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Marpaung, Yosi Marin
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan PM2.5 terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang tetap di Terminal Terpadu Kota Depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi PM2.5 ambien mencapai 230μg/m3. Didapatkan gangguan fungsi paru sebesar 77,4% dari 71 sampel (tipe restriktif 74,6%; obstruktif 2,8%). Ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara gangguan fungsi paru dengan intake PM2.5 (p=0,004) dan rokok (kebiasaan merokok(p=0,019); jumlah rokok(p=0,001); dosis inhalasi PM2.5 (p=0,001)). Tidak ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara gangguan fungsi paru dengan umur, jenis kelamin, status gizi, riwayat penyakit, lama kerja, dan masa kerja. Uji multivariat menunjukkan intake PM2.5 memililki pengaruh terbesar terhadap gangguan fungsi paru (p=0,007; OR=6,5). Selanjutnya diperlukan perbaikan lingkungan terminal, perubahan perilaku merokok, dan manajemen risiko melalui ARKL.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between PM2.5 and the impaired lung function. PM2.5 ambient concentration reached 230μg/m3. Pulmonary dysfunction was found 77.4% of 71 respondents (74.6% restrictive; 2.8% obstructive). There were significant associations between lung function and PM2.5 intake (p=0.004), smoking (smoking habits (p=0.019); number of cigarettes/day (p=0.001); and PM2.5 inhaled dose from cigarettes (p=0.001)). There were no significant relationships with age, sex, nutritional status, history of illnesses, work-hours, and work-years. Multivariate test revealed PM2.5 intake as a main contributor on lung function impairment (p=0.007; OR=6.5). Further improvements on enviromnent, changes in smoking behavior, and risk management through ERHA study are necessary."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Tri Wulandari
Pajanan PM2.5 berhubungan dengan kematian akibat penyakit kardiovaskular dan
pernafasan. Konsentrasi PM2.5 meningkat sejalan dengan pertumbuhan jumlah
kendaraan bermotor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi besarnya risiko
yang muncul pada pekerja sebagai populasi berisiko di Terminal Terpadu Kota
Depok akibat pajanan PM2.5 di udara ambien. Besar risiko dianalisis
menggunakan metode analisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan. Untuk menghitung
besarnya risiko dilakukan sampling konsentrasi PM2.5 pada 3 titik yang diukur
pada pagi, siang, dan sore, serta survei antropometri dan pola aktivitas pada 63
pekerja di terminal. Konsentrasi rata-rata PM2.5 adalah 61,67 μg/m3. Hasil
perhitungan risiko realtime maupun lifetime menunjukkan bahwa seluruh
kelompok pekerja memiliki risiko non karsinogenik (RQ>1) dengan asupan
sebesar 0,005 mg/kg/hari dan 0,0106 mg/kg/hari. Berdasarkan jenis pekerjaan,
perhitungan secara realtime maupun lifetime, semua jenis pekerjaan memiliki
risiko non karsinogenik. Manajemen risiko yang dapat dilakukan adalah
menurunkan konsentrasi PM2.5 hingga pada batas aman yaitu 23 μg/m3 atau
membatasi waktu pajanan menjadi 5 jam sehari atau 123 hari setahun atau 11,3

Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with mortality for
cardiovascular and pulmonary disease. PM2.5 concentration increased in
accordance with motor-vehicle quantity. This study aims to estimate the risk of
PM2.5 exposure among workers as population at risk in Depok Integrated
Terminal. The risk quotient is estimated using EHRA methodology. In order to
estimate the risk, outdoor ambient air PM2.5 was observed at 3 points area
(observed in the morning, afternoon, and evening at each point), and also
individual anthropometry and activity pattern had been surveyed among 63
respondents. Average PM2.5 ambient concentration is 61,67 μg/m3. The result of
realtime and lifetime assessment showed that workers in general had non
carcinogen risk (RQ>1) with general potential average dose of 0,005 mg/kg.day
