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Antarini Idriansari
"Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh developmental care terhadap fungsi fisiologis (saturasi oksigen dan denyut nadi) dan perilaku tidur-terjaga bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan self-controlled study design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 15 BBLR yang dirawat di ruang perinatologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta dan dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan paired t test dan wilcoxon test.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari pemberian developmental care terhadap perilaku tidur-terjaga yaitu peningkatan tidur tenang (p=0,002) dan penurunan tidur aktif (p=0,003) serta penurunan denyut nadi (p=0,020), namun tidak signifikan terhadap peningkatan saturasi oksigen (p=0,234). Developmental care dapat memfasilitasi pencapaian fase istirahat yang lebih baik (yang ditandai dengan keteraturan fungsi fisiologis dan pencapaian perilaku tidur tenang), sehingga perlu diimplemetasikan dalam perawatan BBLR di ruang rawat perinatologi.

The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of developmental care on physiological function (oxygen saturation and heart rate) and sleep-awake behavior of low birth weight (LBW) infants. This study used quasi experimental with selfcontrolled study design. The samples size were 15 LBW infants in neonatal unit in RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta and whom were choosen by purposive sampling technique. Collected data were analyzed by using paired t test and wilcoxon test.
There were significant differences of developmental care on increasing quiet sleep (p=0.002), decreasing active sleep (p=0.003) and decreasing heart rate (0.020), but there was no significant difference on increasing oxygen saturation (p=0.234). This study recommend that developmental care can be implemented in caring for LBW infants in neonatal unit.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reisy Tane
"Bayi berat lahir rendah yang dirawat di ruang Perinatologi memiliki masalah utama terganggunya status tidur terjaga diikuti oleh ketidakstabilan fungsi fisiologis saturasi oksigen dan frekuensi nadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan nesting dengan fiksasi terhadap fungsi fisiologis dan status tidur tejaga pada bayi berat lahir rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan uji klinik acak terkontrol tipe cross over. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 19 bayi dengan berat lahir rendah yang dirawat di ruang Perinatologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna penggunaan nesting dengan fiksasi terhadap rerata saturasi oksigen dengan posisi prone dan quarterprone p0,05 . Pemberian nesting dengan fiksasi dengan posisi prone status tidur tenang mendominasi sebesar 96,8 p=0,0001 diikuti dengan posisi quarterprone 95,7 p=0,0001 . Penggunaan nesting dengan fiksasi dapat memfasilitasi tidur tenang dan kestabilan fungsi fisiologis pada BBLR. Rekomendasi dari penelitian selanjutnya adalah perbandingan nesting fiksasi dengan nesting yang terbuat dari bahan tradisional terhadap status tidur terjaga.

Low birth weight infant who treated in the Perinatology has a major problem of sleep awake status disturbance followed by instability on the physiological function of oxygen saturation and pulse frequency. This study aims to investigate the effect of applying nest with a fixation on physiological function and sleep awake status on low birth weight infant. This study uses a randomized controlled trial with cross over design. The sample of this study was 19 low birth weight infant in Perinatology Fatmawati Hospital.
The result of this studies indicates that there is a significant relationship between applying of nesting with fixation on oxygen saturation rate with prone and quarterprone position p 0,05. At the time of nesting fixation with prone position, the majority of sleep awake status is quiet sleep 96.8 p 0.0001 followed by the quarterprone position of 95.7 p 0.0001. The use of nesting with fixation may facilitate quiet sleep and the stability of physiological functions in LBW. The recommendation for further research is comparing a nesting fixation with another type of nesting with a fixation on sleep awake status.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Neonatus memiliki kecenderungan untuk mengalami sakit dan kematian. Kondisi sakit dan dirawat di rumah sakit merupakan stimulus yang membuat bayi menjadi stres dan dapat mengganggu istirahat dan tidur bayi. Tidur yang terganggu akan berdampak negatif terhadap bayi dan dapat menimbulkan masalah yang berhubungan dengan perilaku dan masalah kognitif dikemudian hari. Salah satu upaya untuk menurunkan dampak tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan intervensi yang sederhana salah satunya pijat bayi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pijat bayi terhadap perilaku tidur terjaga neonatus sakit yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo Jakarta.
Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 12 neonatus sakit yang dirawat di ruang perinatologi Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo Jakarta yang dipilih dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik Paired t test dan Wilcoxon test.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah pijat bayi terdapat peningkatan perilaku: tidur tenang, mengantuk, waspada tenang, dan waspada aktif serta penurunan perilaku tidur aktif dan menangis.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pijat bayi memiliki efektifitas dalam meningkatkan pencapaian perilaku tidur terjaga yang lebih baik. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan dari penelitian ini adalah penelitian ini dapat dilanjutkan dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dan ada kelompok kontrol.

