"Every organization has constraints outside their own environment which affect
the way to run their activities. These constraints can change and determine
uncertainty of organization?s environment, because they make environment turn
dynamic and complex. The uncertainty of environment makes organization?s
leaders hard to control company?s direction to achieve their objectives.
Leadership is one of the important factors that influence the success of the task
and goals of the company. A good leader is the one that able to determine the
best way to achieve objectives, a good negotiator, communicator, mediator, and
integrator. That?s why the skill of a leader is important for an organization,
especially in a field which has so many pressures in their activities. The research
question are how is the implementation of Supervisor?s leadership in Distribution
and Sales Division PT Heinz ABC Indonesia Bogor branch office, and are there
any obstacles in moving subordinates and how to handle these obstacles?
The research method used in this paper is qualitative method, which the data
gathering used deep interview with Supervisor and subordinates. The descriptive
method is also used in this paper in order to give the full description of the
leadership style implanted in distribution and sales division PT Heinz ABC
Indonesia Bogor branch office.
The result of this research is that Supervisor in Distribution and Sales Division PT
Heinz ABC Indonesia Bogor uses different style to make subordinates achieve
their sales target according to their skills, knowledge, experiences, and
characters. There are obstacles for Supervisor in moving subordinates, such as
Supervisor has limitation in time and energy to deal with low skilled subordinates,
Supervisor has subordinate?s resistances in relation with the increase of sales
target, and subordinate?s mental that hard to be changed. To handle these
obstacles, Supervisor gives effort to train their skill, doing open discussion with
subordinates about sales target, and implement discipline by appropriate work
system. But the most fundamental is to build trust in subordinates to create a
solid teamwork."