"Work satisfaction is a pre-condition for productivity, work quality responsiveness, and customer services enhancement (Kaplan & Norton, 1996: 112). An employee satisfied with his/her work and all aspects of the environment will have positive work behavior in completing the organizational tasks and will give positive impact on task performance. Human resources at Secretariat Directorate General HAKI today cannot escape from the vast dynamics of change. The ever fast growing of technology development and work structure which demand more efficiency demanded employees to adapt. Not all employees can adjust in a short time and many of them became contra-productive, such as taking day-offs, have many backlogs, etc. This symptoms assume to DB forms of work dissatisfaction. Work load of the Secretariat which supported other units work activity had to pay attention to aspect of today work design. Work characteristic approach is one of the many approaches used in determining the employees' opinion toward work and aspects surrounding them. The aim of this research is to determine how the relation between work characteristic and work satisfaction. The existing literatures mentioned the existence of relation between work characteristic (Hackman & Oldham, 1976) to work satisfaction (Spector 1 997: 30).
The population of this research is employees at Secretariat Ditjen HAKI. Total respondents of this research are 59 people. This research used survey and questioner method. Two questioners are used, work characteristic and work satisfaction questioners. Data is analysed by simple correlation and multiple correlation analyses. Validity and reliability data shown questioners items used get above margin score.
Correlation test result shown there is a positive and significant relation between the seven dimensions of work characteristic (work firmness. skill variety, autonomy, task identity, work significant, feed back, duty) with work satisfaction. This fault ls similar with previous research done by Spector (19972 4). An important finding from this research is that work dimension is the strongest dimension related to employees' work satisfaction (0,710). While the multiple correlation score to determine the relation between work characteristic and work satisfaction is 0.797 and proven to be signilicant.
This finding can be used bythe management of Secretariat of Ditjen HAKI in improving the employees' performance through work characteristicapproach. Improvement on dimensions of work characteristic which have potentials in enhancing work satisfaction. such as giving support and spirit as well as giving attention to daily employees? problem are ways to directly involved with enhancing work satisfaction level."