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Dadam Mahdar
"Tesis ini membahas strategi pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh grup Silih Wangi dalam menghadapi perubahan social dan budaya dalam arena tembang Sunda kacapi suling di Kecamatan Ciparay, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat sehingga dapat bertahan sampai saat ini. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Grup Silih Wangi melakukan pengelolaan yang meliputi sistem kepengurusan dan kewenangan, kepemimpinan, evaluasi kerja, pengelolaan keuangan, sistem pewarisan dan perekrutan, strategi pertunjukan, promosi dan pemasaran dengan efektif. Dengan strategi tersebut, grup Silih Wangi dapat dikatakan mempunyai habitus lebih tangguh dan memiliki beragam modal untuk menunjang keberhasilan pengelolaannya sehingga dapat menduduki posisi lebih tinggi daripada grup yang lain.

This thesis discusses management strategy carried by Silih Wangi group in facing social and cultural change in tembang Sunda kacapi suling arena in Ciparay District, Bandung Regency, West Java, so they can exist until now. This research is descriptive qualitative. Silih Wangi group can apply effective management strategy. Those are, organizational and responsibility system, leadership, work evaluation, financial management, inheritance and recruitment system, performance strategy, and promotion and marketing. By applying those strategies, Silih Wangi group achieves more persistent habitus and gain various capitals to assist its management successfulness. Hence, Silih Wangi group could get better position than other groups."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bejo Untung
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menginvesitagasi secara mikroskopis struktur sosial masyarakat di desa dalam agenda negara tentang demokratisasi desa. Sebagaimana dipahami bahwa semenjak Indonesia memasuki era reformasi, desentralisasi dan demokrasi dikedepankan sebagai upaya untuk mengevaluasi pemerintahan Orde Baru yang sentralistik. Pada dasarnya desentralisasi dan demokratisasi adalah suatu agenda yang mengedepankan proses pembangunan berbasis komunitas atau community-driven development. Akan tetapi dalam perkembangannya analisis terhadap agenda demokratisasi desa sebagai lanjutan dari proses desentralisasi dan demokratisasi tersebut sering dilakukan dengan pendekatan legal-driven, suatu pendekatan yang menganggap bahwa urusan mendemokrasikan desa hanya berhenti pada sebatas penerapan UU. UU Desa yang diterbitkan belakangan sebagai evaluasi terhadap UU sebelumnya, dianggap sebagai UU yang cukup kuat sebagai dasar bagi pelaksanaan demokrasi desa, terutama karena secara normatif telah menjamin keberfungsian BPD dan berjalannya musyawarah desa. Sementara dalam praktiknya, UU Desa tidak selalu implementatif sehingga tidak ada jaminan bagi berfungsinya BPD dan berjalannya musyawarah desa. Dengan demikian arena demokrasi desa yang dibayangkan oleh UU Desa tidak selalu terwujud. Melalui penelitian etnografi selama empat bulan di Desa Pabuaran, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, tesis ini menunjukkan situasi politik di tingkat mikro bahwa warga desa dapat menciptakan arenanya sendiri selain arena demokrasi desa sebagaimana yang dibayangkan oleh UU Desa. Melalui proses pembentukan arena inilah kemudian dapat diperlihatkan gambaran praktik aktual demokrasi desa, suatu gambaran yang tidak dapat diungkap oleh pendekatan legal-driven. Untuk mengungkap sejauhmana praktik aktual demokrasi desa tersebut, tesis ini berangkat dari beberapa pertanyaan penelitian sebagai berikut: Mengapa BPD dan musyawarah desa yang telah dijamin secara normatif oleh UU Desa tidak berjalan dan berfungsi dengan baik?; Bagaimana warga menyikapi ketidakberfungsian BPD dan musyawarah desa? Ketika arena demokrasi desa tidak terbentuk seiring dengan tidak berfungsinya BPD dan musyawarah desa, arena apa yang diciptakan oleh warga desa?; Bagaimana warga menciptakan arena tersebut?; Bagaimana arena tersebut dapat menampilkan warga desa biasa menjadi para tokoh yang dapat mempengaruhi penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa?; dan Bagaimana para tokoh yang muncul tersebut kemudian memainkan peran publiknya sebagai pihak yang menjalankan peran kontrol di satu sisi dan mementingkan interes pribadinya di sisi lain?

