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"A research had been performed in order to get general description of the service of an oral complementary drug in the nursing ward of IRNA B of Perjan RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and it evaluated the operation of the oral complementary drug service was, and also found out the correlation of the orderly medication instruction writing of the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of the process of the oral
complementary drug procurement, drug preservation, drug preparation, the handover the oral complementary drug to a patient, and Communication, Information and Education (CIE) in the nursing ward of IRNA B relation to the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure. The research used the cross sectional method of survey which was descriptive and analytic in its nature. The
research showed that 74,81% of the patients medication instruction writing in prescription did not fit the requirements in administration writing and medication information completely. 67,94% of the patients bought the prescription (76%-100%)form the drug store in RSCM, 42,75% of patients kept the 76%-100% of their drug
in the pharmacy depot, 42,75% of patients prepared the 76%-100% of patient prepared the 76%-100% of their drug in unites of doses by the pharmacy depot. 64,12% of the patients were given their drug by nurses directly, and finished to swallow the drug according to its use direction, and there was none of the patients who got CIE
service from a pharmacist. The operation of the oral complementary drug service in the nursing ward of IRNA B was evaluated as less appropriate to the procedure. It could be concluded that there is significant correlation between medication instruction writing, the orderly operation of the process of the oral complementary drug
preservation, the drug preparation, the hand-over the oral complementary drug to a patient in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure; and there is no correlation between the procurement of
the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of CIE in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure."
[Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A research had been performed in order to get general description of the service of an oral complementary drug in the nursing ward of IRNA B of Perjan RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and it evaluated the operation of the oral complementary drug service was and also found out the correlation of the orderly medication instruction writing of the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of the process of th oral complementary drug procurement, drug preservation, drug preparation, the handover the oral complementary drug to a patient, and communication, information and education (CIE) in the nursing ward of IRNA B relation to the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service prosedure. The research used the cross sectional method of survey which was descriptive and analytic in its nature. The research showed that 74.81% of the patients medication instruction writing in prescription did not fit the requirements in administration writing and medication information completely 7.94% of the patients bought the prescription (76%-1005) form the drug store in RSCM, 42.75% of patients kept the 76%-100% of their drug in the pharmacy depot, 42.75% prepared the 76%-100% of patient prepared the 76%-100% of their drug in unites of doses by the pharmacy depot. 64.12% of the patients were given their drug by nurses directly, and finished to swallow the drug according to its use direction, and there was none of the patients who got CIE service from a pharmacist. The operation of the oral complementary drug service in the nursing wawrd of IRNA B was evaluated as less appropriate to the procedure. It could be concluded that there is significant correlation between medication instruction writing, the orderly operation of the process of the oral complementary drug preservation, the drug preparation, the had-over the oral complementary drug to a patient in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure; and there is no correlation between the procurement of the oral complementary drug, the orderly operation of CIE in the nursing ward of IRNA B with the orderly operation of oral complementary drug service procedure."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Insanul Sabri
"E-commerce merupakan media perdagangan barang dan jasa dengan bantuan alat telekomunikasi menggunakan internet. Pemanfaatan e-commerce juga merambah ke bidang pelayanan kesehatan. Salah satunya adalah PT. Kimia Farma yang meluncurkan aplikasi yang dinamakan Kimia Farma Mobile. Kimia Farma Mobile memiliki beberapa fitur yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat yaitu fitur layanan klinik, layanan laboratorium dan layanan apotek. Fitur home pharmacy care dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan optimalisasi pelaksanaan kegiatan home care yang dilakukan oleh Apoteker. Melalui fitur ini, Apoteker dapat memberikan masukan dalam bentuk catatan-catatan yang dapat disimpan sehingga pasien ataupun keluarga pasien akan lebih mudah mengingat informasi yang disampaikan oleh Apoteker.

