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Sari Purnama Hidayat
"Bahan pangan darurat BPPT merupakan makanan padat gizi berbentuk biskuit yang dikemas secara tertutup untuk dikirimkan ke tempat-tempat bencana alam. Dalam bahan pangan tersebut terkandung polifenol yang telah terbukti secara invitro dapat meningkatkan respon imun. Untuk dapat mengaplikasikan dalam kehidupan masyarakat, bahan ini perlu melalui uji eksperimental hewan coba terlebih dahulu.
Uji eksperimental yang dilakukan terhadap 30 ekor mencit yang dibuat lapar. Setelah dua minggu berada dalam kondisi kelaparan, enam ekor mencit diambil datanya, mencit lainnya kemudian dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok yang diberi produk pangan darurat BPPT dan kelompok yang diberi imunomodulator Phyllanthus niruri, suatu produk imunomodulator yang telah di pasarkan di Indonesia. Enam mencit dari masingmasing kelompok diperiksa setelah mendapat perlakuan selama dua dan empat minggu.
Pada penelitian ini tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05) pada perbandingan perubahan jumlah leukosit, limfosit, netrofil segmen, dan jumlah IgG total antara mencit yang mendapat asupan pangan darurat BPPT dengan mencit yang mendapat asupan Phyllanthus niruri baik selama dua dan empat minggu. Oleh sebab itu, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa produk pangan darurat BPPT memiliki efek yang sama baiknya dengan Phyllanthus niruri dalam meningkatkan respon imun mencit kelaparan dengan indikator jumlah leukosit, perubahan hitung jenis, dan jumlah IgG total setelah pemakaian dua maupun empat minggu.

BPPT emergency food is nutrient-rich cookies which are packaged in a closed session to be sent to places of natural disasters. This product contains polyphenol that has been shown to enhance immunity response in in-vitro experimentation. In order to be applicable in public life, this product needs to be experimented on animals.
Experimental tests were conducted on thirty mice which were made to be hungry. After two weeks in a state of starvation, six mice were taken to be examined, while the rest were divided into two groups, one group was given BPPT emergency food and the other group was given Phyllanthus niruri, an immunomodulator which has been marketed in Indonesia. After two weeks, six mice from each group were taken for examination and the rest were examined two weeks after the first test.
The result found no significant difference (p> 0.05) on changes number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils segments, and total IgG between mice that received BPPT emergency food and mice that received Phyllanthus niruri after being treated for two and four weeks. Therefore, researchers concluded that the BPPT emergency food products has similar effect with Phyllanthus niruri in enhancing starving mice immunity response, indicated by the number of leukocytes, differential count of leukocyte, and total amount of IgG.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasya Puspita Tanri
"Secara geografis Indonesia sangat berpotensi sekaligus rawan bencana alam. Beberapa dampak bencana alam yang ditimbulkan terhadap masyarakat adalah timbulnya cedera, depresi, dan penyakit. Ketiga hal tersebut berkaitan erat dengan sistem imun manusia. Untuk menanggulangidampak bencana, pemerintah(BPPT) hendak mengeluarkan suatu produk pangan baru yang berasal dari ektrak buah delima yang secara in vitro terbukti meningkatkan respon imun tubuh manusia. Diperlukan penelitian toksisitas oral akut dan subkronik produk pangan darurat BPPT tersebut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan true experimental design dengan pemilihan sampel secara random alokasi. Pada uji toksisitas oral akut digunakan 5 ekor tikus jantan dengan pemberian dosis 9g/kg BB. Setelah 14 haritidak terdapat efek toksik yang bermakna dan tikus yang mati sehingga nilai LD50> 9 g/kg BB.Pada uji toksisitas oral subkronik digunakan 4 grup perlakuan (1 g/kg BB, 2 g/kg BB, 4 g/kg BB, kontrol) untuk tiap jenis kelamin dengan jumlah @10 ekor tikus. Pada setiap grup diberikan perlakuan, observasi, dan pengukuran berat badan secara berkala selama 90 hari.
