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Ike Iswary Lawanda
Tulisan ini menunjukkan interpenetrasi antara Amaterasu Oomikami dan lingkungan dalam pemikiran orang Jepang. Perlindungan terhadap lingkungan sebagai produk interpretasi dengan kebudayaan Jepang dalam hubungan timbal balik adalah berdasarkan klasifikasi: yang normatif ? yang nyata; yang sakral ? yang profan; dunia gaib - dunia nyata. Sistem penggolongan merupakan produk dari pengetahuan orang Jepang memandang lingkungannya: golongan yang dalam (uchi) ? yang luar (soto/yoso). Penggolongan ini dan atributnya menjadi ciri pembeda antara yang dalam dengan yang luar. Perusakan lingkungan merupakan perbuatan yang memalukan dan perbuatan yang kotor. Pelanggaran terhadapnya dikenai sangsi. Orang Jepang menjaga lingkungannya sebagaimana pola tindakan mereka menjaga kuil Shinto (jinja) dan kuil budha (tera). Tindakan manusia yang murni adalah menjaga lingkungan sedangkan tindakan yang kotor adalah yang patut dihindari. Pandangan orang Jepang terhadap lingkungannya terkait dengan keyakinan keagamaan yang primordial yaitu Amaterasu Oomikami sebagai leluhur dari leluhur kaisar Jepang. Keyakinan terhadap yang sakral sebagai yang menyelimuti kehidupan masyarakat Jepang menanamkan kesadaran kolektif setiap individu dan kelompok dalam jenjang lokal, daerah, dan negara. Kesadaran kolektif atau solidaritas dalam diri orang per orang disosialisasikan melalui dan dalam institusi sehingga menghasilkan konfirmitas antara orang per orang dan orang dengan lingkungannya. Metode interpretif menggunakan pendekatan simbolik menghasilkan pemahaman bahwa Amaterasu Oomikami dan lingkungan merupakan satu sistem hubungan dalam kebudayaan Jepang dimana satu sama lain saling terkait melalui seperangkat nilai dan tindakan.

The article indicate the interpenetration between Amaterasu Oomikami and environment within the Japanese thought. The protection of environment as a product of interpretation of Japanese culture in reciprocal relation is categorized by: the normative ? the real; the sacred ? the profane; supranatural world ? human world. The system classification is the product of knowledge from the Japanese way in seeing the world based on the classification of the inside (uchi) ? the outside (soto/yoso). This classification and its attributes produce differentiation between the inside ? the outside. The environment destruction is considered as disgrafuk and dirty action. Any violation should be given sanctions. The Japanese watch over their environment by following the pattern of jinja and tera maintainance. The purity of human behaviour is to protect the environment whilst dirty actions should be avoided. The Japanese view the environment in relevant to the religious belief as primordial as Amaterasu Oomikami the great ancestor of Japanese tenno. The belief in the sacred enfolds the life of the Japanese to nurture collective consciousness in every individual and groups in local, prefecture and nation-state hierarchically. Collective consciousness or solidarity in individuals is socialized by and within institutions in order to produce confirmity among individuals and with the environment. Interpretive method with symbolic approach produce the understanding of Amaterasu Oomikami and the environment as a system of relations in Japanese interpenetrated in the culture through a set of values and actions."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ike Iswary Lawanda
"Tulisan ini menunjukkan interpenetrasi antara Amaterasu Oomikami dan lingkungan dalam pemikiran orang Jepang. Perlindungan terhadap lingkungan sebagai produk interpretasi dengan kebudayaan Jepang dalam hubungan timbal balik adalah berdasarkan klasifikasi: yang normatif ? yang nyata; yang sakral ? yang profan; dunia gaib - dunia nyata. Sistem penggolongan merupakan produk dari pengetahuan orang Jepang memandang lingkungannya: golongan yang dalam (uchi) ? yang luar (soto/yoso). Penggolongan ini dan atributnya menjadi ciri pembeda antara yang dalam dengan yang luar. Perusakan lingkungan merupakan perbuatan yang memalukan dan perbuatan yang kotor. Pelanggaran terhadapnya dikenai sangsi. Orang Jepang menjaga lingkungannya sebagaimana pola tindakan mereka menjaga kuil Shinto (jinja) dan kuil budha (tera). Tindakan manusia yang murni adalah menjaga lingkungan sedangkan tindakan yang kotor adalah yang patut dihindari. Pandangan orang Jepang terhadap lingkungannya terkait dengan keyakinan keagamaan yang primordial yaitu Amaterasu Oomikami sebagai leluhur dari leluhur kaisar Jepang. Keyakinan terhadap yang sakral sebagai yang menyelimuti kehidupan masyarakat Jepang menanamkan kesadaran kolektif setiap individu dan kelompok dalam jenjang lokal, daerah, dan negara. Kesadaran kolektif atau solidaritas dalam diri orang per orang disosialisasikan melalui dan dalam institusi sehingga menghasilkan konfirmitas antara orang per orang dan orang dengan lingkungannya. Metode interpretif menggunakan pendekatan simbolik menghasilkan pemahaman bahwa Amaterasu Oomikami dan lingkungan merupakan satu sistem hubungan dalam kebudayaan Jepang dimana satu sama lain saling terkait melalui seperangkat nilai dan tindakan.

