007 hingga saat ini yaitu Rp. 300 / Kg, biaya pengisian LPG perlu dinaikkan Rp. 126 / Kg yaitu naik 42 %. Hasil analisis sensitivitas menggunakan random number generator based on monte carlo calculation bahwa perubahan kapasitas pengisian LPG berpengaruh lebih besar dari pada perubahan biaya pengisian LPG terhadap IRR yaitu sebesar 52,1% dan perubahan kapasitas pengisian LPG berpengaruh lebih besar dari pada perubahan biaya pengisian LPG terhadap NPV yaitu sebesar 52,1%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi Pertamina dalam penetapan biaya pengisian LPG Tabung 3 Kg dan masukan bagi Pemerintah dalam menetapkan regulasi terkait pengaturan penetapan biaya pengisian LPG
ABSTRACTThe study The Analysis of LPG Filling Fee at LPG Filling Station is conducted to find out the Filling Fee of 3 kg LPG that is acceptable by SPPBE/SPBE. This is because since the implementation of the conversion program from kerosene to LPG in 2007, the amount of LPG filling fee set by Pertamina has never changed from Rp. 300 / Kg. This study will give details of CAPEX and OPEX of SPPBE/SPBE owned by PT X as the basis of calculating the economic analyses to obtain the IRR as much as 11,09 % and the NPV as much as Rp 487.289.285. Assuming WACC is equal to MARR so WACC = MARR = 17,34 % and the difference between MARR and acceptable IRR is 4 %, it is obtained the acceptable IRR as much as 21,34 % and the NPV as much as Rp. 9.431.120.721. With the acceptable IRR, it is obtained acceptable LPG filling fee as much as Rp. 426 / Kg, when compared to the LPG filling fee set by Pertamina since 2007 until today which is Rp. 300 / Kg, LPG filling fee needs to be raised by Rp. 126 / Kg which is 42 %. The results of a sensitivity analysis using random number generator based on monte carlo calculation show that the effect of changing the capacity of LPG filling is greater than the effect of changing the LPG filling fee on IRR, which is equal to 52.1% and the effect of changing the LPG filling capacity is greater than the effect of changing the LPG filling fee on NPV which is equal to 52, 1%. The results of this study are expected to be the recommendation for Pertamina in determining the Filling Fee of 3 kg LPG and suggestion for the Government in establishing the regulations related to setting up LPG filling fee."