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Simatupang, Rossa Turpuk Gabe
"Penelitian ini berupaya mencari makna baru pasar tradisional dalam konteks lokal di kota-kota di Indonesia yang telah mengalami perubahan makna, dengan mengungkap hibriditas yang terjadi di dalam pasar tersebut. Salah satu pemicu hibriditas dalam pasar tradisional adalah berbagai faktor sosial budaya yang berbeda-beda pada tiap stukturasi masyarakat tertentu. Fokus pengamatan ditujukan pada kecenderungan internal (pelaku/agen) dan keadaan eksternal, sebagai aspek yang mempengaruhi tindakan sosial serta keterkaitannya dengan ruang yang terbentuk.
Metode yang dipilih adalah grounded research, yang artinya proses penelitian dilakukan di level paling "dasar" tanpa suatu hipotesis terlebih dulu. Selanjutnya tesis akan disusun diakhir analisis. Fokus utama adalah untuk mengungkap detail dari fenomena spasial dan kegiatan yang terkait nilai budaya "liyan" yang belum secara jernih terungkap (atau sebelumnya belum ada). Penelitian yang sesuai untuk tujuan penelitian adalah studi kasus yang mengambil tempat di Pasar Kemiri Muka Depok.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ruang hibrid muncul dalam dimensi-dimensi yang tidak terlihat secara kasat mata. Dimensi-dimensi tersebut tidak terpisahkan dari berbagai faktor sosial budaya masyarakat lokalnya. Secara mikro, aspek internal pasar tradisional menunjukkan suatu nilai/budaya baru yang terbentuk dari hubungan sistem-sistem sosial yang saling mengikat dan tidak terpisahkan. Ide hibriditas memberikan pemahaman akan kebertahanan ruang tradisional di tengah-tengah modernitas dalam globalisasi. Pada kasus ini, kebertahanan pasar tradisional dalam perekonomian perkotaan.

This research tried to identify a new definition for traditional market in context of local cities in Indonesia which have had a transformation in contextual meaning, by discovering hybridity that occured at those markets. Socio-cultural factor that diverse on every constitution of society is a factor which develop hybridity on traditional markets. The research focus is on internal (actor/agent) and external aspects which influence social acts and their corelation to the formed space.
The research was done by using grounded research method, therefore the research was perfomed on the basic level without using a prior hypothesis. In addition, the thesis statement will be stated at the end of the analysis. The main focus of the research is to reveal the detail of spatial phenomena and activities which relate to ?other? cultural aspects that have not been defined literally (the definition has not exist before).
Indeed, hybrid spaces are formed in the dimensions which cannot be visualised directly. The dimensions are not separated from social cultural factors inside local people. From micro perspektif, internal aspects of traditional market show a new value/culture which formed from the relation between social system which relate each other. The hybridity idea gives an understanding of sustainability of traditional space in the midle of modernization and globalization, in this case the sustainability of traditional market in modern cities.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Utami
"Penyelenggaraan sektor perdagangan di Kota Depok mengalami banyak permasalahan selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Salah satu faktor yang melatarbelakangi permasalahan tersebut adalah peranan Pemerintah Kota Depok yang belum maksimal terutama dalam mengatur pertumbuhan pasar modern dan pengelolaan terhadap pasar tradisional.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan mekanisme perizinan pasar modern dan kondisi pasar tradisional saat ini, serta menjelaskan peran Pemerintah Kota Depok dalam pengelolaan pasar tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan Pemerintah Kota Depok tidak dijalankan secara optimal dalam pengelolaan pasar tradisional. Pemerintah Kota Depok cenderung pro terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah pasar modern. Hal ini bertolak belakang dengan kondisi pasar tradisional yang memiliki berbagai permasalahan. Dengan demikian, penyelenggaraan pasar tradisional masih jauh dari yang diharapkan.

Trade sector in Depok has many problems for this recent years. A factor that make those problems happen is the role from the local government has not yet maximal, especially in organizing modern markets and managing traditional markets.
