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"Seiring dinamika perubahan konstelasi politik yang dinamis dan tuntutan masyarakat terhadap kinerja Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, maka diperlukan kesiapan dan dukungan jajaran staf dalam hal ini Sekretariat Jenderal DPR yang mempunyai skill, kapasitas dan integritas. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan staf yang mempunyai keahlian, kemampuan dan responsiv terhadap perubahan, maka diperlukan adanya pembelajaran organisasi. Learning organization dibentuk atas lima aspek yaitu pembelajaran, organisasi, manusia, pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kelima aspek tersebut menjadi satu kesatuan yang tak dapat dipisahkan. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya proses learning organization sering mengalami kendala. Salah satu kendadala klasik dalam pembelajaran organisasi adalah budaya organisasi yang tidak kondusif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerapan learning organization di lingkungan Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan Setjen DPR RI ditinjau dari 5 aspek sistem pembelajaran yaitu dinamika pembelajaran, transformasi organisasi, pemberdayaan manusia, pengelolaan pengetahuan dan penerapan teknologi. Disamping itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana budaya organisasi (culture of learning) telah mendukung diterapkannya learning organization di lingkungan Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan Setjen DPR RI.
Model penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriftif korelasional dengan metode studi kasus dan analisis deskriftif kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuisioner dengan jumlah responden masing-masing biro sebanyak 30 orang yang terdiri dari pejabat eselon II, eselon III eselon IV dan staff. Alasan mengambil Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian karena Biro ini berhubungan langsung dengan pengembangan sumberdaya manusia dan kebijakan pembelajaran sedangkan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan karena biro tersebut berhubungan langsung dengan pelayanan agenda agenda kegiatan Pimpinan dan Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.
Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Learning Organization Profile untuk mengukur tingkat penerapan learning organization dan instrument culture of learning untuk mengukur tingkat dukungan budaya terhadap penerapan learning organization. Untuk mengukur variable-variabel tersebut digunakan kuisioner dengan model skala Likert. Sedangkan analisis yang dipakai menggunakan LOP (learning organization profile) dari M.Marquardt untuk mencari nilai rata rata penerapan learning organization Setjen DPR RI kemudian dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian Marquardt atas 500 organisasi di dunia. Untuk menganalisis budaya organisasi (culture of learning) dilihat dari prosentase jawaban responden terhadap pertanyaan sejauhmana dukungan budaya terhadap penerapan learning organization.
Dari analisis atas hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden berpendapat penerapan learning organization di Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan sudah diterapkan pada bagian - bagian tertentu dengan hasil nilai rata-rata adalah 20.08 dan berada pada range katagori cukup/fair walaupun masih dibawah rata-rata hasil penelitian Marquardt yaitu 22.00. Sedangkan untuk hasil analisis budaya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden setuju bahwa budaya belajar sudah cukup baik/kondusif untuk penerapan learning organization.

Application of Learning Organization by Cultural Approach, Case study at the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and the Bureau of Leadership secretariat of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives Along with the dynamic changes of political constellation and people's demand to good performance of the House of Representatives, it is needed readiness and support from the employee line of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives with a certain exent of skills, capacity and integrity. In order to fulfill the needs of providing employees who are skillful, capable and responsive to the changes, it should conduct learning organization. Learning organization is formed by five aspects, namely learning, organization, human being, knowledge and technology. The five aspects assemble as a unity which is inseparable. In its implementation, the process of learning organization is hindered. One of the classic obstacles to the learning organization is an unconducive culture of organization.
The research intends to analyze what extent of application of learning organization at the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and the Bureau of Leadership secretariat of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives by implementing the five aspects of learning system, i.e. dynamic of learning, transformation of organization, human empowerment, knowledge management and application of technology. The research is also aimed at comprehending to what extent of culture of learning has supported the application of learning organization at the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and the Bureau of Leadership secretariat of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives.
The research utilized a model of correlational-descriptive approach accompanied by a method of case study and a qualitative descriptive analysis. The research was carried out by disseminating questionnaires to a number of respondents at the two Bureaus. From each Bureau, 30 employees were treated as a sample, comprising the officials of Second, Third and Forth levels and the staffs. The reason why the Bureau of Administration and Personnel was chosen as an area of sample because the Bureau performed the works related directly to the human resources development services and the learning policies. While the Bureau of Leadership secretariat performed the works related directly to the services of setting up the Agenda of activities to the Leadership of the House and to the members of the House of Representatives.
The instrument used by the research was Learning Organization Profile which was applied as tools to measure the level of application of learning organization and the instrument of culture of learning was used as tools to measure the level of cultural support to the application of learning organization. To measure the variables, it used the questionnaires of the Likert scale model. The analysis of LOP (learning organization profile) of M. Marquardt was used as tools to seek the median of learning organization applied at the Secretariat general of the House of Representatives, then it was compared to the result of research conducted by Marquardt to 500 organizations in the world. While the culture of learning was analyzed through the percentage of response conveyed by the respondents to the questions of what extent of the cultural may support the application of learning organization.
Based on the analysis to the results of the research, it showed that most of respondents were of the opinion that the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and at the Bureau of Leadership secretariat have applied learning organization at certain sections, with median of 20.08 and it stayed at the "fair" range category. It is below the average median of 22.00 resulted by the research conducted by Marquardt. While the analysis to the culture showed that most of respondents agreed to the opinion that the culture of learning at the two Bureaus has been good/conducive to the application of learning organization."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 13903
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Eka Nugraha
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan gap yang terjadi
antara kepemimpinan yang ada pada top level rnanagement (intended)
dengan teaming organization yang berkembang di organisasi ini, termasuk
di dalamnya level manajer (deliberate) dan level karyawan (emergent)
serta menjelaskan pengaruh dari gap tersebut terhadap basis daya saing.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei dengan mengambil studi
kasus pada Otonta Batam Salah satu Badan Otorita untuk kawasan Pulau
Batam dan sekitarnya yang berada Iangsung di bawah Presiden.
