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Gatot Dwi Purwanto
"Penyelamatan PT Bank Century Tbk oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) yang menimbulkan konsekuensi hukum pengambilalihan kepemilikan Bank Century oleh LPS sebagaimana diatur Pasal 40 huruf a jo. Pasal 41 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (UU LPS), masih menyisakan berbagai permasalahan baik dari aspek politik maupun hukum. Dari aspek politik, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia telah menggunakan hak angket untuk melakukan penyelidikan terkait proses penyelamatan Bank Century yang menyimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi penyalahgunaan oleh berbagai otoritas yang terkait dengan proses penanganan Bank Century. Dari aspek hukum, proses penyelamatan Bank Century telah dipersoalkan oleh mantan pemegang saham Bank Century melalui forum arbitrase pada International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum yang bertentangan dengan kewajiban Pemerintah Republik Indonesia mengenai expropriation sebagaimana diatur dalam Bilateral Investment Treaty antara Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan Pemerintah Kerajaan Inggris.
Bahwa penyelamatan Bank Century oleh LPS tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kerangka hukum pelaksanaan Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan (JPSK) yang ditujukan untuk menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan. Pelaksanaan JPSK, dengan resolusi bank sebagai salah satu pilarnya, merupakan instrumen penting dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan. Dalam perspektif JPSK, penyelamatan Bank Century merupakan bentuk pelaksanaan tugas resolusi bank yang dimandatkan oleh UU LPS, yaitu sebagai bentuk intervensi otoritas publik dalam mengatasi dampak sistemik yang disebabkan oleh permasalahan suatu bank guna meminimalisir dampak kerusakan yang dapat ditimbulkan terhadap stabilitas sistem keuangan dan perekonomian secara keseluruhan. Resolusi bank pada dasarnya merupakan mekanisme extra judicial yang khusus diberlakukan bagi penanganan bank bermasalah dengan pertimbangan untuk menjaga dan memelihara kepercayaan masyarakat penyimpan dana terhadap sistem perbankan secara keseluruhan. Mengingat karakteristik pelaksanaan tugas resolusi bank maka penyelamatan Bank Century oleh LPS tidak dapat dipersamakan dengan tindakan nasionalisasi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanaman Modal maupun sebagai tindakan expropriation sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Bilateral Investment Treaty. Pemahaman akan pelaksanaan tugas resolusi bank menjadi penting artinya dalam memperkuat justifikasi dari aspek hukum terhadap tindakan penyelamatan terhadap Bank Century yang dilakukan oleh LPS.

The bailout of PT Bank Century Tbk by the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) which have caused the legal consequence of the ownership takeover of Bank Century by IDIC as regulated under Article 40 letter (a) jo. Article 41 paragraph (1) of the Law Number 24 of 2004 regarding Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC Law), still leaves numerous matters on both legal and political aspects. From the political aspect, the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR-RI) has used its right of inquiry to conduct an investigation on the Bank Century bailout process which concluded that there has been an abuse by authorities related to the Bank Century management process. From the legal aspect, the Bank Century bailout process has been questioned by Bank Century’s former shareholders through arbitration in the International Centre for Settlement Investment Disputes as a tort which is contrary to the obligation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia regarding expropriation as stated in the Bilateral Investment Treaty between the Government of the Republic Indonesia and the English Royal Government.
The bailout of Bank Century by the IDIC can not be separated from the legal framework of the implementation of Financial System Safety Net (JPSK) intended to safeguard the financial system stability. The implementation of JPSK, with bank resolution as one of its pillars, is an important instrument in safeguarding the financial system stability. Under the perspective of JPSK, the bailout of Bank Century by IDIC through Temporary Capital Participation is a form of performance of bank resolution tasks mandated in the IDIC Law, as a form of public authority intervention in managing a systemic impact caused by problems of a bank to minimize the damage that may arise to the stability of the financial system and the economy comprehensively. In principle, bank resolution is an extra judicial mechanism specifically applied for the management of troubled banks in considerations to preserve and maintain the trust of depositing customers to the banking system comprehensively. Considering the characteristics of the implementation of bank resolution task, the bailout of Bank Century by the IDIC can not be equated with act of nationalization or expropriation of property rights referred to in the Law Number 25 of 2007 regarding Capital Investment nor as an act of expropriation as intended in the Bilateral Investment Treaty. The understanding of the implementation of bank resolution tasks become important in strengthening the justification of the legal aspects on the actions of the Bank Century bailout conducted by the IDIC.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Indriastuti
"Dalam menjalankan jabatannya, seorang PPAT dapat dilakukan tuntutan pidana. Namun tidak semua PPAT yang tersangkut dalam suatu perkara pidana benar melakukan tindak pidana yang disangkakan tersebut. Pada penulisan ini, penulis memfokuskan pada pemasalahan yang terjadi pada seorang PPAT di Jayapura, yaitu terkait dengan pelaksanaan jabatan oleh PPAT di Jayapura dan juga terkait dengan tuntutan dugaan melakukan tindak pidana penggelapan sertipikat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat hukum normatif, yaitu dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan jabatan PPAT terdapat beberapa yang tidak dilakukan oleh PPAT, dan terhadap dugaan melakukan tindak pidana penggelapan sertipikat tidak terpenuhi unsur-unsur dari Pasal 372 KUHP.

