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New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004
302.23 MED
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Social media is playing a growing role within public administration, and with it, there is an increasing need to understand the connection between social media research and what actually takes place in government agencies. Most of the existing books on the topic are scholarly in nature, often leaving out the vital theory-practice connection. This book joins theory with practice within the public sector, and explains how the effectiveness of social media can be maximized. The chapters are written by leading practitioners and span topics like how to manage employee use of social media sites, how emergency managers reach the public during a crisis situation, applying public record management methods to social media efforts, how to create a social media brand, how social media can help meet government objectives such as transparency while juggling privacy laws, and much more. For each topic, a collection of practitioner insights regarding the best practices and tools they have discovered are included. Social Media for Government responds to calls within the overall public administration discipline to enhance the theory-practice connection, giving practitioners space to tell academics what is happening in the field in order to encourage further meaningful research into social media use within government."
New York: Routledge, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Understanding media users : from theory to practice focuses on the blurred concept of the “ active audience” at the core of media studies. examines the relationship between media and audiences by one of the world’s leading media scholars provides a history of media effects’ and an overview of the current analytical approaches that constitute media reception theory charts some of the most important interfaces of media reception and interaction, TV, film, the Internet, advertising, journalism, and tourism studies concludes with additional insights into the future of media reception in a global age."
Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Holloman, Christer
""The inside information that marketers and social media practitioners have been dying to get hands onIt seems like every day another self-appointed social media "guru" appears on the scene, offering to sell you his or her "surefire" cure for what ails you. Don?t you think it?s time you heard from the real experts--i.e., folks like you who are responsible for delivering their companies? social media strategies? Based on extensive interviews with marketing, media and networking professionals at many of today?s most admired brands and companies, this book provides you with detailed examples of the social media strategies in place at, among others, Virgin Atlantic, Barclays, Skype, Dell, John Lewis, Ranstad, Honda, HP, E.con, and Chevrolet. The most comprehensive set of "blueprints" available in one book for delivering social media strategies more successfully Includes in-depth case studies packed with hand-on-advice that you can put to work in your company immediately Covers all-important strategic social media activities--from improving relationships with customers to generating more sales, product testing to team building The Companion Website features a gold mine of additional material, updates, war stories and much more"-- Provided by publisher."
New Yok: John Wiley & Son, 2013
658.872 HOL s (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktisi PR membangun dan memelihara hubungan dengan wartawan, dan korelasinya dengan praktik media bribery dan independensi media. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode etnografi. Informan penelitian terdiri dari sekitar 140 wartawan, ahli media, pimpinan asosiasi wartawan dan Dewan Pers, dan praktisi PR. Hasil temuan penelitian yang menggunakan relationship management theory RMT dan teori-teori terkait menunjukkan: 1. Hubungan sumber berita dengan wartawan bersifat transaksional; 2. Praktik media bribery merupakan efek samping dari hubungan transaksional. Tindakan praktisi PR memberikan favours media bribery untuk mendapatkan berita mendapat tempat dengan adanya budaya menerabas yang bertemu dengan tradisi saling memberi sebagai bentuk keramahtamahan sosial, rasa kasihan yang tinggi, dan persoalan ekonomi pada sisi wartawan; 3. Mayoritas wartawan memahami profesi kewartawanan dan kode etik profesi, tetapi memilih bersikap pragmatis karena pertimbangan ekonomi; 4. Praktik media relations dipengaruhi oleh corporate culture dan tone gaya komunikasi manajemen.Kata kunci: media bribery, media relations, independensi media, corporate culture.

