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Agus Eko Nugroho
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Ekonomi LIPI, 2010
362.5 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Erwing
"Salah satu permasalahan utama pembangunan adalah masih besarnya jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan. Sebagai upaya untuk mempercepat upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan maka pada tahun 2009 pemerintah Indonesia memprioritaskan penanggulangan kemiskinan dalam Rencana Kerja Pemerintah 2009 yang ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Presiden No. 38 tahun 2008 dengan tema utama ?Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Rakyat dan Pengurangan Kemiskinan?. Prioritas tersebut fokus pada 1) Pembangunan dan Penyempurnaan Sistem Perlindungan Sosial Khususnya Bagi Masyarakat Miskin dan fokus 2) Penyempurnaan dan Perluasana Cakupan Program Pembangunan Berbasis Masyarakat serta fokus 3) Pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro dan Kecil.
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil evaluasi yang terkait dengan relevansi perencanaan, efektivitas biaya, proses, keluaran dan hasil kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan dalam RKP 2009 di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.
Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui penyebab perbedaan penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dibandingkan dengan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dilihat dari aspek relevansi perencanaan, efektivitas alokasi biaya penanggulangan kemiskinan, proses, keluaran dan hasil pelaksanaan kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan serta aspek lainnya. Dengan demikian dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan rekomendasi perbaikan kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, metode kualitatif akan digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis data kuantitatif ataupun data kualitatif melalui pemaknaan (understanding of understanding) Hasil evaluasi berdasarkan persepsi pemangku kepentingan terhadap pelaksanaan penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kalimantan Barat dan Sulawesi Selatan, maka diketahui faktor penyebab lebih cukup tingginya penurunan tren penduduk miskin di Kalimantan Barat yaitu faktor relevansi perencanaan, keluaran, hasil dan efektifitas biaya pelaksanaan kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan RKP 2009 yang cukup baik.
Namun jika dinilai dari skor maksimal yaitu 10, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan di kedua lokasi belum maksimal memberikan kontribusi terhadap penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin, karena rata-rata skor semua aspek yang dievaluasi di kedua lokasi hanya pada skor 7.
Atas dasar inilah kemudian faktor lain diidentifikasi, berdasarkan hasil identifikasi kebijakan lokal dan identifikasi kegiatan masyarakat, maka ditemukan faktor lain yang secara kualitatif dinilai memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan persentase penduduk miskin di Kalimantan Barat yaitu adanya Credit Union (CU) yang dikembangkan oleh masyarakat. Walaupun demikian kami rekomendasikan untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih mendalam tentang CU ini, untuk mengetahui secara pasti tingkat pengaruhnya terhadap penurunan persentasi penduduk miskin.
Untuk pelaksanaan kebijakan penanggulangan kemiskinan dimasa datang, penulis memberi usulan (sesuai skenario III) agar pelaksanaan penanggulangan kemiskinan sesuai dengan karakteristik lokal, maka aspek pertama yang perlu dibenahi adalah sistem perencanaan dan penganggaran penanggulangan kemiskinan yang ada dalam RKP. Dimana anggaran penanggulangan kemiskinan masih menggunakan mekanisme Dana Urusan Bersama (DUB). DUB yang tersentralisasi perencanaan dan penganggarannya ini direkomendasikan untuk direformulasi menjadi Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) sehingga daerah lebih berdaya dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi penanggulangan kemiskinan sesuai dengan karakteristik daerah sebagaimana hasil penelitian ini. Pengalihan menjadi DAK bukanlah merupakan hal tidak mungkin, karena sudah didukung oleh 2 kebijakan yaitu UU nomor 33 tahun 2004 pasal 108 dan PP no 7 tahun 2008 pasal 76 ayat 1. Selanjutnya penyempurnaan formulasi DAK tidak hanya untuk pembangunan sarana fisik saja tetapi dapat digunakan untuk non-fisik dengan perencanaan dan pelaksanaannya dikembangkan oleh pemerintah daerah bersama dengan stakeholders lainnya.