Sampel diambil secara random yang berstrata secara tidak
proporsional (disproportionate stratified random sampling) dari dua
wilayah sebanyak 153 sampel yang terdiri dan 2 manajer dan 151
karyawan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian adalah Leaming Organizational Profile (LOP), untuk mengetahui pembelajaran
yang saat ini berkembang pade level karyawan dan manajer (emergent
versus deliberate) dan principles of developmental leadership questionare
untuk mengetahui kepemimpinan yang seat ini berkembang pada level
pimpinan (intended). Untuk mengukur variabel-vanabel tersebut
digunakan skala licked.
Dan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa kafyawan dan manajer di
Otorita Batam tingkat pembelajarannya masih di_ bawah rata-rata dar_i
standar yang diuji oleh Marquardt dan tingkat kepemimpinan di Otorita
Batam pun masih kurang dari standar nilai menurut J.W. Gilley oleh
karena itu, secara umum dapat dinyatakan bahwa dengan adanya
standar yang masih di bawah rata-rata, maka. usaha top level
management Otorita Batem untuk membangun leaming organization dan
kepemimpinan masih memiliki kelemahamkelemahan yang mendasar
sebagai basis daya saing."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haris Faozan
"This research locus on Dompet Dhuafa (DD) is a public organization dealing with the business of zakat management, which is at the moment implementing new institution structure is called Jejaring Multi Koridor (JMK)/ Multi Corridor Networking. JMK as a concept of organizational learning requires the ability for gaining and applying the knowledge properly in which the publicized strategies may be achieved as it is necessary to be supported by knowledge enablers application in optimal manner of JMK, the productivity of organizational knowledge therefore enables to be motivating in creating continuous innovation. This finally will create competitive advantages (Huseini, 1997). Such condition is necessary to plant for the staff to produce better performance from time to time. The main subject lifted up in this research is how extent to which the application of knowledge enablers in Jejaring Multi Koridor?
Type of applied research is the survey of descriptive method. Data piled up with the questionnaire distributed to all DD employees. Analysis method adopted from assessment tool developed by Silberman (Morrison, 2001). Assessment tool previously provided for the framework and the reflection of learning organization application, in this research context has been adapted as framework and reflection of knowledge enablers application in JMK of DID. Knowledge enablers in this research referred to von Krogh et al. opinion (2000). According to their opinion there are at least 5 enablers are knowledge vision, conversation, mobilize knowledge activists, the right enabling context, and globalize local knowledge. Assessment criteria divided into 4 average score groups of comprehensive, i.e: 25-38= Application rate of knowledge enablers in JMK is not sufficient to create most favorable organizational learning; 39-63= Application rate of knowledge enablers in JMK is less sufficient to create optimum organizational learning; 64-88= Application rate of knowledge enablers in JMK is sufficient to create optimum organizational learning; and 89-100= Application rate of knowledge enablers in JMK is very sufficient to create most favorable organizational learning.
Based on respondents' answers, application average score to each enablers in JMK as follow: the application of knowledge vision (15, 29), conversation (14, 37), mobilize knowledge activists (14, 04), the right enabling context (14,41), and globalize local knowledge (5). Respondents average answer on overall knowledge enabler application is 62, 5. The data shows that the application of knowledge enablers in JMK has not been applied sufficiently. According to collected data can be drawn a picture that there are some causes of the in sufficiency of knowledge enablers application in JMK: in sufficiency of top rank entanglement in facilitating the employees to create the knowledge vision or in conversation process; lack of employee commitment in taking initiative and focusing to the knowledge creation is still lower; the structure of the organization that has been set up does not enable to develop appropriate knowledge in, accordance with vision, mission, and developed strategy especially linked with the networking; no accomplishment of overseas networking as it has been planned.