and 0,0106 mg/kg.day. Based on occupation type, both realtime and lifetime
assessment showed that all occupation type had high risk quotient. The risk
management that can be done is by decreasing the concentration to the safest, 23
μg/m3 or by limiting the time of exposure.;;"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Assifa
PM2,5 merupakan salah satu pencemar udara yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan pernapasan manusia. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Greenpeace pada Februari 2017, rata-rata tingkat konsentrasi PM2,5 di tiga kota besar di Bekasi Tambun, Cikunir, dan Jatibening yaitu 75,67 g/Nm3 selama 24 jam. Tingkat konsentrasi ini melebihi baku mutu nasional sebesar 65 g/Nm3 selama 24 jam. Selanjutnya, pajanan PM2,5 dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan kualitas fungsi paru. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur hubungan konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang tetap di Terminal Kota Bekasi tahun 2018. Pengukuran konsentrasi PM2,5 dilakukan dengan EPAM 5000 pada 30 titik di sekeliling terminal menggunakan uji gravimetri, sedangkan gangguan fungsi paru diukur menggunakan spirometri pada 70 responden. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara terminal masih di bawah baku mutu berdasarkan PP No.41 Tahun 1999, namun terdapat 45,7 pedagang tetap yang fungsi parunya dibawah normal FEV1/FVC < 0,70 berdasarkan hasil ukur spirometri. Berdasarkan analisis hubungan, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara konsentrasi PM2,5 di udara dengan gangguan fungsi paru, namun terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara durasi kerja, jenis kelamin, riwayat penyakit pernapasan kronis, dan status merokok terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang tetap.

PM2.5 is one of pollutants that effect human respiratory health. Results of research conducted by Greenpeace in February 2017, the average rate of PM2.5 in the three major cities in Bekasi Tambun, Cikunir, and Jatibening is 75.67 g Nm3 for 24 hours. This concentration exceed the national environmental quality standard of 65 g Nm3 for 24 hours. Furthermore, PM2.5 exposure can effect lung function quality. The study was conducted to measure the correlation between PM2.5 concentration and lung function impairment in permanent traders in Bekasi City Terminal 2018. The measurement of PM2.5 concentration was done with EPAM 5000 at 30 points around the terminal using gravimetric test, while the lung function impairment used spirometry in 70 respondents. The results showed that the concentration of PM2.5 in terminal air was still under environmental quality standard based on PP No.41 Year 1999, but there was 45.7 traders with lung function impairment FEV1 FVC."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Apria Montessori
"Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan konsentrasi PM2,5 udara ambien terhadap gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang tetap di Terminal Kampung Rambutan Kota Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan PM2,5 ambien mencapai 89 μg/m3. Didapatkan proporsi gangguan paru sebesar 79% (tipe retrikstif 73% dan campuran resktriktif dan obstruktif 6%) dari 68 responden. Tidak ada hubungan signifikan antara konsentrasi PM2,5 dengan gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang di Terminal Kampung Rambutan (p value= 0,215, CI: 0,555-13,700). Ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara status merokok (p=0,015) dan waktu kerja (p value = 0,047) dengan gangguan fungsi paru. Tidak terdapat satupun faktor lain seperti riwayat penyakit, durasi kerja, umur dengan kejadian gangguan fungsi paru pada pedagang di Terminal Kampung Rambutan. Selanjutnya diperlukan adanya perbaikan lingkungan terminal, perubahan perilaku merokok dan kerjasama multisektor terkait pencegahan penyakit.