This research was conducted to investigate how PR practitioners built relations with journalists, and its correlation with media bribery, and media independence. This study used qualitative method, and ethnographic method. In order obtain the required data and information, the researcher interviewed and conducted a survey on around 140 journalists, media experts, executives of journalists lsquo associations and the Press Council, and PR practitioners. The findings of the study which used relationship management theory RMT and related theories showed 1. Relations of PR practitioners and journalists was transactional 2. The practice media bribery was a side effect of transactional relationship between agents. The practice of media bribery grew stronger in a fertile land of culture of Indonesians to take shortcuts to achieve their goals, which meets with the tradition of social exchange as a form of social hospitality, high compassion, and economic issues of journalists 3. Majority of journalists were aware of the noble journalistic profession and code of ethics, but chose to be pragmatic because of economic considerations 4. The practice of PR was influenced by corporate culture and tone of communication of management.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Dicky Pradityo
"Pemain berinteraksi dengan video game melalui berbagai aktivitas di luar bermain, seperti modding, spectatorship, dan transaksi virtual goods. Dalam kasus DOTA 2, pemain secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam produksi dan distribusi cosmetic item. Riset ini mengeksplorasi dinamika cosmetic item sebagai media-oriented practice dengan mengkaji sirkulasi virtual goods dalam komunitas DOTA 2 sebagai bentuk budaya partisipatoris. Riset ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif dan paradigma konstruktivis-interpretif dengan metode studi kasus. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa praktik penggunaan dan sirkulasi cosmetic item terorganisir secara sosial dalam komunitas pemain DOTA 2 serta dalam kehidupan pribadi masing-masing pemain. Aktivitas bermain, menggunakan, dan mengoleksi cosmetic item mengonstruksi secara sosial pengalaman pribadi setiap pemain.

Players engage with video games through a variety of activities outside of gameplay, such as modding, spectatorship, and transactions of virtual goods. In the case of DOTA 2, players actively participate in the production and distribution of cosmetic items. This research aims to explore the dynamics of cosmetic items as media-oriented practices by looking at virtual goods circulation within the DOTA 2 community as a form of participatory culture. This research uses a qualitative approach alongside a constructivist-interpretive paradigm through a case study method. Findings suggest that the practice of using and circulating cosmetic items is socially organised not only within the DOTA 2 community, but also within each player’s personal lifes. The practice of playing, using, and collecting cosmetic items socially constructs each player’s personal experience."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brahma Putra Pratama
Media relation merupakan salah satu praktik yang terdapat dalam sistem dari Departemen Public Relations (PR) dan bertujuan supaya informasi dari suatu organisasi dapat disebarluaskan kepada publik melalui saluran suatu industri media. Ternyata terdapat departemen PR dari suatu industri media melakukan praktik media relations dengan industri media lain meskipun telah memiliki saluran media untuk menyebarkan informasi. Dalam praktik media relations yang terdapat dalam sistem Departemen PR, para anggota departemen PR sebagai para agen berhubungan dengan para agen lain dari redaksi industri media lain berdasarkan struktur yang terus-menerus diproduksi dan direproduksi. Struktur diproduksi dan direproduksi melalui interaksi dan tindakan para agen, baik dalam lingkungan internal dan lingkungan eksternal departemen. Ketika para agen berinteraksi, mereka juga melakukan tindakan komunikasi. Struktur dan sistem dalam praktik media relations yang terus diproduksi dan direproduksi dapat berlangsung secara dinamis (transformasi) dan stabil (rutinitas). Untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses produksi dan reproduksi tersebut dalam interaksi para agen, maka diperlukan analisis menggunakan teori strukturasi yang dikembangkan oleh McPhee dan Poole.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan memberikan pemahaman mengenai strukturasi komunikasi internal dan komunikasi eksternal dalam praktik media relations yang terjadi di dalam departemen PR. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus instrumental tunggal dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa di dalam sistem departemen PR, staf berhubungan dengan atasannya di lingkungan internal dan berhubungan dengan jurnalis dan atasan jurnalis di lingkungan eksternal. Dalam melakukan praktik media relations, para agen menggunakan struktur aturan berupa prosedur, kebijakan, job description, dan kode etik sebagai pedoman dan sumber daya berupa pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan kemampuan/skill dalam bertindak dan berinteraksi sehingga sistem dan praktik dapat berlangsung terus-menerus baik secara dinamis maupun statis.