This research comes into conclusion that the institution of JMK t hat has been structured will find difficulties to create the proclaimed vision and mission due to the existing organizational learning is not supported by application of knowledge enablers sufficiently. In relation to this, proposed correction as follow: Firstly, top leader is necessary to became him/herself as enabling leaders so that the leader is worthy to be a guide for his/her subordinate; secondly, DD is necessary to facilitate the creation of intensively solid and collaboration relation between internal units of DD, between internal units and networking, or with same network; thirdly, DD is necessary to expand global networking remind them as very strategic opportunity; at least and most important is required immediately to redesign the structure of JMK which is more adaptive and flexible to enable the creation of continuous knowledge and innovation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Faisal Hasbullah
"Perubahan lingkungan bisnis di abad 21 sangat dinamis dan sulit diprediksi baik dalam bidang ekonomi, sosial dan politik, menuntut organisasi untuk selalu rnenyesuaikan diri pada perubahan lingkungan, baik lingkungan internal maupun lingkungan eksternal. Untuk itu, sebuah organisasi harus lebih progresif, inovatif dan mampu melakukan integrasi secara terus-menerus. Penopang keunggulan bersaing sebuah organisasi adalah keunggulannya dalam belajar, yang merupakan proses yang mendasari dan melahirkan perubahan. Dengan demikian sebuah organisasi harus dikembangkan sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi organisasi pembelajar (learning organization). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan seberapa besar tingkat penerapan learning organization di Akaderni Pimpinan Perusahaan dan menjelaskan apakah Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan termasuk dalam kategori learning organization? kemudian mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya apa yang harus dilakukan oleh Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan agar menjadi learning organization? Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tingkat eksplanasi deskriptif, sedangkan metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode survey yang diperkuat dengan wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 147 orang dan teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling diperoleh sampel sebanyak 65 responden dengan kriteria yang ditentukan yaitu karyawan tetap Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan yang terdiri dari tenaga pengajar tetap baik yang memiliki jabatan struktural maupun tidak dan tenaga administratif, memiliki tugas yang erat keterkaitannya dengan dimensi-dimensi dari lima sub sistem, dan memiliki jenjang pendidikan SLTA ke atas. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah kuesioner learning organization profile yang diambil dari buku karangan Marquardt berjudul Building The Learning Organization; A System Approach to Quantum Improvement and Global Success". Kuesioner ini digunakan untuk mengukur variabel tingkat penerapan learning organization. Kuesioner disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi instrumen penelitian, komponen yang diukur, sub komponen yang diukur dan nomor item instrumen dapat dengan jelas diurut keterkaitannya satu dengan lainnya dan hasil analisis data dan deskripsi data hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa tight penerapan learning organization di Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan adalah bernilai rata-rata 19,24 dan berada pada range result 16-23 = fair (cukup) 1 Nilai ini lebih rendah 2,76 dari tidak rata-rata learning organization 500 organisasi dunia hasil penelitian Marquardt. Untuk masing-masing sub sistem nilai rata-ratanya adalah sebagai berikut: pertama, Dinamika Pembelajaran 19.05, kedua, Transformasi Organisasi 20.11, ketiga, Pemberdayaan Manusia 19.98, ke-empat, Pengelolaan Pengetahuan 19.45, dan kelima, Pemberdayaan Teknologi 17.58. Secara keseluruhan tingkat penerapan learning organization, menurut penilaian responden berada pada tingkat diterapkan pada bagian tertentu (39.75%), dan belum/sedikit diterapkan (37:23%). Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai akhir maupun nilai masing-masing sub sistem learning organization di Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan lebih rendah dibandingkan nilai rata-rata yang dicapai oleh 500 organisasi di dunia hasil penelitian Marquardt, dan tingkat penerapannya baru pada tahap diterapkan pada bagian tertentu organisasi (skala 2) dan belum/masih sedikit diterapkan (skala 1), artinya tingkat penerapan learning organization di Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan belum cukup baik, sehingga Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan belum dapat disebut sebagai learning organization. Untuk dapat disebut sebagai learning organization menurut Marquardt, penerapan ke lima sub sistem learning organization harus berada pada skala 3 (diterapkan pada sebagian besar organisasi) dan skala 4 (diterapkan secara penuh/menyeluruh dalam organisasi). Upaya-upaya yang perlu dilakukan agar Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan dapat meningkat ke tahap menjadi learning organization adalah membangun komitmen bersama antara pimpinan dan seluruh karyawan untuk menjadi organisasi pembelajar, dalam perekrutan pegawai dijaring dengan sister recruitment yang baik sehingga menghasilkan orang-orang yang berkualitas dan memiliki kemampuan dan kemauan untuk terus belajar, untuk membangun pembelajaran yang efektif semua anggota organisasi harus memiliki persamaan persepsi dan pandangan atas kegiatan, tujuan dan arah organisasi di masa depan melalui adanya visi yang jelas, budaya yang mendukung, dan strategi-strategi yang inovatif untuk mendorong terjadinya pembelajaran, mernberi kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada karyawan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dengan pemberian beasiswa. Pimpinan harus bertindak sebagai instruktur dan mentor dalam aktivitas pembelajaran, pimpinan juga harus menjadi model dan asisten pembelajar. Menciptakan kesadaran bagi semua karyawan akan pentingnya mengumpulkan dan menyebarkan pengetahuan melalui workshop, simposium dan internal benchmarking. Dalam aplikasi teknologi APP perlu menyediakan dan membangun sistem informasi yang berbasis komputer, interne, sistem Online komputer, LAN, dan lain-lain.

The change of business environment in 2151 century which is very dynamic and difficult to be predicted in the field of economy, social and politic, makes the organization has to keep adjusting to the change of environment, both in internal environment and external environment. Therefore, an organization has to be more progressive, innovative, and be able to carry out the integration continuously. Support of the competition success of an organization is a superiority in learning which is a process that becomes the basis and produces the change. Thus, an organization has to be developed as could as possible to be able to become a learning organization. This research is aimed at describing of how is the learning organization applied at The Academy For Industrial Management, and explaining whether The Academy for Industrial Management is categorized as a learning organization, and then describing the efforts which have to be carried out by The Academy For Industrial Management to be able to become a learning organization.
The research design utilized is a research with descriptive explanation level, while the research method utilized is a survey method supported by interview and documentation study. Population in this research is as many as 147 persons and the sample method utilized is a purposive sampling which has 65 respondents with determined criteria namely, the permanent employees of The Academy For Industrial Management which consist of lecturers both those who have a structural position or not and the administration staffs, who have the duty closely related to the dimensions of the five learning organization sub-systems, and have educational background of Senior High School and upper level.
