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Paris: UNESCO; CRC Press, 2009
363.610 INT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009
363.61 URB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armaji Kamaludi Syarif
Laporan UNICEF pada tahun 2014 menyatakan bahwa Indonesia adalah negara terbesar kedua di
dunia dengan praktik buang air besar sembarangan. Puskesmas adalah garis depan dalam
menangani masalah ini, salah satu programnya adalah memastikan cakupan sanitasi air bersih dan
jamban sehat di wilayahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi terkait
pengaruh kepemimpinan dan kegiatan operasional terhadap kinerja UKM terkait cakupan sanitasi
air bersih dan jamban sehat dengan menggunakan kriteria Baldrige Excellence Framework. Data
yang relevan dari penelitian indeks kualitas pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh
Badan Litbangkes dianalisis lanjut secara deskriptif dan analitik dengan menggunakan Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM). Kepemimpinan berhubungan signifikan dengan kegiatan operasional
dengan standardized coefficient 0,99 (p-value 0,05); kegiatan operasional berhubungan tidak
signifikan dengan kinerja dengan standardized coefficient 0,09 (p-value 0,05); kepemimpinan
berhubungan tidak langsung secara tidak signifikan dengan kinerja melalui kegiatan operasional
dengan standardized coefficient 0,09 (p-value 0,05). Berbagai faktor dapat menyebabkan hal
tersebut namun ketidakcocokan kovarian dari variabel di populasi dan sampel serta kemungkinan
peran sektor lain yang lebih besar menjadi dua hal yang menonjol. Kesimpulannya, kinerja UKM
puskesmas terkait cakupan sanitasi air bersih dan jamban sehat masih kurang baik, sehingga perlu
adanya peningkatan capaian indikator-indikator kepemimpinan dan kegiatan operasional yang
harus bekerjasama erat dengan sektor lain.

The 2014 UNICEF report stated that Indonesia is the second largest country in the world in
practicing open defecation. The puskesmas is the front line in dealing with this problem, one of
the programs is to ensure the coverage of clean water sanitation and healthy toilets in the area.
This study aims to obtain information regarding the influence of leadership and operational
activities on the performance of public health effort related to the coverage of clean water and
healthy toilet by using the Baldrige Excellence Framework criteria. Relevant data from the
research on the quality index of public health services carried out by the National Institute of
Health and Research Development were further analyzed descriptively and analytically using
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Leadership was significantly related to operational
activities with a standardized coefficient of 0.99 (p-value 0.05); operational activities were not
significantly related with performance with a standardized 0.09 coefficient (p-value 0.05);
leadership was not indirectly related significantly to performance through operational activities
with a standardized coefficient of 0.09 (p-value 0.05). Various factors can cause this situation
but covariance mismatches of variables in the population and the sample; and the possibility of
the role of other sectors are the two most probable explanations. In conclusion, the performance
of UKM health centres related to the coverage of clean water and healthy latrines is still not good,
so there are needs to increase in the achievement of leadership indicators and operational activities
which are followed by working closely with other sectors.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muslim Aminuddin
"Sungai Pesanggrahan dari karakteristik lebar sungainya merupakan sungai menengah. Kandungan kimia dan biologis air Sungai Pesanggrahan menunjukan bahwa Sungai Pesanggrahan sudah tercemar. Pencemaran air Sungai Pesanggrahan lebih besar ditemukan pada kawasan hilir, hal ini disebabkan menumpuknya senyawa-senyawa kimia yang bersumber dari limbah industri dan domestik. Daerah Aliran Sungai Pesanggrahan sebagian besar merupakan kawasan permukiman. Pembangunan kota di Daerah Aliran Sungai Pesanggrahan menjadi pengaruh besar terhadap penurunan kualitas air Sungai Pesanggrahan. Pembangunan tersebut paling besar terjadi pada periode 2004-2010. Lalu, pada periode 2010-2013 pembangunan lebih banyak pada perubahan struktur aliran Sungai Pesanggrahan, yaitu pada pelebaran dan pelurusan sungai. Kawasan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Pesanggrahan banyak digunakan sebagai area industri ilegal, sehingga melanggar ketentuan tata ruang yang ada. Peran Pemerintah Kota Jakarta dalam menjaga kualitas air sungai yaitu pada fungsi pembangunan dan pengawasan bangunan-bangunan yang melanggal aturan. Hal ini merujuk pada pemberian izin dan terakhir pada penindakan terhadap pihak-pihak yang melanggar dan berperan dalam penurunan kualitas air Sungai Pesanggrahan.