Pada akhir periode perlakuan dibandingkan hasil observasi makroskopik dan mikroskopik antar kelompok. Secara umum grup tikus dengan dosis 1 g/kg BB tidak menunjukan tanda toksisitas yang bermakna, grup tikus dengan dosis 2 g/kg BB mulai menunjukan gangguan pada fungsi organ, dan grup tikus dengan dosis 4g/kg BB telah mengalami kerusakan jaringan berdasarkan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka NOEL (No Observed Effect Level) pada tikus jantan dan betina adalah 1 g/kg BB.

Located in ?The Pacific Ring of Fire?, it is irrefutable that Indonesia is vulnerable to natural disasters. Indeed, countless severe catastrophes result inthe emergence of closely-related human immune system problems, such as: injury, depression and illness. To deal with the issues, the Government (BPPT) has been planning meticulously to launch a new food product derived from pomegranate fruit extracts that can improve the human immune response system. It is then necessary to have further research onacute oral toxicity and sub-chronicoral toxicity of BPPT's emergency food product.
The study employed true experimental designmethodology as its principal and using randomize allocation sampling. A dose of 9 g/kg BB was given to five male ratsin an acute oral toxicity test. After 14 days, there were no significant toxic effects and no rat died. As such, the value of the LD50is > 9 g/kg BB. Another analysis was done in a sub-chronicoral toxicity test by using four treatment groups (1 g/kg BB, 2 g/kg BB, 4 g/kg BB, control) @ 10 rats for each sex.Foreachgroup, there were stringent monitoringas well asregular periodical body weight measurement within 90 days.
At the end of the treatment period, the results gathered from macroscopic and microscopic measurements were compared among groups. In general, group1 g/kg BB dose rats did not show significant signs of toxicity. Group 2g/kg BB dose rats started to show interference with the organ functions. As for the group4 g/kg BB dose rats, theyhad damaged tissue in histopathological examination. Based from these outcomes, it is clear that NOEL (No Observed Effect Level) in male and female rats is 1 g/kg BB.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rara Agung Rengganis
"Kecacingan merupakan penyakit yang masih mengancam kesehatan. Kecacingan paling umum disebabkan nematoda usus diikuti schistosomiasis dan filariasis. Nematoda usus utama penyebab kecacingan adalah Ascaris lumbricoides. Penyebab utama filariasis adalah Wuchereria bancrofti (90% kasus). Infeksi kedua cacing tersebut dalam tubuh manusia menyebabkan peningkatan aktivitas sel Th2 dalam mensekresi IL-4 dan IL-5 yang akan mengaktifkan sel-sel imun lain untuk mengeliminasi parasit. Kedua jenis cacing ini hidup di tempat yang berbeda di dalam tubuh manusia.
Karena itu, sangat menarik untuk diketahui apakah terdapat perbedaan antara respon imun adaptif selular yang timbul pada infeksi Ascaris lumbricoides yang hidup di lumen usus dan Wuchereria bancrofti yang hidup di jaringan.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain cross sectional dengan menggunakan data dari penelitian utama berjudul "Pola Respon terhadap Antigen Tetanus Toxoid dari Bayi yang Lahir dari Ibu dengan Infeksi Cacing". Respon imun selular 3 kelompok penelitian, yaitu terinfeksi Ascaris lumbricoides, Wuchereria bancrofti dan sehat dibandingkan dengan melihat data kadar sitokin IL-5 yaitu sebelum distimulasi, setelah distimulasi antigen BmA dan setelah distimulasi dengan antigen Ascaris lumbricoides.
Dari 286 data wanita hamil yang tersedia dari penelitian utama, didapatkan 82 data yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian dan dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil sitokin IL-5 sebelum distimulasi antara kelompok kasus terinfeksi Ascaris lumbricoides dan Wuchereria bancrofti tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,60). Kadar IL-5 setelah distimulasi antigen BmA dan Ascaris lumbricoides ketiga kelompok penelitian pun tidak berbeda bermakna. (p=0,07;p=0,92). Maka disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara respon imun adaptif selular infeksi Ascaris lumbricoides dan Wuchereria bancrofti pada ibu hamil.