In running position, a PPAT can be done to criminal prosecution. But not all PPAT implicated in a criminal case really committed the crime alleged is. At this writing, the author focuses on pemasalahan happens to a PPAT in Jayapura, which is associated with the implementation of the post by PPAT in Jayapura and also related to the alleged charges of committing criminal offenses of embezzlement certificate. The study was conducted by the research literature that is both normative law, namely by working out library materials. It can be concluded that in the implementation of the post PPAT there are some that are not made by PPAT, and on suspicion of committing the crime of embezzlement certificates are not met the elements of Article 372 of the Criminal Code."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Nurfauzia
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Lily Evelina
"Accountability is the key to good governance. In global administrative law, every policy made should be accountable. The given law should be accessible to the public. At the time of the global financial crisis, many countries did not have the necessary rules to solve the problems that arose. In Indonesia, the government?s decision to bail out Bank Century has remained controversial up to the present time. The need for a comprehensive law dealing with economic, political and social factors should be considered. The Indonesian Law regarding Government Administration provides for the code of conduct for government action. An entire chapter in the law has been dedicated to set out provisions on discretion, reflecting a two-way approach, namely: restriction of government action on the one hand and the protection of public rights on the other. In practice, however, such rule is not implemented in line with the intended formulation. There is still a need for harmonization with the law regarding State Administration Courts in Indonesia.

Akuntabilitas adalah kunci dari pemerintahan yang baik. Dalam hukum administrasi global, setiap kebijakan harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Hukum yang ada harus bisa diakses oleh masyarakat. Ketika krisis keuangan global terjadi, banyak negara tidak memiliki hukum positif untuk mengatasinya. Di Indonesia, keputusan pemerintah dalam membailout Bank Century menjadi perdebatan sampai saat ini. Kebutuhan akan hukum yang komprehensif terkait ekonomi, politik dan sosial harus dipertimbangkan. UU Administrasi Pemerintahan Indonesia telah menyiapkan aturan dalam bertindak bagi pemerintah. Penempatan diskresi dalam satu bab tersendiri dapat dilihat dari dua sisi, batasan terhadap tindakan pemerintah sekaligus perlindungan bagi hak publik. Pada praktiknya, pelaksanaan dari aturan tersebut tidak semudah rumusan yang dimaksud. Harmonisasi dengan UU Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara masih dibutuhkan."
Depok: Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2016
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Ganda Sari Adil
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pembahasan pertanggungjawaban pengurus lembaga penjamin simpanan dalam penyelamatan bank gagal yang menyebabkan terjadinya kerugian negara.Pokok permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penulisan ini adalah bagaimana pertanggungjawaban pengurus lembaga penjamin simpanan (LPS) terhadap kerugian negara pada saat penyelamatan bank gagal berdampak sistemik dan bagaimana bentuk kerugian negara yang terjadi pada upaya penyelamatan bank gagal terhadap bank gagal berdampak sistemik.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah secara normatif, sedangkan metode analisis datanya adalah secara kualitatif.