One major problem of development is a large number of Indonesian population live below the poverty line. In an effort to accelerate poverty reduction in 2009, the Indonesian government to prioritize poverty reduction in the Government Work Plan 2009 (RKP 2009) which was ratified by Presidential Decree No. 38 in 2008 with the main theme of "Improving People's Welfare and Poverty Reduction." These priorities focus on a) Development and Improvement of Social Protection System Particularly for the Poor and focus 2) Improvement and Expansion of Scope of Community Based Development Program and focus 3) Empowerment of Small and Micro Enterprises.
This paper aims to describe the evaluation results relating to the relevance of planning, cost effectiveness, processes, outputs and results of poverty reduction policies in the RKP 2009 in South Sulawesi Province and West Kalimantan Province. The research aims to find the cause of the differences decrease in the number of poor people in West Kalimantan Province, compared with the South Sulawesi Province. This can be seen from the aspect of relevance to the planning, effectiveness of budget allocation for poverty reduction, processes, outputs and results of the implementation of poverty reduction policies and other aspects so that it can be used as a policy recommendation to reduce poverty. The evaluation was done with a qualitative methods, qualitative methods will be used to describe and analyze the quantitative data or qualitative data through understanding of understanding.
Evaluation results based on the perceptions of stakeholders towards the implementation of poverty reduction in West Kalimantan and South Sulawesi shows the unknown factors causing the high decline in the trend of poor people in West Kalimantan. The factors are the relevance factor of planning, outputs, outcomes and cost effectiveness of the implementation of poverty reduction policies in RKP 2009 that good enough.
However, if judged from the maximum score is 10, it can be said that the implementation of poverty reduction policies in the two provinces were not optimally contribute to the decline in the number of poor people, because the average score of all the aspects that were evaluated in both locations have only scored seven.
On the basis of this evaluation, other factors have been identified. Based on the identification of local policies and identification of community activities, other factors have been founded that are qualitatively judged to have the effect of decreasing the percentage of poor people in West Kalimantan, namely the Credit Union, which was developed by the community. For the implementation of poverty reduction policies in the future, the author gives a suggestion that the implementation of poverty reduction in accordance with local characteristics, the first aspect that needs to be addressed is the planning and budgeting system of the existing poverty reduction in the RKP, where the budget is still using the mechanism of poverty reduction Affairs Joint Fund (DUB). DUB centralized planning and budgeting is recommended to be reformulated into the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), so regions can be more powerful in planning, implementing and evaluating poverty reduction in accordance with regional characteristics as the results of this research. Transfer of DUB to DAK is not an impossible thing, because it was supported by the two policies namely The Law No. 33 year 2004 Article 108 and Government Regulation No. 7 year 2008 article 76, paragraph 1. Further improvements are recommended for the formulation of DAK not only for infrastructure but it can be used only for non-physical, with the planning and implementation developed by local government together with other stakeholders."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study aims to determine the implementation, barriers, support, and empowerment activities that become the
most effective activity in increasing the empowerment program in rural communities at Sub-District of Tapian Nauli,
District of Tapanuli Tengah. The method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The
subject selection technique uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling, while the data collection techniques used
are observation, interviews, and literature study (documentation). The results shows that the implementation of
programs in the empowerment of rural communities at Sub-District of Tapian Nauli, District of Tapanuli Tengah has
not been able to come to the designated goal. The lack of progress of program activities in increased empowerment of rural
communities in this area causes the possibility, strengthening, and protection of powerless groups grow very slowly.
Some of the internal factors of the local government are that the supporting programs for activities to increase the
empowerment of rural communities are very little, among others, the low availability of inputs especially fund resources,
human resources, and lack of bias of government policy itself against the activities of development and poverty alleviation
programs. While the barriers of the society as the main target are the low quality of human empowerment of the poor and
the presence of several cultural communities still lack support for improving the welfare of rural communities."
