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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adihartono Reksodirdjo
"Since the sexual revolution began in Europe,the sexual discourse i.e.homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transexuality could be a scientific discourse and many scholars start doing research this area. The development of sexual revolution is also bring up the movement of homosexual revolution communities.Thia thesis describe and analize the same sex marriage policy in the Netherlands,Belgium and Spain from the interational perspective..The Netherlands is one of the European states which is having a free and liberal sexual tradition because the government could accomodate the sexual attitude into non-bias gender policy.The legalization of homosexuality in the Netherlands took by the French through "French Napoleonic code 1811. The code explained that the liberation and marriage of homosexuality itsguarantee by policy.This code is follow by the Dutch government and they make a non-bias gendewr policy such as same sex marriage policy and also Prostitution policy.From the democracyn theory ,it is visible that the Netherlands have a sexual social democracy because they give the tolerance for the another aspiration,expression,the difference and human right. The liberal democration in the Netherlands,it should be like a pioner for the other Europen countries.After dutch government legalize the same sex marriage policy in 2001, belgium is also legalize it in 2003.One of the European countries which is surprised all over the world is Spain.Spain is the country in the Mediterranian bay which have a strong catholic tradition,but the Spanish government could accoudate the homosexual communities with the same sex marriage policy in 2005"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Setiawati
"Disertasi ini membahas mengenai organisasi LBT (Lesbian, Biseksual,dan Transgender) Ardhanary Institute di Jakarta. Organisasi feminis ini, dimaknai “coming out” di tengah kondisi sosial budaya yang tengah mengalami perubahan global dan pasca reformasi. Pada dasarnya penolakan-penolakan lebih kuat dari pada penerimaan keberadaan mereka, namun berani untuk “coming out”. Disebabkan adanya jaringan sosial yang dilakukan aktor-aktor di dalam organisasi ini melalui relasi dengan aktor serta lembaga lainnya. Sebagai kajian antropologi feminis, lebih menekankan pada jaringan sosial yang bersifat deskriptif, tidak pada tataran analitik.
Manfaat kajian ini; Pertama, mengisi ruang penelitian akademik tentang organisasi LBT (Lesbian, Biseksual dan Transgender) telah “coming out” dalam perspektif antropologi. Kedua, menambah kajian selama ini terabaikan, yakni tentang jaringan sosial bersifat deskriptif pada organisasi LBT (Lesbian, Biseksual, dan Transgender) di Indonesia. Kesimpulan kajian ini: 1). Situasi global sangat mempengaruhi eksistensi dari organisasi LBT di Indonesia terutama organisasi AI “coming out” melalui jaringan sosial yang relasi internasional yang dilakukan aktor-aktor dalam organisasi ini, 2). Sebagai organisasi yang telah “coming out”, memberikan effek“struggling”dimana aktor-aktor lesbian inilah sebagai motivator, fasilitator, inspirator dan berimplikasi dalam pergerakan organisasi LBT yang ada di daerah-daerah seluruh Indonesia, 3). Organisasi ini secara aktif membangun jaringan sosial yang lebih luas dan secara eksternal relasi sosial diperoleh melalui dukungan kerjasama dari berbagai organisasi-organisasi perempuan lainnya, baik secara langsung maupun tidak, dan 4). Berkaitan dengan negara, adanya kontestasi dan sikap negara yang “ambivalen” terhadap LGBT/LBT. Satu sisi negara seakan-akan tidak pernah hadir atau absen bahkan negara seakan-akan berada dalam wilayah yang tidak jelas atau dengan istilah “the blurred zone’.Negara yang memiliki tugas untuk melindungi setiap warga negaranya dari kekerasan, diskriminasi dan perlakuan yang sewenang-wenang, tanpa memandang orientasi seksual dari warga negaranya.

