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Apryanti Sosilowati
"Dalam lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompleks dan cepat berubah, organisasi harus memikirkan kembali model bisnisnya. Pada penelitian ini dianalisis business model suatu perusahaan jasa konstruksi pada sektor migas dengan menggunakan sembilan elemen yaitu customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationship, revenue stream, key resource, key activities, key partnership, dan cost structure. Sejalan dengan ini, terhadap model bisnis yang telah dianalisis diharapkan dapat dilakukan business model extension dan integrated four elements sehingga menghasilkan model bisnis yang bersinergi dan terintegrasi dengan aktivitas proses bisnis perusahaan.

In an increasingly complex and fast-changing business environment, organizations have to rethink and revisit their business model. In this study analyzed the business model of a construction company in the oil and gas sector, using the nine elements; they are customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships and cost structure. In line with this, with respect to the analyzed business model is expected to be came the business model extension and integrated four elements which will result in a business model that synergized and integrated with the activities of the business processes of the company."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridha Renaldi
"Tesis ini merupakan business plan penyewaan alat berat yang dilakukan oleh Koperasi X dalam rangka menjadi menjadi penyedia jasa penyewaan alat berat kepada PT ABC, didalam business pkm ini dilakukan beberapa analisa tethadep bentuk struktur organisasi dan uraian tugaspenentuan harga serta aspek keuangan, Kesimpulan dari business plan ini ialah. investasi layak untuk dilakukan dengan syarat resiko operasional dapat dikelola dengan baik. mengingat resiko terbesar dari bisnis ini terkait dengan aktifitas dalam operasi berupa pengelolaan operator, perawatan terencana, keselamatan kerja.

This thesis is a business plan fur heavy equipment rental done by Koperasi X in order to become a business partner with PT ABC in heavy equipment rental, within this business plan there are several analysis done on organization structure and job description. pricing strategy and financial aspect Based on this business plan, we can conclude that this investment is worth to be done, as long as operational risk can be managed well. concerning that the highest risk associated with this business are management of operator, preventive maintenance and safety."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ma`mun Nurcholil
"Tesis ini membahas tentang rencana bisnis dalam mengembangkan divisi system integrator pada perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi solusi bisnis enterprise. Penulis mengharapkan dari tesis ini penulis dapat melakukan penilaian objektif terhadap pencapaian hingga saat ini, mendapatkan banyak informasi yang baik tentang perencanaan bisnis dan teori seputar daya saing, melakukan penilaian terhadap portfolio dan sumber daya manusia beserta kapabilitasnya, dan memikirkan strategi yang tepat untuk bisnis ini beberapa tahun berikutnya.
Kesimpulan dari rencana bisnis ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan saat ini sudah berada di jalan yang tepat, namun masih membutuhkan perbaikan manajemen. Menjalankan strategi bisnis dengan lebih fokus pemilihan portofolio dan alat pendukungnya, peningkatan dan pengembangan sumber daya manusia, dan rencana bagi pertumbuhan bertahap selaras dengan kemampuan untuk menjual dan penyerapan pasar, menjadi kunci untuk terus tumbuh dan mempunyai keunggulan kompetitif untuk tetap pemain terkemuka di bidang TI ini.

This thesis discusses a business plan in developing a system integrator division in the information technology companies engaged in enterprise business solutions. The author expect from this research, author can conduct an objective assessment of achievements to date, get a lot of good information about business planning and theory surrounding competitiveness, make an assessment of the portfolio and human resources and its capabilities, and consider the appropriate strategy for this business some next year.
The conclusion of this business plan turned out that their journey is so far was on the right path, but management still needs improvement. Running a business strategy with more focus portfolios election and its supporting tools, improvement and development of human resources, and plan for a gradual growth in harmony with the ability to sell and market absorption, becomes key to continuously grow and have a competitive advantage to remain a leading player in this IT field.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Made Diah Ayu Maitriwaruni
Studi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti dan menganalisis implementasi stakeholder mapping pada PT Sandoz Indonesia. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan manajemen tingkat atas perusahaan, tinjauan literatur, dan pengamatan peneliti selama magang di perusahaan. Studi penelitian ini adalah studi persepsi yang berarti bahwa pengelompokkan stakeholder pada satu perusahaan bisa saja berbeda dengan perusahaan lainnya. Berdasarkan penelitian atas stakeholder salience, ketergantungan stakeholder dengan perusahaan, power dan interest stakeholder, serta posisi stratejik stakeholder maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa stakeholder kunci dari perusahaan adalah konsumen, shareholder, manajemen, karyawan, regulator, Kementerian Kesehatan, distributor, dan Sandoz Global. Pengelolaan hubungan yang baik dengan stakeholder memberikan manfaat efisiensi baik biaya maupun aktifitas pengelolaan stakeholder, karena perusahaan dapat fokus menangani stakeholder yang utama. Dengan stakeholder mapping, perusahaan dapat menciptakan reputasi yang baik sebagai perusahaan yang peduli, dan dapat meningkatkan brand awareness dan customer loyalty sebagai bekal untuk menjamin keberlanjutan perusahaan.

