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R.Rg. Sastraatmadja
Djakarta: Groningen, [date of publication not identified]
899.231 SAS g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djajadiredja, R. K.
"Buku-buku Batjaan Mimiti anu patali sareng "Tuduh Djalan", seueurna aja opat djilid.
Ketjap-ketjap, nu dianggo bubuka pangadjaran, baris mitembejan ngawulangkeun aksara, nja kitu berendelanana, meh sami bae sareng dina "Aosan abdi?, mung aja hidji dua anu digentos, margi ku ketjap panggentosna tea katimbang langkung terang upami disarengan ku gambar.
Saparantosna djadi batjaan, dihadja diseueuran ketjap-ketjap, sababaraha djadjar, supanten barudak ulah dugi ka arapal tjangkem.
Aksara-aksara, anu parantos diwulangkeun, ngaadja diwangaulan deui-diwangsulan deui, ambeh wuwuh paraham."
Djakarta: J. B. Wolters, [194-?]
K 499.223 2 DJA b II
Buku Klasik  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batavia : Wolters, 1948
S 499.286 S 440 p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
T. Fatimah Djajasudarma
Bandung: Rahmat Cijulang, 1985
499.25 DJA t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Lembaga Pemasyarakatan berfungsi sebagai tempat pelaksanaan pembinaan narapidana. Pembinaan yang dilakukan harus didasarkan pada minat, bakat dan kebutuhan narapidana. Kebutuhan pembinaan bagi narapidana residivis dengan narapidana non residivis tentunya berbeda. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya, pembinaan secara khusus kepada narapidana residivis di Lembaga pemasyarakatan belum dilaksanakan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan di lembaga pemasyarakatan tidak terdapat blok khusus bagi narapidana residivis dan tidak adanya peraturan yang secara khusus mengatur tentang pembinaan narapidana residivis.
Pendekatan penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan pedoman wawancara sebagai panduan dalam melakukan wawancara dengan informan. Hasil penelitian dipaparkan secara deskriptif analisis dengan Iokasi penelitian Lapas Klas. I Sukamiskin maupun Lapas Klas. II A Banceuy Bandung. Data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian adalah data primer dari wawancara dan pengamatan lapangan, dan data sekunder dari studi pustaka dan studi dokumentasi yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Lapas Klas. I Sukamiskin maupun Lapas Klas. II A Banceuy Bandung belum melakukan klasifikasi tersendiri terhadap narapidana residivis, belum adanya program pembinaan yang terencana yang diperuntukkan bagi, narapidana residivis, kurangnya sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang bagi kegiatan pembinaan narapidana residivis maupun non residivis.
Program pembinaan narapidana residivis yang penulis ajukan berupa kegiatan pembinaan kemandirian, khususnya pembinaan keterampilan kerja. Program pembinaan yang diberikan kepada narapidana residivis masuk ke dalam kategori pekerjaan industri yang bersifat produktif dan latihan keterampilan, yaitu :
1. Pekerjaan industri yang murni merupakan pekerjaan produktif yang menghasilkan barang dan atau jasa;
2. Pekerjaan industri yang merupakan bagian dari latihan keterampilan yang lebih rnenekankan pada kegiatan latihan keterampilan sebelurn narapidana bekerja produktif;
3. Latihan keterampilan, yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan keterampilan keahlian bagi narapidana tanpa diberikan beban untuk menghasilkan barang dan atau jasa;
4. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan berdasarkan hobi dan narapidana yang bersangkutan.

Institution of correctional serve as a place the treatment for prisoner. The requirement based on the talent, interest, and the need of prisoner. Requirement of recidivist an non recidivist is different. Especially, however, it is do not implemented yet. It caused by there is no special block in institution of correctional for recidivist and no regulation used for the treatment.
The research method used is qualitative and interview guidance a direction of conference with the informants. The result described in analysis descriptive in both of facilities location. Data used in the research is primary data of interview and field study and the secondary arise from literature and documentation studies related to the problems.
The result shows that both of facilities do not implement classification toward the prisoner, there is no design treatment for them, leakages in facility and infrastructure for support of the activity in treatment of recidivist or non-recidivist.