Worm infection is one of diseases which still harm population's health. The most common worm infection is caused by intestinal nematode followed by schistosomiasis, and filariasis. The most common intestinal nematodes causing worm infection is Ascaris lumbricoides. The main cause of filariasis is Wuchereria bancrofti (90% cases). The two nematodes infection in human is marked by increase activity of Th2 cells which secrete IL-5 and IL-4 to activate other cells to eliminate worms. The two nematodes live in different place in human.
Because of that, it is very interesting to know if there were differences of adaptive cellular immune response between the two worms infection. The study design was cross sectional and the data was from study titled ?Immunological Consequence of Vaccination Tetanus Toxoid in Indonesian Children Born to Mothers Chronically Infected with Helminthes?. Adaptive cellular immune response between three groups, infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, infected with Wuchereria bancrofti, and health, were compared using IL-5 profile data before stimulation, after BmA stimulation and after Ascaris lumbricoides antigen.
From 286 data, there were 82 data met the study criteria for analysis. The result showed that there was no significant difference of adaptive cellular immune response, which showed by IL-5 profile between group with infection Ascaris lumbricoides and Wuchereria bancrofti before stimulation (p=0,6). After stimulated by BmA and Ascaris lumbricoides antigen, there was no significant difference of IL-5 profile between the three groups. (p=0,07; p=0,92). In conclusion, there was no significant difference of adaptive cellular immune response between Ascaris lumbricoides infection and Wuchereria bancrofti infection in pregnant women.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ndaru Andri Damayanti
"Introduction: Constant exposure to a variety of microorganisms in domestic environment plays an important role in the shaping of individual immune response mechanism, which can affect one's susceptibility to the diseases. The aim of the study to get an understanding how the exposure of microorganisms in the the different area where the people living might give a contribution to the profile and the regulation of the immune respons after stimulated to malaria, vaccine BCG and oxLDL antigents in PBMC and whole blood cultures, and to evaluate the character of T reg as a mediator to suppress the cell proliferation.
Methode: It is an in vitro experimental study performed at Laboratorium Terpadu, Faculty of Medicine Univertas Indonesia, Jakarta in 2013 2014. As a model of infectious diseases is used pathogenic antigents such as Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells malaria and bacille calmette gu rin BCG vaccine, and as a modell of inflammatory disease is used non a patonegic antigen, low density lipoprotein LDL . Whole blood cultures is done for 80 blood samples to know how the regulation of immune respons from people living a rural populatin. PBMC cultures is also done to explore macrophages after stimulated to malaria, BCG and LDL. PHA stimulated to the PBMC culture with and without T reg cells to evaluate the character of T reg. T regulatory cells perhaps play the important roles to suppress the immune respons to microorganisms was also done.
Results: The profile of the immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is significantly more inflamatif than that in the slum area. The ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 of the people living in the unslum area is significantly higher than that in the slum area. This is marked by increasing of oxLDL accumulationis that is the important point of the low protection to oxLDL of the people living in the unslum area p 0.01 . T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum area marked by increasing not only the expression of IL 10 cytokines but also the sum of T regulatory sells p 0.01 significantly.
Conclusion: The immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is more inflamatif and responsive to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDL. The character of macrophage of the people living in the slum area is marked by the low ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDLstimulations. T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhi Setiawan
"Pengaruh pemherian Vaksin BCG dari heherepa penelitian di luar daa dalam negeri mengbasilkan angka yang herbeda (hervariasi antara 0"/o - 80%). Diheherapa negara maju seperti di Amerilre pemherian vaksinasi BCG peda heyi tidak lagi merupekan kebijakan yang harus dilaksanakan. Tetapi di heherape Negara berkembang, salah salunya Indonesia, kebijakan pemherian vaksinasi BCG pada bayi masih merupakan lkegiatan yang rutin dan harus dilaksanakan, karena masib tingginya prevalensi Tuberkulosis di Indonesia (110 pe.r 100.000 penduduk. Depkes R.12008).
Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dengan desain kasus kontrol, herlekasi di Rwnah Saldt Umum Pnsat Dr.Mohammad Hoesin Palembang tabnn 2008-2009. Kasus daa kontrol adalah anak herumur 1-5 tahun daa herdomisili di Kota..Palembang,. Sumber data diambil dari register poly rawat jalan Rwnah Sak!t tersebut terdiri dari kasus 67 balita daa kontrol 268 bslita.
Faktor yang mempengarubi timbulnya kejadian Tuherkulosis Pnru balita sangat banYuk. tetapi karena yang digunakan adalah data sekunder sehingga penelidaa ini terbstas oleb heherapa variable saja, seperti status imunisasi, umur, beret bsdan lahir, jenis kelarnin, penyakit penyerta daa imunosupresan. Status imunisasi BCG dilihat berdasarken ada tidaknya KMS + Scar, KMS saja, Scax saja, Klaim orang tua, dan tidak imunisasi.
Hasil analisis mnltivarlate pada hahungan status imunisasi dangan lrejadian tubereulosis paru berdasarkan status imunisasi Pasti (KMS+Scax), imunisasi mungkin (KMS saja, Scar saja dan Klahn orang tus saja) memberiken nilai OR= 4,19 (95 C. I; 2,10- 8,34) deagun variahle confounding Berat Badan Lahir.
Hasil penelitian ini memberiken masukan kepeda pemerintah bebwa program imunisasi BCG pada bayi masih diperiuken. Kareoa basil yang didapatke.n bebwa batita yang tidak diheri imunisasi BCG akao herisiko 4,19 kali untuk terjangkit Tuberkulosis Paru dibandingkan balita yang mendapat imunisasi.

Some researches, nationally or internationally, in regard to the impact of BCG immunization have revealed different result; vary with range from 00/e to 80G/o. In some developed countries, such as USA, the policy of the BCG immunization for infants is no longer a compulsory. But. in many developing countries like Indonesia, the policy of the BCG immunization for the infants is still a routine activities and should be obliged to because of the tuberculosis prevalence in Indonesia is still in high figure (110 per !00 000 people, R1 MOH, 2008).
The study is using a secondary data with a case control design of Dr. Mohammad Hosein Central General (MHCG) Hospital of Palembang at the year 2008-2009. Children under -five; age 1 to 5 years old, who are living in Kota Pal em bang are being the case and the controL Data acquired from the registration of out-patient at the clinic of the MHCG Hospital, and there are 67 children under-five as the case and 268 as the control.
There are many factors- influencing the incidence of lung tuberculosis of the children under-five, but as the study is using secondary data, the study only have limited variables1 such as immunization status, age, birth weight; sex. opportunistic infection, and immunosuppressant. The BCG immunization status can be look at several conditions, i.e. present of the Growth Card (KMS/GC) and the scar, the Growth Card only, the scar, parent's claim. and being not immunized.
The multivariate analysis found that there is relationship betWeen immunization status and the incidence ofiung tuberculosis based on the immunization status, which can be definite status (HC +scar), possible status (GC only, scar only, and parent's claim) is giving an OR: 4.19 (95% C.!: 2.0- 8.34) with birth weight as the confounding variable.