, This study aims to investigate and analyze the implementation of stakeholder mapping in PT Sandoz Indonesia. Data collection was obtained through interview with top level management, literature review, and researcher’s observation during internship program.This study is a perception study which means classification of stakeholder in one company might be different with another company. According to assessment of stakeholder salience, stakeholder interdependence, stakeholder power and interest, and strategic position of stakeholder, it can be concluded that key stakeholder company are consumer, management, employee, regulatory, Kementerian Kesehatan, distributor, and Sandoz Global. Stakeholder mapping and management could give the company the advantage of efficiency, in cost, time and activities, in managing its important skaholders, with the limited resources it has. With stakeholders mapping, company could create and improve its good reputation, brand awareness and loyalty, and customers loyalty. All of those factors are needed for the sustainability of company.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anis Adinizam
"Focus penelitian ini adalah untuk menganlisa empat portofolio bisnis yang dikelola PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) yaitu Bisnis Ferry Komersial, Bisnis Ferry Keperintisan, Bisnis Pelabuhan Ferry dan Bisnis Usaha Aneka. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan merekomendasikan strategi level korporasi yang sesuai yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh perusahaan dengan tujuan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Strategi level korporasi merupakan hal yang mendasar karena menyangkut keseluruhan tujuan dan ruang lingkup organisasi, bagaimana nilai akan ditambahkan kepada bagian-bagian perusahaan yang berbeda dan akhirnya menciptakan nilai bagi pemegang saham.
Penelitan ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif-studi kasus dimana data diperoleh dari wawancara dengan manajemen korporasi dan manajer unit bisnis, laporan-laporan perusahaan, referensi buku, jurnal ilmiah dan materi publikasi lainnya. Konsep utama dalam analisis penelitian berdasarkan kerangka Corporate Parenting dari Goold, Campbell & Alexander (1994), Strategi Level Korporasi dari Coulter (2002) and Restrukturisasi dari Hill & Jones (2002). Analisis portofolio dengan kerangka Corporate Parenting mengidentifikasi tingkat kesesuaian antara kebutuhan unit bisnis dengan keahlian yang dimiliki perusahaan induk yang akan berdampak pada pembentukan nilai perusahaan atau penghancuran nilai perusahaan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis, Bisnis Ferry Komersial dan Bisnis Pelabuhan berada di wilayah Heartland dan strategi level korporasi terbaik adalah melalui Strategi Pertumbuhan, sementara Bisnis Ferry Keperintisan dan Usaha Aneka Jasa masing-masing berada di wilayah Value Trap dan Edge of Heartland dimana strategi terbaik adalah dengan Strategi Restrukturisasi. Namun, penelitian ini tidak secara lebih jauh mendiskusikan tentang strategi level bisnis untuk setiap unit bisnis dan bagaimana pelaksanaan strateginya. Terakhir, pendekatan penelitian yang sama perlu dilakukan untuk subjek perusahaan yang berbeda khusunya pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara.

The focus of this research is to analyze four business portfolio managed by PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) which are Commercial Ferry, Pioneer Ferry, Port Business and Auxiliary Business. The main objective is to identify and recommend suitable corporate level strategy that might be implemented by corporation in order to enhance value. Corporate level strategy is very fundamental because it concerns with overall purpose and scope of an organization, how value will be added to different part of the organization and finally create shareholder value.
The research was performed with qualititave-case study research where data collected from interview with corporate management and business unit manager, company?s reports, reference books, journal and publication.The main concept in research analysis is base on Corporate Parenting Framework of Goold, Campbell & Alexander (1994), Corporate Level Strategy of Coulter (2002) and Restructuring from Hill & Jones (2002). Portfolio analysis using Corporate Parenting Framework is identifying the level of fitness between business unit needs and corporate parent skills that will affect corporate?s value creating or value destroying.