JIA 9:3 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Khairani Ningtyas
"Kritik yang diarahkan kepada preskripsi kebijakan berbasis neoliberalisme pasca krisis ekonomi-politik menjadi katalis bagi institusi internasional neoliberal, salah satunya Bank Dunia, untuk beradaptasi terhadap tuntutan tersebut. Proses adaptasi diejawantahkan melalui diseminasi diskursus pembangunan sosial ke dalam preskripsi kebijakan neoliberal, melalui prinsip partisipatoris, agenda good governance, modal sosial, dan lainnya. Signifikansi peranan pembangunan sosial dalam kebijakan tersebut kemudian tertanam dalam gagasan yang kemudian disebut oleh Toby Carroll sebagai Socio-Institutional Neoliberalism SIN. Gagasan SIN menjadi materi hegemoni yang didiseminasikan oleh Bank Dunia kepada negara resipiennya, salah satunya melalui program pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis masyarakat atau Community-Driven Development CDD. Program Pengembangan Kecamatan PPK menjadi program pionir CDD paska krisis finansial Asia dan keruntuhan rezim Orde Baru yang melibatkan kerja sama pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Dunia. Kesuksesan PPK selanjutnya menjadi pendorong untuk melakukan perluasan PPK menjadi Program Nasional Pengembangan Masyarakat PNPM Mandiri. Akan tetapi pada tahun 2015, melalui implementasi UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, mekanisme CDD yang mengacu kepada PNPM tidak dapat diterapkan kembali dan digantikan oleh penyaluran Dana Desa.
Berangkat dari hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji keberlanjutan hegemoni SIN dalam mekanisme CDD sesuai dengan mandat UU Desa, khususnya terkait penyaluran Dana Desa. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan post-positivis kritis dan kerangka analisis hegemoni Gramscian guna menunjukkan diseminasi gagasan SIN dari Bank Dunia dalam program pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis masyarakat di Indonesia. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengacu kepada empat program CDD di Indonesia dengan linimasa zaman Orde Baru dan pasca Orde Baru: Inspeksi Desa Tertinggal IDT, PPK, PNPM Mandiri, dan Dana Desa.
Temuan dalam penelitian ini ialah terdapat resistensi terhadap gagasan SIN oleh aktor domestik, meskipun tidak menegasikan gagasan neoliberalisme secara menyeluruh. Resistensi tersebut terefleksikan dari minimnya peranan Bank Dunia, perdebatan di DPR dalam penyusunan RUU Desa, dan diskursus dalam UU Desa.

Criticism towards neoliberalism based policy prescriptions after economy and political crisis serves as a catalyst for neoliberal international institutions, e.g. World Bank, to adapt to these pretentions. These processes are manifested through dissemination of social development discourse into neoliberal policy prescription by means of participatory principles, good governance agenda, social capital, and etc. Significance of vital role of social development in their prescription is embedded into what Toby Carroll stated Socio Institutional Neoliberalism SIN. The notions of SIN then become hegemony material which is disseminated by the World Bank into their recipient country, through Community Driven Development CDD. Program Pengembangan Kecamatan PPK is a pioneering CDD program post Asian financial crisis and the collapse of New Order regime which involving partnership between Government of Indonesia and the World Bank. The success of PPK leads the scaling up process of the next CDD program Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat PNPM Mandiri. Nevertheless, in 2015, through implementation of UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, CDD mechanism of PNPM Mandiri cannot be implemented anymore and is replaced by Dana Desa.
Based on this explanation, this research aims to analyze continuity of SIN hegemony in CDD mechanism in accordance with UU Desa mandate, especially related to Dana Desa. This research utilizes critical post positivist approach and hegemony from Gramscian as framework for analysis in order to indicate the dissemination of SIN notions from the World Bank into Community Driven Development based poverty reduction program. Furthermore, this research refers to four CDD programmes in Indonesia from New Order regime to post New Order regime In Inspeksi Desa Tertinggal IDT, PPK, PNPM Mandiri, and Dana Desa.