This thesis aims to investigate the social structure microscopically in the village level on the state agenda of village democratization. As already known that since Indonesia entering the reformasi era, decentralization and democratization have been put forward as evaluations on centralistic of New Order government. Basically, decentralization and democratization both are the agenda that emphasize the community driven development processes. However, time by time, analysis of the village democratization agenda as a continuation of the decentralization and democratization process is conducted by a legal driven approach, an approach that consider that all the matters of village democratization just stop in the implementing of the Law. Village Law that enacted later as an evaluation of the previous laws, is considered as a strong legal basis for the implementation of village democracy, especially when normatively it gives a guarantee for the functioning of BPD and the progress of the village deliberation. However, practically Village Law is not always implemented so there is no guarantee for the functioning of BPD and the progress of the village deliberation. Therefore the arena of village democracy has been imagined by Village Law does not necesseraly establish. Through four months of ethnographic research in Pabuaran Village, Sukamakmur Sub District, Bogor Regency, West Java, this thesis shows the political situation at the micro level where villagers can create their own arena instead of arena of village democracy as envisaged by Village Law. Through such this arena creation the actual practice of village democracy can be depicted, a picture that can not be explained comprehensively by a legal driven approach. To reveal the extent of the actual practice of village democracy, this thesis departs from several research questions as follows Why is the BPD and village deliberation that have been normatively guaranteed by the Village Law not implement and functioning properly How do villagers respond to the non functioning of BPD and village deliberation When the arena of village democracy is not establised along with the non functioning of BPD and village deliberation, what arena is created by the villagers How do villagers create the arena How can the arena make ordinary villagers become leaders who can influence the administration of village government How do the leaders then play their public role as social control on the one hand and attach their personal interest on the other hand "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siadari, Mutiara F.
"Akhir-akhir ini ikan dari perairan darat Indonesia sudah jarang ditemukan di pasaran, kalaupun ada harganya akan sangat mahal. Selain produksinya yang menunan terus, ukurannya pun jarang yang besar. Keadaan ini menjadi suatu tanda bahwa ikan air tawar yang hidup sekarang ini di perairan darat Indonesia tidak lagi memiliki kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang.
Keadaan ini menyadarkan manusia untuk dapat memenuhi kembali kebutuhannya serta menyediakan kembali ketersediaan sumberdaya ikan dengan mengusa fakan budidayanya. Odum (1971) mengemukakan bahwa bila populasi alam dimanfaatkan sampai batasnya, dan berkurang karena pengambilan ikan yang melampaui batas, maka tentu saja perhatian akan beralih kepada pemeliharaan ikan, atau budidaya air, terutama karena budidaya semacam itu dapat merupakan cara yang efisien untuk memproduksi pangan protein.
Budidaya diharapkan dapat menghasilkan produksi yang selalu meningkat sehingga selain dapat menyediakan kebutuhan protein ikan sehari-hari juga dapat menjaga kelestarian dari keanekaragaman hayati ikan air tawar.
Khususnya di Ibun, salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Bandung, masyarakat telah sejak dulu ikut berperanserta dalam pembudidayaan ikan air tawar. Namun, peranserta yang selama ini ada hanya terkait dengan kegiatan pemanfaatan dan berorientasi pada ekonomi tanpa memperhatikan kelestarian ikan air tawar. Maka, diperlukan peranserta yang aktif dari masyarakat pembudidaya ikan air tawar dalam hal perlindungan, pelestarian dan pemanfaatan secara lestari terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas ikan air tawar.
Berdasarkan uraian di etas, maka yang pertu ditetiti adalah budidaya ikan yang dapat meningkatkan produksi ikan air tawar dan pengaruh peranserta masyarakat dalam budidaya ikan air tawar terhadap kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan bersifat deskriptif analisis. Pemilihan responden sebagai sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penarikan sampel secara acak sederhana. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) yang mencakup perhitungan frekuensi, ANDVA, korelasi, dan chi-square.
Hasil penelitan yang dapat dipaparkan adalah:
Produksi ikan tertinggi dihasilkan oleh masyarakat yang memiliki sistem budidaya kolam air tenang, setelah itu masyarakat yang memiliki sistem budidaya minapadi, potikultur/tumpangsari, kolam air deras, keramba, dan yang paling sedikit produksinya adalah masyarakat dengan sistem budidaya jaring apung. Jenis ikan yang paling banyak dibudidayakan adalah jenis ikan mas, lale Jumbo, nila, dan ikan nitem.
