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Rajagukguk, Omas Bulan
"This paper is housed on contraceptive switching in indonesia. Since a woman might use more than one method of contraception during her reproductive period she can contribute more than one contraceptive use interval to the data. Some studies of contraceptive switching have used statistical techniques which assume independence between switching but this assumption can be violated because the likelihood of switching might be correlated. Hence contraceptive switching varies not only across groups of contraceptive users but also across contraceptive users with the same socioeconomic characteristics. Hence the consequences of this contraceptive users' eject for the relationship between socioeconomic. demographic and contraceptive-related characteristics of users and contraceptive switching in indonesia is analysed through the use of random-ejects logistic models. The data used for the analysis is from the 1991 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. The findings confirm the results of previous studies that a number of socioeconomic and demographic factors influence the likelihood of switching contraception. Among these factors. contraceptive-related /actors such as the method being used before switching, the duration of use at switching and the reason for switching, affect contraceptive switching most. The results also indicate that there is correlation between intervals for the same woman. This implies that there are other factors which have not been observed and contribute to the differentials of switching contraception across women with the saute socioeconomic characteristics."
Journal of Population, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Agrianti
"Latar belakang: Meningkatnya angka pemakaian kontrasepsi tidak diikuti tingginya angka kelangsungannya. Angka putus pakai, kegagalan, dan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi di Indonesia meningkat. SDKI 2012 melaporkan putus pakai lebih tinggi pada pil (41%) dan suntik (25%) dibandingkan IUD (6%) dan susuk (8%). Kegagalan dan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi juga lebih tinggi pada pil (masing-masing 20% dan 11%). Di Indonesia, putus pakai, kegagalan, dan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi bervariasi antar wilayah karena adanya perbedaan aksesibilitas, ketersediaan, dan penerimaan berbagai metode kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pola dan perbedaan perilaku putus pakai, kegagalan, dan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi menurut wilayah di Indonesia dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan data SDKI 2012 dengan jenis penelitian semi deskriptif analitik dan pendekatan cross sectional. Informasi tentang putus pakai, kegagalan, dan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi diperoleh dari data kalender SDKI 2012.
Hasil: Putus pakai kontrasepsi ditemukan lebih tinggi di wilayah Bali & Nusa Tenggara, Maluku & Papua dibandingkan Sulawesi. Kegagalan kontrasepsi ditemukan lebih tinggi di wilayah Sulawesi, Sumatera dan Jawa dibandingkan Kalimantan. Sedangkan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi lebih tinggi Sulawesi, Jawa, dan Kalimantan dibandingkan Bali & Nusa Tenggara.
Simpulan: Adanya pola dan perbedaan putus pakai, kegagalan, dan penggantian alat/cara kontrasepsi antar wilayah di Indonesia, maka perlu upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan KB dan kesehatan reprodukstif dalam hal konseling KB, meningkatkan kemampuan petugas KB, memperluas akses dan memastikan ketersedian berbagai metode kontrasepsi khususnya IUD dan susuk KB.

Background: Increasing contraceptive prevalence rate are not followed by a high rate of survival. The contraceptive drop out, failure, and swtiching in Indonesia increased. IDHS 2012 reported drop out rate for the method of pil (41%) and injection (25%) are more higher than IUD (6%) and implant (8%). The contraceptive failure and switching was also higher for the method of pil (20% and 11%, respectively). In Indonesia, contraceptive drop out, failure, and switching show the patterns and differences across regions due to differences in the accessibility, availibilty, and accpetance of contraceptive methods. The presents study examines the patterns and differences contraceptive drop out, failure, and switching by region in Indonesia and the factors that affect it.
Methods: Data used from Indonesia Demographic Health Survey 2012. This study uses a semi descriptive analitic with cross sectional approach. Information about contraceptive drop out, failure, and switching obtained from calender data IDHS 2012.
Results: The contraceptive drop out are higher for married women living in Bali & Nusa Tenggara, Maluku & Papua than in Sulawesi. Contraceptive failure are higher for married women living in Sulawesi, Sumatera, and Java than in Kalimantan. Contraceptive switching are higher for married women living in Sulawesi, Java, and Kalimantan than in Bali & Nusa Tenggara.