This research found a certain degree of resistance towards SIN notions from domestic actors, though not comprehensively negated the notions. Those resistances reflected from minimalization of World Bank's role, debate regarding the making of RUU Desa in DPR and discourse in UU Desa.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penanggulangan kemiskinan tidak hanya dilaksanakan dengan strategi penurunan beban pengeluaran masyarakat miskin dan rentan melalui program perlindungan sosial (bantuan sosial dan jaminan sosial), tetapi beriringan dengan strategi peningkatan pendapatan melalui Program Kewirausahaan Sosial. Dalam mengoptimalkan program tersebut, diberikan pendampingan program untuk memberikan fokus pada inisiatif usaha, penguatan kapasitas dan prospek wirausaha baru, kemandirian wirausaha, penciptaan ekosistem kewirausahaan yang mendukung inovasi dan kreativitas dan penekanan pada pertumbuhan usaha yang berkeberlanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis program pemberdayaan melalui kewirausahaan sosial dan peran pendamping program dalam memberdayakan Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) yang telah graduasi. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi dengan subyek penelitian KPM PKH yang telah graduasi di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pendekatan penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian bersifat explanatory. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemberdayaan melalui kewirausahaan sosial mencakup perencanaan pembentukan awal usaha melalui identifikasi, pemetaan usaha, dan analisis permasalahan dalam menentukan kebijakan intervensi program yang diberikan kepada penerima manfaat. Lebih lanjut untuk mencapai keberhasilan program, penerima manfaat melakukan identifikasi kebutuhan SDM dan bahan baku, serta meningkatkan kemampuan dan keahlian melalui pelatihan usaha dan pembagian tugas tenaga kerja sesuai dengan keahliannya. Dalam mengembangkan usaha dan pemasaran hasil produk kewirausahaan sosial, penekanan diupayakan pada teknik pemasaran, perizinan, pemanfaatan teknologi, dan pengemasan produk. Hasil kedua menunjukan bahwa pendamping sosial dan mentor bisnis memiliki peran dalam memberikan pendampingan dan pemantauan usaha untuk mempercepat pengembangan usaha KPM. Pendamping sosial dan mentor bisnis melakukan pendataan penerima bantuan program kewirausahaan sosial untuk memastikan ketepatan sasaran penerima bantuan. Selama program berlangsung pendamping sosial memberikan sosialisasi dan motivasi, edukasi berwirausaha, pelatihan, koordinasi perizinan, akses pembiayaan, pemasaran hasil untuk pengembangan usaha KPM. Pasca program kewirausahaan sosial terjadi peningkatan usaha KPM, peningkatan keahlian dan keterampilan usaha, serta perubahan perilaku KPM yang memberikan berdampak sosial terhadap masyarakat sekitar dengan membuka akses lapangan pekerjaan dan kerjasama kemitraan

Poverty abatement is not only accomplished with a strategy of reducing the expenditure duty of the poor and vulnerable through social protection programs (social assistance and social security) but side-by-side with a strategy of increasing income through the Social Entrepreneurship Program. In optimizing the program, program assistance is accommodated in order to focus on business initiatives, strengthening the capacity and prospects of new entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial independence, creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem that supports innovation and creativity and an emphasis on sustainable business growth. This research aims to describe and analyse empowerment programs through social entrepreneurship and the role of program assistants in empowering beneficiary families (KPM) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) that have been certified. The research data were attained from observations through observation, interviews, and documentation studies with research subjects KPM PKH who had certified in DKI Jakarta Province. The research approach used is qualitative with explanatory research. The results of the study show that the empowerment process through social entrepreneurship includes planning the initial formation of