This study aims to determine the relationship between ambient air PM2.5 concentrations to impaired lung function among sellers at Kampung Rambutan Bus Station, Jakarta City. The results showed ambient PM2.5 reached 89 μg / m3. The proportion of impaired lung function was 79% of 68 respondents (restrictive type 73% and restrictive and obstructive mixture 6%). There was no significant relationship between PM2.5 concentration and impaired lung function in Kampung Rambutan Bus Station seller (p value = 0.215, CI: 0.555-13,700). It was found there is significant relationship between smoking status (p = 0.015) and work time (p value = 0.047) with impaired lung function. There were no other factors such as disease history, duration of work, and age with the occurrence of impaired lung function among sellers at Kampung Rambutan Bus Station. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve the terminal environment, change smoking behavior and multisector cooperation related to disease prevention."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Saputra Agus
"Pajanan debu PM2.5 di tempat kerja pada umumnya akan menyebabkan obstruksi pada saluran pernapasan yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan fungsi paru. Pekerja industri batu kapur mempunyai risiko yang sangat besar untuk penimbunan debu terhirup pada saluran pernapasan. Absorbsi dari partikel-partikel pajanan debu terjadi melalui mekanisme pernapasan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pajanan debu PM2.5 dengan gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja industri pengolahan batu kapur di Nagari Tanjung Gadang Kecamatan Lareh Sago Halaban KabupatenLima Puluh Kota. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional dengan total sampel sebanyak 60 orang. Analisis data untuk mengetahui hubungan pajanan debu PM2.5 dengan fungsi paru pekerja berupa faktor-faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi yaitu jenis kelamin, umur, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olahraga, status gizi, penggunaan APD dan lama pajanan, menggunakan uji chi square dan stratifikasi. Analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik metode backward stepwise. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan pajanan debu PM2.5 mempunyai hubungan yang kuat dengan terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru (nilai p = 0,02 dan OR = 5,833 serta probabilitas terjadinya gangguan fungsi paru bagi pekerja yang bekerja di tempat kerja dengan konsentrasi debu di atas adalah 68,6 %.Kedepannya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah atau instansi terkait pada umumnya dan dinas kesehatan sebagai acuan pelaksanaan program yang berkaitan dengan efek merugikan dari pekerjaan terhadap kesehatan pekerja dan monitoring lingkungan kerja serta surveilans kesehatan kerja. Agar program tersebut berjalan secara optimal perlu dilakukan promosi perilaku kesehatan kerja di tempat kerja.

PM2.5 dust exposure in the workplace will generally cause obstruction of the respiratory tract which is indicated by decreased lung function. Limestone industry workers are at great risk for the accumulation of inhaled dust in the respiratory tract. The absorption of dust exposed particles occurs through the respiratory mechanism. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between PM2.5 dust exposure and impaired lung function in limestone processing industry workers in Nagari Tanjung Gadang, Lareh Sago Halaban District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. This research is an observational study with a cross sectional design with a total sample of 60 people. Data analysis to determine the relationship of PM2.5 dust exposure with workers' lung function in the form of risk factors that influence, namely gender, age, years of service, smoking habits, exercise habits, nutritional status, use of PPE and length of exposure, using the chi square test and stratification. Multivariate analysis with logistic regression test backward stepwise method. The results of the study found that PM2.5 dust exposure had a strong relationship with the occurrence of pulmonary function disorders (p value = 0.02 and OR = 5.833 and the probability of pulmonary function disorders for workers working in workplaces with dust concentrations above was 68, 6%. In the future, this research is expected to be a material consideration for the government or related agencies in general and the health office as a reference for implementing programs related to the detrimental effects of work on workers' health and monitoring the work environment and surveillance of occupational health. So that the program runs optimally. it is necessary to promote occupational health behavior in the workplace."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Ridho
"[Pajanan debu bedak talk (talcum powder) adalah salah satu kontaminan yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi paru baik obstruktif, restriktif maupun campuran pada karyawan di tempat kerja. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara pajanan debu respirable talcum powder dengan gangguan fungsi paru dan keluhan subyektif karyawan di PT.XYZ tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei yang dilakukan tanpa intervensi, yang bersifat analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Besar sampel sebanyak 18 dari
populasi 42 orang yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Variabel yang diamati adalah tingkat pajanan debu respirable talcum powder pada karyawan, umur, lama bekerja, kebiasaan merokok, kebiasaan olah raga, riwayat penyakit paru dan penggunaan APD. Jenis data adalah data primer dan sekunder, dan pengumpulan data dari hasil pengukuran debu, pemeriksaan spirometri, foto thorax, hasil kuesioner dan wawancara responden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah
analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pajanan debu respirable bedak talk dengan keluhan subyektif hidung tersumbat, sakit tenggorokan dan batuk (p<0,05) dan ada hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan sakit tenggorokan dan penggunaan APD dengan keluhan hidung tersumbat dan sakit tenggorokan. Hasil analisis regresi logistik dari tiga variabel pajanan debu bedak talk, kebiasaan merokok dan tidak menggunakan APD menunjukkan bahwa merokok variabel