Berdasarkan jawaban dari 120 responden yang diberi kuesioner, sekitar 0,83% memiliki tingkat persepsi sangat baik, 60,83% baik, dan 38,34% memiliki tingkat persepsi cukup. Tingkat peranserta masyarakat masih sangat rendah dengan nilai 85,83%. Tingkat peranserta masyarakat kategori rendah sebanyak 5,87%, cukup 3,33%, dan kategori tinggi hanya sebanyak 4,17%.
Setelah melakukan penelitian dan pembahasan terhadap data yang didapatkan, maka ditemukan kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
1. Budidaya ikan yang diiakukan masyarakat Desa Lampegan bervariasi dalam sistem budidaya dan jenis ikan. Budidaya yang dilaksanakan terdiri dari pembenihan dan pembesaran ikan. Kesemuanya ini menghasilkan produksi ikan yang meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, bagi pemenuhan konsumsi gizi dan peningkatan pendapatan keluarga.
2. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap budidaya ikan sudah cukup tinggi, namun peranserta masyarakat masih sangat rendah. Oleh karena itu belum terlihat ada pengaruh peranserta masyarakat terhadap budidaya yang mereka lakukan selama ini.

People Participation in Sustainable Freshwater Fish Cultivation (Study Case in Lampegan Village, Ibun Subdistrict, Bandung District, West Java)Recently, fish in the Indonesia's fresh water is rarely found in the market. Because of that, it is very expensive to buy. The production keeps going down and about the size never have a big one. This situation became a sign that freshwater fish in Indonesia's water never have a chance to grow and develop.
This situation realized people to get back to fulfill human needs and to provide fish resources by develop the cultivation. In Odum (1971) explained that if natural population (in this case is fish) is used and reach the limits, people will take many ways to get back to maintain fish or fish cultivation. It is an efficient way to produce protein food.
The cultivation is expected success in production, daily fish protein needs, and conservation. In Ibun, one of the sub Districts of Bandung District, people always participate in freshwater fish cultivation. People participation only connect with economy activity without consider the freshwater fish conservation. Because of that, people in this village should participate actively in freshwater fish by conservation, protection, and sustainable cultivate to get good quality and large quantity of freshwater fish.
The problems of this research are as follows: What kinds of fish cultivation can increase the production of freshwater fish and how the impact of people participation in fish cultivation that can conserve the biodiversity?
The research is using a survey method and type of this research is descriptive analysis. Respondent election as a research sample is using a simple random sample method. Data analysis is using a SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) which includes frequency, ANOVA, correlation, and chi-square calculation.
The results of this research are as follows:
The highest fish production is produced by people who have a quiet pond cultivation system, after that people who has minapadi cultivation system, polyculture / intercropping, fast pond, keramba, and the lower production is produced by people who has a float nit cultivation system. The fish type, which is the most, cultivated, is gold fish, fete freshwater catfish, nila, and nilem.
The questioner is given to 120 respondents. About 0,83% from 120 respondents have a very good perception level, 60,83% has a good perception level, and 38,34% has an enough perception level. The lower people participation level is about 85,83%, low people participation level is about 6,67%, enough people participation level is about 3,33% and the highest participation level is about 4,17%.
The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. The fish cultivation in Lampegan village is several of cultivation system and fish type. The implementation of cultivation consists of seeding and growing fish. This implementation can produce fish that increases progress. It can increase family income and nutrient needs.
2. The people perception in fish cultivation is high enough, but the people participation is very low. So there is no impact of people participation to fish cultivation in this study area.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tanaman stroberi merupakan salah satu tanaman buah-buahan yang mempunyai
nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Kecamatan Rancabali, yang dulunya merupakan satu
kesatuan dengan kecamatan Ciwidey, merupakan asal mulanya stroberi
dikembangkan di Indonesia. Dalam perkembangannya, usaha tani stroberi di
Kecamatan Rancabali meningkat seiring dengan konversi tanaman pangan
menjadi tanaman perdagangan yang dilakukan oleh sebagian besar petani di
Indonesi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui pola sebaran usaha
tani stroberi serta faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi usaha tani stroberi yang ada
di Kecamatan Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Usaha tani
stroberi di Kecamatan Rancabali memiliki pola clustered atau mengelompok.