Conclusion: Findings point that the presence of patterns and differences contraceptive drop out, failure, and switching by regions in Indonesia. Therefore, it necessary to improving quality of family planning and reproductive health care services across regions, improving skill providers, expanding access and ensure availibility of contraceptive methods espcesially for IUD and implant.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
The role of contraceptive use dynamics in shaping the contraceptive
prevalence structure and ht determining its impact on fertility becomes
increasingly important for family planning program, policy mailers and
program managers. Relatively few analyses of contraceptive use dynamics
exist for developing countries. The lack of _ such studies is that the data
required are not often collected. This article is intended to _,fill in the gaps by
analyzing the five-year calendar data derived from the I994 Indonesia
Demographic and Health Survey (1994 DHS). The five year calendar data on
contraceptive use, pregnancy, termination and reason for discontinuation of
contraceptive use analyzed using the life table methodologies provide
meaningful insight on the quality of contraceptive use in Indonesia. It is found
that the median duration of use is longest for the IUD and implant, while
shortest lor condom/intravag. About 27 percent of all Indonesia contraceptive
users discontinue the use of their chosen method within a year. The reasons
for discontinuation vary across subgroups of women. Method failure is
associated more with discontinuation of traditional method, while method-
related reasons such as health concern or inconvenience of use are more
likely to be associated with discontinuation of modern method mainly lUDs,
injectables and implants. There are more important factors that differentiate
women on discontinuation qt' contraception e.g., area of residence, region
education, age, and contraceptive intent. These findings on discontinuation
enabled the family planning program to provide more realistic and focused
services to their clients. In conclusion, this analysis emphasizes the
importance of examining the quality of contraceptive use in Indonesia to
achieve greater appreciation of the factors that affect contraceptive
discontinuation, switching behavior, and use:;i:i'lure. Special attention should
he addressed to health concerns as an important issue for the most popular
modern methods and to the minority of women who discontinue use within a
year and do not switch to another method.
Journal of Population, Vol. 3 No. 2 1997 : 159-196, 1997
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajagukguk, Omas Bulan
"This study investigetes socioeconomic, cultural. demographic and programmatic factors influencing contraceptive choice in Indonesia using the 1987 National Indonesia contraceptive prevalence suvey (DHS) data. The study shows a consistency of factors affecting current method used across the two surveys using Bulatoo's conceptual scheme (1989). These factors are the number of living children, fertility intentions, age at survey, duration of marriage, education, current work status, relagion, the province and place of residence,whether a programme implementer visits in the six months before the survey, whether a woman has reguler access to the mass media and her husband's accupation. Higher number of living children and not wanting any more children are related to a greater choice of long-term methods and less choice of shprt-term; and traditional methods-results compatible with a greater need for limiting childbird rather than spacing, Religiousness is identified with greater preference for short-term methods as these methods can be used by the users themselves without having to see a male doctor. Access in related to preference for long methods. The preference in the rural areas for long-term methods in fact is higher than in the urban areas, resulting from the strong promotion and provision of these methods there."
Souhampion University, 1991
JOPO-1-1 1995
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajagukguk, Omas Bulan
"This study investigates socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and programmatic factors influencing contraceptive choice in Indonesia using the 1987 National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey (NICPS) and 1991 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data. The study shows a consistency of factors affecting current method used across the two surveys using Bulatao's conceptual scheme (1989). These factors are the number of living children, fertility intentions, age at survey, duration of marriage, education, current work status, religion, the province and place of residence, whether a programme implementer visits in the six months before the survey; whether a woman has regular access to the mass media and her husband 's occupation. Higher number of living children and not wanting any more children are related to a greater choice of long-term methods and less choice of short-term; and traditional methods-results compatible with a greater need for limiting childbirth rather than spacing. Religiousness is identified with greater preference for short-ten-n methods as these methods can be used by the users themselves without having to see a male doctor. Access is related to preference for long-term methods. The preference in the rural areas for long- term methods in fact is higher than in the urban areas, resulting from the strong promotion and provision of these methods there."
Journal of Population, 1995
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mitchell, Daniel M.