Based on analysis, Commercial Ferry and Port Business are in Heartland area which best corporate strategy is Growth, while Pioneer Ferry and Auxiliary Business is each in Value Trap and Edge of Heartland area which best strategy is Restructuring. However this research does not further discuss about business level strategy for each business and it implementation. Lastly, same approach of research is need to be conducted to another subject of corporate parenting strategy especially for stated-owned company.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandytia Dwi Putra
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai analisis model bisnis cloud hospital information system. PT Buana Varia Komputama adalah perusahaan yang sudah lama terlibat dalam sistem informasi rumah sakit, sejak tahun 2000. Cloud hospital information system adalah rencana produk software baru dari PT Buana Varia Komputama yang membutuhkan model bisnis. Tesis ini menganalisis model bisnis yang dapat digunakan untuk rencana produk cloud hospital information system tersebut serta membahas langkah-langkah pembuatan model bisnis untuk produk tersebut.

This thesis explores the design of the business model for cloud hospital information system. PT Buana Varia Komputama is an Indonesian company that has been involved in hospital information system software for a long time, since year 2000. Cloud hospital information system is a planned new software product from PT Buana Varia Komputama that needs business model. This thesis analyzes the usable business model for the planned cloud hospital information system product and discusses the steps of the creation of the business model for that product.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernardus Erry Nugroho
"Driven by the challenging business environment as to the commoditization of voice services, the rise of mobile broadband technology and the changes in the competition landscape telecom operators are at the urgent need to redefine their business model. This thesis discussed the business model transformation of telecom operator by taking a case of PT. XYZ. The study was a qualitative study. The result of the study showed the success of PT. XYZ in adopting new business model in the broadband era as a basis for the company?s long term growth. However the study also found that the revenue growth from the broadband was still insufficient to compensate the declining growth of voice revenue. The study further suggested PT. XYZ to engage in the innovation industry to secure its sustainability."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Natalia
Business Model is a framework on how a company runs its business that can give value in every aspects of the business, from its suppliers, customers, partners, employees and even to the environment. This thesis firstly discuss on how the Zircon mining company struggle from the unorganized business process that could become the obstacle in order for the company to growth. Using The Business Model Canvas - Nine Building Blocks established by Osterwaider and Pigneur that can be applied to the Zircon mining industry in West Kaliinantan, the business model can assist the Zircon mining industry in West Kalimantan to enhance its business and keeping track in the Zircon market. This study is done using qualitative research. The research of this thesis shows that Business Model Canvas - Nine Building Blocks that evaluate the company business process from difference aspects such as customer segments, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, key resources, key activities, key partnership, revenue streams and cost structures can be tools to create a suitabie business model that help the company enhancing its business process."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogi Sukmono
"Produk furnitur Indonesia memiliki keunikan tersendiri yang tak kalah bersaing dengan produk furnitur impor, namun karena faktor keterbatasan bahan baku terutama kayu yang selama ini merupakan bahan utama pembuatan furnitur membuat nilai ekspor di dunia internasional tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan akan permintaan yang ada. Keterbatasan bahan baku ini diakibatkan oleh maraknya ekspor illegal logging dan isu eco labeling. Dengan melihat adanya demand terhadap produk furnitur Indonesia di pasar internasional yang tinggi, namun terhambat karena keterbatasan bahan bakunya. PT XYZ memberanikan diri untuk masuk ke dalam kancah industry furnitur di Indonesia dengan konsep yang berbeda dengan mengusung 'Bramante Furniture' sebagai brand image-nya. Konsep ini tercermin dalam penggunaan bambu laminasi sebagai bahan baku produk furnitur PT XYZ. Dengan menggunakan bahan baku yang lebih ramah lingkungan, maka akan mengurangi illegal logging serta mendukung isu eco labeling yang sedang marak terjadi. PT XYZ adalah sebuah usaha bisnis yang bergerak di industry furnitur dengan status berbadan hukum, dimana pemiliknya berjumlah tiga orang, yaitu Fajar Hudhiarto, Ferry Dianda dan Bogi Sukmono (penulis business plan). Analisa industry dengan menggunakan Porter's Five Forces Model, menunjukkan bahwa persaingan industry ini semakin ketat dengan hadirnya produk furnitur impor seperti Da Vinci, Vivere, Veranda dan lain-lain yang juga membidik kalangan menengah atas. Namun, saat ini persaingan lebih bersifat fragmented, dimana para produsen memiliki pasar masing-masing dengan karakter konsumen yang berbeda. Hal ini memberikan sebuah peluang akan masuknya ide baru yang memberikan nuansa diferensiasi yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Strategi bisnis yang digunakan oleh PT XYZ adalah diferensiasi focus. Hal ini tercermin dalam penggunaan bahan bakunya yang berbeda dengan para pesaingnya, desain furniture yang dapat disesuaikan dengan selera konsumen serta dalam hal penyediaan layanan kepada konsumen. Produk furnitur PT XYZ diposisikan sebagai furniture yang memiliki desain mewah, ramah lingkungan serta kualitas tinggi setara dengan produk furnitur yang berbahan baku kayu jati. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan operationalnya, Bramante Furniture memiliki dua lokasi. Lokasi pertama bertempat di Ciganjur sebagai kantor pusat yang memiliki fasilitas showroom, manufacturing, storage, desain dan lain-lain. Lokasi kedua berada di Ruko ITC Fatmawati. Untuk di lokasi kedua, hanya memiliki fasilitas penunjang yaitu tempat penjualan. Kami memilih Fatmawati sebagai tempat untuk membuka showroom, karena daerah tersebut dekat dengan kawasan perumahan menengah atas di Jakarta. Dalam pengaturan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki, PT XYZ memiliki budaya organisasi innovation, commit to excellence, integrity, clean and healthiness, dan terakhir process and result oriented. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar setiap karyawan PT XYZ memiliki kompetensi tinggi yang mampu bekerja sesuai dengan visi, misi dan tujuan perusahaan. Strategi keuangan PT XYZ diarahkan pada optimalisasi alokasi dana investasi dengan sasaran memberikan tingkat pengembalian biaya modal bagi para pemilik modal. Adapun penentuan risk premium ditentukan berdasarkan besarnya Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia (SBI). Sedangkan untuk analisa kelayakan digunakan tiga metode, yaitu Net Present Value (NPV), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), dan Discounted Payback Ratio. Berdasarkan analisa keuangan, diperoleh bahwa PT XYZ membutuhkan initial outlay sebesar Rp,-. NPV yang diperoleh bernilai positif sebesar Rp 13.318.011.097,- dengan MIRR 51% yang berada di atas biaya modal 23.02%.

ndonesia's furniture has their uniqueness that can compete with others product furniture from foreign countries. However, because of the rareness of raw material especially woods, the percentage of the total furniture that can be export can't fulfill the international demand. This restrictiveness of raw material are caused by the issue of illegal logging and eco labeling. By seeing the high demand of Indonesia's furniture in international market, but blocked by the limitation of their raw material, PT XYZ take the liberties of this condition to enter furniture industry with differential concept tahat using Bramante Furniture as their brand image. This concept is reflected on the usage of laminated bamboo as raw material of PT XYZ's products. With the usage of the raw material that we call environmental friendly, can reduce illegal logging and also supporting the government with the eco labeling issued. PT XYZ is a corporate business that participate in furniture industry, and the owners of this corporate are Fajar Hudhiarto, Ferry Dianda, and Bogi Sukmono (as the writer). In industry analysis that using Five Porter's Model, shows that the competition in this industry are high. It caused by the existing of import's furniture such as Da Vinci, Vivere, Veranda and so on. However, the competition nowadays is more fragmented. Where those producer has their own market with their different customers. From this point, we can find an opportunity that can come with a new idea that can produce differentiate atmosphere from previous. PT XYZ using differentiate focus as their business strategy. It reflect on the usage of its raw material that different from other competitors, the design that can be personalized with the needs of each customers, and also in the service that given to the customers. The positioning of PT XYZ's products is as a furniture with luxurious design, environmental friendly and also has a high quality product as teak's furniture. In running the corporate operational activities, PT XYZ has two location. The first one is located on Ciganjur. It acts as a head office, and the facilities are showroom, manufacturing or workshop area, storage, house of design and so on. And the second one is located on Ruko ITC Fatmawati. In planning the needs of human resource, PT XYZ has corporate culture that can support the activity of organization. They are innovation, commit to excellence, integrity, clean and healthiness, process and result oriented. This culture are be intended so that each staff has high competency that can to work They are Net Present Value (NPV), Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR), and Discounted Payback Ratio. According to the calculation, PT XYZ requires initial outlay as high as Rp,-. NPV got positive value with Rp 13.318.011.097,- , and MIRR 51% that exceed the cost of capital 23.02%based on the vision, mission and company objective. The financial strategy of this company is the optimalization of the allocation of invested fund, with the objective higher return compare to cost of capital to the owners. The determination of risk premium is based on the level of BI rate (SBI). To analyze the feasibility of its investment are using three method."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mulyani Pratiwi