Neonates have a tendency to experience pain and death. Sick condition and hospitalized are stimulus that make es neonat become stressed and can disturb their rest and sleep. Interrupted sleep can adversely affect the neonates and can cause problems associated with behavioral and cognitive problems in the future. Effort to reduce the impact there is a one simple of intervention that can be done with baby massage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of baby massage on sleep awake behavior of sick neonates who were hospitalized in RS Pasar Rebo, Jakarta.
The study design was quasi experimental invoving as many as 12 sick neonates who were admitted in the perinatology ward and selected by consecutive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using paired t test and Wilcoxon test.
The result showed improved the neonate?s sleep behaviors: deep sleep, drowsy, alert, and consoderable motor activity, and decrease of active sleep behavior and crying.
The conclusion of this study is baby massage has an effectiveness in improving baby?s sleep behavior. The recommendations can be given of this study is that the study can proceed with a larger sample size and the use of control group."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zolla Amely Ilda
"Pelibatan ibu dalam perawatan bayi prematur merupakan salah satu komponen konsep family centered care. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pelibatan ibu terhadap interaksi ibu-bayi dan kepercayaan diri ibu dalam merawat bayi prematur. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen one-group pretest-posttest design. Penelitian ini melibatkan 16 orang ibu-bayi yang dipilih dengan teknik konsekutif di ruang Perinatologi RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta selama bulan Mei-Juni 2013. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa skala interaksi ibu-bayi dan kepercayaan diri ibu meningkat secara signifikan (p=0,0005). Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan upaya peningkatan pelibatan ibu dalam perawatan bayi prematur di ruang Perinatologi.

Mothers involvement in premature infant care is a component of the family centered care. The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of mothers involvement on mother-infant interactions and maternal confidence in premature infant care. This study used a quasy experimental with one-group pretest-posttest design. Sixteen partisipants were choosed using consecutive sampling technique in Neonatal Unit Level I-II RSUP Fatmawati Jakarta during May-June 2013. The result of statistic analysis showed that mother-infant interactions scale and maternal confidence increase significantly (p=0,0005). This study recommends the improvement of mothers involvement in premature infant care in neonatal unit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
An Nisa Rizqa Permatasari
"Pemantauan Terapi Obat pada Neonatus Kurang Bulan, Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah, dan Sepsis di Ruang Neonatus Intensive Care Unit (NICU) RSUP Fatmawati Bulan September 2020.