This dissertation discusses the LBT organization (Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender) Ardhanary Institute in Jakarta. The feminist organization, has interpreted "coming out" in the middle of the socio-cultural conditions of global change and post-reform. Basically denials are more powerful than the acceptance of their existence, but they dare to "coming out". Due to the social networks that they do through actors within this organization that builds relationships with actors and other institutions .As discipline of anthropology, the study was more emphasis on the social network that is descriptive, not at the level of analytics. So in the data collection techniques no measurements but rather on the process of intensive observation and in-depth interviews and participant observation. The study also rests on an ethnographic approach feminist, which is the action and practice everyday be material from an ethnographic study.
Benefits of this study; First, fill the space of academic research on the organization LBT (Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender) that have been "coming out" in the perspective of anthropology. Secondly, adding studies have been neglected, which is about the social network that is descriptive in the organization LBT (Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender) in Indonesia. Conclusion of this study: 1). The global situation greatly affect the existence of LBT organization in Indonesia especially AI organizations "coming out" via social networks which international relations are conducted actors in this organization, 2). As an organization that has been "coming out", giving effect "struggling" in which actors lesbian is as a motivator, facilitator, inspiration and organizations implicated in the movement of LBT in areas throughout Indonesia, 3). This organization is actively building a broader social network and social relationships acquired externally through cooperation support of various women's organizations, whether directly or indirectly, and 4). In connection with the state, there is a contestation and the country's stance that "ambivalent" towards LGBT / LBT. One side of the country as if it was never present or absent even a country as if it were in the area that are not clear or with the term "the blurred zone '. Countries that have a duty to protect all citizens from violence, discrimination and arbitrary treatment, regardless of the sexual orientation of citizens.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelviana Febi Christyanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan stres dan coping yang dialami oleh ibu setelah anaknya coming out tentang orientasi seksualnya sebagai seorang gay. Teori stres dan coping yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori stres dari Lazarus dan Folkman. Lazarus (1976) mengatakan bahwa apabila suatu keadaan atau situasi yang rumit tersebut pada akhirnya dirasakan sebagai keadaan yang menekan dan mengancam serta melampaui sumber daya yang dimiliki individu untuk mengatasinya, maka situasi ini dinamakan stres. Menurut Lazarus dan Folkman (dalam Auberbach, 1998), strategi coping terbagi menjadi dua kategori yaitu coping terpusat masalah (problem-focused coping) dan coping terpusat emosi (emotion-focused coping). Masing-masing strategi coping dibedakan dalam 5 variasi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi. Adapun karakteristik partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang ibu yang memiliki anak kandung gay yang telah coming out. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak tiga orang.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ketiga subjek, yang memiliki anak gay yang sudah coming out, menghadapi beberapa kondisi dan situasi yang dinilai sebagai sumber stres. Ketiga subjek menampilkan kedua strategi coping, yaitu coping terpusat masalah (problem-focused coping) dilakukan bila menghadapi situasi yang dapat dicari pemecahannya atau dapat diubah, dan coping terpusat emosi (emotion-focused coping) yang ditampilkan dalam menghadapi emosi negati.
This research aims to describe stress and coping among mothers whose son openly admits (to his mother) that he is a homosexual. The theoretical orientation of this research is based on Lazarus and Folkman?s theory. According to this theory, when a stressful event occurs, people usually evaluate how much it threatens their well-being and judge their ability to deal with the consequences (Lazarus, 1976). There are two strategies of coping, problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping (Lazarus & Folkman, on Auberbach, 1998). Those two major coping strategies further differentiate into ten minor coping styles, five minor styles for each major style.
This investigation is conducted using qualitative approach. Interviews and observations are used to gather the data. There are three participants in this study, and each of them fit the characteristic of participants, which is they have a gay son that already coming out.