The treatment of recidivist program presented by author consist of vocational treatment, especially in work skill. The program given to them includes the productive industrial working and skill practice, as follows:
1. The pure industrial working is a resulting good and service.
2. Industrial working is a part of skill practice which it focused on skill practice before they work productively.
3. Skill practice aimed to gives the skill practice of prisoner without loading production.
4. The job implemented according to the hobby of related prisoner."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
T 20799
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Yuwono
"Penelitian ini mengkaji permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan manajemen penanggulangan HIV/AIDS Narapidana di Lapas Klas II A Narkotika Jakarta dan kendala-kendalanya. Untuk melihat manajemen penanggulangan HIV/AIDS, dipergunakan 5 Fungsi manajemen Richard W Snarr. Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini yaitu dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa pemakaian narkoba melalui jarum suntik secara bersama dan homoseksual, terjadi di Lapas Klas II A Narkotika Jakarta sehingga dapat mengakibatkan penularan HIVIAIDS di dalam Lapas. Manajemen terhadap penanggulangan HIV/AIDS di Lapas Klas II A Narkotika Jakarta, melibatkan aktivitas kelima unsur dalam fungsi manajemen. Perencanaan penanggulangan HIV/AIDS berdasarkan program yang dilaksanakan oleh KPA, Departemen Kesehatan dan LSM. Dalam pengorganisasiannya berkoordinasi dengan instansi terkait dan LSM. Penempatan staf juga sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikannya atau telah terlatih dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya. Kepemimpinan Kalapas dinilai sangat mendukung dalam penanggulangan HIV/AIDS namun dalam unsur pengawasan dari Ditjenpas dan Kanwil Departemen Hukum dan Ham DKI Jakarta, belum dirasakan di Lapas Klas Il A Narkotika Jakarta. Evaluasi terhadap program penanggulangan HIV/AIDS belum dilakukan oleh Ditjenpas maupun Kanwil Dep. Hukum Dan Ham DKI Jakarta, tetapi secara intern Kalapas melakukan pengawasan dan evaluasi terhadap program penanggulangan HIVIAIDS.
Beberapa kendala dalam penanggulangan HIV/AIDS meliputi anggaran yang terbatas, sarana/fasilitas terbatas, minimnya kualitas dan kuantitas SDM, belum adanya peraturan tentang tes HIV di Lapas, malasnya napi mengikuti program pembinaan, partisipasi keluarga/masyarakat yang kurang mendukung karena keterbatasan dana dan persepsi yang salah.

The study examine problems related to management of HIV/AIDS prevention for Jakarta Narcotics Prison inmates and it's constraint, HIV/AIDS prevention management will be analyzed by Richard W Snarr's five functions of management. Research data to answer both problems are collected by qualitative method.
Research result concluded that sharing needle among inmates in drug using and homosexual behavior are happened in Jakarta Narcotics Prison. These risk behavior caused HIVIAIDS spreading in this prison. Management of HIVIAIDS prevention for Jakarta Narcotics Prison inmate does involve Richard W Snarr's five functions of management. HIVIAIDS prevention planning is implemented by KPA, Department of Health and NGO, which is the three of them are coordinated. Staffing of employee has evaluated based on educational background and necessary skill in handling this problem. Head of prison leadership evaluated very supporting for this program, although there are skill a lot of weaknesses in HIVIAIDS prevention implementation, such as look of monitoring from Directorate General Of Correction and Local Authority of Department of Law and Human Right Both of those institution has not evaluated the development of this program, even though this has been done internally by the head of prison.
Some constraints in handling this matter related to basic limitation such as budget, facility and human resources quantity and quality. Besides, HIV/AIDS test for inmates is not regulated yet. Another constraint is also about uninterested feeling of inmates in following counseling program and lack of family / society participation because of budget limitation and wrong perception.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Rahmi Faisal
Narapidana perempuan hamil/ menyusui merupakan minoritas dalam komunitas suatu bangsa yang berada di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan. Narapidana perempuan hamil dan menyusui memerlukan pembinaan yang berbeda narapidana pada umumnya. Hal ini terjadi karena narapidana perempuan dengan kondisi hamil dan menyusui memiliki fisik dan kebutuhan yang jauh berbeda dengan narapidana pada umumnya. Perawatan kesehatan reproduksi, pengobatan fisik maupun psikis, serta perlindungan terhadap anak-anak dari narapidana perempuan di dalam Lapas menjadi sangat penting karena akan menentukan masa depan narapidana dan anaknya sendiri. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang difokuskan untuk mengkaji penerapan kaidah-kaidah atau norma-norma dalam hukum positif, dan hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh setiap Lembaga Pemasyarakatan memiliki kebijakan atas permasalahan yang berbeda-beda, hal ini didasarkan pada faktor-faktor penghambat yang mereka miliki dalam proses pembinaan di dalam Lapas. Lapas Klas II B Anak Wanita Tanggerang dirasakan cukup memenuhi hak-hak narapidana perempuan hamil dan menyusui karena akses kesehatan, perlindungan keselamatan, serta program pembinaan yang cukup efektif. Untuk Lapas Perempuan Klas II A DKI Jakarta memiliki faktor penghambat yang membuat pihak Lapas dirasakan masih kurang memenuhi hak-hak narapidana tersebut akibat dari kondisi Lapas yang over crowded. Sedangkan, Lapas Klas II A Bogor merupakan Lapas dengan permasalahan yang lebih kompleks, kondisi Lapas yang over crowded, tidak adanya akses perlindungan yang memadai, serta dilarangnya narapidana yang pasca melahirkan membawa anak ke dalam Lapas, menjadikan kebijakan Lapas ini bertentangan dengan beberapa regulasi yang ada dan belum memenuhi hak-hak narapidana perempuan hamil dan menyusui.