a business through identification, business mapping, and problem analysis in determining program intervention policies given to beneficiaries. Furthermore, in order to achieve program success, beneficiaries identify human resource and raw material needs, as well as improve capabilities and expertise through business training and division of labour tasks according to their expertise. In developing the business and marketing the results of social entrepreneurship products, emphasis is sought on marketing techniques, licensing, technology utilization, and product packaging. The second result shows that social mentors and business mentors have a role in providing business assistance and monitoring to accelerate KPM business development. Social assistants and business mentors collect data on beneficiaries of the social entrepreneurship program to ensure the accuracy of targeting beneficiaries. During the program, social assistants provide socialization and motivation, entrepreneurship education, training, licensing coordination, access to financing, and marketing of results for KPM business development. After the social entrepreneurship program, there has been an increase in KPM's businesses, increased business expertise and skills, and changes in KPM's behaviour which has a social impact on the surrounding community by opening access to jobs and partnerships"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nida Khoirunnisa
Tesis ini menganalisis kinerja organisasi Dinas Sosial dalam implementasi Program Rumah Tidak Layak Huni (rutilahu) sebagai penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 2014-2018. Dalam Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), kemiskinan menjadi salah satu sasaran utama untuk diperangi negara-negara di Dunia, Termasuk Indonesia. Kemiskinan bukan saja tanggung jawab dari Pemerintah Pusat melainkan Pemerintah Daerah harus bersinergi dalam memerangi angka kemiskinan di Indonesia. BPS mencatat pada tahun 2017 penduduk miskin di Kabupaten Cirebon sebanyak 279,55 ribu jiwa dari 2,6 juta jiwa penduduk, mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 313,21 ribu jiwa (BPS Jawa Barat, 2017). Upaya Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Cirebon dalam menanggulangi Kemiskinan adalah dengan membuat Program Rumah Tidak Layak Huni (RTLH) bagi masyarakat miskin. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Postpositivism dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kinerja Dinas Sosial dalam program rutilahu di Kabupaten Cirebon tahun 2014-2018 belum begitu memuaskan dan signifikan, karena realisasi masih jauh dari target. Hal tersebut dikarenakan masih banyaknya permasalahan dalam pelaksanaan program dan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, yakni faktor internal dan faktor eksternal organisasi Dinsos. Masalah-masalah yang masih banyak ditemukan dalam program rutilahu Dinsos di Kabupaten Cirebon yaitu tidak sesuainya antara penerima bantuan dengan kriteria Calon Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (CKPM) sesuai dengan by name by address disebabkan karena Dinsos jarang melakukan pemutahiran data, pentingnya pemutakhiran data karena masalah perumahan sifatnya dinamis dan akan berubah-beruh terus. Sosialisasi program yang belum merata sampai ke akar masyarakat, bahkan pemahaman dari pihak Desa masih banyak yang belum sepenuhnya memahami teknis dalam program rutilahu Dinsos. Mengenai faktor internal yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja Dinsos dalam program rutilahu yaitu keterampilan (skills), sistem (system), sumber daya manusia (staff), strategi (strategy), dan budaya organisasi (shared values). Namun, faktor internal yang paling menonjol yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja Dinsos sehingga berkinerja belum baik yaitu sistem (system) anggaran dan jumlah anggaran. Mengenai faktor eskternal yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja Dinsos dalam program rutilahu yaitu faktor ekonomi dan faktor sosiokultural. Namun, faktor internal yang paling menonjol yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja Dinsos sehingga berkinerja belum baik yaitu faktor ekonomi. Sedangkan faktor-faktor lainnya sudah baik.