Result shows that every participants experience stress. Further, in their coping, they using both of the major coping strategies. Problem-focused coping consists of efforts to alter, deflect, or in some way manage the stressor itself through direct action, while emotion-focused coping was used to deal with negative emotions.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifky Zacharis Diandrio
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perkembangan identitas homoseksual dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan untuk melela pada laki-laki homoseksual di Indonesia. Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif, dilakukan wawancara terhadap laki-laki homoseksual dewasa muda (usia 23-29 tahun), dengan menggunakan panduan berdasarkan Model Formasi Identitas Homoseksual oleh Cass (1979). Dalam analisis tematik terhadap wawancara delapan partisipan, ditemukan bahwa perkembangan identitas homoseksual dimulai ketika seluruh responden merasakan ketertarikan terhadap sesama jenis sejak kecil. Perkembangan identitas melewati fase penolakan di suatu tahap dalam hidup individu homoseksual sebelum akhirnya bisa diterima secara penuh. Penerimaan diri dan keputusan untuk melela di tengah perkembangan identitas memiliki arah hubungan yang kompleks dan tidak pasti terkait mana yang lebih dulu antara penerimaan atau melela identitas. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa keputusan untuk melela tidak hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor perkembangan identitas yang koheren dan sehat, namun juga faktor-faktor situasional seperti dukungan orang-orang terdekat dan sikap masyarakat secara umum terhadap eksistensi kelompok seksual non-normatif, risiko akan diskriminasi dan persekusi, serta sumber daya individu homoseksual untuk bisa berdiri sendiri ketika risiko yang dipersepsikan terjadi saat mereka memtusukan untuk melela.

This research seeks to understand how homosexual identity develops and what factors influence the decisions of gay men in Indonesia to come out. Using qualitative research methods, interviews were conducted with young adult gay men (aged 23-29) following Cass's (1979) Model of Homosexual Identity Formation. By analyzing the interviews of eight participants, it was found that the journey of homosexual identity begins when individuals feel attracted to the same sex from a young age. The process involves overcoming denial and eventually accepting themselves fully. The relationship between self-acceptance and coming out is complex, as it is unclear which comes first. The decision to come out is influenced not only by personal development but also by situational factors such as support from significant others, societal attitudes towards non-normative sexual orientations, the fear of discrimination and persecution, and the personal resources needed to face these challenges when deciding to come out."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Stevanus Senjaya Halim
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kehidupan transgender di Jakarta. Para transgender mengalami pengalaman yang berbeda pada dari masyarakat pada umumnya karena adanya stigma dan diskriminasi pada kelompok mereka. Penellitian ini ingin melihat komitmen religius para transgender yang hidup di Jakarta, dimana konteks agama sangat erat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, evaluasi mereka dalam menghadapi kehidupan (subjective well-being) serta pembukaan diri (coming out) para transgender. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 60 orang transgender yang berlokasi di daerah Jakarta, dimana rentang usia sampel dari 16-60 tahun.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode gaabungan kualitatif dan kuantitatif agar dapat melihat kehidupan para transgender. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara ketiga variabel. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa subjective well-being para transgender berhubungan dengan coming out dan tidak berhubungan dengan komitmen religius mereka.

The study discussed about the life of transgender community in Jakarta. The community faced different experiences from the general society, where they faced stigmas and discriminations in their everyday living. The purpose of the study is to see the religious commitment, subjective well-being, and coming out on transgender community. Samples of this research are 60 transgender who live in Jakarta with age range around 16-60 years old.
In this study, we used mix methods of qualitative and quantitative to overview the life of the transgender community. Hypothesis of the research is that there is a significant correlation between the three variables. The study suggest that subjective well being is significantly correlated to coming out, "while none have correlation with religious commitment".