E-commerce is a medium for trading goods and services with the help of telecommunication using the internet. The use of e-commerce has also penetrated into the health care sector. One of them is PT. Kimia Farma launched an application called Kimia Farma Mobile who has several features that can be utilized by the public, namely clinical service features, laboratory service, and pharmacy services. Home pharmacy care feature can be a way to improve the optimization of the implementation of home care activities carried out by pharmacist. Through this feature, pharmacist can provide input in the form of notes can be stored so that patients or their families can more easily remember the information provided by pharmacist."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zeenot, Stephen
Jogjakarta: D-Medika, 2013
615.1 ZEE p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Insanul Sabri
"Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan salah satu penyakit yang memiliki angka persentase tinggi di Indonesia. ISPA juga merupakan salah satu penyebab kunjungan pasien ke berbagai tingkat fasilitas kesehatan. Pemberian antibiotik terhadap pasien ISPA di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cengkareng berdasarkan himbauan dari Dinas Kesehatan haruslah berjumlah kurang dari 20% untuk mencegah terjadinya resistensi antibiotik. Atas dasar pertimbangan tersebut, dilakukan analisis untuk melihat seberapa banyak pasien ISPA yang mengunjungi Puskesmas Kecamatan Cengkareng, umur penderita ISPA, jenis obat-obatan yang diresepkan serta mencari persentase peresepan antibiotik pada penderita ISPA untuk disesuaikan dengan himbauan Dinas Kesehatan.

Acute Respiratory Infection Disease is the disease that has a high percentage in Indonesia. That is also one of causes of patient visits to various level of health facilities. Administrations of antibiotics to patient at the Cengkareng District Health Centre based on regulatory standards must amount to less than 20 % to prevent antibiotic resistance. On the basis of these considerations, an analysis was carried out to see how many patients visited Cengkareng District Health Centre, the ages of sufferers, the types of drugs prescribed and the percentage of antibiotics prescription for patients to comply with the regulatory standards."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dengan makin berkembangnya rumah sakit, baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas pelayanan, maka kesiapan pengadaan obat dan alat kesehatan habis pakai merupakan faktor penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan pengobatan. Perencanaan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi perlu dibentuk dengan baik. Oleh karena penggunaan sediaan barang farmasi oleh pasien rawat inap memerlukan biaya yang tinggi, dianggap perlu adanya sistem yang tepat dan berorientasi pada kepentingan pasien.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sistem pengelolaan obat dan alat kesehatan habis pakai untuk pasien rawat inap di PKS RSCM.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan barang farmasi di PKS RSCM sudah dapat dilaksanakan secara tertib dan lancar, meskipun ditemukan adanya keterbatasan tenaga pelaksana dan sarana kerja, belum adanya standar prosedur secara tertulis, serta belum dibentuknya sistem informasi yang baik.
Disimpulkan bahwa dalam pengelolaan obat dan alat kesehatan habis pakai pasien rawat inap di PKS RSCM, peningkatan proses fungsi logistik dan administrasi tergantung pada pengembangan komponen input.
Upaya peningkatan yang disarankan meliputi : penambahan satu orang tenaga pelaksana kegiatan administrasi, penyediaan dua buah ruang khusus untuk depo farmasi, penyediaan perangkat komputer untuk pengolah data, pembentukan prosedur kerja tertulis untuk tiap bentuk kegiatan dalam pengelolaan barang farmasi, serta pembentukan sistem informasi yang lebih baik.
Diharapkan dengan perbaikan bentuk struktur organisasi PKS RSCM, akan jelas menunjukkan wewenang-tanggungjawab tiap bagian yang ada di PKS; dan pembentukan sistem kerja yang baik, penambahan satu tenaga pelaksana bagian keuangan serta penggunaan sarana komputer, dapat meminimalkan terjadinya 'bad debt'."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idayanti Palgunadi
Instalasi Rawat Inap A (IRNA A) adalah salah satu unit rawat gabung di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dengan sistem pelayanan terpadu dengan kapasitas 374 tempat tidur. Pada saat ini ada 2 (dua) jenis pelayanan farmasi di IRNA A meliputi : manajemen pemerintah (350 tempat tidur) dan manajemen swasta (24 tempat tidur). Dengan adanya dua prosedur pelayanan farmasi yang berbeda di dalam IRNA A, secara teoritis tentunya dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah baik dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan maupun pendapatan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pelaksanaan prosedur pelayanan obat dan alat kesebatan di IRNA A, mengkaji perbedaan prosedur yang berlaku baik terhadap kualitas pelayanan maupun pendapatan., serta kendalalhambatan dalam melaksanakan prosudur pelayanan obat dan alat kesehatan.
Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode telaah kasus dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan data primer yaitu observasi di depo farmasi dan wawancara langsung dengan pejabat sruktural dan fungsional., dan data sekunder diperoleh dengan cara survey di lapangan dan dari data penunjang lainnya. Sebagai unit analisa adalah resep IRNA A lantai 6 dan lantai 7 pada bulan Januari 1996. Dan data yang diperoleh dihitung masing-masing prosentase variabel penelitian ( bentuk instruksi, jumlah instruksi, jenis instruksi, alur penyediaan, alur pengadaan, alur distribusi). Di samping itu dengan menggunakan program Billing Farmasi diperoleh data pemakaian serta biaya obat dan alat kesehatan yang merupakan target income IRNA A.
Penelitian ini meyimpulkan bahwa : Pelayanan farmasi dasar baik di IRNA A lantai 6 maupun IRNA A Iantai 7 sudah berjalan sesuai SOP, efisiensi pemakaian obat dan alat kesehatan dasar IRNA A lantai 7 lebih tinggi dari IRNA A lantai 6. Pelayanan obat dan alat kesehatan non dasar di lantai 7 sudah berjalan sesuai SOP sehingga seluruh obat dan alat kesehatan di IRNA A lantai 7 pengadaan dan pendistribusiannya sudah melalui depo, sedangkan lantai 6 belum sepenuhnya mengikuti SOP, akibatnya petugas di depo farmasi lantai 6 sulit mendapatkan informasi tentang asal 1 sumber, jenis, jumlah maupun harga obat dan alat kesehatan yang digunakan, karena hanya 3,96 % penyediaan dan 36,44 % pendistribusian yang melalui depo farmasi.
Sebagai saran perlu modifikasi prosedur pelayanan obat dan alat kesehatan di IRNA A lantai 6, sehingga ada kemiripan dengan prosedur yang berlaku di IRNA A lantai 7 dengan mempertimbangkan adanya peluang dan hambatan kendala.
Daftar Pustaka : 22 (1980 - 1995)

IRNA A (Instalasi Rawat Inap A) is an integrated ward in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital with 374 bed-capacity. In providing health services, including pharmacy service, the ward implements two different management's : government-managed (350 beds) and private- managed (24 beds). It is assumed that implementing two different systems in one unit will rise problems, in terms of revenue and operational problems.
The purposes of the study were to review the implementation of pharmacy service in the above systems which include the effect of such systems in quality of service and revenue ; and to find out the obstacles. In the hope to enhance the role of Pharmacy Department in health service.
The method applied was analytical descriptive using primary data ; observation at satellites and interview with management officer and health professionals (physicians, pharmacist and nurses) ; and secondary data : total prescriptions at 6th and 7th floor in January 1996. Data was then analyzed in terms of type and number of prescription, and flow of procurement and distribution. In addition, the cost of medications was also calculated.
The result showed that pharmacy service for essential supplies both in 6th and 7th floor run well in accordance with Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). However, efficiency of the utilization of supplies in 7th floor was better than another. While for non essential supplies, SOP was fully performed in 7th floor, whereas only part of it in 6th floor. In 7th floor all medications were supplied and distributed by pharmacy satellite. Whereas in 6th floor only 3,96 %, and 36,4 % of it was supplied and distributed by pharmacy satellite, respectively.. By doing so, pharmacy workers in 6th floor were poorly-informed regarding the origin, quality and quantity of medications used.
It is suggested to modify the procedures of services in drugs and health supplies provision in 6th floor IRNA A so that to be similar to the one in 7th IRNA A.