The study result is expected to give an input to the government that the BCG immunization program fur children under-five is still needed in lndonesia As it is. found that un-immunized children will have a risk 4.19 times on acquiring lung tuberculosis in compare to those children who received BCG immunization.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bella Clarissa Sunantha
"World Health Organization (WHO) menyebutkan penyakit Coronavirus (Covid-19) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-CoV-2. Daun sambung nyawa (Gynura procumbens L.) merupakan tanaman obat yang telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tinggi yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menghindari radikal bebas dan konstituen fenolik utamanya telah diidentifikasi yaitu asam p-hidroksinamat, asam p-hidroksibenzoat, dan kuersetin. Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh suhu, pelarut, dan waktu ekstraksi daun sambung nyawa terhadap kadar senyawa fenolik dan flavonoid, memperoleh besaran interaksi zat aktif esktrak daun sambung nyawa dengan protein yang mempengaruhi sistem imun, serta memperoleh dosis esktrak terbaik pada setiap konsumsinya. Metode ekstraksi yang digunakan adalah metode maserasi kinetik dengan memvariasikan pelarut, waktu, dan suhu. Penentuan kadar senyawa dilakukan menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu untuk senyawa fenolik dan alumunium klorida untuk senyawa flavonoid. Kandungan fenolik dan flavonoid tertinggi diperoleh menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%  pada suhu 40oC selama 30 menit sebesar 0,855 mg GAE/mL dan 0.507 mG QE/mL. Selanjutnya, pada uji in silico memperlihatkan hasil interaksi inhibisi zat aktif daun sambung nyawa (Gallic Acid dan Etil-p-metoksisinamat (EPMS)) terhadap protein target (IL-1, TNF- , dan IL-6) yang mempengaruhi sistem imun. Berdasarkan penelitian molecular docking, didapatkan hasil berupa interaksi inhibisi zat aktif daun sambung nyawa dan obat standar (Imboost) terhadap protein menggunakan program Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) 2014.09. Bukti interaksi yang didapatkan akan berupa energi ikatan bebas dan kosntanta inhibisi yang kemudian akan digunakan pada pemodelan reaksi enzimatik inhibisi kompeittif. Pada pemodelan ini, didapatkan perkiraan efektivitas daun sambung nyawa pada setiap konsumsinya.

World Health Organization (WHO) stated that Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Longevity spinach leaf (Gynura procumbens L.) is a medicinal plant that has been shown to have high antioxidant activity which has the ability to scavenge free radicals and its main phenolic constituents have been identified, namely p-hydroxynamic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and quercetin. This study examines the effect of temperature, solvent, and extraction time of longevity spinach leaves on the levels of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, obtaining the magnitude of the interaction of the active substances of longevity spinach leaf extract with proteins that affect the immune system, and obtaining the best dose of protein inhibition. The extraction method used is the kinetic maceration method by varying the solvent, time, and temperature. Determining the levels of compounds was carried out using the Folin-Ciocalteu method for phenolic compounds and chloride chloride for flavonoid compounds. The highest phenolic and flavonoid content was obtained using 96% ethanol solvent at a temperature of 40oC for 30 minutes for 0,855 mg GAE/mL and 0,507 mG QE/mL.  Furthermore, in the in silico test the results of the inhibition of life-sustaining active substances (Gallic Acids and Ethyl-p-methoxycinnamate) interacting with target proteins (IL-1, TNF- , dan IL-6) that affect the immune system. Based on molecular docking research, the results obtained the interaction of the active substances of longevity spinach leaf on protein using the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) 2014.09 program. The evidence of the interaction obtained is free energy bond and inhibition constants which will then be used in non-competitive inhibitory enzymatic reactions modeling. In this modeling, we estimate the effectiveness of herbal medicine for each consumption."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Mulya Prawira
Aterosklerosis adalah pengerasan plak pada arteri akibat akumulasi kolesterol dan sisa sisa metabolisme dalam pembuluh darah. Penyakit kardiovaskular dapat dikurangi dengan meningkatkan sistem imun dan metabolisme tubuh. Namun, beberapa penggunaan obat farmasi untuk menurunkan kolesterol dapat memberikan efek samping yang membahayakan tubuh manusia. Tersedia 3 jenis tumbuhan, yaitu daun tanjung Mimusops elengi L., daun belimbing Averrhoa carambola L., dan temulawak Curcuma xanthorrhiza L., yang jika digabung secara empirik berfungsi sebagai jamu serbaguna. Beberapa hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa daun tanjung mempunyai keaktifan sebagai antioksidan, anti kolesterol, dan anti platelet, sedangkan daun belimbing sebagai antihiperglikemik, serta temulawak berperan sebagai hepatoprotektor. Jamu antiaterosklerosis yang memiliki beberapa khasiat akan diinduksikan dalam tikus secara in vivo dan diteliti profil darah dalam tinjauan hematologi sel darah merah, putih, eritrosit, hemoglobin, dll dan differensiasi leukosit netrofil, limfosit, eosinophil dan monosit, kemudian akan dilihat aktifitas imunomodulator dalam pencegahan pembentukan plak aterosklerosis. 3 macam dosis jamu diberikan dengan ukuran 2,7 ml/200 g BB, 3,6 ml/200 g BB, dan 4,5 ml/200 g BB serta control positif dan control normal sebagai pembanding. Konsentrasi leukosit tertinggi 11,75x10^3/ L, eritrosit tertinggi 7,95x10^3/ L, dan hemoglobin tertinggi 15,65 g/dL diperoleh oleh dosis 2 3,6 ml/200 g BB.