The Pesanggrahan River from the characteristics its river width is an intermediate river. The chemical and biological content of Pesanggrahan River water shows that the Pesanggrahan River has been polluted. Water pollution in the Pesanggrahan River is greater in the downstream area, this is due to the accumulation of chemical compounds from industrial and domestic waste. Most of the Pesanggrahan Watershed are residential areas. City development in the Pesanggrahan Watershed has a major influence on the decline in the water quality of the Pesanggrahan River. The biggest development occurred in the period 2004-2010. Then, in the 2010-2013 period the development was more on the changes in the structure of the Pesanggrahan River flow, namely on river widening and straightening. The area in the Pesanggrahan Watershed is widely used as an illegal industrial area, thus violating existing spatial provisions. The role of the Jakarta City Government in maintaining river water quality is in the function of building and supervising buildings that violate the rules. This refers to the granting of permits and finally to prosecution of parties who violate and play a role in decreasing the quality of the Pesanggrahan River water."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The lakes in urban megacity Jakarta, called as ?setu or situ? by the local people, play a central role in integrated water resources management. Despite its pivotal role in maintaining the balance of urban water system, they have not received sufficient attention. Rapid urban development in a very distinct urban watershed type of lake?s surroundings has impacted on the water quantity and quality of urban lakes in megacity Jakarta. Chronic problems faced by downstream area in megacity Jakarta such as flash floods in the rainy season and water scarcity in the dry season have indicated that the lakes have not been managed and functioned well. Human and nature disturbances such as shoreline encroachment, shoreline erosion, garbage dump and inflow from untreated sewage and urban runoff have polluted the lake water and reduced its volume capacity. Nearly half of the existing lakes have reduced from 10 to > 50% of its water volume capacity due to lake area shrinkage, siltation and even excessive growth of
invasive macrophytes. The lakes are mostly in disturbed to damaged environmental conditions. Lakes in urban and rural villages have less in water quantity and higher solids, organic matter, nutrients and even fecal bacteria concentrations than the lakes in planned residential, high-rise residential and industrial areas types of urban surroundings. As the lakes in the urban village and industrial area, elevated toxic metal concentrations have become public concern due to lake hygiene problems. Elevated nutrient concentrations have caused the lake eutrophication, where some lakes have suffered from excessive macrophyte coverage, algal bloom even toxic cyanobacterial bloom. The urban lakes in megacity Jakarta constantly have been degrading physically and ecologically affecting its water quantity and quality which is increasing the threat to human?s health and impact future human?s resilience in urban megacity Jakarta."
570 LIMNO 21:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tchobanoglous, George
Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley, 1985
363.739 4 TCH w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iftia Priandhini Aziza
"Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) di Indonesia khususnya di Kabupaten Bogor dikelola oleh Perumda Air Minum Tirta Kahuripan. Seiring berjalannya waktu penyelenggaraan SPAM memerlukan pengembangan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukannya evaluasi dan pengembangan jaringan distribusi. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting jaringan distribusi pada aspek kuantitas, kualitas, dan kontinuitas di Perumahan Cipta Graha Permai; menganalisis parameter hidrolik menggunakan aplikasi EPANET 2.2 dengan skenario pengembangan jumlah penduduk Perumahan Cipta Graha Permai serta pengembangan jaringan distribusi Perumahan Emerald City; memodelkan sisa klor di jaringan distribusi di aplikasi EPANET 2.2. Metode yang digunakan dalam evaluasi dan pengembangan jaringan distribusi berdasarkan proyeksi penduduk model logistik dengan standar kebutuhan air sebesar 100 L/Orang/Hari. Untuk mengevaluasi dan memodelkan kualitas air berdasarkan penelitian di lapangan. Evaluasi kualitas air mengacu pada Peraturan Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Untuk evaluasi dan pengembangan jaringan distribusi mengacu pada Peraturan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat RI. Berdasarkan evaluasi kondisi eksisting, kuantitas pendistribusian air sebesar 1,79 L/detik. Untuk kualitas air parameter kekeruhan sebesar 0,36 NTU; 0,26 NTU; 0,16 NTU; 0,85 NTU, total koliform dan E. Coli sebesar 0 jumlah per 100 ml sampel. Konsentrasi sisa klor di reservoir sebesar 0,12 mg/L dan di masing-masing Sambungan Langsung (SL) sebesar 0,06 mg/L; 0,03 mg/L; 0,05 mg/L. Secara kontinuitas, pendistribusian air telah didistribusikan selama 24 jam. Hasil analisis parameter hidrolik di EPANET 2.2 tekanan dan kecepatan dalam pipa di Perumahan Cipta Graha Permai sebesar 0,3 m; 0,01 m/detik sedangkan di Perumahan Emerald City sebesar 0,3 m; 0,01 m/detik. Berdasarkan permodelan sisa klor di jaringan distribusi eksisting di sepanjang jaringan sebesar 0,12 mg/L. Dari hasil evaluasi kondisi eksisting pendistribusian air sudah memenuhi baku mutu secara kuantitas dan kontinuitas. Namun, pada aspek kualitas sisa klor di SL belum memenuhi baku mutu. Dari analisis parameter hidrolik belum memenuhi kriteria desain pipa distribusi. Berdasarkan permodelan sisa klor tidak adanya penurunan konsentrasi di sepanjang jaringan pipa.