Bibliography : 22 ( 1980 - 1995)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanun Ernatyaswati
"Krisis moneter yang tidak kunjung selesai bahkan diikuti dengan krisis yang lainnya, memicu timbulnya dampak yang tidak diinginkan. Salah satunya adalah peningkatan biaya kesehatan, sehingga menimbulkan beban ekonomi bagi orang yang membutuhkan. Begitu pula bagi perusahaan yang menjamin kesehatan para pegawainya seperti PT Pelindo II. RS Pelabuhan Jakarta yang merupakan penyelenggara pelayanan kesehatan bagi pegawai dan pensiunan berserta keluarganya dari PT Pelindo R juga merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan dari PT Pelindo II ikut bertanggung jawab untuk mengendalikan besarnya biaya yang timbul akibat kenaikan biaya pelayanan kesehatan.
Sebelum diterapkan sistem kapitasi, PT Pelindo II melakukan cara pembayaran atas jasa pelayanan yang diberikan rumah sakit berdasarkan jasa per-pelayanan (fee-for-service). Sehingga anggaran setiap tabus untuk jaminan kesehatan parapegawai dan pensiunan berserta keluarganya meningkat terus tanpa dapat diprediksi.
Sejak bulan April, PT Pelindo II yang merupakan salah satu pelanggan utama dari RS Pelabuhan Jakarta menjadi peserta JPKM sehingga berkewajiban membayar premi kepada Badan Penyelenggara (Bapel) RS Pelabuhan, dirnana Bapel merupakan badan penyelenggara asuransi kesehatan/lembaga pembayar kepada provider (RS Pelabuahn Jakarta). Sementara itu RS Pelabuhan Jakarta menerima pembayaran kapitasi dari Bapel RS Pelabuhan.
Agar sistem pembayaran kapitasi berjalan sesuai seperti yang diharapkan, maka manajemen rumah sakit mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan untuk membantu pelaksanaan kapitasi sehingga dapat membantu rumah sakit merencanakan pelayanan kesehatan yang akan diberikan tanpa menanggung kerugian dan tidak mengurangi. kualitas pelayanan kepada pasien.
Perubahan pembayaran dari fee-for-service menjadi kapitasi, diharapkan dapat menunutkan biaya pemeliharaan kesehatan. Disini peneliti menyoroti biaya resep obat yang ditulis oleh dokter baik full timer maupun part-tinter dalam menangani kasus 10 penyakit terbanyak kunjungannya di rawat jalan RS Pelabuhan Jakarta untuk pelanggan dari JPKM (pegawai dari pensiunan berserta keluarga dari PT Pelindo II). Penurunan biaya resep obat rawat jalan diharapkan dapat ikut mengendalikan biaya pemeliharaan kesehatan bagi peserta JPKM tersebut karena biaya obat rawat jalan untuk pasien kelompok ini menyerap 75% lebih dari keseluruhan biaya untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan selama 5 tahun terakhir, bahkan sampai 80% untuk tahun 2001.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi berbentuk "pre post test evaluation" yang bersifat kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diambil dari base data komputer Sistem Informasi RS Pelabuhan Jakarta
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah angka pemanfaatan di rawat jalan sesudah kapitasi mengalami penurunan sedikit dibandingkan sebelum kapitasi, yakni hanya 0,5%. Terjadi kenaikan penulisan obat generik baik oleh dokter full-timer maupun part-timer, masing-masing sebesar 4% dan 8%. Biaya rata-rata obat/resep yang ditulis dokter full-timer menurun secara bermakna terutama untuk penyakit hipertensi (p=0), gastritis (p=0)dan influenza (p=0,01).Jumlah resep yang bernilai lebih dan Rp. 200.000,- mengalami penurunan, dokter full timer sebesar ±6%, dokter part-timer 21,87%. Jumlah resep bernilai kurang atau sama dengan Rp. 200.000; meningkat untuk dakter 54,54%, perubahan ini dibuktikan bermakna terutama untuk penyakit hipertensi dan gastritis dan dokter part-timer sebesar 50,82%, yang bermakna pada 8 penyakit kecuali pharyngitis dan asthma bronchiale.