Keuangan Negara merupakan hal yang penting atau fundamental bagi penyelenggaraan negara karena berperan penting dalam usaha untuk mencapai terwujudnya tujuan negara. Kekayaan LPS yang digunakan untuk memberikan dana bailout merupakan kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan. Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara menyebutkan bahwa kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan merupakan bagian dari keuangan negara beserta dengan pengelolaannya.Kemudian dijelaskan pula bahwa Presiden selaku pemegang kekuasaan atas pengelolaan keuangan negara telah memberikan kewenangan dalam bidang pengelolaan kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan kepada Menteri Keuangan. Sehingga yang bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan adalalah Menteri Keuangan karena pemberian wewenang dari Presiden adalah secara delegasi.

Mengenai status hukum apakah terjadi kerugian negara dalam penyelamatan bank gagal sistemik dalam kasus Bank Century ini disebabkan perumusan undang-undang sangat membingukan bagi para pelaku yang terlibat. Sehingga dengan hal ini dapat menyebabkan pejabat sebagai pelaku pembuat kebijakan akan sangat bersikap hati-hati dalam menjalankan kewenangannya. Sehingga diharapkan kedepannya pemerintah dengan jelas membuat suatu perubahan terhadap Undang-Undang Keuangan Negara agar tidak terjadi perbedaan tafsiran.

This thesis is describing about the accountability of the board of Deposit Insurance Corporation in rescuing the failed bank which the state losses. The main issues discussed in this thesis is how the accountability board of the board of Deposit Insurance Corporation against the state loss at the time of rescuing the failed banks with systematic impact and how the form of state loss which occurred in the efforts to rescue the failed bank with systematic impact. The thesis used a normative approach as research method, while the methods of data analysis is qualitative.

State Finance is essential or fundamental to the administration of the state since it has an important role to achieve the realization of the state's objective. LPS' assets used to provide bailout funds are separated from the state assets. Law No. 17 Year 2003 on State Finance stated that separated state assets is part of the state financial along with financial management. Furthermore, it also explained that the President as the holder of power over the financial management of the state has given the authority over the separated state assets management to the Minister of Finance. Therefore, the responsible party over the management of the separated state assets is the Minister of Finance due to the authorization from President by way of delegation.

Regarding the legal status if there is a state loss in the state in the rescue of systemic failed bank in the Bank Century case is due to the formulation of the legislation which very confusing for the parties involved. Therefore, this can lead to officers as perpetrators of policy makers will be very cautious in carrying out its authority. It is expected that in the future government to clearly make amendment Law of State Finance in order to avoid differences in interpretation.

Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jasmine Nabila Ramadha
Penulisan skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum adanya payung hukum terhadap protokol manajemen krisis untuk mencegah dan menangani krisis perbankan yang terjadi di Indonesia. Krisis perbankan tersebut berdampak bukan hanya bagi kegiatan perekonomian negara, melainkan bagi keadaan politik yang begitu luas. Dalam penulisannya, metode yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif, yaitu metode yang dilakukan dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder.
Tesis ini menyoroti sejarah krisis perbankan yang melanda Indonesia dan Inggris dan bagaimana mekanisme dan aplikasi Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan yang ada pada masing-masing negara tersebut. Adapun pertimbangan yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk mengakat tema ini adalah, kedua negara tersebut sama-sama terkena imbas krisis subprime mortgage dari US pada tahun 2008 dan keduanya sama-sama mengalami krisis perbankan akibat satu bank kecil yang berdampak sistemik. Namun, saat ini Inggris sudah memiliki Undang-Undang yang mengatur koordinasi antar lembaga/otoritas dalam mencegah krisis dan menjaga Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan negaranya
The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
;The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
, The writing of this thesis motivated by the absence of legal protection against the crisis management protocol to prevent and deal with the banking crisis that occurred in Indonesia. The banking crisis has an impact not only for the economic activities of the country, but also for a broad political circumstances. Method used in this writing is juridical-normative writing, which is done by examining material library or a mere secondary data.
This thesis highlights the history of banking crisis that hit Indonesia and the UK and how the mechanism and application of the Financial System Safety Net that exist in each of these countries. As for the considerations underlying the author, to the theme of this is that these two countries are equally affected by the subprime mortgage crisis on the US in 2008 and both are experiencing a banking crisis as a result of a small bank with systemic impact. However, this time the UK already has a law that regulates the coordination between agencies / authorities in preventing crises and maintaining financial system stability country
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuwat Wijayanto
"Dalam keadaan atau situasi segenting apapun fungsi-fungsi negara/kekuasaan negara tidak boleh absen. Oleh sebab itu menjadi penting suatu negara mempunyai pengaturan yang bersifat antisipatif guna menghadapi keadaan tidak normal atau situasi darurat yang serba mendesak, terutama bagi pejabat publik yang menjadi bagian dari penyelenggara negara, untuk memberikan dasar atas tindakan-tindakan yang harus dilakukan dalam jabatannya guna menghadapi situasi genting atau darurat tersebut.
Memasuki kuartal ke IV tahun 2008, Pemerintah memandang perekonomian Indonesia memasuki kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan. Mempertimbangkan kondisi makro ekonomi global dan domestik, dengan mengacu kepada Pasal 22 UUD 1945, maka Pemerintah menerbitkan 3 (tiga) Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang (Perpu), salah satunya yaitu Perpu No. 4 Tahun 2008 tentang Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan (JPSK), yang memperjelas Protokol Manajemen Krisis Sistem Keuangan Indonesia, mengingat belum selesainya penyusunan RUU JPSK. Dalam perjalanannya, Perpu dimaksud baru dicabut pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2015, melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pencabutan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2008 tentang JPSK.
Pencabutan Perpu JPSK tersebut membawa implikasi terhadap pelaksanaan fungsi Bank Indonesia sebagai lender of last resort, yaitu mengakibatkan tidak adanya payung hukum yang mengatur mengenai jaring pengaman sistem keuangan, sehingga ada kekosongan hukum yang diperlukan untuk membentuk konstruksi yang sempurna bagi Bank Indonesia untuk melaksanakan fungsi lender of last resort. Dengan kondisi yang demikian, dalam hal terjadi krisis di sistem keuangan dan terdapat bank yang mengalami kesulitan likuiditas dan berdampak sistemik, Bank Indonesia tidak dapat menjalankan fungsi sebagai lender of last resort dengan baik.

In any circumstance or urgent situation the functions of national/state power cannot be absent. Therefore becomes important to a country having regulation to face the emergency situation, especially for public officials who are part of the state, to provide the foundation for the actions that must be performed in order to confront his critical situation or emergency.
Entering the fourth quarter of 2008, the Government views the Indonesian economy entered a vulnerable phase. Considering the global and domestic macro economy, with reference to Article 22 UUD 1945, the Government issued three (3) of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (decree), one of the decree No. 4 Year 2008 on the Financial System Safety Net (FSSN), which clarifies the Financial System Crisis Management Protocol Indonesia, particularly related to the authorities concerned and regarding the rights and obligations of the arrangement, given the completion of the drafting of laws FSSN. Along the way, the decree was revoked on August 6, 2015, through Act No. 11 of 2015 concerning Revocation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 4 of 2008 on FSSN.
Revocation of Exemption Law FSSN the implications of the implementation of Bank Indonesia function as a lender of last resort, which resulted in the absence of a legal framework governing the financial system safety net, so that there is a legal vacuum that needed to form a construction that is perfect for Bank Indonesia to perform the function of lender of last resort. With such conditions, in the event of a crisis in the financial system and some banks experiencing liquidity problems and systemic impact, Bank Indonesia cannot perform the function of lender of last resort as well."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryani Turnip
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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