Media relation is one of the practices that are found in the system of Public Relations (PR) department and it aims to spread information from an organization to its public through channel of a media industry. Apparently, a PR department of a media industry implements the media relations practice with other media industries, although it has already had its own channel to spread the information. In the practice of media relations in the PR department system, members of the PR department as agents are in contact with the other agents from the newsrooms of other media industries and it is done based on the structure that is continuously produced and reproduced. The structure is produced and reproduced through interactions and actions of the agents, both in the internal environment and external environment of the department. When the agents interact, they also do the actions of the communication. The structure and the system in the practice of media relations that are continuously produced and reproduction can happen dynamically (transformation) and stable (routines). To know how the process of production and reproduction in the interaction of the agents, then required an analysis using structuration theory developed by McPhee and Poole.
This research aims to describe and provide understanding of structuration of internal communication and external communication in the practice of media relations that occur in the department of PR. The method used in this research is instrumental case studies with single descriptive qualitative approach. From this study, it is found that in the PR department system, the staff is connected with his superiors in the internal environment and connected with the journalist and superiors journalists in the external environment. In conducting the practice of media relations, the agents utilize the structure of rules, such as procedure, policy, job description and code of ethics as the guidelines and of resources, such as experience, knowledge and skill to act and interact so that the system and practice can take place continuously, either dynamically or statically.
, Media relation is one of the practices that are found in the system of Public Relations (PR) department and it aims to spread information from an organization to its public through channel of a media industry. Apparently, a PR department of a media industry implements the media relations practice with other media industries, although it has already had its own channel to spread the information. In the practice of media relations in the PR department system, members of the PR department as agents are in contact with the other agents from the newsrooms of other media industries and it is done based on the structure that is continuously produced and reproduced. The structure is produced and reproduced through interactions and actions of the agents, both in the internal environment and external environment of the department. When the agents interact, they also do the actions of the communication. The structure and the system in the practice of media relations that are continuously produced and reproduction can happen dynamically (transformation) and stable (routines). To know how the process of production and reproduction in the interaction of the agents, then required an analysis using structuration theory developed by McPhee and Poole.
This research aims to describe and provide understanding of structuration of internal communication and external communication in the practice of media relations that occur in the department of PR. The method used in this research is instrumental case studies with single descriptive qualitative approach. From this study, it is found that in the PR department system, the staff is connected with his superiors in the internal environment and connected with the journalist and superiors journalists in the external environment. In conducting the practice of media relations, the agents utilize the structure of rules, such as procedure, policy, job description and code of ethics as the guidelines and of resources, such as experience, knowledge and skill to act and interact so that the system and practice can take place continuously, either dynamically or statically.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jauharul Anwar
"Tesis ini membahas praktik pengemasan media sebagai suatu bentuk dialektika terhadap arena politik Indonesia pasca-Orde Baru, khususnya arena pemilihan presiden (Pilpres) 2014. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi kasus Harian Kompas, tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik pengemasan itu tidak dapat dilepaskan dari posisi dan peran pemilik sekaligus pendiri Harian Kompas melalui nilai dan gaya pemberitaan yang dibangunnya sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan praktik pengemasan di arena Pilpres 2014. Hal itu tidak lain untuk mempertahankan posisi dominan Harian Kompas di arena jurnalistik pasca-Orde Baru yang semakin kompetitif dan padat modal ekonomi sekaligus untuk membentuk opini publik mengenai kontestan Pilpres 2014 yang layak menjadi presiden Indonesia. Akan tetapi, kondisi demikian membuat dukungan terhadap Jokowi-JK yang dianggap sebagai figur yang humanis dan sejalan dengan nilai humanisme sebagai nilai pemberitaan Harian Kompas dilakukan secara implisit melalui strategi pengenaan simbolik yang memperkuat opini publik terhadap figur tersebut sebagai kandidat yang layak menjadi presiden dan wakil presiden.