New York: McGraw-Hill, [date of publication not identified]
621.381 MIT d (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samosir, Omas Bulan
Jakarta: Lembaga Demografi FEUI , 1993
613.949 598 SAM c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniati Bachrun
"Dampak demografis pemakaian kontrasepsi tidak hanya tergantung pada prevalensi kontrasepsi tetapi juga tergantung pads kelangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi. Ketidaklangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi yang tinggi mengindikasikan adanya ketidakpuasan terhadap suatu metode kontrasepsi atau pelayanan KB yang dipcroleh dari suatu sumber alat/cara KB. Oleh karena itu penting untuk mengetahui variasi ketidaklangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi dari sumbcr alat/Cara KB yang berbeda pada wanita dengan karakteristik sosiodemografi yang berbeda.
Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh snmber alat/cara KB dan faktor sosiodemografi terhadap ketidaklangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi di Indonesia, bcrdasarkan data historis pemakaian kontrasepsi dalam kalender SDKI 2007, dengan menggunakan metode analisis IW table dan rcgresi C5x.
Hasil analisis lgfe table tingkat ketidaklangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi menunjukkan bahwa tingkat ketidaklangsungan lebih tinggi pada pemakaian kontrasepsi oleh wanita dengan karakteristik: memperoleh kontrasepsi dari surnber swasta, menggunakan pil KB, bertujuan menunda kelahiran, berusia lebih muda, dengan jumlah anak Iebih sedikit, mempunyai tingkat pendidikan dan status sosialekonomi tinggi dan tinggal di daerah perkotaan.
Hasil analisis multivariat menggunakan model regresi Cox menunjukkan bahwa pemakaian kontrasepsi yang berasal dari sumber Iainnya mempunyai risiko ketidaklangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi lebih kecil daripada pemakaian kontrasepsi yang bersumber dari fasilitas swasta atau pemerintah. Pcmakaian metode kontrasepsi jangka panjang, jumlah anak masih hidup, dan motivasi yang kuat untuk membatasi kelahiran mempunyai pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap ketidaklangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi. Sedangkan faktor sosiodemografi seperti umur, urnur kawin penmna dan tingkat pendidikan pasangan suami istri dan bertempat tinggal di perkotaan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kctidaldangsungan pcmakaian kontrascpsi.

The effect of using contraception demographically not only depend on contraceptive prevalence but also on contraceptive continuation. Higher contraceptive discontinuation indicates dissatisfaction of using a contraceptive method. Hence, it is important to study the variation of contraceptive discontinuation of different contraceptive source on women with some socio demographic characteristics.
This research studies the effect of contraceptive source and socio demographic factors on contraceptive discontinuation in Indonesia, based on calendar data of 2007 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey. Life table analysis and Cox regression are used to describe this effect.
Life table analysis results shows that higher contraceptive discontinuation is found on women with private contraceptive source, using pill, birth spacing as contraceptive intention, younger, viewer children, higher education, higher socio economic status and live in urban.
Cox regression model results that using contraceptive method from other source has lower contraceptive discontinuation risk than using contraceptive method from private or government Facilities. Long term method, number of living children and stronger motivation to limiting birth has significant and negative effect on contraceptive discontinuation. Socio demographic factors as age, age at first union, spouse education and live in urban has significant and positive effect on contraceptive discontinuation.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Rahmadona Putri
"Fertilitas di Indonesia cenderung stagnan diangka 2,6 dan tidak memenuhi target nasional RPJMN 2015 sebesar 2,1. Tingginya TFR menyebabkan meningkatnya CBR yang berdampak terhadap IPM Indonesia sehingga diperlukan upaya pengendalian kelahiran untuk menghindari timbulnya permasalahan lainnya. Kontrasepsi dipercaya sebagai salah satu cara untuk menekan angka kelahiran. Namun CPR Indonesisa ditahun 2015 cenderung menurun diangka 59,68. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan variabel yang mempengaruhi penggunaan dan pemilihan kontrasepsi di Indonesia dengan menentukan model estimasi yang sesuai untuk menilai karakteristik pengguna kontraseps. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional menggunakan data IFLS 5 tahun 2014/2015.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika dengan model analisis Multinomial Logistick Regression. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan kontrasepsi MKJP adalah pendidikan (1,89%), pekerjaan (1,96%), pendapatan (80,32%), paritas (2,06%), wilayah tempat tinggal (1,78%), jumlah anak (2,21%) dan pangambil keputusan penggunaan kontrasepsi dirumah tangga (2,33%). Faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan non MKJP adalah umur (17,1%), jumlah anak (5,69%), pangambil keputusan penggunaan kontrasepsi dirumah tangga (9,98%). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor sosial ekonomi, demorafi, norma dan lingkungan/peayanan kesehatan berpengaruh dalam penggunaan kontrasespi di Indonesia.