Atherosclerosis is hardening of plaque in the arteries due to cholesterol accumulation and residual metabolic waste in the blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease can be reduced by increasing the immune system and metabolism. However, some use of pharmaceutical drugs to lower cholesterol can provide side effects that harm the human body. There are 3 types of plants, namely leaf tanjung Mimusops elengi L., leaf belimbing Averrhoa carambola L., and temulawak Curcuma xanthorrhiza L., which when combined empirically function as a versatile herb. Some research results prove that the leaf has a liveliness as an antioxidant, anti cholesterol, and anti platelet, while the leaf starch as antihiperglikemik, and temulawak role as a hepatoprotektor. Antiatherosclerotic herbs that have several properties will be induced in mice in vivo and examined blood profiles in hematologic reviews red, white, erythrocyte, hemoglobin, etc. and leukocyte differentiation neutrophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils and monocytes immunomodulator in the prevention of atherosclerosis plaque formation. 3 kinds of dosage of herbal medicine given with size 2,7 ml 200 g of bodyweigth, 3,6 ml 200 g of bodyweigth, and 4.5 ml 200 g of bodyweigth and positive control and normal control as comparison. The highest leukocyte concentrations 11,75x10 3 L, the highest erythrocytes 7,95x10 3 L, and the highest hemoglobin 15,65 g dL were obtained by dose 2 3,6 ml 200 g of bodyweight."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) memproduksi suatu bahan pangan padat gizi mengandung polifenol, yang ditujukan bagi korban bencana alam yang rentan akan kondisi penurunan respon imun akibat kelaparan. Polifenol, pada beberapa penelitian disebutkan dapat meningkatkan respon imun. Sebelum dikonsumsi, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat bukti efektivitas pangan ini terhadap respon imun. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain eksperimental. Sebanyak 24 mencit dibuat dalam kondisi lapar selama satu minggu. Lalu 6 ekor mencit diambil datanya sebagai acuan kondisi awal. Kemudian sisa mencit dibagi dalam tiga kelompok perlakuan. Setiap kelompok, tetap dalam kondisi lapar, akan mengonsumsi bahan tambahan yang berbeda. Kelompok pertama diberikan produk pangan padat gizi mengandung polifenol, sedangkan kelompok kedua diberikan produk pangan padat gizi tanpa polifenol, untuk melihat apakah polifenol memang mempunyai efek atau produk pangan padat gizi saja sudah dapat meningkatkan respon imun. Sebagai tambahan perbandingan, maka kelompok ketiga diberikan imunostimulan Phyllanthus niruri. Setelah 4 minggu dilakukan pengambilan data. Sebagai indikator respon imun digunakan data jumlah dan hitung jenis leukosit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05) pada perbandingan perubahan jumlah leukosit dan hitung jenisnya dari ketiga kelompok perlakuan. Disimpulkan bahwa bahan pangan padat gizi mengandung polifenol belum menunjukkan bukti efektivitas yang lebih tinggi terhadap respon imun dibandingkan tanpa mengandung polifenol, namun bahan pangan padat gizi ini sudah cukup baik karena menghasilkan efek seperti imunostimulan Phyllanthus niruri.

BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) produced a nutrient-rich food product with polyphenols, for disaster victims that vulnerable to condition of depressing immune response because of starvation. Polyphenols, in some research could enhance immune response. Before applying, this food product needs a research to prove the effectiveness toward immune response. Research was done with experimental design. 24 mices set in starving condition in one week. Then 6 mices were taken to get the beginning data. And then, the rest of mices was divided into three groups. Every group, stayed in starving condition, was given different additional materials. First group was given the nutrient-rich food product with polyphenols, and the second group was given the nutrient-rich food product but without polyphenols, to see whether the polyphenols gave the desired effect or the nutrient-rich food product alone could enhance immune response. For additional comparison, the third group was given the immunostimulant Phyllanthus niruri. The data was taken after 4 weeks. Total leukocyte and leukocyte differential count were used to be the indicator of immune response. The result showed that there is no significant differences (p>0,05) in comparison of the change of total and differential count of leukocyte from the three groups. In conclusion, the nutrient-rich food product with polyphenols not yet show a significant effectiveness in immune response than without polyphenols, but this food product had been good enough because resulting the similar effect as immunostimulant Phyllanthus niruri.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Widhi Buwono
"Latar Belakang : Infeksi sering didapatkan pada pasien kenker nasofaring yang menjalani kemoterapi. Infeksi disebabkan oleh rusaknya barier fisik karena efek kemoterapi atau efek kemoterapi yang akan menurunkan imunitas tubuh,Infeksi pasca kemoterapi akan menunda kemoterapi berikutnya, akibatnya respon kemoterapi menjadi tidak optimal.
Tujuan : Mendapatkan data status imunitas selular primer dan sekunder, pasca kemoterapi neoajuvan 3 siklus, data kekerapan infeksi dan perbandingan kekerapan infeksi pada pasien KNF stadium lanjut yang mendapatkan kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus pada pasien kanker nasofaring stadium lanjut, antara yang imunitas selular menurun dan yang tidak menurun.
Metode : Penelitian one group before and after observasional, 1 kelompok tanpa kontrol selama 3 bulan di gedung A lantai 8 RSCM, juli ndash; september 2015.Penurunan rerata jumlah lekosit, netrofil, CD4 , CD8, kejadian infeksi dianalisis bivariat dengan uji T berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney.Penelitian ini juga melihat kekerapan kejadian infejsi post kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penelitian ini menggunakan tingkat kemaknaan 0,005, interval kepercayaan 95.
Hasil : Tidak ada penurunan status imunitas selular primer, lekosit p=0,356 dan netrofil p=0,289.Terdapat penurunan status imunitas selular sekunder, CD 4 P=0,002, CD 8 P=0,001, dengan ratio CD 4 /CD 8 tidak berubah rerata CD 4 sudah rendah sejak sebelum kemoterapi.Mukositis oral dan pneumonia merupakan infeksi yang kerap didapatkan. CD4 yang rendah pada kelompok sebelum kemoterapi meningkatkan potensi infeksi selama dan sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penurunan imunitas seluler sekunder nilai rerata jumlah CD4 berhubungan dengan peningkatan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 p=0,016.
Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat penurunan imunitas selular primer dan didapatkan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder pada pasien karsinoma nasofaring stadium lanjut yang menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus.Pada pasien dengan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder terdapat peningkatan kejadian infeksi mukositis oral dan pneumonia CD 4 yang rendah merupakan prediktor kejadian infeksi. Penurunan imunitas selular sekunder hanya akan meningkatkan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 kemoterapi neoadjuvan.

Background: The infections especially in a the oropharynx often get on cancer patients nasopharyngeal .One of the causes of infection include breakdowns physical mucous barier because the tumor growth or because the effects of chemotherapy and radiation .Chemotherapy and radiation will result in side effects namely the inflammation and ulceration mouth and the oropharynx mucous called mukositis oral.selama endure chemotherapy, besides mukositis oral, infections of the also often found .Chemotherapy resulted in an emphasis on cell production immune response that result in the lekopenia with rob possibilities infection become larger.