Neonates, especially preterm infants have weak physical defenses and immature immune function, making them susceptible to bacterial invasion. One of the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is to reduce the incidence of neonatal mortality to 12 per 1,000 live births, it is necessary to collaborate between health workers in treating patients. Pharmacists in hospitals need to carry out their roles, one of which is by monitoring the therapy given. Data were collected directly by looking at the cardex and patient's medical records with the following criteria: less-month neonatal patients, receiving polypharmacy, patients with antibiotic therapy, and length of stay in the hospital ≥5 days. The data obtained were analyzed using the SOAP method and identified problems related to drugs. From the Monitoring of Drug Therapy (PTO), it was found that drug-related problems that occurred were dose mismatches and frequency mismatches, and analysis of the evaluation of antibiotic administration (EPA) with the Gyssens method found that the use of antibiotics was found in category IIIa, namely giving meropenem too long and category IIa, which was not the right dosage."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Dwi Insani
"Latar Belakang: Bayi sangat prematur adalah kelompok bayi risiko tinggi yang rentan terhadap luaran neurodevelopmental yang buruk. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian nutrisi secara dini dan agresif dapat mengurangi kejadian malnutrisi pada bayi sangat prematur. Saat ini, RSUP Fatmawati belum mempunyai protokol nutrisi yang standar untuk bayi prematurnya dan ingin melakukan perubahan dengan menerapkan protokol standar nutrisi bayi prematur dari RSCM. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui beda waktu kembali ke berat lahir dan pola pemberian nutrisi bayi sangat prematur/BBLSR yang lahir dan dirawat di Unit Neonatologi RSUP Fatmawati sebelum dan sesudah penerapan protokol standar nutrisi bayi prematur RSCM. Metode: Dilakukan penelitian quasi eksperimental terhadap 23 bayi sangat prematur/berat lahir sangat rendah di Unit Neonatologi RSUP Fatmawati pada bulan Juli – November 2019. Bayi dieksklusi bila orangtua menolak berpartisipasi atau mempunyai kelainan kongenital yang mempengaruhi status nutrisi. Sampel pada kelompok intervensi diberikan nutrisi sesuai protokol standar nutrisi bayi prematur RSCM dan diikuti hingga kembali ke berat lahir dan mencapai fullfeed. Pola pemberian nutrisi yang juga dievaluasi sebagai luaran sekunder (waktu dimulainya nutrisi enteral dan mencapai fullfeed, waktu dimulainya pemberian protein dan lipid, waktu tercapainya protein, lipid dan kalori tertinggi serta jumlah protein, lipid, kalori dan GIR tertinggi). Data pasien pada kelompok kontrol diambil dari data rekam medik bayi sangat prematur/berat lahir sangat rendah yang sudah pulang dari RSUP Fatmawati dari Januari 2016 – Juni 2019 dan dibandingkan dengan kelompok intervensi. Hasil: Penerapan protokol standar nutrisi bayi prematur RSCM dapat mempercepat waktu kembali ke berat lahir (kontrol vs intervensi: 16,7 (5,1) vs 7,4(3,5) hari, p= 0,00) dan mempercepat growth velocity (kontrol vs intervention: 8,9 (6,9) vs 14,6 (6,0), p=0,002) pada bayi sangat prematur/BBLSR yang dirawat di Unit Neonatologi di RSUP Fatmawati. Kesimpulan: Penerapan protokol standar nutrisi bayi prematur RSCM dapat mempercepat waktu kembali ke berat lahir dan growth velocity pada bayi sangat prematur/BBLSR yang dirawat di Unit Neonatologi RSUP Fatmawati. Kata kunci: nutrisi bayi prematur, nutrisi agresif dini, waktu kembali ke berat lahir, growth velocity.
.....Background: Very premature infants are a group of high-risk infants who are vulnerable to poor neurodevelopmental outcomes. Research shows that early and aggressive nutrition can reduce the incidence of malnutrition in very premature infants. At present, Fatmawati Hospital does not yet have a standard nutritional protocol for premature infants and want to make changes by implementing a standard protocol for preterm infant nutrition from RSCM. Objective: To determine the difference in days to regain birth weight and the pattern of nutrition for very premature/very low birth weight infants who were born and hospitalized in the Neonatology Unit of RSUP Fatmawati before and after the application of the standard protocol of premature infant nutrition of RSCM. Methods: A quasi-experimental study of 23 very preterm/very low birth weight infants in the Neonatology Unit of Fatmawati Hospital from July to November 2019. Infants were excluded if parents refused to participate or had congenital abnormalities that affects nutritional status. Samples in the intervention group were given nutrition according to RSCM premature infant nutrition protocol and followed until they return to birth weight and achieve fullfeed. Nutritional patterns were also evaluated as secondary outcome (day to begin enteral nutrition, growth velocity, days to reach fullfeed, days to start protein and lipid, days to reach the highest protein, lipid and calorie intake and the highest amount of protein, lipid, calories and GIR given). Data of samples in the control group were taken from medical records of very premature/very low birth weight babies discharged from Fatmawati Hospital from January 2016 - June 2019 and compared with the intervention group. Results: The application of RSCM premature infant nutrition protocol can shorten the days to regain birth weight (control vs intervention: 16.73 vs 7.43 days, p = 0.00) and fasten growth velocity (control vs intervention: 8,9 (6,9) vs 14,6(6,0), p=0,002) in very premature/low birth weight infant who were treated in the Neonatology Unit of Fatmawati. Conclusion: The application of RSCM premature infant nutrition standard protocol can accelerate time to regain birth weight and growth velocity in very premature/low birth weight infant in the Neonatology Unit, Fatmawati Hospital."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feri Kameliawati
"Saat ini transportasi yang dilakukan bagi bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) menggunakan inkubator dengan menyiapkan berbagai perlengkapan untuk menunjang keamanan dan kenyamanan bayi selama perjalanan. Beberapa efek dari transportasi menggunakan inkubator diantaranya gangguan istirahat-tidur dan ketidakstabilan suhu bayi selama perjalanan.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh transportasi dengan perawatan metode kanguru pada kelompok intervensi dan transportasi dengan digendong. Pengukuran fungsi fisiologi dan kepercayaan diri ibu dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah transportasi baik kelompok intervensi maupun kelompok kontrol, kepercayaan diri ibu dinilai dengan kuesioner. Rancangan menggunakan eksperimen dengan pendekatan non equivalent control group before after design melibatkan 34 ibu dan BBLR.
Hasil analisis fungsi fisiologi BBLR dan kepercayaan diri ibu terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kelompok intervensi (p=0,000), serta terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan fungsi fisiologis BBLR dan kepercayaan diri ibu baik kelompok intervensi maupun kelompok kontrol (p=0,000). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini perawat perlu menggalakkan PMK untuk meningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan ibu untuk merawat BBLR.