The drinking water supply system (SPAM) in Indonesia, especially in Bogor district, is managed by the Tirta Kahuripan Drinking Water Company. As time goes by, SPAM maintenance needs development. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate and develop the distribution network. The study aims to identify the existing conditions of the distribution network in terms of quantity, quality, and continuity in the Cipta Graha Permai Housing; analyze the hydraulic parameters using the EPANET 2.2 application with the development scenario of the number of people in Cipta Graha Permai Housing as well as the development of the Emerald City Housing Distribution Network; model the residues of chlorine in the distribution network in EPANET 2.2. The method used in evaluating and developing the distribution network is based on the population projections of the logistic model with the standard water needs of 100 L / Person / Day. To evaluate and model water quality based on field research. Water quality assessment refers to the Rules of the Ministry of Health RI. For evaluating and developing the distribution network, refer to the Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing RI Regulations. Based on the assessment of existing conditions, the amount of water distribution was 1.79 l/second. For water quality, the hardness parameters are 0.36 NTU; 0.26 NTU; 0.16 NTU; and 0.85 NTU. Coli is 0 quantity per 100 ml sample. The residual chlorine concentration in the reservoir was 0.12 mg/L, and each Direct Connection (SL) was 0.06 mg / L; 0.03 mg / l; 0.05 mg/l. Continuously the water distribution has been distributed over 24 hours. The result of the analysis of hydraulic parameters in EPANET 2.2 pressure and speed in the pipe in Cipta Graha Permai Housing was 0.3 m; 0.01 m / second, while in Emerald City Housing, 0.3m; 0.01 m / second. Based on the modelling of chlorine residues in network distribution existing along the network of 0.12 mg/L. From assessing existing conditions, the water distribution has fulfilled the quality standards in quantity and continuity. However, in terms of quality, residual chlorine in SL has not fulfilled the quality standards. The analysis of the hydraulic parameters did not fulfil the design criteria of the distribution pipe. Based on the residual chlorine model, there was no decrease in concentration along the pipeline."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cheremisinoff, Paul N.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1993
628.1 CHE w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benny Yohannes
"Pertumbuhan penduduk DKI Jakarta yang pesat adalah salah satu permasalahan yang kompleks bagi penyediaan air bersih terutama karena limbah domestik yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan masyarakat. Sungai sebagai badan air penerima limbah domestik menjadi salah satu sumber daya alam yang rentan terhadap pencemaran. Sungai Krukut adalah salah satu sungai yang digunakan sebagai air baku air bersih PDAM dan saat ini telah tercemar akibat kegiatan masyarakat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis mutu air dan menentukan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air Sungai Krukut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode gabungan antara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Metode SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, and Threat) digunakan untuk menentukan upaya pengendalian pencemaran air.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status mutu air pada 5 titik pemantauan dengan metode Indeks Pencemar yaitu (8,18), (8,02), (7,39), (7,09) dan (9,58), sehingga mutu air tergolong dalam kategori tercemar sedang. Upaya pengendalian pencemaran air yang dapat diterapkan di Sungai Krukut adalah (1) Melakukan penertiban masyarakat yang tinggal dan usaha di daerah sempadan sungai (2) Mengadakan sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada masyarakat dan UMKM tentang pentingnya pengelolaan limbah (3) Bantuan pemerintah dalam membuat sistem dan menerapkan IPAL terpadu untuk kegiatan UMKM dan permukiman kumuh (4) Implementasi program pengendalian pencemaran air.

The rapid growth of population is one of the complex cause for the clean water provision in Jakarta, mainly due to the accumulation of domestic waste from community activities. River as the water body that receives domestic waste is one of the natural resources which vulnerable to pollution. Krukut River is one of the rivers used as the raw water for clean water supply which currently polluted due to waste produced by the community activities.
This study aims to analyze water quality and determine efforts to control Krukut River water pollution. The study combines both quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the water quality, while SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, and Threat) is used to determine water pollution control efforts.
The results showed that the water quality status at 5 monitoring points with the Pollutant Index method was classified as moderate contamination with the value (8,18), (8,02), (7,39), (7,09) and (9,58) at each point. Water pollution control efforts that can be applied in the Krukut River are (1) Controlling communities and the business near the river border area (2) Creating a socialization and training for the community and Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise`s (MSME) on the importance of waste management (3) Government assistance in making systems and implementing integrated WWTPs both MSME and slum settlements (4) Implementation of water pollution control programs
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulistyoweni Widanarko
Fakultas Teknik , 1988
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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