This thesis describes the packaging practice of media as a dialectical form to the political field of post-New Order in Indonesia, particularly in the Presidential Election 2014's Field. Using the qualitative method, through a case study of Kompas Daily, this thesis show that the packaging practice of Kompas Daily cannot be separated from the position and role of both the owner and the founder through his news value and news style that he build up as a news guidance for packaging practice in Presidential Election 2014?s Field. The purpose was to maintain Kompas dominant position in the journalism industry in post-New Order era which was very competitive and capital-intensive, and also to shape public opinion about candidates of presidential election 2014 who deserves to be the next president of Indonesia. However, these conditions make support for Jokowi-JK which was regarded as a humanist figure and in line with the Kompas?s news value implicitly declared by the symbolic strategies that strengthening public opinion about these figures as appropriate president and vice president canditates.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afifah Dyah Puspa
Perkembangan komunikasi dan teknologi membuat adanya beragam strategi baru dalam bermanajemen persona online. Facebook merupakan salah satu media sosial yang membuat batasan antara persona publik dan privat menjadi kabur. Penelitian ini ingin mengeksplor praktik pseudonim yang dilakukan oleh fans budaya populer Jepang dalam Facebook dalam memisahkan akun untuk identitasnya sebagai fans dan sebagai non-fans. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis fenomenologi interpretif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa motivasi utama partisipan untuk memisahkan akun adalah untuk menghindari ancaman stereotip dari masyarakat. Penelitian ini juga menemukan adanya bentuk strategi manajemen persona baru yang memanfaatkan fitur-fitur teknologi dalam sosial media seperti memblokir teman, memberhentikan pertemanan (unfriend), mengatur privasi, dan strategi-strategi lainnya sehingga meskipun persona mereka berada dalam ranah publik, persona mereka akan tetap berada dalam level privat kepada audiens tertentu

The development of communication technology makes a new form of persona management strategies. Facebook is one of social media which can make the borders of public persona and private persona to be blurred and invisible. This research aims to explore the persona management in pseudonym practice by Japanese popular culture?s fan on Facebook by separating their personas in RL (real life) account and fannish account. This research is a qualitative research and using an interpretative phenomenological approach. Study found that the main motive of fans using pseudonimity in social media is to avoid the stereotype threats from their real life society. Study also found that there?s a new form of persona management strategies by using social media?s technology features such as blocking, unfriend-ing, and using privacy setting feature, and the other strategies. So, their persona is public yet private towards some audience.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinov Fajar Anugerah
"Tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai praktik di balik proses pembentukan citra presiden di Instagram. Skripsi ini didasarkan pada penelitian yang dilakukan selama kurang lebih tiga bulan, serta dibekali pengalaman mengikuti juru foto pribadi Jokowi saat pemilihan presiden tahun 2019 dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Penelitian ini menjelaskan rangkaian praktik yang terjadi di balik pembentukan citra Jokowi di Instagram. Kehadiran Jokowi di Instagram merupakan bentuk adaptasi dari perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Akun Instagram resmi Jokowi dikelola oleh Tim Komunikasi Digital Presiden. Pengelolaan tersebut melibatkan beberapa pihak sehingga muncul rangkaian praktik yang mendukung terbentuknya citra Jokowi di Instagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pertimbangan-pertimbangan signifikan terhadap pembentukan citra presiden di Instagram. Lebih dari itu, pertimbangan tersebut menjadi hal yang mendasari tersampaikan atau tidaknya pesan yang dibentuk.

This paper will discuss the practices behind the process of forming a presidential image on Instagram. This thesis is based on research conducted for approximately three months, as well as the experience of following Jokowi's personal photographer during the 2019 presidential election by conducting interviews and observations as data collection methods. This research explain the series of practices that have occurred behind the formation of Jokowi's image on Instagram. Jokowi's presence on Instagram is an adaptation of the communication technology development. Jokowi's official Instagram account is managed by the President's Digital Communications Team. This management involved several parties so that a series of practices emerged supported the formation of Jokowi's image on Instagram. The results of this study indicate that there are significant considerations for shaping the image of the president on Instagram. More than that, these considerations become the basis for whether the message is formed or not."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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