The purpose of this research is to describe the mechanism for license of modern markets, to describe the conditions of traditional markets nowadays, and to know how far the role from the local government in managing traditional markets. This research's approach is qualitative with method of depth interview and document study.
The result of this research is the local government did not fully execute their role in managing traditional markets. The local government tend to take side on the growth of modern markets. Those phenomenon is contrary with the condition of traditional markets that has so many problems. Thus, the implementation of traditional markets is far below expectation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firda Diba Fauzia Anisah
"Pasar tradisional sebagai pusat aktivitas masyarakat Jawa yang bernuansa ramai berisi orang-orang yang hanya sekedar mengobrol maupun sedang bertransaksi seketika berubah menjadi kluster Covid-19. Kajian ini mengeksplorasi tentang pasar tradisional Bantul yang sedang bergejolak oleh pandemi Covid-19 melalui identifikasi dampak yang muncul akibat pandemi-19 dan mengetahui langkah-langkah yang diambil para pedagang. Pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumen, studi literatur, observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada lurah pasar dan beberapa pedagang seperti pedagang sayur, pedagang buah, pedagang ayam dan pedagang rempah-rempah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) dampak yang timbul akibat pandemi Covid-19 diantaranya daya beli turun, pasar menjadi sepi, adanya kebijakan baru operasional pasar, distribusi terhambat, stock dagangan yang berkurang dan penghapusan aktivitas budaya masyarakat Jawa (syukuran dan hajatan); (2) pilihan-pilihan ketahanan para pedagang pasar dalam mengatasi dampak pandemi Covid-19 melibatkan berbagai aspek pertimbangan seperti sosial-budaya, kesehatan dan ekonomi. Ketahanan mengindikasikan proses kompromi dari dampak dan proses usaha-usaha pedagang untuk melewati guncangan pandemi yang berpengaruh pada hajat hidup mereka. Gagasan ini berdasarkan pada kepercayaan, norma, nilai, hubungan sesama kaitannya dengan physical distancing dan sedikit dorongan mengejar materi yang tercermin pada orientasi hidup para pedagang, lensa budaya dan spiritual dalam memahami musibah ini, keputusan penyesuaian harga dan jumlah stok barang dan keputusan lurah pasar.

The traditional market as the center of the Javanese community consist of people who are doing conversation with each other and transaction instantly have been changing into a cluster of Covid-19. This study explored the turbulency of Bantul Traditional Market which was caused by the Covid-19 pandemic through identifying the impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic and knowing the steps taken by traditional traders. This study collected data through document studies, literature studies, observations, and in-depth interviews with the official chief of the traditional market and several traders such as vegetable traders, fruit traders, chicken traders, and spice traders. The results showed that (1) the impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic included, the market became quiet, the existence of new market operational policies, hampered distribution, low amount of stock, and the elimination of Javanese cultural activities (thanksgiving, and celebration); (2) the rational choices of market traders involved various aspects of consideration such as socio-cultural, health and economic. Resilience indicated compromises process of the impact and traders' efforts to get through the pandemic Covid-19 turbulency that affected their livelihoods. The idea of resilience was based on beliefs, norms, values, relationships with others related to physical distancing and a little encouragement to pursue material which is reflected in the life orientation of traditional traders, cultural and spiritual lenses in understanding this disaster, decisions to adjust prices and the amount of stock, and decisions of the chief traditional marke"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Hidayat