The article indicate the interpenetration between Amaterasu Oomikami and environment within the Japanese thought. The protection of environment as a product of interpretation of Japanese culture in reciprocal relation is categorized by: the normative ? the real; the sacred ? the profane; supranatural world ? human world. The system classification is the product of knowledge from the Japanese way in seeing the world based on the classification of the inside (uchi) ? the outside (soto/yoso). This classification and its attributes produce differentiation between the inside ? the outside. The environment destruction is considered as disgrafuk and dirty action. Any violation should be given sanctions. The Japanese watch over their environment by following the pattern of jinja and tera maintainance.. The purity of human behaviour is to protect the environment whilst dirty actions should be avoided. The Japanese view the environment in relevant to the religious belief as primordial as Amaterasu Oomikami the great ancestor of Japanese tenno. The belief in the sacred enfolds the life of the Japanese to nurture collective consciousness in every individual and groups in local, prefecture and nation-state hierarchically. Collective consciousness or solidarity in individuals is socialized by and within institutions in order to produce confirmity among individuals and with the environment. Interpretive method with symbolic approach produce the understanding of Amaterasu Oomikami and the environment as a system of relations in Japanese interpenetrated in the culture through a set of values and actions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tommy Patrio Sorongan
"Studi ini menganalisis proses Koevolusi yang terjadi antara Jepang sebagai Role Model dan Korea Selatan sebagai interaksor dalam Industri Elektronik Konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses koevolusi yang terjadi antara Jepang dan Korea Selatan sebagai interaksinya. Dalam studi ini, dua faktor yang akan dianalisis, yaitu Sistem Inovasi dan Organisasi Industri. Lebih lanjut, kajian ini akan merumuskan gagasan bagaimana suatu negara menerapkan model koevolusi dengan negara lain untuk memperkuat industrinya dan menjadi pemimpin pasar dunia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa New Product Development dikembangkan antara Korea Selatan dan Jepang dalam proses koevolusi, terutama pada Incremental Innovation dari produk itu sendiri. Dalam hal Organisasi Industri, koevolusi antara Jepang dan Korea Selatan mendorong kedua negara untuk mencari kebijakan terbaik untuk mempertahankan posisinya di pasar.

This study analyses the Coevolution process that happens between Japan as a Role Model and South Korea as the interactor in the Consumer Electronics Industry. This study aims to understand how the coevolution process happened between Japan and South Korea as the interactor. In this study, two factors are going to be analyzed, which are the Innovation System and Industrial Organization. Furthermore, this study would formulate the idea of how a country applies the coevolution model with other countries to strengthen their industry and become the leader in the world market. The result of this study revealed that New Product Development was developed between South Korea and Japan in the coevolution process, especially on the incremental innovation of the product itself. In terms of Industrial Organization, the coevolution between Japan and South Korea drove both countries to find their best policies to sustain their position in the market."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Aurelia Putri Dehars
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang berbagai bentuk ketidaksetaraan gender di Jepang dengan fokus utama adalah matahara atau maternity harassment yang terjadi di lingkungan kerja Jepang. Penulis menggunakan teori feminisme radikal untuk menganalisa bagaimana budaya masyarakat Jepang terkait dengan matahara. Analisis menunjukkan bahwa sistem patriarki dalam masyarakat Jepang bukan menjadi pemicu utama terjadinya matahara, tetapi faktor ekonomi lah yang menjadi faktor utama terjadinya matahara di perusahaan Jepang. Matahara dan ekonomi saling berhubungan karena matahara menyebabkan penurunan populasi dan menurunnya populasi menyebabkan ekonomi Jepang dalam kondisi stagnan.

