"Latar belakang: Prevalensi hipertensi semakin meningkat, demikian pula bipertensi derajat 2 yang paling tinggi risikonya berkornplikasi. Pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) juga rentan menderita hipertensi. Oleh karena itu perlu diidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko apa saja yang berperan terhadap kejadian hipertensi derajat 2 di kalangan PNS.
Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah PNS yang menderita hipertensi derajat 2 (berdasarlam mc 7 2003), sedangkan kontrol adaIah mereka yang nonnatensi. Baik kasus, maupun kontrol dipilih dengan metode diagnostik yang sarana. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kalangan PNS staf administrasi Universitas Hasanuddin pada bulan April-Mei 2007 dengan jumlah PNS 850.
Hasil:, Diperoleh 55 kasus dan 177 kontrol berusia 26-69 tahun. Prevalensi hipertensi derajat I dan derajat 2 masing-masing sebesar 18,1 % dan 9,3%. Risiko hipertensi derajat 2 berhubungan dengan umur , indeks massa tubuh dan aktivitas olah raga. Sedangkan jenis, kelamin, tingkat pendidikan terakhir, status pernikahan, kegiatan fisik rumah hingga kebiasaan merokok dan minum kopi, golongan kepegawaian, mesa kerja, Riwayat hipertensi dalam keluarga dan stres kerja tidak terbukti berkaitan dengan hipertensi derajat 2. Jika dibandingkan yang berusia 26-35 tahun, mereka yang berusia 46-50 dan 51-69 tahun berisiko menderita hipertensi derajat 2 masing-masing 12 kaIi (rasio odds [OR) suaian ; 11,94; 95% intetval kepercayaan [IK) ; 1,48-96,11) dan 22 kali (OR; 21,16; 95% IK ; 2,58-183,81). Selanjutnya jika dibandingkan mereka yang berbadan normal maka yang obesitas beosiko terkena hipertensi derajat 2 sebesar 2,5 kali (OR. suaion ~ 2,52; 95% IK ~ 1,26-5,03). Sedangkan olah raga dengan intensitas sedang dapat memperkecil risiko hipertensi sebesar 11% (OR suaian ; 0,29; 95% IK = O,O9-{l,99) dibandingkan yang tidak berolahraga.
Kesimpulan: Studi menyimpulkan bahwa faktor yang betperan terhadap hipertensi derajat 2 pada PNS administrasi di Unhas adalah umur diatas 46 tahun dan obesitas sedangkan olah raga sedang dapat menurunkan fisika hipertensi.
Background: At the present, the prevalence of hypertension is increasing and will result in many complications. Civil servants are 8 group with a great possibility of suffering hypertension. Therefore, it is important to identify the risk factors in stage 2 hypertension of administrative civil servants of Hasanuddin University. Methods: A case-control study was conducted among administrative civil servants of Hasanuddin University in April-May 2007. Civil servants with stage 2 hypertension (based on JNC 7 2003) were designated as cases. As controls were civil "wants with normotension. Both case and control were selected by similar diagnostic methods. Results: There were 55 cases and 1 n controls aged 26 to 69 years old. The prevalence of stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension was 18.1% and 9.3%, respectively. Stage 2 hypertension was found to be associated with age, body posture, and physical exercise. other risk factors such as gender, education, marital status, physical activity at home, smoking, daily coffee drinking, level of employment, length of employment, family history of hypertension, and job stress were not found to be related to stage 2 hypertension. Compared with subjects aged 26-35 years old, those who were 46-50 and 51-69 years old had 12-f,,1d (adjusted Odds Ratio [OR.] ~ 11.94; Confidence Interval [CI] 95% = 1.4&-96.11) and 22-fuld (OR,. 21.76; CJ 95% = 2.58-183.81) greater risk to be stage 2 hypertension. Moreover, compared to subjects with normal body posture, those Who were obese had more than 2.S-fold increased in the risk to be stage 2 hypertension. On the other hand, moderate exercise reduced the risk of stage 2 hypertension by 71% (OR,. 0.29; C195% = 0.09-{).99), compared with sedentary subjects. Conclusion: This study concluded that special attention should be taken to administrative civil servants aged 46 years and over, obese, and with moderate exercise to prevent stage 2 hypertension."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007