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Britta Widyadhari
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran dari identitas seksual dan proses coming out pada remaja akhir dalam kelompok minoritas seksual di Jakarta. Penelitian ini didasari oleh minimnya penerimaan dan toleransi terhadap kelompok minoritas seksual, yang salah satunya adalah kelompok homoseksual, yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap proses coming out dan perkembangan identitas seksual pada remaja dengan orientasi homoseksual. Pengukuran identitas seksual menggunakan Measure of Sexual Identity Exploration and Commitment (Worthington, Savoy, Navarro, & Hampton, 2008) dan pengukuran proses coming out menggunakan metode wawancara yang didasari oleh teori-teori terkait proses coming out dari berbagai literatur. Pengolahan statistik deskriptif menunjukan bahwa terdapat tiga subskala dengan nilai mean yang tergolong tinggi, yakni integrasi, komitmen, dan eksplorasi, namun mean dengan skor tertinggi berada subskala integrasi (mean= 3,45). Dari hasil kuantitatif deskriptif yang didapatkan, dilakukan wawancara terhadap empat responden yang memiliki skor rata-rata tertinggi pada subskala integrasi untuk melihat proses coming out responden hingga dapat berkomitmen terhadap orientasi homoseksualnya dan mengintegrasikan aspek seksual dengan aspek-aspek lain dalam identitas diri seseorang. Dari hasil analisis antara data kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa penerimaan dan dukungan sangat dibutuhkan oleh remaja akhir dengan orientasi homoseksual di Jakarta agar individu dapat berkomitmen kepada orientasi seksualnya dan mengintegrasikan aspek seksualnya dengan aspek keseluruhan dalam identitas dirinya. Diharapkan implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk menyusun program intervensi yang dapat menolong kelompok homoseksual agar kesejahteraan psikologis mereka tetap terpelihara.

This research has objectives to get the description of sexual identity and the coming out process among late adolescence of sexual minority group in Jakarta. This research was based on the fact that the absence of acceptance and tolerance in society to homosexuality might influence the coming out process and the development of sexual identity among homosexual late adolescence. Sexual identity variable is measured by an instrument that was developed by Worthington, Savoy, Navarro, & Hampton (2008) called Measure of Sexual Identity Exploration and Commitment and the coming out process was measured using an interview method which questions were constructed by the researcher based on the literatures of coming out process. Respondents are consisted of 31 homosexual late adolescence with the purposive type. Descriptive statistics showed that there are three subscales which are categorized as high; integration, commitment, and exploration, and one subscale which is categorized as low; sexual orientation identity uncertainty. However, subscale with the highest mean score is integration (mean= 3,45). Researcher then chose four respondents whose score is the highest in integration subscale to see the coming out process of each respondent until they finally could be commited to their homosexual identity and integrate the sexual aspect of identity with other aspects of identity. Results from quantitative and qualitative shown that acceptance and tolerance of homosexuality is needed by homosexual late adolescence to be commited to their sexual identity and integrate their sexual aspect of identity to other aspects of identity. Hopefully, this research could be used to construct an intervention program that could help homosexual group so their well-being could be maintained.;ABSTRAK
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat gambaran dari identitas seksual dan proses coming out pada remaja akhir dalam kelompok minoritas seksual di Jakarta. Penelitian ini didasari oleh minimnya penerimaan dan toleransi terhadap kelompok minoritas seksual, yang salah satunya adalah kelompok homoseksual, yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap proses coming out dan perkembangan identitas seksual pada remaja dengan orientasi homoseksual. Pengukuran identitas seksual menggunakan Measure of Sexual Identity Exploration and Commitment (Worthington, Savoy, Navarro, & Hampton, 2008) dan pengukuran proses coming out menggunakan metode wawancara yang didasari oleh teori-teori terkait proses coming out dari berbagai literatur. Pengolahan statistik deskriptif menunjukan bahwa terdapat tiga subskala dengan nilai mean yang tergolong tinggi, yakni integrasi, komitmen, dan eksplorasi, namun mean dengan skor tertinggi berada subskala integrasi (mean= 3,45). Dari hasil kuantitatif deskriptif yang didapatkan, dilakukan wawancara terhadap empat responden yang memiliki skor rata-rata tertinggi pada subskala integrasi untuk melihat proses coming out responden hingga dapat berkomitmen terhadap orientasi homoseksualnya dan mengintegrasikan aspek seksual dengan aspek-aspek lain dalam identitas diri seseorang. Dari hasil analisis antara data kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa penerimaan dan dukungan sangat dibutuhkan oleh remaja akhir dengan orientasi homoseksual di Jakarta agar individu dapat berkomitmen kepada orientasi seksualnya dan mengintegrasikan aspek seksualnya dengan aspek keseluruhan dalam identitas dirinya. Diharapkan implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk menyusun program intervensi yang dapat menolong kelompok homoseksual agar kesejahteraan psikologis mereka tetap terpelihara.