Kata Kunci: Kinerja, Rutilahu, Kemiskinan, 7S McKinsey

This thesis analyzes the organizational performance of the Social Program in the Implementation of the House not livable (rutilahu) Program as poverty reduction in Cirebon Regency in 2014-2018. In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), poverty is one of the main targets for combating countries in the world, including Indonesia. Poverty is not only the responsibility of the Central Government, but Local Governments must work together with poverty rates in Indonesia. BPS noted that in 2017 the poor population in Cirebon Regency had as many as 279.55 thousand people out of 2.6 million inhabitants, experiencing an increase in 2015 as many as 313.21 thousand people (BPS Jawa Barat, 2017).The efforts of the CirebonRegency Government in tackling poverty are by making a House not livable Program (RTLH) for the poor. In this study using Postpositivism research using qualitative methods. The results of the study that showed the Performance of the Social Service in the 2014-2018 program in Cirebon Regency were not yet satisfying and significant, because they were still far from the target. This is related to the still many problems in the implementation of the program and is caused by several influencing factors, namely internal factors and external factors of the Social Affairs organization. Prospective Beneficiary Families (CKPM) are in accordance with the name with the appropriate address because Social Affairs Agency often updates data, helps update data due to problem resources. Problems that are still commonly found in the Rutilahu Dinsos program in Cirebon Regency are dynamic and will continue to change. A socialization program that has not yet fully reached the roots of the community, even the understanding of the village still many do not understand the technical aspects of the Social Service program.Regarding internal factors that can affect the performance of the Social service organization in the program of house not livable  is skills, systems, staff, strategies, and shared values. However, the most prominent internal factor that can affect the performance of the social service organization that they do not perform well in the budget and budget system. Regarding external factors that can affect the performance of the Office of Social Affairs in the program, namely economic factors and socio-cultural factors. However, the most prominent internal factors that can affect social service organization performance so that they do not perform well are economic factors. While other factors are good.

Keywords: Performance, House Not Livable, Poverty, 7S McKinsey.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This paper explores linkages between governance and poverty in Indonesia for the period 2001 to 2008. The dimensions of poverty reduction policy, which include poverty, inequality, and growth, demonstrate that the poor do not benefit proportionately from economic growth. It also shows clearly comparing with inequality, in which the result of the study shown that a strong link exists between governance indicators and poverty reduction. It is concluded that the improvement of voice and accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and rule of law can control corruption and the pro-poor policies, which ultimately reduce poverty in the long run. Facing the challenging of good governance toward poverty reduction, Indonesia needs to formulate and implement effectively its governance policies to encourage the good governance, including both of region and time dimensions. "
JEP 18:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"As a developing country Indonesia still faces the acute problem of poverty . The result of survey made by Institute for Development of Economic and Finance (INDEF) forescated the number of poor population, in 2009 was about 40 million (16,8%) . This number of population increases 5 million compared to the result of survey made by Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2008, which registared the nunber of poor population about 35 million or about 15,4% (Edi Suharso, 2009;20). B7y considering data mentioned above, we can see that the poverty in Indonesia is very urgent to be handled comprehensively and sustainably. It means that the problem of poverty cnnot be handled partially and sector, because by doing that , in fact us face unlucky situation,i.e wrong target, emergency of seeds of social fragmentation , weakening capital social values, (mutual cooperation, consensus, self supporting and so on). By weakening capital social values in turn, it will push the changing of social behavior to be more distant from the spirit of independence, togetherness, and care to handle the problem collectively. Therefore, government in this case, Coordinator Minister of Prosperity, as Chairman of Team for Coping with Poverty has to make policy which could be the National Program for Autonomous Community Empowerment (PNPM) i.e.a national program in form of policy as base /frame to implement activities of handling Poverty based on society empowerment. This program is implement through the harmonization and development of system ,mechanism and program procedure, assistance and simulant fund to push initiative and innovation of society in effort to handle the poverty, sustainably. The approach made by Autonomous PNPM is an empowerment approach to push the creation of Self - Supporting Group (KSM) as a component of the whole process of hndling the poverty in order to increase the capability of existing group , or to create a new group. So, KSM is an association or persons which, voluntarily, assembles them self in kind of group , because of having the same interest and need, so that inside that group there is the same objective to be achieved collectively."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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