"[Loyalitas pelanggan yang mengikat menyebabkan profitabilitas yang tinggi. Perusahaan yang ingin mendapatkan loyalitas pelanggan yang kuat, harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen tersebut. Mengutip Kotler dan Assael faktor budaya dan gaya hidup dapat mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen. Seperti yang kita lihat di Indonesia, menurut Yasraf Amir Piliang, fenomena yang menonjol dalam masyarakat Indonesia saat ini, yang menyertai kemajuan ekonomi adalah berkembangnya budaya konsumsi yang ditandai dengan berkembangnya gaya hidup. Realita yang terjadi ini dapat dilihat seperti ramainya pusat perbelanjaan yang ada, banyaknya masyarakat yang tergiur dengan adanya diskon dan masih banyak lagi, hal ini menjadikan masyarakat tidak dapat membedakan mana yang menjadi kebutuhan atau sekedar keinginan. Akan tetapi hal ini dapat menjadi keuntungan bagi para pemasar untuk meraih profit bagi perusahaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh budaya dan gaya hidup konsumtif terhadap loyalitas.
Temuan utama penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dan korelasi positif yang sangat kuat antara budaya dan gaya hidup konsumtif terhadap loyalitas konsumen.
Bind Customer loyalties make a higher profitability. Firms that wanted to get strong level of customer loyalty, have to concern on factors that affect that costumer behavior. According to Kotler and Assael cultural factor affect costumer behavior. As we see in Indonesia, according to Yasraf Amir Piliang, prominent phenomenon in Indonesian society today that accompanies economic development is growing on consumer culture which is characterized by the development of life style. The reality happened can be shown such as how crowded the shopping centers, much societies that influence with the discount prices, and others. It make the societies sould not different between need and want. But it will make the benefits to marketer to achieve the profits for the firms.
This study aims to determine, whether there is any influence of consumer culture and lifestyle to loyalty.
The result of analysis from this research indicate that found influence and strong correlation between consumer culture and lifestyle to customer loyalty.;Bind Customer loyalties make a higher profitability. Firms that wanted to get strong level of customer loyalty, have to concern on factors that affect that costumer behavior. According to Kotler and Assael cultural factor affect costumer behavior. As we see in Indonesia, according to Yasraf Amir Piliang, prominent phenomenon in Indonesian society today that accompanies economic development is growing on consumer culture which is characterized by the development of life style. The reality happened can be shown such as how crowded the shopping centers, much societies that influence with the discount prices, and others. It make the societies sould not different between need and want. But it will make the benefits to marketer to achieve the profits for the firms.
This study aims to determine, whether there is any influence of consumer culture and lifestyle to loyalty.
The result of analysis from this research indicate that found influence and strong correlation between consumer culture and lifestyle to customer loyalty., Bind Customer loyalties make a higher profitability. Firms that wanted to get strong level of customer loyalty, have to concern on factors that affect that costumer behavior. According to Kotler and Assael cultural factor affect costumer behavior. As we see in Indonesia, according to Yasraf Amir Piliang, prominent phenomenon in Indonesian society today that accompanies economic development is growing on consumer culture which is characterized by the development of life style. The reality happened can be shown such as how crowded the shopping centers, much societies that influence with the discount prices, and others. It make the societies sould not different between need and want. But it will make the benefits to marketer to achieve the profits for the firms.
This study aims to determine, whether there is any influence of consumer culture and lifestyle to loyalty.
The result of analysis from this research indicate that found influence and strong correlation between consumer culture and lifestyle to customer loyalty.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015