"Selain pendapatan dari sewa daerah, perolehan pendapatan untuk agenda mendukung pelaksanaan otonomi daerah juga ditopang dari pendapatan sektor retribusi daerah. Retribusi daerah sangat beragam jenisnya dan semakin diperlukan dalam agenda inklusi kas daerah. Jenis retribusi terbagi dalam beberapa jenis yaitu retribusi pelayanan umum, retribusi pelayanan khusus, dan retribusi pelayanan perizinan terpilih. Menurut jenis retribusi pasar termasuk jenis retribusi pelayanan umum. Dalam konteks penelitian, pasar adalah atau sarana sarana prasarana perkotaan untuk memungut retribusi daerah serta penerimaan-penerimaan lain yang bersifat penyertaan bagi suatu daerah. Dalam upaya ini suatu pasar harus mempunyai fasilitas dan pendukung khusus yang dapat dipungut pembayaran/retribusinya karena pemanfaatan sarana. Penulisan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dan dari jenis penelitiannya termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif yang menggambarkan bagaimana kebijakan pengelolaan retribusi di Pasar Kemiri Muka Kota depok. Sedangkan dari segi waktu yang dihadapi termasuk jenis penelitian Cross-Sectional. Berdasarkan teknik pengumpulan data termasuk penelitian lapangan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode: observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan pengelolaan retribusi pasar yang ada di Pasar Kemiri Muka Kota Depok belum efektif. Belum efektifnya dilihat dari indikator kurang baiknya semua pedagang dalam membayar retribusi yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Mengingat pelaksanaan kebijakan yang belum efektif, maka pengelolaan retribusi dalam pengelolaannya harus disesuaikan dengan peraturan yang ada. Namun dari aspek observasi yang ada di pasar ini telah berjalan dan terdapat mekanisme tersendiri dalam pelaksanaannya, seperti metode observasi tes petik. Yang mana adanya pengawasan seperti ini juga harus dipertahankan untuk mencegah kesalahan baik yang dilakukan petugas maupun kesalahan yang tidak disengaja.

Besides eamings of local lease, acquirement of earnings for the agenda of supporting execution of area autonomy is also supported from earnings of area retribution sector. Very immeasurable area retribution of type and was progressively required for the agenda of inclusion for area cash. Retribution type devided in there type that is public service retribution, special service retribution, and selected licensing service retribution. According to the type of market retribution of including public service retribution type. In research context, market is or medium of prasarana urban to collect area retibution and also other acceptance which is inclusion for an area. In the effort this is a market have to have especial facilities and supporter able to be collected by his payment /retribution of because exploiting of medium. Writing of this research use approach quantitative, and from the research type of the including descriptive research type which depict how to policy of management to retribution in Kemiri Muka Market of depok Town. Where as from the time faced of the including type research of Cross-Sectional. Pursuan at data collecting tecnique of including research of field. Technique data collecting of conducted by there metods: observation, interview, and documentation study. Research result indicate that policy of management of market retribution which in Kemiri Muka Market of Depok Town not yet effective. Not yet effective of him seen from indicator less him all merchants in paying retribution which disagree with by law. Considering execution of policy which not yet effective, hence managemant of retribution ought to ought in the management of have to be adapted for existing regulation. But from observation aspect which in this market have walked and there is separate mechanism in execution of him, like method observation of test pluck. Which existence of observation like this also have to be defended to prevent mistake either by officer and or unintended mistake."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Supangkat, Budiawati
"Studi ini tentang respon para perempuan pedagang dalam dinamika pasar tradisional di kawasan perkotaan Ujung Berung, Bandung, dan sebab akibat respon tersebut terkait dengan usaha mereka dan dengan pasar sebagai tempat usaha mereka. Pendekatan berorientasi aktor yang dipakai dalam studi ini, melihat perempuan pedagang yang hidup dan harus menghidupi dua dunia, yakni rumah tangganya dan pasar. Penelitian ini menggabungkan metode kualitatif untuk mengkaji respon-respon perempuan pedagang tersebut, dan metode kuantitatif untk mendapatkan profil demografis pedagang pasar sebagai landasan pemilihan informan.
Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa tipe-tipe perubahan di Pasar Ujung Berung ditanggapi dengan cara berbeda-beda oleh perempuan pedagang. Urbanisasi Ujung Berung yang terus menerus meningkatkan jumlah dan keragaman populasi, dan mengubah pasar Ujung Berung dari pasar lokal menjadi pasar transisi, ditanggapi sebagai hal yang relatif menguntungkan karena meningkatkan 'pasar'. Namun kebijakan relokasi pasar dan pertumbuhan retail modern di sekitar pasar dilihat sebagai ancaman serius bagi eksistensi pasar maupun usaha para perempuan pedagang, dan memunculkan respon politik maupun adaptasi ekonomi seperti diversifikasi komoditi, perpanjangan waktu berjualan, dan memanfaatkan sistem konsinyasi atau komisi dalam pengadaan komoditi. Dampak krisis moneter berupa kenaikan harga direspon dengan mengurangi volume komoditi dan memperbanyak konsinyasi; sedangkan dampak lain berupa persaingan dengan mantan buruh industri yang menjadi pedagang, direspon dengan mengurangi aspek personal dalam berjualan, dan meniru modus pesaing dengan berjualan menghampiri konsumen di pasar luar. Kebakaran yang merusak usaha diatasi dengan pendayagunaan berbagai sumber modal, dan mendorong perempuan terlibat dalam tindakan kolektif untuk membangun kembali usaha dan mengantisipasi bahaya serupa di masa mendatang.
Dari kasus empat tipe perempuan pedagang terlihat adanya otonomi perempuan pedagang atas ruang usaha, termasuk pada perempuan yang bermitra dagang bersama suami. Nilai 'mencari keuntungan' di pasar menguatkan otonomi perempuan pedagang dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis, baik untuk kelanjutan atau pengembangan usaha dagangnya maupun memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga. Otonomi mereka di pasar merupakan landasan bagi adaptabilitas perempuan pedagang dalam mempertahankan usahanya masing-masing maupun mempertahankan pasar.Pasar tradisional akan selalu penting bagi mereka, karena selain merupakan ruang penghidupan yang memberikan otonomi, juga merupakan tempat kerja yang luwes untuk memadukan tugas produksi dan reproduksi sosial.

This study is emphasized on the responses of woman traders in an urban traditional market in Ujung Berung Bandung, and the effect of such responses to their enterprises and to the traditional market. The study uses actor oriented approach which sees women in their two worlds, namely the marketplace and the household. The method of this study combines qualitative approach to explore processes and actors meanings to changes which have been occurring, and a survey to obtain demographic profile of market traders and determine the categorization of women traders to be selected as informants in the case study.
The result of study shows that various changes in Ujung Berung have been differently responded by woman traders. The urbanization process which has been occurring in Ujung Berung since a long time ago has seeing enough time woman traders to able to slowly adapt to the increase of customers and various commodities are more or less normally face. It starts with increasing intervention of the city government planning to relocate the marketplace and growth of the modern retails occurred in surrounding the Ujung Berung market has been seen as strength forwomen traders. The monetary crisis which has affected in increasing various good prices has been responded by decreasing commodity volumes and increasing consignment. Another impact of monetary crisis namely former laborers who have become competitor for market traders has been responded by decreasing personal approach in buying and selling, and imitating the operation of the competitor by trading in the outer marketplace. The repeatedly fire in market has been responded to by woman traders by making efficient use of various capital to rebuild their business, and organizing in preventing or minimizing impacts of the fires. The market has also been known as women's domain.
The four cases of women traders shown that those women have an autonomy domain. Although a women traders run her business with her husband but in principally she got more power to do what is the best for herself. The ability of women to take a decision and to flourished strategies in her domain means that women traders got an autonomy. Therefore women's trader can carry on with hers business and make more money to fulfill her business. Especially if a husband, could not make enough money for his family, then women trader will cover the whole expenditure of the household. Women traders adaptibility can survive in their trading in market. In addition, this influence on Ujung Berung market, the market will be survive. Based on their autonomy, the woman traders have tried to undertaking various activities continuously to make money to fulfill their household necessities.If the time of trading affair coincides with that of the household affair, various social reproductions which are usually continuously done in the household scope is moved or handled in the market.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erliana Nurul Anggraeni
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
pelaksanaan peraturan daerah kota surakarta nomor 1 tahun 2010 tentang pengelolaan
dan perlindungan pasar tradisional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat
deskriptif dan dilihat dari manfaatnya penelitian ini termasuk pada penelitian murni
karena dilakukan dalam rangka memberikan pengetahuan teoritis secara mendasar.
Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Dinas Pengelolaan Pasar Kota Surakarta. Jenis data yang
dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik
pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui wawancara mendalam dengan
Narasumber yang berkompeten dan berkaitan dengan pengelolaan pasar di kota
Surakarta dan studi kepustakaan melalui berbagai literatur meliputi buku-buku ilmiah,
peraturan perundang-undangan, dan bahan kepustakaan lainnya yang memiliki
keterkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti. Analisis data yang digunakan oleh
peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, dimana
dalam model tersebut terdapat tiga alur kegiatan yang terjadi secara bersamaan yakni
reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Berdasarkan
penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi
kebijakan/pelaksanaan peraturan daerah kota surakarta nomor 1 tahun 2010 tentang
pengelolaan dan perlindungan pasar tradisional meliputi Standar dan Sasaran Kebijakan,
Sumber daya, Karakteristik Agen Pelaksana, Sikap/Kecenderunga n (Disposition) para
Pelaksana, Komunikasi Antarorganisasi dan Aktivitas Pelaksana, Lingkungan Ekonomi
Sosial dan Politik, Respeknya Anggota Masyarakat pada Otoritas dan Keputusan
Pemerintah, dan Adanya Sanksi Hukum.

This Reserach was purposed to analyze the factors that influence the implementation of
Surakarta Local Government Act 2012 Chapter 1 About the management and preservation of
traditional market. This was descriptive research included on pure research that was carried out
to give theoritical knowledge fundamentally. The location of this research was conducted in
Public Market Management Office of Surakarta. There were primary and secondary data used in
this researh. Technique of colecting data was conducted through dept-interview with the
competent informant, literature studies by using some scientific books, statutory act, and other
resourches related to the issue. Data analysis adopted the framework developed by Miles and
Huberman (1994) that described the major phases of data analysis consists of data reduction,
data display, and conclusion drawing as well as verification. The result of this research shows
that there are some factors that influence the implementation of Surakarta Local Government
Act 2012 Chapter 1 About the management and preservation of traditional market, namely
target and standard market, resourches, the implementer characteristics, Disposition of the
implementer, inter organizational communication and the implementer activity, Social Economy
and Political Environment. Besides, how the society do respect toward the authority and
Government?s decision, as well as the existence of legal sanctions can be also an important
factors that influence the implementation of Surakarta Local Government Act 2012 Chapter 1
About the management and preservation of traditional market."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Najmah Muhammad Kuddah
Di Indonesia, kubis sering dikonsumsi mentah sebagai lalapan, hal ini dapat meningkatkan kejadian infeksi parasit usus. Adanya asumsi masayarakat mengenai perbedaan kebersihan antara sayuran dari pasar tradisional dan swalayan. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian mengenai prevalensi kontaminasi parasit usus pada sayuran kubis di pasar tradisional dan swalayan Jakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi potong lintang analitik observasional. Sampel sayuran kubis yang berasal dari 20 pasar tradisional dan 20 pasar swalayan Jakarta. 100 gram kubis dari setiap sampel direndam selama 24 jam dengan larutan garam jenuh. Air rendaman disaring kemudian disentrifugasi (teknik sedimentasi). Hasil endapan dilihat dibawah mikroskop untuk identifikasi kontaminasi parasit usus jenis STH dan protozoa. Didapatkan 100% kubis di pasar tradisional dan 90% di pasar swalayan positif terkontaminasi parasit usus. Total jumlah parasit usus yang ditemukan 3530/mL(55,5% pasar tradisional, 44,5% pasar swalayan). Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna antara kontaminasi parasit usus di pasar tradisional dan swalayan(p< 0,05). Telur A.lumbricoides terbanyak ditemukan di kedua jenis pasar. Penggunaan larutan garam jenuh sebagai media perendaman bermakna dibandingkan dengan air sebagai kontrol (p<0,05). Dengan demikian, jenis pasar tempat menjual sayuran kubis bermakna terhadap kontaminasi parasit usus.