paling dominan dan beresiko 25 kali mengalami keluhan sakit tenggorokan dibandingkan dengan yang tidak merokok. Disarankan untuk memperbaiki instalasi Local Exhaust Ventilation pada proses bedak, pemantauan dan pengukuran debu bedak talk secara rutin, MCU secara berkala, program promosi kesehatan di tempat kerja, penyediaan APD bagi karyawan dan pelatihan tentang penggunaan dan perawatannya.;Talcum dust (powder) exposure is one of particulate contaminant that can cause pulmonary function disorder either obstructive, restrictive or combination. The research aimed to learn the correlation between respirable dust of talcum exposure with pulmonary function disorder and health subjective complaint from exposed
employees in PT. XYZ, 2015. The research was analytical study with cross sectional design using survey method without any intervention. There were 18 samples from 42 employee of total population by purposive sampling. The observed variables were respirable dust of talcum exposure to employees, age, work length, smoke habits, exercise habits, history of pulmonary disease and PPE usage. The data were generated from primary and secondary data, and collected
from respirable dust measurement, pulmonary examination (spirometry test and photo thorax), questionnaires and interview. The data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The research showed that there was significantly correlated between respirable dust of talcum powder exposure with health subjective complaint of nasal congestion, sore throat and cough (p<0,05) and there was correlation between smoke habits with sore throat and PPE usage with nasal congestion and sore throat. The multiple logistic regression analysis from three variables i.e. respirable dust of talcum powder exposure, smoke habits and PPE usage showed that smoker among employees was the most dominant factor and had risk until 25 times induced health subjective complaint compared with non-smokers. It is recommended to improve Local Exhaust Ventilation for talcum
powder process, periodically Medial Check Up, health promotion program, PPE provision and PPE training to employees.;Talcum dust (powder) exposure is one of particulate contaminant that can cause
pulmonary function disorder either obstructive, restrictive or combination. The
research aimed to learn the correlation between respirable dust of talcum exposure
with pulmonary function disorder and health subjective complaint from exposed
employees in PT. XYZ, 2015. The research was analytical study with cross
sectional design using survey method without any intervention. There were 18
samples from 42 employee of total population by purposive sampling. The
observed variables were respirable dust of talcum exposure to employees, age,
work length, smoke habits, exercise habits, history of pulmonary disease and PPE
usage. The data were generated from primary and secondary data, and collected
from respirable dust measurement, pulmonary examination (spirometry test and
photo thorax), questionnaires and interview. The data was analyzed by univariate,
bivariate and multivariate. The research showed that there was significantly
correlated between respirable dust of talcum powder exposure with health
subjective complaint of nasal congestion, sore throat and cough (p<0,05) and
there was correlation between smoke habits with sore throat and PPE usage with
nasal congestion and sore throat. The multiple logistic regression analysis from
three variables i.e. respirable dust of talcum powder exposure, smoke habits and
PPE usage showed that smoker among employees was the most dominant factor
and had risk until 25 times induced health subjective complaint compared with
non-smokers. It is recommended to improve Local Exhaust Ventilation for talcum
powder process, periodically Medial Check Up, health promotion program, PPE
provision and PPE training to employees., Talcum dust (powder) exposure is one of particulate contaminant that can cause
pulmonary function disorder either obstructive, restrictive or combination. The
research aimed to learn the correlation between respirable dust of talcum exposure
with pulmonary function disorder and health subjective complaint from exposed
employees in PT. XYZ, 2015. The research was analytical study with cross
sectional design using survey method without any intervention. There were 18
samples from 42 employee of total population by purposive sampling. The
observed variables were respirable dust of talcum exposure to employees, age,
work length, smoke habits, exercise habits, history of pulmonary disease and PPE
usage. The data were generated from primary and secondary data, and collected
from respirable dust measurement, pulmonary examination (spirometry test and
photo thorax), questionnaires and interview. The data was analyzed by univariate,
bivariate and multivariate. The research showed that there was significantly
correlated between respirable dust of talcum powder exposure with health
subjective complaint of nasal congestion, sore throat and cough (p<0,05) and
there was correlation between smoke habits with sore throat and PPE usage with
nasal congestion and sore throat. The multiple logistic regression analysis from
three variables i.e. respirable dust of talcum powder exposure, smoke habits and
PPE usage showed that smoker among employees was the most dominant factor
and had risk until 25 times induced health subjective complaint compared with
non-smokers. It is recommended to improve Local Exhaust Ventilation for talcum
powder process, periodically Medial Check Up, health promotion program, PPE
provision and PPE training to employees.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patricia Bebby Yolla
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan menganalisis konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 pada pekerja Dinas Perhubungan yang bekerja di Terminal Terpadu Kota Depok pada tahun 2015, dengan menggunakan desain studi deskriptif. Pengukuran konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat ukur Leland Legacy Pump dan Sioutas Cascade Impactor. Pengukuran dilakukan selama 8 jam per hari dalam waktu 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukan konsentrasi pajanan personal PM2.5 pada pekerja dishub yang bekerja di lapangan lebih tinggi dari pada yang bekerja di bagian administrasi (dalam ruangan), meskipun keduanya sama-sama sudah melebihi nilai ambang batas (NAB) yang ditetapkan oleh WHO (25 μg/m3), US-EPA (35 μg/m3), dan Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.41 tahun 1999 (65 μg/m3). Selain itu, kualitas udara di lingkungan luar dan dalam terminal juga sudah berada pada kategori yang tidak sehat.