This undergraduate thesis examines about forms of gender inequality in Japan and focusing on matahara or maternity harassment that happens on Japanese work environment. The writer uses radical feminism theories to analyze how Japanese culture relates with maternity harassment. The analysis shows that patriarchy in Japanese society is not the main cause of maternity harassment. It is economic factor which becomes the main factor of maternity harassment in Japanese companies. Maternity harassment and economy corresponds to each other because maternity harassment causes the declining of youth population and this declining population causes Japan economy stuck in a stagnant condition.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zaenudin
"Baduy sebagai sebuah objek ekowisata, membentuk jatidirinya melalui saling berpengaruhnya antara faktor-faktor pembentuk seperti keudayaan, masyarakat, alam, dan pariwisata hingga memunculkan suatu keunikan tersendiri. Keunikan tersebut, memerlukan wisatawan berkualitas yang memahami masyarakat lokal dengan segala adat istiadatnya dan mengerti kelestarian alam dengan segala problematikanya agar tercipta suatu kondisi yang saling menguntungkan diantara masyarakat lokal dan wisatawan. Karya penelitian ini berupaya melihat bagaimana ekowisata Baduy berjalan dengan berbagai faktor-faktor yang menyelimutinya. Hingga pada akhirnya bisa dinikmati masyarakat luas.

The Baduy as an ecotourism object, shapes itself within the mutual influence between the factors like culture, society, nature, and tourism. The mutual influence factors create the uniqueness of the Baduy. The uniqueness need high quality of tourist for understanding the local society and its local custom and to understand the environment of the nature with the all of the problematics. That qualification is the core of a win-win solution between local society as the owner of ecotourism object and the tourist. The result from this research is to show how the Baduy influenced by ecotourism work."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusti Putu Arysutha Negara
"Di Jepang terdapat kegiatan perisakan (bullying) di dalam dunia pendidikan yang dinamakan ijime. Faktor utama penyebab terjadinya ijime adalah keinginan untuk menghilangkan perbedaan di dalam kelompok. Korban akan terus mendapatkan tindakan ijime sampai mereka menghilangkan perbedaan mereka dengan siswa lain. Terlebih lagi pada masa kini ijime dapat terjadi di media sosial yang digunakan oleh sebagian besar remaja Jepang. Ijime di media sosial dapat memiliki efek yang lebih buruk bagi korban karena tindakan ijime tidak berhenti di sekolah, tetapi selalu mengikuti sang korban bahkan sampai ke rumah. Tekanan dari lingkungan bagi korban ijime untuk mengubah kepribadian korban agar menjadi sama dengan anggota lain di dalam lingkungan sosial dapat menimbulkan tekanan batin bagi korban. Bila tekanan batin yang dirasakan korban ijime dapat membuat korban absen untuk bersekolah dalam waktu lebih dari 30 hari, hal tersebut diidentifikasi di Jepang sebagai futoko. Bila solusi atas perilaku futoko yang dilakukan korban ijime tidak dapat ditemukan, maka perilaku futoko dapat berkembang menjadi perilaku hikikomori. Hikikomori adalah perilaku di mana seseorang menolak untuk keluar rumah selama lebih dari enam bulan. Tulisan ini akan menjelaskan perilaku ijime dan fenomena hikikomori yang muncul sebagai dampaknya. Kemudian tulisan ini akan mengkaji langkah-langkah yang ditempuh untuk meminimalisir ijime di dalam dunia pendidikan.