Kesimpulan utama adalah tingkat pemanfaatan rawat jalan menurun kurang berarti sesudah diterapkan kapitasi dengan kebijakan pembatasan biaya resep terutama untuk penyakit kronis. Kenaikan penulisan obat generik terutama oleh dokter part-timer (8%), penurunan biaya rata-rata obat per-resep baik oleh dokter full-timer maupun part-timer serta terjadi penurunan jumlah resep obat yang mempunyai nilai biaya rata-rata obat per-resep lebih dari Rp. 200.000; untuk kedua jenis dokter. Peran dokter pengendali sangat besar dalam penurunan biaya resep obat rawat jalan.
Saran peneliti, perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan dan peninjauan kembali kebijakan pembatasan obat terutama untuk pasien yang mempunyai penyakit kronik
Daftar bacaan :23 (1985-2001)

The unfinished problem of the monetary crisis has triggered the development of other crisis where all together have brought about some unexpected impacts to the society_ One of the impacts is an increase in the health cost which creates a significant financial burden for those in need as well as for those companies which provide health insurance service for their employees. Pelabuhan Hospital, Jakarta, as an institution which provides health services for its employees and pensioners together with their families from PT Pelindo II, it also having a responsibility to manage its total cost as a consequence of the increase in the health cost.
Prior to the application of the capitation system, PT Pelindo II had used the fee for service payment system. As the result, the management was not able to forecast the total health insurance cost for its employees and their families per year.
Since the beginning of April 2002, PT Pelindo II, as one of the main customers of Pelabuhan Hospital, Jakarta, has become a JPKM member. As the consequence, PT Pelindo II is obliged to pay the premium to the organizing committee of Pelabuhan Hospital, Jakarta whereas, the organizing committee itself is a committee that manages the payment of the insurance to the Pelabuhan Hospital, Jakarta
En order for the capitation system to work as expected, the hospital management has released a number of policies to support the implementation of this particular system as well as in planning the type of health service to be provided without affecting the quality of the services.
The transformation of the fee for service type payment into the capitation system is expected to reduce the health cost. In the thesis, the writer highlights the prescription cost written by both fish-timer and part-timer doctors in handling 10 (ten) most common cases reported by the Out- patient Department of Pelabuhan Hospital, Jakarta for its customers from JPKM (employees, pensioners and theirs families from PT Pelindo II). The management expects that decline in the prescription costs at the out-patient department could provide a .contribution in controlling the health cost for JPKM members as the prescription cost for this particular group absorps more than 75% of the total health cost for the last five years period and the number once reached 80% in the year 2001.
The study in thesis can be classified as a quantitative pre-post evaluation study where the data used are the secondary data taken from the database of the Information system department in Pelabuhan Hospital, Jakarta
The result of this study shows that there is a minor change in the rate- utilization after the implementation of the capitation system (0,5%). There is also an increase in the generic type of medicine in the prescription for both full-time and part-time doctors, 4% for the full-timer and 8% for the part-timer. However, the average prescription written by full-time doctors has decrease significantly in particular for hypertensi (p=0), gastritis (p=0) and influenza (p=0,0l). In addition to that, there is also a decrease in the prescription with value of the Rp 200,000,- or more as prescribed by full-timer ( approximately 6%) and part-timer (21.87%). Meanwhile, there is an increase for the prescription with values less or equal to Rp 200,000, - for full-time doctor (64,34%) in cases like hypertension and gastritis, and this also happens for part-time doctor (50.82%) in 8 (eight) cases except for pharyngitis and asthma bronchiale.
The main conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the usage level of the capitation system in the out-patient department would only have a small impact to the rate-utilization. This small impact is mainly due to the management policy that restrict the prescription cost particularly for chronic cases, the increase in the prescription of the generic type medicine by the part-time doctor (8%), the decrease in the average medicine cost in prescription written by both full-time and part-time doctors, and the decrease in the prescription cost with average cost of more than Ap. 200,000,- for both full-timer and part-timer. In addition to that, it is also clear that the doctors, both full-timer and part-timer, play a significant role in reducing the prescription costs.
Last but not least, the writer suggests that there is still a need for an advanced study in this system together with the review in the policy for the medicine restriction especially for those patients with chronical diseases.
Bibliography :23 (1985-2001)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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