Fertility in Indonesia provides stagnant at 2.6 and does not meet the national target of RPJMN 2015 of 2.1. The high TFR causes CBR to create an impact on the Indonesian HDI so that birth control efforts are needed to realize other incidents. Contraception is believed to be one way of rotating birth rates. However, CPR Indonesisa in 2015 can decrease diangka 59.68. The purpose of this study is to prove the variables that influence the use and choice of contraceptives in Indonesia by determining the appropriate model for assessing user characteristic. This research is a cross sectional study using IFLS 5 data 2014/2015.
This research uses econometric approach with Multinomial Logistick Regression analysis model. From the result of the research, the risk factors that influence the use of MKJP contraception are education (1.89%), occupation (1.96%), income (80.32%), parity (2.06%), residence area (1, 78%), number of children (2.21%) and decision making of household contraceptive use (2.33%). The probability of factors affecting the non-MKJP usage is age (17.1%), number of children (5.69%), decision making of household contraceptive use (9.98%). So it can be concluded that socio-economic factors, demography, norms and environment / health services have an effect on the use of contrasespi in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Rahmadona Putri
"Fertilitas di Indonesia cenderung stagnan diangka 2,6 dan tidak memenuhi target nasional RPJMN 2015 sebesar 2,1. Tingginya TFR menyebabkan meningkatnya CBR yang berdampak terhadap IPM Indonesia sehingga diperlukan upaya pengendalian kelahiran untuk menghindari timbulnya permasalahan lainnya. Kontrasepsi dipercaya sebagai salah satu cara untuk menekan angka kelahiran. Namun CPR Indonesisa ditahun 2015 cenderung menurun diangka 59,68. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan variabel yang mempengaruhi penggunaan dan pemilihan kontrasepsi di Indonesia dengan menentukan model estimasi yang sesuai untuk menilai karakteristik pengguna kontraseps. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional menggunakan data IFLS 5 tahun 2014/2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ekonometrika dengan model analisis Multinomial Logistick Regression. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan kontrasepsi MKJP adalah pendidikan (1,89%), pekerjaan (1,96%), pendapatan (80,32%), paritas (2,06%), wilayah tempat tinggal (1,78%), jumlah anak (2,21%) dan pangambil keputusan penggunaan kontrasepsi dirumah tangga (2,33%). Faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan non MKJP adalah umur (17,1%), jumlah anak (5,69%), pangambil keputusan penggunaan kontrasepsi dirumah tangga (9,98%). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor sosial ekonomi, demorafi, norma dan lingkungan/peayanan kesehatan berpengaruh dalam penggunaan kontrasespi di Indonesia Kata kunci: Fertilitas, CBR, Kontrasepsi

Fertility in Indonesia provides stagnant at 2.6 and does not meet the national target of RPJMN 2015 of 2.1. The high TFR causes CBR to create an impact on the Indonesian HDI so that birth control efforts are needed to realize other incidents. Contraception is believed to be one way of rotating birth rates. However, CPR Indonesisa in 2015 can decrease diangka 59.68. The purpose of this study is to prove the variables that influence the use and choice of contraceptives in Indonesia by determining the appropriate model for assessing user characteristic. This research is a cross sectional study using IFLS 5 data 2014/2015. This research uses econometric approach with Multinomial Logistick Regression analysis model. From the result of the research, the risk factors that influence the use of MKJP contraception are education (1.89%), occupation (1.96%), income (80.32%), parity (2.06%), residence area (1, 78%), number of children (2.21%) and decision making of household contraceptive use (2.33%). The probability of factors affecting the non-MKJP usage is age (17.1%), number of children (5.69%), decision making of household contraceptive use (9.98%). So it can be concluded that socio-economic factors, demography, norms and environment/health services have an effect on the use of contrasespi in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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