In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study. Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets. The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.;In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study.
Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets.
The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites., In Indonesia, cabbage are often eaten raw as salad, it can increase the incidence of intestinal parasitic infections. An assumption of the community regarding the cleanliness difference between vegetables from traditional markets and supermarkets.Therefore, a research on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic contamination on cabbages in traditional markets and supermarkets Jakarta need to be done. This type of research is observational analytic cross-sectional study.
Cabbage samples was taken from 20 traditional markets and 20 supermarkets in Jakarta. 100 gram cabbages from each samples were immersed in saturated salt solution for 24 hours. Soaking water is filtered and then centrifuged (sedimentation technique). Immersion in water was done as a control. Precipitated seen under a microscope to identify the type of intestinal parasites contamination, STH and protozoa. As the results, 100% of cabbage in the traditional markets and 90% in supermarkets were contaminated by intestinal parasites. The total number of intestinal parasites found 3530/mL (55.5% traditional markets, supermarkets 44.5%). The results showed a significant difference between intestinal parasite contamination in traditional markets and supermarkets(p <0.05). The most number eggs contamination are A.lumbricoidesfound in both types of markets.
The use of saturated salt solution as an immersion medium significantly compared with water as the control(p <0.05). Thus, the type of marketselling cabbage significantly to contamination of intestinal parasites.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fristasia Putri
"Bakteri dan fungi terkonsentrasi di dalam udara pada wilayah pasar tradisional perlu diperhatikan, karena menjadi sumber pencemar udara, sehingga berpotensi mengganggu kesehatan manusia apabila dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak. Pengetahuan terhadap konsentrasi bakteri dan fungi yang terkonsentrasi pada suatu volume ruangan perlu diketahui untuk mengetahui segala macam faktor pendukung perkembangbiakan mikroba dan faktor persebaran mikroba di udara. Menganalisa hubungan antar faktor dengan tingkat konsentrasi mikroba di udara untuk kemudian membandingkan konsentrasi mikrobiologi udara di pasar tradisional dengan standard mikrobiologi udara yang diizinkan oleh pemerintah dan ambien bioaerosol lain. Pengukuran konsentrasi mikrobiologi udara atau bioaerosol dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan EMS Bioaerosol Sampler.
Hasilnya, diperoleh konsentrasi rata-rata bakteri dan fungi pada pasar Agung masing-masing adalah 12.746,87 CFU/m3 dan 3.860,35 CFU/m3 per hari. Sementara pasar Kemiri menghasilkan konsentrasi bakteri dan fungi masing-masing adalah 18.963,41 CFU/m3 dan 6.987,53 CFU/m3 per hari. Tingkat konsentrasi bioaerosol yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan pasar tersebut berasal dari bahan-bahan dagangan hasil pertanian dan peternakan. Pertumbuhan bakteri sangat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat suhu udara, sementara fungi dipengaruhi oleh tingkat kelembaban udara. Dalam pergerakan udara terjadi kecepatan pergerakan angin yang dapat mempengaruhi sirkulasi pertukaran udara untuk membawa partikel atau zat yang terbawa di dalam udara berpindah tempat dan menyebar.

Bacteria and fungi are concentrated in the area of air traditional market need to be considered, that could be potentially as air pollutants, interfere human health if in a lot of concentration. The concentration of bacteria and fungi which are concentrated in the market needed to know to analyze the supporting factors of microbes growth and bio-aerosol dispersion factor. Analyzing the relationship between the supporting factor with bio-aerosol or air microbiology concentration, and then comparing the concentration of bio-aerosol in traditional markets with standard microbiological air allowed by the government and other bio-aerosol ambient. Bio-aerosol concentration measurements performed using EMS bio-aerosol sampler.