Instrument utilized in carrying out this research is a questionnaire of learning organization profile quoted from the book written by Marquardt with the title " Building The Learning Organization: A System Approach to Quantum Improvement and Global Success." This questionnaire is used to measure the application level variable of the learning organization. The questionnaire is arranged based on the centers of the research instrument, measured components, measured sub-components, then the item number of instrument can be clearly traced relating to the each other relationship. From the results of data analysis and the description of research result data, it can be known that the application level of learning organization at The Academy For Industrial Management has an average point of 19,24 and it means that it is in 16-23 result range - fair. This point is lower 2,76 point of the average point of the learning organization from 500 world organizations based on Marquardt's research results. The average point of each sub-system is as follows: first. Learning Dynamic is 19,05 point. second. Organization Transformation is 20,11 point. third. People Empowerment is 19,98 point. fourth. Knowledge Management is 19,45 point. Fifty. Technology Application is 17,58 point. In overall, application level of learning organization according to the respondents is in a certain determined level (39,75%) and haven't been applied yet (37,23%). So, it can be concluded that the final point and the point of each sub-system of learning organization is tower than the average point reached by 500 world organizations based on the results of Marquardt's research, and the application level of learning organization at The Academy For Industrial Management has just been applied at a certain part of the organization (scale-2) and has not been applied yet or has just been little applied (scale-1), it means that the application level of learning organization at the Academy For Industrial Management has not well enough done, so that the Academy For Industrial Management hasn't been able yet to be categorized as the learning organization. To be able to be considered as a learning organization according to Marquardt, the application of the five sub-systems of learning organization has to be in scale-3 (applied at the most part of the organization) and scale-4 (fully/comprehensively applied in the organization). Efforts required to be carried out in order that the Academy For Industrial Management can be in the level to become a learning organization is, by making the commitment together between the leader/head and all employees. The employee recruitment is carried out by a good recruitment system so that it can have the quality people who has ability and will to continuously learn to form an effective learning. All members of the organization have to have the same perception and opinion upon the activities, objectives and organization's direction in the future through a clear vision, supporting culture, and innovative strategies to support the learning. to give the opportunity as wide as possible for the employees to continue their study to the upper level education by giving scholarship. The Leader has to act as an instructor, trainer and mentor in learning activity; the leader has also to become the model and assistant of the learning. The leader has to build the awareness to all employees about the importance of pursuing and wide spreading knowledge through the workshop, symposium, and internal benchmarking. In the technological application, The Academy For Industrial Management has to provide and establish an information system with the basis of computer, internet, computer on-line system, and others.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deon Montasser
"Penelitian yang bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh orientasi pembelajaran dan orientasi pasar kepada keinovasian perusahaan, dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survey kepada 96 karyawan Divisi Corporate Solutions pada PT Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk. Adapun metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linier bergada dan pengujian hipotesis.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa (1) Orientasi pembelajaran merupakan komitmen perusahaan untuk meningatkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang terjadi di internal dan eksternal. Penerapan pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan melalui kesamaan persepsi dalam mencapai tujuan bersama, keterbukaan dan adanya saling berbagi pengalaman di antara karayawan dan unit kerja; (2) Orientasi pasar merupakan ukuran dimana perusahaan memiliki kemampuan dalam mendapatkan, mengelola dan menggunakan informasi pasar untuk tujuan strategik perusahaan.
Perusahaan selalu mendengarkan informasi dari pelanggan melalui riset sehingga digunakan untuk melakukan perencanaan dan pengembangan produk/layanan terbaru untuk mengusai pasar yang dituju; (3) perusahaan selalu melakukan inovasi dalam produk dan layanan hal ini terlihat bahwa dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terjadi peningkatan dalam pengenalan produk dan layanan terbaru. Keinovasian yang dilakukan tersebut nampak pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk menghadirkan ide-ide produk dan layanan terbaru di pasar, dan memiliki cara baru dalam menyelesaikan masalah internal perusahaan; dan (4) secara statistik, orientasi pasar dan orientasi pembelajaran memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan positif kepada keinovasian perusahaan, namun orientasi pasar merupakan variabel yang paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi keinovasian perusahaan. Artinya inovasi yang dilakukan perusahaan lebih didasarkan dalam memenuhi keinginan pelanggan dan penguasaan terhadap pasar yang ingin diraih.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relations among learning orientation, market orientation and innovativeness in PT.Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk, Corporate Solutions division. The study involves a questionnaire-based survey of medium-high level employees with a total of 96 respondents. The data were analyzed with double liner regression and hypothetical testing.
The research indicates four findings, (1) commitment to learning was used by the company to improve the ability to adapt with internal and external changes. (2) The company always listen from customer trough research and used the information for planning and developing new products in order to win the market. (3) firm innovativeness has proved positively with the increasing of introduction/new product in the last five years also the ability to serve new ideas products in the market and continue to provide new method of internal process. (4) The research indicates that learning orientation and market orientation has positively affects firm innovativeness. However market orientation show dominant impact in firm innovativeness which means that the innovation is drive by customer and the target market."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Prasetyo
"Organisasi pembelajar adalah sekelompok orang secara terus menerus memperluas kemampuannya untuk menciptakan hasil yang benar-benar mereka harapkan, dimana gambaran berpikir baru dan luas dipupuk, aspirasi kolektif disepakati secara bebas, dan terus-menerus belajar bersama. Terdiri dmi dinamika pembelajaran, transfonnasi organisasi, pemberdayaan manusia, manajemen pengetahuan, aplikasi teknologi, disiplin pembelajaran, dapat mempengaruhi pencapaian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara organisasi pembelajar dengan pencapaian diri berdasarkan persepsi dan penilaian diri perawat pelaksana di RSUD J ombang. Dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif korelatif melalui pendckatan crossectional. Diiaksanakan di RSUD Jombang dengan total sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inkhxsi berjumlah 228 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen lcuesioner meliputi organisasi pembelajar dan pcnilaian pencapaian diri perawat. Setelah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas dinyatakan valid (r 0,368-0,745) pada 70 butir pemyataan dan (abha cronbach 0,770). Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivadat. Hasil penelitian menxmjukkan perawat yang mempersepsikan organisasi pembelajar baik 56,6%, dan yang mempunyai pencapaian diri yang baik 62,7%. Disimpulkan ada hubungan antara organisasi pembelajar dengan pencapaian diri perawat pelaksana RSUD Jombang. Persepsi perawat pelaksana tentang organisasi pembelajar yang paling berhubungan adalah pemberdayaan manusia, dinamika pcmbclajaran dan manajemen pengetahuan, karakteristik perawat bukan merupakan variabel counjbunding. Disarankan untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan dengan membentuk kclompok belaj ar, mengatur dinamika pembelajaran melalui pelatihan dan peran serta perawat pelaksana di RSUD 3ombang guna pencapaian diri yang baik.