Sebaran usaha tani stroberi ini berada pada penggunaan tanah pemukiman yang
tesebar di Kecamatan Rancabali dengan faktor fisik dan faktor sosial yang
mempengaruhi pola sebaran usaha tani stroberi di Kecamatan Rancabali."
Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk pemertahanan bahasa Sunda dalam upacara pernikahan adat Sunda di Kabupaten Bandung dan menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatifdeskriptif. Sumber datanya adalah upacara pernikahan adat Sunda di Kabupaten Bandung. Berdasarkan data tersebut dilakukan analisis terhadapnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk pemertahanan bahasa Sunda pada upacara pernikahan adat Sunda di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat meliputi bentuk penjemputan oleh lengser, saweran inti, ngaleupaskeun japati, buka pintu, dan sungkem. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya pemertahanan bahasa Sunda pada upacara pernikahan adat Sunda adalah mempertahankan identitas kultural dan latar belakang kultural keluarga yang melangsungkan upacara pernikahan tersebut."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2018
370 JPK 3:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachrul Sukma Sari Refra
Tesis ini memaparkan hasil internalisasi biaya eksternal industri tahu skala kecil.
Internalisasi biaya eksternal dilakukan dengan estimasi besaran kesediaan
membayar iuran pengelolaan IPAL oleh Industri Tahu Skala Kecil dan perhitungan
besaran subsidi oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang
didasarkan survei menggunakan format Stated Preference dengan pendekatan
metode Contingent Valuation di dua kelurahan di Kota Bandung. Metode elisitasi
yang digunakan adalah closed-ended dichotomous choice melalui teknik Double
Bounded (DB) dengan pengumpulan data melalui survei langsung ke Industri Tahu
Skala Kecil. Dari 150 responden, 141 di antaranya (94%) bersedia membayar iuran
pengelolaan IPAL. Analisis model DB dengan menggunakan semua data responden
menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan, lama usaha, status kepemilikan lahan dan jumlah
konsumsi gas elpiji berhubungan positif dengan nilai WTP dan menjadi variabel
yang signifikan pada level 0.05. Dari hasil estimasi yang dilakukan, nilai WTP
sebesar Rp. 36.000,- perbulan. Sehingga internalisasi biaya eksternal dari industri
tahu sebesar Rp. 18.144.000,- pertahun dan nilai subsisi dari pemerintah sebesar
Rp. 23.202.000,- pertahun.

This thesis presents the results of the internalization of external costs of smallscale
tofu industries. Internalization of external costs is done with estimated amount of
willingness to pay dues wastewater management by Smallscale Industries and
calculated the amount of subsidy by the government. This research is quantitative
based surveys using Stated Preference format under the Contingent Valuation
approach, in two villages of Bandung City. Elicitation method employed was
closed-ended dichotomous choice of Double-Bounded (DB) technique by
collecting data through direct interviews to respondens. Calculated from the total
of 150 respondents, 141 (94%) were willing to pay a management dues IPAL. DB
model analysis using all the data of the respondents indicate that education,
longterm business, land ownership status and amount of LPG consumption
positively related to WTP value and be a significant variable in the level of 0,05.
From the results of the estimates, the value of WTP is Rp. 36.000,- permonth. So
the internalisation of external costs from industries is Rp. 18.144.000,- peryear and
from the government subsidy is Rp. 23.202.000,- peryear;This thesis presents the results of the internalization of external costs of smallscale
tofu industries. Internalization of external costs is done with estimated amount of
willingness to pay dues wastewater management by Smallscale Industries and
calculated the amount of subsidy by the government. This research is quantitative
based surveys using Stated Preference format under the Contingent Valuation
approach, in two villages of Bandung City. Elicitation method employed was
closed-ended dichotomous choice of Double-Bounded (DB) technique by
collecting data through direct interviews to respondens. Calculated from the total
of 150 respondents, 141 (94%) were willing to pay a management dues IPAL. DB
model analysis using all the data of the respondents indicate that education,
longterm business, land ownership status and amount of LPG consumption
positively related to WTP value and be a significant variable in the level of 0,05.