Retrieved average concentrations of bacteria and fungi on the Pasar Agung, each are 12746.87 CFU/m3 and 3860.35 CFU/m3 per day exceeded 700 CFU/m3 which is set in Kep-Men Health RI No. 1216/Menkes/SK/XI/2001. Meanwhile, in Pasar Kemir produce concentrations of bacteria and fungi, respectively 18963.41 CFU/m3 (more than 1,600 CFU/m3) and 6987.53 CFU/m3 (less than 7,200 CFU/m3) per day, limit bioaerosol in the air discovered by swan et. al. (2003). Bio-aerosol concentration levels due to market activity originating from the trade of agricultural products and livestock. Bacterial growth affected the level of temperature and humidity levels are influenced fungi. In the case of air movement velocity winds that affect the circulation of air exchange to bring particles or substances carried in the air to move and spread."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athira Naura Chairunissa
"Pasar merupakan tempat melakukan jual beli dan akan menghasilkan timbulan sampah yang membutuhkan tempat pembuangan sementara sebelum sampah diangkut ke TPA. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kinerja pengelolaan sampah pada TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka yang merupakan pasar tradisional di Kemiri Muka, Beji, Depok. Tujuannya adalah mengukur besar timbulan dan komposisi sampah pada TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka serta evaluasi kinerja pengelolaan sampahnya. Metode pengumpulan data untuk timbulan dan komposisi sampah berdasarkan pedoman SNI 19-3964-1994, observasi, serta wawancara kepada narasumber yang terkait. Sehingga rata-rata volume timbulan sampah di TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka yang berasal dari pasar adalah 17,50 m3, rata-rata berat jenis sampah 240,67 kg/m3 dan berat timbulan sampah pasar adalah 4208,93 kg. Sementara komposisi sampah pasar di TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka didominasi oleh sampah dapur 62,06%, sampah kebun 15,58%, plastik 7,04%, lainnya 4,80%, tekstil 3,97%, absorben 2,57%, kertas 2,10%, infeksius 0,67%, B3 0,42%, logam 0,39%, elektronik 0,16%, kaca 0,15%, dan karet/kulit 0,09%. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, terdapat beberapa hal yang belum diterapkan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku, seperti tidak adanya ketersediaan fasilitas pemilahan, fasilitas pengomposan, gudang untuk penyimpanan, adanya potensi pencemaran, pengangkutan sampah yang belum keseluruhan sampah menyebabkan masih ada sampah yang 24 jam di TPS, ketiadaan pelataran berdinding, dan gangguan estetika.

The market is a place for buying and selling and will generate waste that requires a temporary disposal site before the waste is transported to the TPA. This study discusses the performance of waste management at TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka which is a traditional market in Kemiri Muka, Beji, Depok. The aim is to measure the amount of waste generated and composition at the Pasar Kemiri Muka TPS and evaluate the performance of waste management. The method of collecting data for the generation and composition of waste is based on the guidelines of SNI 19-3964-1994, observation, and interviews with relevant sources. So that the average volume of waste generated at TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka originating from the market is 17.50 m3, the average density of waste is 240.67 kg/m3 and the weight of market waste generation is 4208.93 kg. Meanwhile, the composition of market waste at TPS Pasar Kemiri Muka is dominated by kitchen waste 62.06%, garden waste 15.58%, plastic 7.04%, others 4.80%, textiles 3.97%, absorbent 2.57%, paper 2.10%, infectious 0.67%, B3 0.42%, metal 0.39%, electronics 0.16%, glass 0.15%, and rubber/leather 0.09%. Based on the results of the evaluation, there are several things that have not been implemented in accordance with applicable regulations, such as the absence of availability of sorting facilities, composting facilities, warehouses for storage, potential for contamination, transportation of waste that has not been completely filled with waste causing 24 hours of waste at TPS, the absence of a walled courtyard, and aesthetic disturbances"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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