Learning organization is a group of people who expands their capability perpetually to create their desired outcome. The learning is able to Construct their new thinking model, establish an accord of collective aspiration unreservedly, and build a leaming process group repeatedly. The learning which comprises of learning dynamic, organization transformation, empowering human resources, managing knowledge, technology application, leaming discipline could influence self achievement of nurses. The aim of this study was to describe the relationship between learning organization and self improvement based on the perception and self evaluation of staff nurses in Jombang District General Hospital. The design was a descriptive correlation with crossectional approach. The total sample which correspond to inclusion criteria was 228 nurses. The instruments ware leaming organization and self improvement questionare. The Ending indicated that 56,6% of the nurses perception of learning organization were good, and 62,7% of their improvement were excellence. lt was concluded that there was a sign.i5cance correlation between learning organization and self improvement among staff nurses in .lombang District General Hospital. The learning organization perception of them had strong relationship with learning dynamic, empowering human resources, managing knowledge, and their characteristics were not variable confounding. According to the workforce powcrfiil in Jombang District General Hospital, the manager is supposed to set up a group of leaming, organize learning dynamic through training and increase staff nurses role in order to gets their self achievement."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Robert P.
Jakarta memiliki kawasan Kotatua seluas ± 846 ha berada di wilayah Kota Jakarta Barat dan Utara. Keberadaan Kotatua merupakan bukti autentik perjalanan sejarah sebuah kota, dan dapat didayagunakan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Pada era Gubernur Ali Sadikin (1966-1977) Pemerintah DKI Jakarta mengeluarkan kebijakan menjaga kelestarian kawasan Kotatua sebagai peninggalan sejarah yang harus dilindungi dan direvitalisasi agar dapat menjadi identitas Jakarta sebagai ?kota joang? dan memiliki daya tarik sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Kebijakan tersebut dilanjutkan oleh keenam gubernur berikutnya, namun, kinerja revitalisasi Kotatua sampai saat ini belum menunjukkan hasil sebagaimana diharapkan.
Hambatan pada implementasi revitalisasi menjadi titik awal analisis terhadap kebijakan tersebut, dengan menempatkan tesis kolaborasi multi organisasi sebagai kendala utama rendahnya kinerja revitalisasi. Melalui kerangka tesis tersebut penelitian ini mengeskplorasi masalah-masalah melalui tiga aspek (Trikarya Senge) yaitu: conceptual work, relational work, dan action-driven work yang mempengaruhi kebijakan revitalisasi Kotatua; dan membangun model intervensi sistemik untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi yang terlibat dalam revitalisasi Kotatua.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan SSM (Soft Systems Methodology). Dua metode ini dianggap dapat memenuhi tujuan penelitian, karena memiliki kelebihan dalam menghasilkan kedalaman dalam eksplorasi masalah yang terkait dengan kinerja revitalisasi Kotatua, dan melakukan perbaikan sistemik terhadap masalah-masalah yang ditemukan. Penelitian menyimpulkan: 1) Masalah-masalah yang ditemukan dalam proses implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kotatua merupakan masalah yang tidak terpisah dari proses perumusan kebijakan dan evaluasi kebijakan. Keterkaitan tersebut ditandai oleh aspek konseptual (conceptual work) yang menjelaskan konteks perumusan kebijakan, aspek relasional (relational work) yang mencerminkan konteks keterkaitan, dan aspek kesatuan tindakan (action-driven work) serta temuan baru berupa aspek pelembagaan (institutional work) keempatnya disebut dengan ?Catur karya? tencermin dalam konteks implementasi kebijakan; 2) Model intervensi catur karya untuk kolaborasi multi organisasi dalam implementasi kebijakan revitalisasi Kotatua menempatkan unsur-unsur berikut ini sebagai kunci suksesnya, yaitu: a) pengembangan komunitas Kotatua; b) penyusunan grand strategy; c) pembangunan sistem dan ruang relasional; d) pembangunan budaya interaksi reflektif; e) pengembangan sistem informasi inter multi organisasi; f) membangun strategi inovasi; g) restrukturisasi mata rantai bisnis revitalisasi; h) penetapan dan pengembangan leading sector; dan i) formalisasi sistem kolaborasi multi organisasi.
Sebagai saran praktis, peneliti menganjurkan perlunya dibentuk satu Leading Sector dengan memberikan peranan serta kewenangan yang lebih besar kepada UPT.Kotatua, agar mampu mengkoordinasikan seluruh kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh institusi terkait secara kolaboratif dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi kebijakan revitalisasi. Kemudian, khusus untuk mengintegrasikan kegiatan revitalisasi di wilayah Jakarta barat dan Utara disarankan untuk membentuk sebuah ?Kawasan khusus? Kotatua Jakarta.