This research has objectives to get the description of sexual identity and the coming out process among late adolescence of sexual minority group in Jakarta. This research was based on the fact that the absence of acceptance and tolerance in society to homosexuality might influence the coming out process and the development of sexual identity among homosexual late adolescence. Sexual identity variable is measured by an instrument that was developed by Worthington, Savoy, Navarro, & Hampton (2008) called Measure of Sexual Identity Exploration and Commitment and the coming out process was measured using an interview method which questions were constructed by the researcher based on the literatures of coming out process. Respondents are consisted of 31 homosexual late adolescence with the purposive type. Descriptive statistics showed that there are three subscales which are categorized as high; integration, commitment, and exploration, and one subscale which is categorized as low; sexual orientation identity uncertainty. However, subscale with the highest mean score is integration (mean= 3,45). Researcher then chose four respondents whose score is the highest in integration subscale to see the coming out process of each respondent until they finally could be commited to their homosexual identity and integrate the sexual aspect of identity with other aspects of identity. Results from quantitative and qualitative shown that acceptance and tolerance of homosexuality is needed by homosexual late adolescence to be commited to their sexual identity and integrate their sexual aspect of identity to other aspects of identity. Hopefully, this research could be used to construct an intervention program that could help homosexual group so their well-being could be maintained."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adihartono Reksodirdjo
"Since the sexual revolution began in Europe, the sexual discourse i.e. homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transexuality could be a scientific discourse and many scholars start doing research this area. The development of sexual revolution is also bring up the movement of homosexual revolution communities.
This thesis describes and analyzes the Same Sex Marriage Policy in the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain from the international perspective. The Netherlands is one of the European states which is having a free and liberal sexual tradition because the government could accommodate the sexual attitude into non-bias gender policy. The legalization of homosexuality in the Netherlands took by the French through "French Napoleonic Code at 1811. The code explained that the liberation and marriage of homosexuality is guarantee by policy. This Code is follow by the Dutch government and they make a non-bias gender policy such as Same Sex Marriage Policy and also Prostitution Policy. From the democracy theory, it is visible that the Netherlands have a "Sexual Social Democracy" because they give the tolerance for another aspiration, expression, the difference and human rights.
The liberal democration in the Netherlands, it should be like a pioneer for the other European countries. After Dutch government legalizes the Same Sex Marriage Policy in 2001, Belgium is also legalizing it in 2003. One of the European countries which is surprised all over the world is Spain. Spain is the country in the Mediterranean bay which has a strong Catholic tradition, but the Spanish government could accommodate the homosexual communities with the Same Sex Marriage Policy in 2005. From this point of view, the Netherlands it should be use a "latent" ideology to marketization their liberal democration. This pattern is one of the contemporary powers at the global era which is named Soft Power. This power is like a psychological power because they use values, morals and cultures as a dominant power. The method is to promote the attractive values and cultures, not with the repression but with the persuasion and argumentation.
The method of this research is descriptive. After describing the whole problems then we analyze it from the cases. In the mean time, the data's research technique of this thesis is from books, scientific journals, newspapers, the documents and internet.
In brief, this thesis analyzes the Same Sex Marriage Policy in the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, complete with the international debates regarding this policy. On chapter 4 and 5, the researcher make a differentiation between homosexual communities in Europe and Indonesia, and this differentiation will be a challenge to advocate them to achieve their rights as a human being.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Ayu Hariatmini
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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