Currently the transportation of low birth weight babies (LBWB) using incubator by providing a variety of equipments to support the safety and comfort of the baby during the trip. Some effects of transport using the incubator are sleep disorder and instability temperature of the baby during the trip.
This study aimed to compare the effects of transportation between KMC and cuddling. This study employed experimental approach using non equivalent control group before after design involving 34 mothers and low birth weight babies. Low birth weight babies physiologic functions and mothers? confidence caring for the babies were measured before and after transportation.
The results showed that babies physiologic function and mothers? confidence caring for the babies among intervention group increased significantly (p = 0.000). There were also significant differences in babies physiologic function and mothers? confidence caring for the babies between intervention and control group (p = 0.000). Based on the results of this study, nurse need to implement KMC to increase the knowledge and ability of a mother in caring for LBWB (Low Birth Weight Babies).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Eviana Sumarti
"Pendidikan kesehatan pada ibu dapat meningkatkan praktik perawatan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR), namun kemampuan ibu untuk melakukan praktik perawatan BBLR di rumah belum banyak digali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh paket pendidikan kesehatan pada ibu terhadap praktik perawatan BBLR di Jakarta Pusat. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 159 ibu dengan BBLR yang bayinya dinyatakan boleh pulang dari ruang Perinatologi dengan pendekatan quasi eksperimen (78 ibu kelompok intervensi dan 81 ibu kelompok kontrol) dan teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Ibu dengan BBLR yang berdomisili di wilayah intervensi mendapatkan paket pendidikan kesehatan yang diberikan oleh perawat puskesmas.
Paket pendidikan kesehatan terdiri dari penyuluhan tentang perawatan BBLR, yang diberikan pada 3-5 hari setelah BBLR keluar RS dan pendampingan pada ibu dan keluarga pada minggu ke-2 dan ke-6 setelah penyuluhan atau pengukuran awal. Ibu yang berdomisili di wilayah kontrol mendapatkan booklet tentang perawatan BBLR. Kedua kelompok dilakukan pengukuran dengan waktu yang sama sebanyak 4x yaitu 3 hari setelah keluar RS, 2, 6 dan 12 minggu setelah penyuluhan atau pengukuran awal. Pengumpulan data kualitatif juga dilakukan untuk melengkapi informasi yang diperlukan setelah mendapatkan gambaran hasil kuantitaif. Analisis multvariat dilakukan dengan Regresi Linier Ganda General Estimating Equation (GEE).
Hasil memperlihatkan pemberian paket pendidikan kesehatan pada ibu dengan BBLR memberikan efek peningkatan praktik ibu dalam perawatan BBLR sebesar 25,19%. Praktik perawatan BBLR pada ibu di kelompok intervensi lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol pada setiap waktu pengukuran (p=0,000). Variabel sikap dan dukungan kader kesehatan yang dilatih merupakan konfonder yang mempengaruhi hubungan pendidikan kesehatan terhadap praktik ibu dalam perawatan BBLR.
Kesimpulan: Pemberian paket pendidikan kesehatan yang dilakukan berkelanjutan selama 6 minggu berdampak efektif terhadap peningkatan praktik perawatan BBLR di rumah dan terhadap peningkatan status kesehatan bayi. Paket pendidikan kesehatan dapat dikembangkan di komunitas dengan melibatkan kader kesehatan untuk memberikan pendampingan pada ibu dengan BBLR diwilayahnya. Pelatihan ataupun sosialisasi tentang perawatan BBLR perlu diberikan pada tenaga kesehatan puskesmas dan kader kesehatan, sehingga dapat melakukan pendampingan secara tepat pada ibu dengan BBLR.