Jakarta has Kota tua covering ± 846 ha, located in the area of West and North Jakarta. The existency of Kotatua has shown an authentic historical journey of a city and proven to be potential for increasing the citizens? welfare. In the era of Governor Ali Sadikin (1966-1977) The Jakarta Capital City Administration has issued a policy of preserving the Kotatua area as the historical heritage to be protected and revitalized for the purpose of gaining the identity of Jakarta as ?kota joang? (the city of fight) and the appeal of tourism destination. Then the policy was followed by the next sixth governor, but up to the present the performance of Kotatua revitalization has not shown results as expected.
The problem of policy implementation, became a starting point of the analysis including its formulation and evaluation, has placed the thesis of multi organization collaboration as the main obstacle poor performance of Kotatua revitalization. Through the framework of thesis, this research explore the issues through three aspects (Trikarya Senge) namely: conceptual work, relational work, and action-driven work, which influence the revitalization policy of Kotatua; and developing a model of systemic interventions to increase the effectiveness of the organizations involved in Kotatua revitalization.
This research uses the qualitative method and the SSM (Soft Systems Methodology) two methods are considered to meet the objectives of the study because of their ability in presenting the depth of the problem exploration related to the performance of the revitalization of Kotatua, as well as to the systemic improvement on the problem ever found. This research has concluded that: 1) The problems found during the process of the implementation of Kotatua revitalization policy have been those ones which are inseparable from the process of formulation and evaluation of the policy. Such correlation has been identified through the conceptual aspect defining the formulation of the policy, the relational aspect reflecting the context of evaluation, and the action-driven work as well as new findings in the form of institutional aspects, the four aspect then called ?Catur Karya? which tend to reflect the context of the policy implementation; 2) The intervention model of four-action work for the multi organization collaboration in the implementation of Kotatua revitalization policy has placed the following factors as the key success: a) the development of Kotatua community; b) the arrangement of grand strategy; c) the establishment of relational space and system; d) the development of interaction reflective culture; e) the development of inter multi organization information system; f) the establishment of innovation strategy; g) the restructuring of the business chain revitalization; h) the establishment and the development of leading sector; and i) the formulation of collaboration system of multi organization.
For practical purposes, the researcher suggests the importance of producing Master plan of Kotatua and establishing a Leading Sector by providing role and greater authority to UPT Kotatua, to be able to coordinate all activities undertaken by the relevant institutions collaboratively in the process of formulating, implementing, and evaluating the policy of Kotatua revitalization. Further, specifically to integrate the activities of revitalization in the area of West and North Jakarta are advised to form a Jakarta Kotatua ?Special area?."
Depok: 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Curreney Doubleday , 1999
658.406 DAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liani Hellena
"Modernisasi yang dilakukan KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua merupakan upaya untuk terus mengembangkan dirinya menjadi kantor pelayanan pajak masa depan yang lebih baik, yang dapat dipandang sebagai learning organization. Namun penerapan learning organization terutama di organisasi publik bukanlah suatu hal mudah. Terdapat beberapa hambatan yang perlu diantisipasi yakni hambatan pada level organisasi dan level individu.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan membahas penerapan Learning Organization, serta faktor-faktor yang mendorong dan menghambat Learning Organization di KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua. Berdasarkan program-program modernisasi yang diaplikasikan KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua, maka penelitian ini menggunakan dasar teori yang relevan dengan aplikasi koseptual dari Learning Organization menurut M.J. Marquardt (1996).
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, dengan survei menggunakan instrument learning organization profile dan perhitungan menurut skor M.J. Marquardt. Hasil penelitian selanjutnya dievaluasi dengan membandingkan terhadap nilai rata-rata organisasi didunia menurut hasil penelitian M.J. Marquardt. Analisis hasil penelitian dilihat dari 2 sisi, yaitu persepsi seluruh karyawan sebagai responden serta persepsi 3 kelompok responden secara proposional berdasarkan kategori jabatan yaitu Pimpinan, Account Representatif/Fungsional dan Pelaksana.
Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua, dengan jumlah responden yang menjawab kuesioner secara lengkap telah memenuhi syarat minimum tabel Krejcie.
Hasil analisis dengan metode kuantitatif sebelumnya kemudian dilakukan pembahasan melalui Focus Group Discussion dengan para pimpinan, petugas AR dan pelaksana di KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua. Tujuan dilakukan FGD adalah untuk memperkuat validitas hasil penelitian mengenai kenyataan tingkat LO, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, serta saran-saran yang diberikan untuk lebih meningkatkan penerapan LO di KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua.
Hasil penelitian berdasarkan jawaban seluruh responden adalah bahwa tingkat penerapan aspek dinamika pembelajaran diperoleh nilai rata-rata 22,51, aspek transformasi organisasi 23,26, dan aspek teknologi diperoleh 23,71. ehingga nilai ratarata ketiga aspek tersebut berada didalam range nilai rata-rata organisasi dunia menurut hasil penelitian Marquardt. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata kedua aspek lain yaitu aspek pemberdayaan manusia adalah 21,01, dan aspek pengelolaan pengetahuan adalah 19,89, yang keduanya berada dibawah range nilai rata-rata penelitian Marquardt. Secara keseluruhan, kelima aspek LO telah diterapkan cukup baik di KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua. Tingkat penerapan Learning Organization di KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua berdasarkan hasil analisis jawaban 3 level jabatan yaitu pimpinan, AR/Fungsional dan Pelaksana, adalah bahwa dilevel pimpinan, tingkat penerapan kelima aspek LO telah baik diterapkan dan tidak ada hambatan yang berarti. Dilevel AR/Fungsional diperoleh hasil bahwa hanya aspek pengelolaan pengetahuan dan pemberdayaan manusia dikategorikan cukup, sedangkan ketiga aspek LO lainnya dikategorikan telah baik diterapkan. Sedikit hambatan pada aspek pemberdayaan manusia ditunjukkan pada kurangnya reward system, dan pada aspek pengelolaan pengetahuan ditunjukkan pada kurang terselenggara acquisition knowledge akibat fungsi seksi PDI belum berjalan dengan baik, serta transfer and utilization knowledge yang terhambat akibat kurangnya koordinasi antar AR dengan fungsional pemeriksa.
Hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian pada penelitian ini yaitu berdasarkan hasil persepsi responden di level pelaksana diketahui bahwa tingkat penerapan kelima aspek LO berada dibawah nilai rata-rata. Dan berdasarkan klasifikasi Marquardt hanya aspek transformasi organisasi dan teknologi yang cukup diterapkan, sedangkan ketiga aspek lainnya dikategorikan buruk. Kenyataan dilapangan dapat dilihat dari tingkat pengetahuan dan keahlian pegawai yang belum merata, kurangnya motivasi dalam bentuk reward system, kurangnya keseimbangan antara kebutuhan individu dan organisasi, sistem promosi dan mutasi yang kurang memotivasi, kurangnya scanning imperative, kurang kesesuaian antara diklat yang diadakan dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, serta kurangnya peran pimpinan sebagai transformational leader.
Faktor-faktor yang mendorong KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua sebagai LO dari sisi organisasional yaitu modernisasi yang dilakukan dalam bentuk perubahan struktur menjadi lebih fleksibel dan sesuai fungsi, adanya jabatan AR dengan SDM yang berkualitas, perubahan remuneration system yang memotivasi, penerapan kode etik yang mendukung budaya perbaikan citra aparat, serta pengaplikasian SI DJP dengan teknologi tinggi. Sedangkan dari sisi individual adalah tacit yang mendukung pembelajaran, keinginan untuk mengembangkan kapasitas diri serta adanya sikap mau bekerjasama secara tim.
Kesimpulan hasil penelitian adalah bahwa KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua sebagai Learning Organization telah cukup baik menerapkan kelima aspek LO, meskipun di sisi pemberdayaan manusia masih belum diterapkan reward system yang baik, dan di sisi pengelolaan pengetahuan belum terselenggara acquisition serta transfer and utilization knowledge dengan baik. Sedangkan untuk tingkat pelaksana, penerapan LO masih dirasakan kurang dari ketiga aspek selain aspek transformasi organisasi dan teknologi. Sehingga diperlukan perbaikan-perbaikan agar KPP Pratama Jakarta Gambir Dua sebagai Learning Organization mampu mencapai tujuan organisasi yaitu pelayanan yang optimal, peningkatan kinerja serta peningkatan penerimaan pajak, serta dapat mewujudkan visi untuk menjadi public service yang berstandar internasional, baik dari sisi kualitas aparat maupun manajemennya.

Modernization in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two (STO of Jakarta Gambir Two) is a sustainable effort to develop and become better tax office service in the future, that will be perceived as a learning organization. However, to implement learning organization particularly in public organization is not an easy effort. There are several obstacles to encounter, obstacles in the organization level and in the individual level.
The research purpose is to know and to explain the implementation of Learning Organization, the factors those encourage as well as inhibit Learning Organization in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two. Based on modernization programs application in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two, therefore this research is applying relevant basic theory and concept of Learning Organization according to M.J.Marquardt (1996).
The research method is descriptive quantitative method, which the survey is using instrument learning organization profile and calculation score according to M.J.Marquardt. This research result further will be evaluated by comparing with the average value of organizations worldwide according to M.J.Marquardt research result itself. Analysis of research result will be identified from 2 sides, perception of the whole employees as the respondent and perception of 3 groups of respondent proportionally based on occupation category i.e. the Leader (manager level), Account Representative/Functional level and lower level of employee. Research population is the entire staffs of Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two, with the number of respondent answering questionnaires completely has qualified the minimum requirement of Krejcie Table.
Furthermore, the analysis result from the previous quantitative method will be discussed in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) consist of the leader, AR/Functional Officer, and the lower level employee in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two. FGD purpose is to strengthen the research result validity regarding LO level, determinant factor, and recommendation in order to enhance the implementation of LO in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two. Research result indicated that implementation level of learning dynamic aspect has the mean score 22.51, organization transformation aspect 23,26 and technology aspect 23.71. Therefore the mean scores of those three aspects are within the range of the mean scores of organizations worldwide according to Marquardt research result.
However, the mean scores of the other two aspects i.e. people empowerment aspect 21.01 and knowledge management aspect 19.89 are below the range of Marquardt research?s mean scores. However the entire five aspects of L O have been implemented quite well in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two.
The Implementation level of Learning Organization in Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two based on analysis result of the answers of 3 level respondent, is on the Leader level, implementation level of learning dynamic aspect, organization transformation aspect and people empowerment aspect, are above the average level, however, knowledge management aspect and technology aspect are on the average level. Those are indicating that the Leader level of perception toward five aspects of LO is implemented well without any significant obstacle. However on AR/Functional level, it was found that only knowledge management and people empowerment aspect is on the average value of organizations worldwide, the other three LO aspects are above the average value. A little bit obstacles are indicating by not sufficient in reward system from people empowerment aspect, and not sufficiently implementing the acquisition, transfer and utilization of knowledge from knowledge management aspect.