This study purposed to measure and analyze personal exposure concentrations of PM2.5 at the Department of Transportation (DISHUB) workers who work in Integrated Terminal Depok City in 2015, with using descriptive design study. The concentrations measurement of PM2.5 personal exposure is using Leland Legacy Pump and Personal Sampling Sioutas Cascade Impactor. This measurement was performed for 8 hours per day within 7 days. The results showed personal exposure concentrations of PM2.5 on Department of Transportation (DISHUB) workers who work in the field (outdoor) is higher than those working in administration (indoor), although both results are already exceeding the threshold level value (TLV) from WHO (25 μg/m3), US-EPA (35 μg/m3), and Indonesian Government Regulation (PP RI No. 41/1999) (65 μg/m3). In addition, the air quality at outside and inside the bus terminal are also in the unhealthy category."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Kurniawaty
"Tesis ini membahas tentang profil pajanan debu silika terhadap kejadian silikosis dan gangguan fungsi paru pada pekerja di perusahaan tambang granit di Tanjung Balai Karimun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kesehatan pekerja serta prevalens kejadian silikosis dan gangguan fungsi paru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian adalah prevalens silikosis sebanyak 1 (1,0%) orang pekerja dan prevalens gangguan fungsi paru sebanyak 7 (7,2%) orang pekerja. Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kejadian silikosis dengan faktor-faktor risiko. Pada gangguan fungsi paru terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dengan faktor usia. Namun, perlu dipertimbangkan faktor-faktor risiko lain yang ikut berperan menimbulkan gangguan fungsi paru. Semua hasil pengukuran debu total di lingkungan kerja melebihi Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB).

The thesis researched about the profile of silica dust exposure in the occurrence of silicosis and pulmonary function disorders among granite mining workers in Tanjung Balai Karimun. This study aimed to determine the health profile of workers and the prevalence of silicosis and pulmonary function disorders. This study used a cross-sectional design. The results of the study were the prevalence of silicosis was 1 (1,0%) worker and the prevalence of pulmonary function disorders were 7 (7,2%) workers. There was no significant relationship between the occurrence of silicosis and risk factors. Otherwise, there was a significant relationship between pulmonary function disorders and age. However, other risk factors were  needed to be considered in causing pulmonary function disorders. All measurements results of total dust exceeded the Threshold Limit Value (TLV)."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulfahtun Ni`mah
"Debu batu kapur dihasilkan oleh kegiatan penambangan batu kapur, salah satunya adalah PM2,5. Paparan PM2,5 dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi paru-paru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan hubungan keterkaitan PM2,5 dengan penurunan fungsi paru pada pekerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi cross-sectional dengan teknik total sampling 30 pekerja. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner untuk wawancara, Dusttrak II TSI untuk mengukur konsentrasi PM2.5 dan spirometri untuk mengukur fungsi paru-paru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai konsentrasi PM2.5 tertinggi adalah 987 μg / m3 dan terendah 14 μg / m3. Hasil analisis menggunakan Chi-square diperoleh korelasi antara penggunaan alat pelindung diri dengan gangguan fungsi paru-paru (p = 0,000). Selanjutnya, hasil menggunakan uji eksak Fisher, ada korelasi antara konsentrasi PM2,5 dan penurunan fungsi paru (p = 0,002) dan tahun kerja dengan penurunan fungsi paru (p = 0,000). Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan analisis risiko kesehatan lingkungan untuk memperkirakan berdasarkan asupan.