In Japan, there are confirmed cases of bullying in the education system which is given the term ijime. The main factor causing ijime is the will to remove any difference that exist within a certain group. The victim will be continuously given ijime until they remove any difference they have with the other students. Nowadays ijime could happen anywhere, including in social medias which is used by the majority of Japanese teenagers. Ijime in social medias could be worse for the victims as the ijime didnt stop at school, but follows the victim anywhere. The pressure from the environment for the ijime victims to conform their personality with the other members within their group could cause stress for the victims. The stress felt by the ijime victims could cause them to be absent from school for over 30 days which is named futoko in Japan. If the solution to the victims futoko behavior couldnt be found, the futoko behavior could develop into hikikomori. Hikikomori is a behavior in which someone refuses to get out from their homes from more than six months. This article will try to explain the ijime behavior and hikikomori that appear as its impact. After that, this article will study the steps that have been taken to reduce ijime and its impact to the victims of one."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Ananto Wahyu Widodo

Penerapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) di Indonesia tergolong masih tertinggal di banding Negara-negara ASEAN hal ini bisa dilihat dari pemenuhan pelaporan implementasi CSR oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia. Dalam lingkup ASEAN, Thailand adalah Negara yang penerapan CSRnya paling baik, oleh karena itu perlu dijadikan sebagai benchmark untuk perbaikan penerapan di Indonesia. Hasilnya adalah dari sisi regulasi, pendekatan yang diambil kedua Negara berbeda, dari sisi kultur, terdapat ketaatan yang tinggi terhadap keyakinan yang mendorong penerapan CSR di Thailand menjadi lebih baik, dan faktor lain yang memperkuat penerapan CSR di Thailand adalah keteladanan, konsistensi, dan pengaruh Raja terhadap praktik CSR.

The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Indonesia is still left behind compared to ASEAN countries, this can be seen from the fulfillment of reporting on CSR implementation by companies in Indonesia. In ASEAN Regional, Thailand is the country whereby the CSR impelentation is the best, therefore it need to be selected as a benchmark as to improve the implementation of CSR in Indonesia. The result is that from regulation aspect, both Thailand and Indonesia have different approaches, from cultural aspect, there is high adherence to the beliefs that drives CSR implementation in Thailand to be better and the last, and other factors that reinforce the implementation of CSR in Thailand among others are lead by example, consistency and the strong influence of the King on CSR practices.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Cinta merupakan perasaan suka terhadap orang lain yang dirasakan oleh
setiap manusia, yang eksistensinya tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kasih sayang.
Ketika seseorang merasakan cinta terhadap orang lain, kebahagiaan orang yang
dicintai merupakan prioritas utama bagi dirinya dibandingkan dengan
kebahagiaan dirinya sendiri. Dua orang yang saling mencintai, tentunya memiliki
latar belakang yang berbeda diantara keduanya, perbedaan itu mencakup banyak
hal diantaranya budaya, kebiasaan, dan sebagainya. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan
bahwa cinta dapat menyatukan perbedaan.
Komik My Darling is a Foreigner menceritakan percintaan antara wanita
Jepang, yang bernama Saori Oguri dengan Tony Laszlo, seorang pria
berkebangsaan Amerika. Cinta diantara Saori dan Tony, menyatukan perbedaan
cara berkomunikasi yang ada diantara mereka, dimana Saori mengimplementasi
aimai yang merupakan cerminan dari budaya komunikasi orang Jepang.
Sedangkan Tony, yang dibesarkan dengan latar belakang budaya Amerika,
menerapkan sikap pragmatis dalam cara berkomunikasinya., Love is a feeling of attraction towards others which the existence itself
cannot be seperated from affection. When a person feel loved towards others, the
happiness of loved ones became a top priority for them to be happy than
themselves. Two people who love each other, of course, have different
backgrounds between them, a difference that includes many things such as culture,
customs, and so on. So it can be concluded that love can unite the difference.
Comic of My Darling is a Foreigner tell romance between a Japanese
women, who is named Saori Oguri with Tony Laszlo, an American man. The love
between Saori and Tony where they unite by using different ways of
communications which Saori implemented the method of aimai that is a reflection
of Japanese communication culture. While Tony, who grew up with American
cultural background, applied a pragmatic attitude in the way of his communication.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Muslicha
Penurunan kualitas lingkungan terjadi karena kelalaian, ketidaktahuan dan tiadanya etika serta moral terhadap lingkungan. PLH penting diajarkan pada murid SD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis metode yang digunakan di Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH; dan (2) menganalisis metode yang efektif dalam mengajarkan PLH. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di
Sekolah Jepang Jakarta dan Bandung; dan sekolah penerima Adiwiyata di DKI Jakarta yaitu SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02, dan SDN Sungai Bambu 05 serta SDN Sungailiat 05. Responden berjumlah 72 orang guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang digunakan oleh guru Sekolah Jepang dan Sekolah Adiwiyata dalam mengajarkan PLH adalah metode ceramah, metode pengalaman langsung dan metode diskusi. Pemilihan metode mempertimbangkan tujuan pembelajaran, situasi dan kesiapan pengajar sendiri. Metode yang efektif digunakan untuk mengajarkan PLH di sekolah dasar Adiwiyata dan sekolah Jepang adalah metode pengalaman langsung, metode diskusi dan metode ceramah.