"Pada tahun fiskal 2019, Panasonic Automotive and Industrial System mengalami penurunan pada operating profit sebesar 1,4% yakni mengalami kerugian sebesar 37 milyar yen atau sekitar 4,8 triliun rupiah yang dikarenakan pengembangan bisnis otomotif terkait. Sehingga permintaan kapasitor meningkat dan target Business Plan meningkat. Namun, variasi yang terjadi pada proses produksi di PICID menyebabkan sulitnya
tercapai Business Plan selama 4 tahun terakhir. Selaras dengan perumusan strategi Lifestyle Updates oleh Panasonic pusat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini yakni melalui rancangan program Smart Factory. Analisis kesenjangan tertera pada dokumen project meeting di PICID yang terdiri dari tiga kategori permasalahan, yaitu masalah Integrated Supply Planning (ISP), masalah yield drop atau variasi, dan masalah proyek-proyek yang tidak tercapai benefit nya. Dari data tersebut memperlihatkan masalah dominan terletak pada proyek-proyek yang tidak tercapai benefit nya. Banyak proyek-proyek pada program Smart Factory secara dadakan dan tidak masuk didalam portofolio yang dirancang selama satu tahun, hal ini terjadi karena tidak adanya manajemen program. Permasalahan tersebut diselesaikan dengan perancangan model manajemen program yang berdasarkan best practice internasional utama dari Axelos dan PMI. Dalam menganalisis manajemen program, desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui pelaksanaan wawancara, studi dokumen, dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap tujuh pakar. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis konten untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi. Hasil analisis kemudian didiskusikan dengan perusahaan untuk mencapai bagaimana manajemen program yang sesuai best practice dan acuan standar Managing Successful Programme (MSP) dari Axelos (2020) dan Standard for Program Management (SPgM) dari PMI (2017c). Sehingga program yang berjalan dapat selaras dengan strategi perusahaan dan
mencapai target BP. Hasil dari peneltian ini berupa rancangan model manajemen program untuk proyek-proyek Smart Factory untuk keselarasan strategi Lifestyle Updates. Keluaran model juga berupa rekomendasi serta hubungan-hubungannya yang meliputi keselarasan strategi, manajemen benefit, tata kelola, keterlibatan stakehoilder, program lifecycle, struktur organisasi dan peran PMO, serta hubungan kapabilitas dengan pola dasar sistem. Adapun domain lensa dikaji pula melalui model 3 lensa, yaitu: prinsip-prinsip, tema-tema, dan proses dari program lifecycle. Dengan diimplementasikannya model manajemen program yang sesuai dengan rekomendasi penelitian ini, maka harapannya PT PICID dapat mencapai target business plan sesuai yang telah ditentukan.

In fiscal year 2019, operating profit at Panasonic Automotive and Industrial System was decreased by 1.4%, which was a loss of 37 billion yen or around 4.8 trillion rupiah due to the development of automotive business. So that the demand for capacitors increases and the Business Plan target increases. However, variations in the production process at PICID have made it difficult to achieve the Business Plan for the last 4 years. In line with the Lifestyle Updates strategy formulation by the central Panasonic to solve this problem, namely through the design of the Smart Factory program. The gap analysis is listed in the project meeting document at PICID which consists of three problem categories, there are Integrated Supply Planning (ISP) problems, problems with yield drop or variation, and problems with projects for which benefits are not achieved. From these data, it shows that the dominant problem lies in the projects that have not achieved the benefits. Many projects in the Smart Factory program are impromptu and are not included in the portfolio designed for one year, this happens because there is no program management. These problems are resolved by designing a program management model based on the main international best practices from Axelos and PMI. In analyzing program management, the research design used a qualitative approach, data was collected through conducting interviews, document study, and observation. Interviews were conducted with seven experts. The data obtained were then analyzed using content analysis to obtain recommendations. The results of the analysis are then discussed with the company to achieve how program management is in accordance with best practices and the standard reference for the Managing Successful Program (MSP) from Axelos (2020) and the Standard for Program Management (SPgM) from PMI (2017c). So that the running program can be in line with the company's strategy and achieve BP's targets. The results of this research are program management model design for Smart Factory projects to align the Lifestyle Updates strategy. The model output also takes the form of recommendations and relationships which include strategic alignment, benefit management, governance, stakeholder involvement, lifecycle programs, organizational structure and the role of PMO, as well as the relationship between capabilities and the system's archetype. The lens domain is also studied through a 3-lens model, namely: the principles, themes, and processes of the program lifecycle. With the implementation of a program management model in accordance with the recommendations of this study, it is hoped that PT PICID can achieve the business plan targets as determined."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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