ABSTRAKKomisaris Independen bertanggung jawb atas diterapkannya prinsip tata kelola
perusahaan yang baik dengan pemberdayaan Dewan Komisaris agar melakukan tugas
pengawsan serta memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi secara efektif sehingga dapat
memberikan nilai tambah kepada perusahaan.
Adapun kendala bagi Komisaris Independen dalam perusahaan perasuransian dalam
melaksanakan fungsinya adalah dimungkinkan terjadinya benturan kepentingan (conflict
of interest) antara pemegang saham Perusahaan Asuransi dengan Kepentingan Pemegang
Polis yang mana Komisaris Independen harus selalu mendahulukan kepentingan
Pemegang Polis sehingga ada jaminan bagi perlindungan hak Pemegang Polis.
Namun dalam prakteknya hal tersebut belum dapat dilaksanakan secara penuh, yang
mana masih terjadi timbulnya kerugian pada pemegang polis karena keberpihakan
Komisaris Independen kepada Pemegang Saham ditempat yang bersangkutan bekerja.
Oleh karena itu dipandan perlu untuk melakukan pengawasan kepada pelaksanakan tugas
dan tanggung jawab Komisaris Independen Perusahaan Asuransi, disamping perlunya
evaluasi kembali sistim pengangkatan Komisaris Independen agar Komisaris Independen
yang diangkat dapat memenuhi harapan perusahaan dalam rangka Good Corporate
ABSTRACTAn Independent Commisioner is responsible for the application of good company
management principlas by empowering the Board of Commisioners to carry out their
task of supervision and to give advice to the Board of Directors effetively so as to be able
to give added value to the company.
An obstacle for an Independent Commisioner in an insurance company in fulfilling his
function is the possible accurrance of conflict of interest between the Shareholders of the
Insurance Company and the Policy Holders, and the Independent Commisioners always
has to prioritize the intereset of the Policy Holders so as to guarantee that the right of
Policy Holders is protected.
However, in practicy this cannot as yet be fully carried out since losses continue to be
suffered by the Policy Holders due to partiality of Independent Commisioners in favour
of the Shareholders at place where they are employed.
Therefore, it is decmed neccessary to anpervise the implementation of the task and
responsibility of Independent Commisioners of Insurance Companies as well as to
reevaluate the appoinment system of Independent Commisioners in order that the
appointed Indenpendent Commisioners will be able to realize the hopes of the company
within the framework of Good Corporate Governance."