The factor to be highlighted in this research that based on respondent perception result on the lower level employee, the implementation of entire five aspects of LO are below the average value and based on Marquardt classification, only organization transformation aspect and technology aspect are sufficiently implemented (fair), the three other aspects are categorized as poor. The fact that knowledge level and employee skill are not equally distributed, lack of motivation due to the reward system, lack of balance between organization need and individual need, promotion and transfer system that is not encouraging motivation, lack of scanning imperative, not match between the employee training and the skill required, and lack of leader role as a transformation leader.
The factors that are encouraging Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two as Learning Organization from the organizational perspective are modernization that performed in the changing structural form to become more flexible and functional, AR position with highly qualified human resources, remuneration system change to encourage motivation, code of ethics implementation(code of conduct in working) which will increase public image, and the implementation of high technology information system (Information System of Directorate General of Taxation). Besides, from individual perspectives are tacit (individual knowledge) which is motivated learning process, self development and better team work attitude.
Finally, to conclude that Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two as a Learning Organization has quite well implemented five aspects of Learning Organization, however from people empowerment aspect, not sufficiently implementing good reward system, and from knowledge management aspect, not sufficiently implementing the acquisition, transfer and utilization of knowledge. Regarding the lower level employee, LO implementation is not sufficient on the three aspects instead of organization transformation and technology aspect. Therefore, Small Tax Office of Jakarta Gambir Two as a Learning Organization needs some improvement in order to achieve its organization goal i.e. optimum service, performance increase and tax revenue increase, and also in order to realize its vision to become internationally standard public service agency, whether its fiscus quality as well as its management quality."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Enty Evasari Hot Asi
"Industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia saat ini berkembang dengan sangat cepat dan kompetitif, terutama di era digital. Perkembangan teknologi dan preferensi pasar menggeser batas-batas industri sehingga pendekatan analisa pasar dianggap kurang relevan dan tidak memberikan landasan yang aman untuk merumuskan strategi jangka panjang. Pendekatan kapabilitas dinamik sebagai perpanjangan teori resource-based view merupakan orientasi perilaku organisasi untuk terus memperbaharui dan menciptakan kembali sumber daya dan kapabilitasnya dalam menanggapi lingkungan yang berubah cepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh organization learning culture, organizational process alignment secara langsung terhadap kinerja organisasi, maupun dimediasi oleh kapabilitas dinamik. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer melalui pembagian kuesioner dan diolah dengan teknik statistik SEM dengan metode PLS. Unit analisisnya adalah perusahaan-perusahaan dalam value chain industri telekomunikasi dengan responden yang berpartisipasi sebanyak 116 responden.
Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa walaupun organization learning culture dan organizational process alignment memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap kapabilitas dinamik. Namun, kapabilitas dinamik tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap peningkatkan kinerja organisasi secara langsung. Hal ini disebabkan dalam lingkungan dinamis dimana perubahan terjadi dengan cepat dan sering tidak teratur, kapabilitas dinamik dianggap proses yang mahal dan manfaatnya secara ekonomis tidak dapat terlihat langsung. Selanjutnya, temuan lainnya adalah organization learning culture tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja organisasi, tetapi organizational process alignment memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kinerja organisasi. Hal ini disebabkan bahwa tidak semua pembelajaran menghasilkan kinerja yang produktif secara langsung, tergantung tingkatan pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam organisasi, sebaliknya penyelarasan dirancang untuk menata berbagai bagian dalam perusahaan sehingga dapat mencapai tujuan bersama.
Temuan penting lainnya adalah organization learning culture memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap organizational process alignment. Hal ini disebabkan mekanisme pembelajaran dianggap penting untuk mengisi kesenjangan pengetahuan antar bagian dalam perusahaan Hasil temuan ini menegaskan bahwa kapabilitas dinamik merupakan konsep yang abstrak dan sukar dipahami sehingga memberi masukan kepada perusahaan di dalam implementasinya memerlukan sumber daya yang mendahuluinya yaitu organization learning culture dan organizational process alignment untuk membantu untuk mengevaluasi lingkungan eksternalnya sehingga memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap kinerja yang diharapkan.

The telecommunication industry in Indonesia is currently growing rapid and competitively, especially in the digital era. Technological developments and market preferences shift industry boundaries so that market-based view are considered less relevant and do not provide a solid foundation for formulating long-term strategies. The dynamic capability approach, as an extension of the resource-based view theory, is an organizational behavioral orientation to continually renew and reconfigure its resources and capabilities in response to rapidly changing environments. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of organizational learning culture, organizational process alignment directly to organizational performance, or indirectly mediated by dynamic capability. This study is a quantitative research, using primary data through the distribution of questionnaires and processed by SEM with PLS method. The unit of analysis is the companies in the value chain of the telecommunications industry with 116 respondents participated.
The finding indicates that notwithstanding organizational learning culture and organizational process alignment have a positive effect on dynamic capability. However, the dynamic capability has no effect on the improvement of organizational performance directly. This happens to the dynamic environment in which changes occur quickly and often irregularly, dynamic capabilities are considered costly processes and the economic rents cannot examine directly. Furthermore, other findings are that organizational learning culture has no effect on organizational performance, but organizational process alignment has a positive effect on organizational performance. This happens because not all learning leads to productive performance directly, depending on the level of learning applied in the organization, but alignment is designed to coordinate various parts of the company to achieve company goals.
Another important finding is that organizational learning culture has a positive influence on organizational process alignment. This happens due to the mechanism of learning is considered important to fill the knowledge gap between various parts of the company. These findings confirm that dynamic capability is an abstract and elusive concept that provide advice to the company in order to its implementation requires antecedent variables the organization learning culture and organizational process alignment to help to sense its external environment to achieve superior performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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