The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance, lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.;The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective., The degradation of environmental quality caused by human negligence, ignorance,
lack of ethics/moral towards the environment. Environmental education is a
significant subject to be taught to elementary students.The aims of this study are
(1) to analyze the teaching method on environmental education in Japanese
Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever Primary Schools; and (2) to analyze the effective
teaching method on environmental education. The method of this research is
quantitative method with descriptive analysis. The study has conducted in
Japanese Schools located in Jakarta (JJS) and Bandung (BJS); and Adiwiyata
achiever schools, which are SDN Klender 22, SDN Benhil 12, SDN Menteng 02,
and SDN Sungai Bambu 05 also SDN Sungailiat 03. There are 72 respondents.
The result shows that the teaching method used by the Japanese Schools and
Adiwiyata-achiever schools are lecture, discussion, and experiential methods. The
selection of teaching method is based on the criteria of the objectives of the study,
situation, and teacher itself. The teaching method on environmental education
used in Japanese Schools and Adiwiyata-achiever schools are experiential,
discussion and lecture methods considered most effective.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putra Nugraha
"Melihat peran penting karyawan sebagai sumber daya perusahaan dan fokus perusahaan untuk bertahan dalam persaingan membuat perusahaan perlu melakukan inovasi-inovasi sebagai competitive advantage perusahaan. Oleh karena itu penting bagi perusahaan mendukung karyawannya agar dapat memunculkan kreativitasnya dalam bekerja, yaitu dengan menciptakan lingkungan kerja kreatif.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara faktor-faktor pendorong dan penghambat kreativitas dari lingkungan kerja kreatif dengan keterikatan kerja. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling pada 50 konsultan yang bekerja di perusahaan konsultasi manajemen. Adaptasi alat ukur KEYS (Amabile, 2010) digunakan untuk mengukur lingkungan kerja kreatif dan adaptasi alat ukur Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) oleh Rukhmi (2011) digunakan untuk mengukur keterikatan kerja.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara faktor pendorong kreativitas dan keterikatan kerja (r=0,533; p<0.01), serta tidak terdapat hubungan antara faktor penghambat kreativitas dan keterikatan kerja (r=0,098; p>0.01). Dengan demikian perusahaan perlu untuk memperhatikan lingkungan kerja karyawan agar dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan keterikatan kerja mereka.

Seeing the important role of employees as the company's resources and focus the company to survive in the competition made the company needs to make these innovations as a competitive advantage the company. Then, it is important to support the company's employees to bring creativity to work by creating an environment that supports them to be creative.
This research was conducted to see whether there is a relationship between the stimulants and obstacles factor of work environment for creativity and work engagement. This study is quantitative research and using accidental sampling technique among 50 consultants who is working in management consulting firms. KEYS (Amabile, 2010) adapation is using to measure work environment for creativity and Utrecht Work Engagement Scales (UWES) by Rukhmi's (2011) adapation is using to measure work engagment.
The result of this study is that there is a positive and significant relationship between the stimulants factor of creativity and work engagement, (r = 0.533, p <0.01), and there is no relationship between the obstacle factor of creativity and work engagement. (r = 0.098, p> 0.01). Thus companies need to pay attention to the work environment of employees in order to increase their creativity and work engagement.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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