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women's prisoners are a minority in the community of a nation in the Prison. Prisoners of pregnant and breastfeeding women require different counseling of convicts in general. This happens because female prisoners with pregnant and breastfeeding conditions have a physical and a need that is much different from the convicts in general. Reproductive health care, physical and psychological treatment, as well as protection of children from female prisoners in prison are very importance because it will determine the future of inmates and their own children. In this study, the authors use normative juridical research methods focused on assessing the application of norms or norms in positive law, and the results of research obtained by each the prison have policies on different issues, the inhibiting factors they have in the coaching process within the prisons. Prisons Class II B Child Tanggerang is sufficient to fulfill the rights of pregnant and lactating female prisoners because of health access, safety protection, and effective coaching programs. For prisons of Women Class II A DKI Jakarta has an inhibiting factor that makes the prisons felt is still not meet the rights of prisoners is due to the condition of prisons are overcrowded. Meanwhile, Prisons Class II A Bogor is prisons with more complex problems, overcrowded prisons, inadequate access to protection, and prohibition of post partum prisoners bringing children into prisons, making this prison's policy contrary to some existing regulations and has not fulfilled the rights of pregnant and breastfeeding women's prisoners. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tejo Harwanto
"The criminal act of drugs abuse, which has been increasing in number nowadays, has threaten the life of all nations in the world including Indonesia due to the transnational distribution of illegal drugs.
The establishment of the Class II A Narcotics Penitentiary is a response of the Government, through the Directorate General of Penitentiary, to the Combating Drugs Abuse and Illicit Trade of Narcotics (P4GN) program. This policy is adapted from the people's demand to make changes to the existing system.
The rehabilitation of the criminals of narcotics case as a complex problem since they play part not only as drugs dealers, but also drugs addicts. This particular condition makes the rehabilitation of the narcotics prisoners is more complicated than other prisoners.
One of the aims of the establishment of the narcotics penitentiary is to cut off the link of illicit drugs trade in Indonesia. Thus, the people who administer the penitentiary are expected to be able to play their part and to run the penitentiary function properly. Every personnel of the penitentiary shall be provided with administrative and technical capability through education and training in order to carry out their main duty and function. They also need motivation to support their creativity and to enhance their performance.
The theory applied to study employee performance analysis in its relation to the prisoners' behavior is the employee performance theory by Keith Davis with the formula as follow: Human Performance = Ability + Motivation. One's performance is influenced by ability and motivation. While ability is obtained from education, training and experience, motivation rises from the impulse of humans desire to meet their basic necessities, which is expressed in their behavior.
In this research descriptive analytic method is employed. Distributing questionnaires as a means of data collection and doing interviews as the basis of rationality and objectivity of this research conduct a field approach of survey method.
A positive correlation coefficient value between ability variable and employee performance is resulted in this research. The ability variable correlation value over employee performance is r = 0.551. This indicates that the relation between working motivation and employee performance is positive. Based on the simple regression analysis, there is a positive and significant influence of ability variable over employee performance variable with a determinant correlation R2 of 0.424 or 0.424 x 100% = 42.4 %. The rest 57.6% is influenced by other variables beyond this research on a significance level of 0.000. It also found that there is a positive and significant influence of motivation variable on employee performance in the Class II A Narcotics Penitentiary with a determinant correlation R2 of 0.303 x 100% = 30.3%. The rest 69.7% is influenced by other variables beyond this research with significance level 0.000.
The multiple regression analysis performed shows that ability (X1) and motivation (X2) have consistently a positive and significant relation on employee performance (Y) with a correlation coefficient r2 of 0.673. This analysis also points out an influence of ability (X1) and motivation (X2) on employee performance (Y) with determinant coefficient R2 of 0.453 or 0.453 x 100% = 45.3% while the rest 54.3% is influenced by other variables beyond this research on a significance level of 0.000.
It can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relation between ability and motivation and employee performance. The influence perception of ability and motivation on employee performance also appears in the Class II A Narcotics Penitentiary although there is still a 54.7 % of it which is influenced by other variables.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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