Health education for mothers can improve low birth weight (LBW) infant care practices. Yet, the ability of mothers to exercise LBW infant care at home has not been much explored. This study aims to assess the effect of health education packages on mothers towards LBW infant care practices in Central Jakarta. The study was conducted on 159 LBW mothers whose babies were permitted to return from the perinatology room with a quasi-experimental approach (78 mothers in the intervention group and 81 mothers in the control group). The sampling technique of this study was consecutive sampling. LBW mothers who were domiciled in the intervention areas received health education packages provided by nurses in health centers.
The health education package consisted of counseling on LBW care given in 3-5 days after LBW infant out of the hospital and mentoring for mothers and families at the 2nd and 6th weeks after counseling or initial measuring. Mothers who lived in the control area received a booklet on LBW infant care. The two groups were measured with the same time as much as 4 times, which was 3 days after leaving the hospital, 2, 6 and 12 weeks after counseling or the initial measurements. Qualitative data collection were also done to complete the information needed after getting a picture of the quantitative results. Multivariate analysis was carried out with Multiple Linear Regression General Estimating Equation (GEE).
The results showed the provision of health education packages to mothers with LBW have an effect to increase the practice of mothers in LBW infant care by 25.19%. The practice of LBW infant care among mothers in intervention group were higher than those in control groups at each measurement (p = 0,000). The attitude and support of trained health cadres variable are confounders that influence the relationship of health education to the practice of mothers in LBW care.
Conclusion: The provision of health education packages carried out continuously for 6 weeks has an effective impact on improving the practice of LBW infant care at home and has an impact on improving the health status of infants. Community-based health education packages developed by involving health cadres to provide assistance to mothers with LBW infant in their area. Training or socialization of LBW infant care to be given to health center workers and cadres, so they could provide appropriate assistance to LBW mothers."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deisy Sri Hardini
"Kestabilan saturasi oksigen dan peningkatan perilaku tidur-terjaga merupakan outcome dalam asuhan perkembangan bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR). Rancangan penelitian ini adalah randomized controlled trial dengan cross-over design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 16 BBLR yang dipilih dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan paired t test dan One Way ANOVA. Hasil analisis paired t test menunjukkan terdapat efek signiflkan dari musik Melayu dan Mozart terhadap stabilnya saturasi oksigen dan meningkatnya perilaku tidur-terjaga BBLR (p<0,05).
Hasil analisis One Way ANOVA menunjukkan pada tahap setelah pemberian musik dan selisih (perbedaan) yang terjadi antar kelompok menunjukkan tidak terdapat efek yang signifikan (p>0,05) terhadap kestabilan saturasi oksigen dan perilaku tidur­ terjaga BBLR. Pemberian musik sebagai terapi komplementer dalam intervensi keperawatan dapat meminimalkan kebisingan lingkungan keperawatan dan mendukung bayi mencapai kestabilan saturasi oksigen dan peningkatan perilaku tidur-terjaga.

The stability of the oxygen saturation and increased sleep-awake behavior is developmental outcomes in the care of LBW infants. The study design was a randomized controlled trial with cross-over design. 16 LBW infants samples are selected by consecutive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by paired t test and One Way ANOVA. Paired t test analysis results showed that there were significant effects of giving Malay music and Mozart to the stable oxygen saturation and increased sleep-awake behavior LBW infants (p <0,05).
One Way ANOVA analysis results showed on stage after the administration of the music and the difference (difference) that occurred between the groups showed no significant effect (p> 0.05) on the stability of oxygen saturation and sleep-awake behavior LBW infants. Giving music as a complementary therapy in the nursing interventions can minimize the noise environment and supportive nursing infants stabilizing oxygen saturation and increased sleep-awake behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nova Fajri
"Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) berisiko tinggi mengalami hipotermia. Perawatan Metode Kanguru (PMK) merupakan metode yang aman, murah, dan efektif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh edukasi PMK pada ibu BBLR di rumah sakit terhadap motivasi dan pelaksanaan PMK di rumah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimental dengan sampel sebanyak 32 ibu BBLR yang dipilih dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan Chi-square menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan motivasi antara kedua kelompok (nilai p=1,00), tetapi pada pelaksanaan PMK di rumah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kedua kelompok (nilai p=0,001). Pemberian video edukasi, diskusi, dan praktik langsung di rumah sakit direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan bayi berat badan lahir rendah.

Low birthweight (LBW) infants are at higher risk of developing hypothermia. Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is a safe, low-cost, and effective method to solve the problem. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of KMC education in motivating LBW infant?s mothers in hospital and to monitor the implementation of KMC at home. The study used quasy-experimental design including 32 LBW infant?s mothers, selected based on consecutive technique sampling. Data analysis using Chi square shows that there is no difference in mother?s motivation between the groups (p-value =1,00), but significant different occurs between the groups in practicing KMC at home (p-value=0,001). KMC education through educating video, discussion, and practice at hospital setting can be used as a recommendation to improve LBW infant care.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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