From the results of the estimates, the value of WTP is Rp. 36.000,- permonth. So
the internalisation of external costs from industries is Rp. 18.144.000,- peryear and
from the government subsidy is Rp. 23.202.000,- peryear;This thesis presents the results of the internalization of external costs of smallscale
tofu industries. Internalization of external costs is done with estimated amount of
willingness to pay dues wastewater management by Smallscale Industries and
calculated the amount of subsidy by the government. This research is quantitative
based surveys using Stated Preference format under the Contingent Valuation
approach, in two villages of Bandung City. Elicitation method employed was
closed-ended dichotomous choice of Double-Bounded (DB) technique by
collecting data through direct interviews to respondens. Calculated from the total
of 150 respondents, 141 (94%) were willing to pay a management dues IPAL. DB
model analysis using all the data of the respondents indicate that education,
longterm business, land ownership status and amount of LPG consumption
positively related to WTP value and be a significant variable in the level of 0,05.
From the results of the estimates, the value of WTP is Rp. 36.000,- permonth. So
the internalisation of external costs from industries is Rp. 18.144.000,- peryear and
from the government subsidy is Rp. 23.202.000,- peryear, This thesis presents the results of the internalization of external costs of smallscale
tofu industries. Internalization of external costs is done with estimated amount of
willingness to pay dues wastewater management by Smallscale Industries and
calculated the amount of subsidy by the government. This research is quantitative
based surveys using Stated Preference format under the Contingent Valuation
approach, in two villages of Bandung City. Elicitation method employed was
closed-ended dichotomous choice of Double-Bounded (DB) technique by
collecting data through direct interviews to respondens. Calculated from the total
of 150 respondents, 141 (94%) were willing to pay a management dues IPAL. DB
model analysis using all the data of the respondents indicate that education,
longterm business, land ownership status and amount of LPG consumption
positively related to WTP value and be a significant variable in the level of 0,05.
From the results of the estimates, the value of WTP is Rp. 36.000,- permonth. So
the internalisation of external costs from industries is Rp. 18.144.000,- peryear and
from the government subsidy is Rp. 23.202.000,- peryear]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Adhyaksa Suryaputra
Penelitian ini menganalisis keabsahan akta jual beli dan surat di Bawah tangan berupa pinjam pakai sertipikat tentang peralihan hak sertipikat hak milik nomor 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, dengan Studi Kasus: Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Bandung No:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merumuskan 2 (dua) permasalahan utama, yaitu mengenai bagaimana keabsahan akta jual beli dan surat di bawah tangan yaitu berupa pinjam pakai sertipikat dan apa dampak dari tidak pahamnya akibat hukum dari penandatanganan akta jual beli tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah diharapkan agar supaya kita jangan terlalu gampang meminjamkan sertipikat kepada orang lain sebagai alas untuk meminta kredit dan agar Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) lebih cermat dan teliti dalam memastikan apakah obyek jual beli tersebut telah sesuai dengan Asas Terang, Tunai dan Riil atau Nyata. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum dengan pendekatan secara yuridis normatif, mempergunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan, dan hasil penelitian bersifat analitis kualitatif, karena ditujukan untuk memberikan data yang seteliti mungkin tentang sifat-sifat hubungan hukum, keadaan atau gejala- gejala tertentu dalam suatu tindakan hukum. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa kesalahan yang berupa persetujuan dalam akta jual beli terhadap tanah dan bangunan dapat mengakibatkan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan jadi berpindah ke orang lain.

This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.;This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit?s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia?s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building., This study analyzes the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate in transfer of property rights certificate number: 66/ Pakutandang/ Ciparay/ Bandung/ Jawa Barat, with case studies: Resolution of Distric Court of Bandung Numb:404/ PDT/ G/ 2010/ PN.BDG. This research is done by formulating 2 (two) main issues. First, in relation to the validity of the deed of sale and purchase, also the letter of lease certificate, and second, is the impact of the ignorance in signing such deed. The purpose of this research is we shall not easily in lending certificate to anyone else as the legal base in accepting credit’s request, in the other hand, the Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah shall be more careful in ensuring whether the object of such sale and purchase has appropriate enough with Indonesia’s legal foundation in sale and purchase transaction, namely clear, cash and real. This reasearch is legal reasearch with juridicial normative approach, which uses secondary data which is got from library study, and the result of reasearch are qualitative analyzed, because it has purpose in providing the clearest legal data, in regarding to any legal relationship, legal matters or legal phenomenon in certain legal action. This reasearch generates conclusion that the fault in form of agreement in the deed of sale and purchase of land and building will impact the transfer of ownership right of land and building.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1981
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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