Limestone dust is produced by limestone mining activities, one of which is PM2,5. Exposure to PM2,5 can cause a decrease in lung function. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of PM2.5 linkages with decreased lung function in workers. This study uses a cross-sectional study with a total sampling technique of 30 workers. The instruments in this study used questionnaires for interviews, Dusttrak II TSI to measure PM2.5 concentrations and spirometry to measure lung function. Based on the results of the study, the highest PM2.5 concentration values ​​were 987 μg / m3 and the lowest was 14 μg / m3. The results of the analysis using Chi-square obtained a correlation between the use of personal protective equipment with impaired lung function (p = 0,000). Furthermore, the results using Fisher's exact test, there is a correlation between PM2.5 concentration and decreased lung function (p = 0.002) and years of work with decreased lung function (p = 0,000). Further research is needed by using environmental health risk analysis to estimate based on intake."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tia Prabawati Suhengsi
"Latar belakang. Pencemaran udara telah menjadi masalah global tahunan sejak beberapa tahun belakangan. Pencemaran udara dapat mengakibatkan berbagai dampak buruk bagi kesehatan. Salah satu komponen zat pencemar udara yang umum ditemukan di kota-kota besar di dunia yaitu PM2,5, polutan yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi paru. Sumber terbesar dari pencemaran PM2,5 di udara ambien perkotaan berasal dari asap kendaraan bermotor.
Tujuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengatahui hubungan antara konsentrasi pajanan PM2,5 dan gangguan fungsi paru pada sopir angkutan kota Terminal Kampung Melayu, Jakata Timur. Metode. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode observasi dengan desain studi cross-sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi pajanan PM2,5 dan gangguan fungsi paru pada sopir angkutan kota Terminal Kampung Melayu, Jakata Timur. 125 sopir angkutan kota terlibat sebagai subjek pada penelitian ini.
Hasil. Dari 125 sopir yang terlibat, ada 72 sopir angkutan kota yang mengalami gangguan fungsi paru dengan persentase sebesar 57,6%. Konsentrasi rata-rata PM2.5 yaitu 90,99 μg/m3. Nilai P konstan dari uji regresi logistik antara gangguan fungsi paru dengan konsentrasi PM2.5, umur, lama kerja dan riwayat penyakit paru, yaitu 0,039. Kesimpulan. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan adanya hubungan antara gangguan fungsi paru yang dialami oleh sopir angkutan kota Terminal Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur dengan Konsentrasi PM2.5, setelah setelah dikontrol oleh variabel umur, lama kerja, serta riwayat penyakit paru.

Background. Air pollutions has been becoming annual global issue for the past fiew years. Air Pollutions can cause various adverse effects on health. One component of air pollutants which commonly found in major cities in the world is PM2.5, a pollutant that can cause lung function impairments. The biggest source of PM2.5 pollutions in urban air comes from motor vehicle combustion.
Purpose. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between exposure of PM2.5 and impaired lung function on Public Transportation Drivers of Kampung Melayu Terminal, East Jakarta. Methods. This study was conducted by the observation method with a cross-sectional study design to determine the relationship between PM2.5 exposure concentration and lung function impairment in the public transportation drivers of Kampung Melayu Terminal, East Jakarta. 125 drivers were involved as subjects in this study.
Results. There were 72 public transportation drivers, of the 125 drivers involved, who experienced lung function impairments (57.6%). The mean PM2.5 concentration was 90.99 μg / m3. The constant P value from the logistic regression test between lung function impairments and PM2.5 concentrations, controlled by age, length of work and a history of lung disease is 0.039. Conclution. The conclusion from this study is lung function impairments experienced by public transportation drivers of Kampung Melayu Terminal, East Jakarta were associated with PM2.5 concentration, after being controlled by variables of age, length of work, and a history of lung disease.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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