The purpose: To asess of immunity cellular status on advanced stage nasaofaringeal patient to get 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy and assess the incident lung infection and tumor area after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
The methode: Research one group before and after observational use 1 group without control. The research was done during the three months in the building a floor 8 Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital juli september 2015. The Data on the background respondents will be analyzed by a sort of descriptive set by using analysis univariat.hubungan between chemotherapy neoadjuvan and an immune response cellular will be analyzed bivariat by test wilcoxon sign rank test. In this research also be seen the proportion of the infection before pre and post chemotherapy neoadjuvan .This research using level evidence 0.05 to the interval trust 95.
Results: From 17 subject of research , 12 subjects 70,6 is laki laki , women made up subjects 29,4 .Median age patient is 46,7 , 10 patients 58,8 less than median age , 7 patients 42,2 more of age median.stadium 4a obtained on 4 patients 23,5 patients , while stadium 4 b obtained on 13 patients 76,5 .Seen from the infection after chemotherapy neoadjuvan 9 subjects 52,8 never would have experienced infection , 8 subjects 47,2 experienced infection. Looks the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in immunity cellular p 0,007 on cds 4 and p 0,005 on cds 8 , the immunity cellular decline in the infection look after chemotherapy neoadjuvan cycle to 2 p 0,016 on cds 4 while after cycle to 3 not seen the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in the infection .Count of leukosit and lymphocytes cannot be used to predict a decrease in an immune response cellular after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Immune response decreased on advanced stage nasopharynx carcinoma patient are undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 . The Decreased of cellular immune response has played of increased infection in the lung and tumor area post 2 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisna Dwi Wardhana
"Makanan berbasis kedelai (Glycine max.(L) Merrill) telah menjadi makanan rakyat yang baik secara tradisional dan modern banyak diolah masyarakat Indonesia. lebih dari setengah konsumsi kedelai di Indonesia diolah menjadi tahu dan tempe. Kedelai tak hanya mengandung zat gizi, namun juga mengandung zat anti gizi. Salah satunya zat anti gizi pada kedelai yaitu polifenol. Polifenol dapat menghambat penyerapan zat besi. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan fortifikasi zat besi oleh FeSO4.7H2O dan ferrous fumarate untuk melihat efektivitasnya sebagai fortifikan zat besi terhadap keberadaan polifenol. Penentuan kadar polifenol dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu, kadar polifenol ditentukan dalam GAE(Gallic Acid Equivalent). Penambahan variasi fortifikan dilakukan berdasarkan perhitungan rasio molar Fe:Polifenol yaitu 1:3. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas tertinggi untuk 30 g kedelai pada tahu, tempe dan susu kedelai dengan penambahan FeSO4.7H2O adalah 100 mg pada susu, 20 mg pada tempe dan 10 mg pada tahu, dan untuk ferrous fumarate adalah 100 mg pada susu, 20 mg pada tempe dan 10 mg pada tahu.

Soy-based foods (Glycine max. (L) Merrill) such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk has become the food of the people that are both indonesian traditional and modern society many processed. More than half of Indonesia's consumption of soybean is processed into tofu and tempeh. Soybeans contain not only nutrients, but also contains anti-nutrients. One of these anti-nutritional substances in soy is polyphenol. Polyphenol can inhibit iron absorption. In this research, iron fortification will be conducted by FeSO4.7H2O and ferrous fumarate to see their effectivity as iron fortificant againts the presence of polyphenol. Determination of polyphenol content was done by Folin-Ciocalteu methods, polyphenol content is expressed in GAE(Gallic Acid Equivalent). Addition of fortificant variation was done based on the calculation of Fe:Polyphenols molar ratio, 1:3. Results of this study showed that the highest effectiveness of 30 g of soy in tofu, tempeh and soy milk with the addition FeSO4.7H2O is 100 mg on milk, 20 mg on tempeh and 10 mg on tofu, and for ferrous fumarate is 100 mg on milk, 20 mg on tempeh and 10 mg on tofu."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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